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培养大学生科技意识和创新精神.积极推动大学生科技创新活动有序开展.对于人才的培养和经济社会的发展都具有十分重要的意义.本文回顾了大学生科技创新活动萌芽、发展、日益成熟的发展历程,分析了其在参与、指导、硬件、体制等方面存在的现实问题.提出了"转变观念是关键、构建体系是基础、搭建平台是深化、建立机制是保障"等四个方面的对策思考.  相似文献   

国家大力提倡"大众创业、万众创新",对待农业类高校教育方面,创业创新是一个比较复杂化的系统工程,需求培养一些具有创新能力兼有创业精神,有创业能力且也应具有较高综合素质的复合型人才。在农业类高等院校,培养学生的创新和创业能力,必须强化大学生的创新创业意识,打造创新实践载体,搭建创新创业平台,完善大学生创新创业服务体系,保障大学生创业活动的顺利开展。  相似文献   

创新教育是当前素质教育改革的重点与难点,我们要重视创新教育,培养创新人才,利用创新教育理念,唤醒"差生"的思维。本文通过论述"差生"的创造性人格,在创新教育理论下对"差生"的教育进行思考,从而使我国众多的"差生"转化为巨大的人才优势。  相似文献   

2014年9月,国务院总理李克强在夏季达沃斯论坛上提出"大众创业、万众创新",同年11月,在首届世界互联网大会上指出,互联网是"大众创业、万众创新"的新工具。大学生以其理论知识充分、适应环境能力强、思维拓展性强、创造能力强成为"大众创业、万众创新"中最有发展潜力的部分。所以,要充分应用信息化手段培养英语专业学生创新创业能力,提高其创业竞争力,培养他们成为主动创业、坚持创业、创业成功的人才。文章分析当前信息化背景下创新创业的发展现状、取得的进展及存在的问题,提出了在信息化背景下英语专业学生创新创业培养模式的策略。  相似文献   

周鹏 《职业》2009,(33)
创新,是我们在建设社会主义现代化路上经常强调的一个概念.我们一直在不断地研究"创新"、探讨"创新"、贯彻"创新",在社会的方方面面都在追求"创新".就以职业教育而言,近几年,我国大力扶持职业教育,重视职业人才的培养,在大量优惠政策的推动下,众多的职业院校如雨后春笋般涌现,而要使学校在激烈的竞争中保持一定的竞争力,只有不断地追求"创新",才能立于不败之地.  相似文献   

张洪正 《职业》2007,(6):39-40
当今时代,培养创新人才成为我们技工学校的一大目标和任务,这就要求我们:要分析培养对象,培养其创新意识;再进一步强化创新意识,培养创新精神;以创新精神武装实践,用实践能力昭示创新人才.  相似文献   

创新是推动经济社会发展的核心驱动力,创新驱动根本上取决于人才驱动,党的十八届三中全会明确提出"创新高校人才培养机制"为高校创新人才培养指明了方向。本科人才培养是高校人才培养承前启后的关键环节,对"培养什么样的本科人才"的理性思考,具有很强的导向性和示范性。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于"十三五"经济发展的重要时期,迫切需要创新和创业型人才的支撑和引领,高校承担着培养这一类型人才的重要责任。我国高校应结合"大众创业、万众创新"的战略部署,促进创新创业人才培养。本文就如何培养高校创业创新型人才,构建个性化创新创业培训模式,培养个性化创新创业人才的内涵和有效途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

大学生科技创新活动的开展情况可谓参差不齐,整体还处在较低层面,还有很多问题需要研究解决.造成大学生科技创新能力不强、科技创新素质不高的原因是多方面的.解放思想,营造良好的科技创新氛围;注重教师的指导,分层次培养创新人才;注重心智技能培养,把握科技创新的方向等,是推动大学生科技创新活动向纵深发展的对策选择.  相似文献   

王晶 《现代交际》2014,(6):233-233
"创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力"。未来社会的发展和竞争是人才的竞争,因此,在21世纪的今天,培养大学生的创新思维是非常重要的。学校凸显对大学生进行的创新思维教育,引导学生避免同思维定势,养成创新思维习惯,开发学生的创新潜能,使学生成为新世纪的创新人才。  相似文献   

为了创建文明城市,应在城市公用事业方面加强教育、建立规章制度、增加投入和创造良好的政策环境。  相似文献   

关于创建和谐校园的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党中央提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的战略任务,高校应树立以人为本的思想,坚持人的协调发展的原则,弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,创建合谐的校园环境,成为建设社会主义和谐社会的基地,促进大学生的全面发展.  相似文献   

Drawing on Vygotsky's (1997a) concept of fossilized behavior, this study examines the cultural fault lines between the imagined community (Anderson, 1991) of early childhood education and some Australian Indigenous families. Through creating a social space within which Indigenous families could examine dominant and taken-for-granted discourses within early childhood education, participants could make visible assumptions and beliefs about early childhood education in Australia. Through this study, cultural tools were identified for supporting professionals to re-imagine new landscapes for early childhood education in Australia.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study that explores the creation of value by a social enterprise, Furniture Bank, for its stakeholders. The study is undertaken using the social return on investment framework. The case highlights insights and caveats that resulted from undertaking this type of analysis. This article calls for an integrated approach to social return on investment processes, incorporating both conventional accounting and social accounting.  相似文献   

A sentence of exile was a regular feature of the Russian revolutionary’s underground career. In order to survive this punishment and continue their struggle against Tsarism, revolutionaries relied on help from their fellow exiles, their party, the Political Red Cross and, often, their families. Historians have rarely acknowledged the role of kin in supporting the revolutionary movement and very few studies have noted the attempts by families to mitigate the worst aspects of a sentence of exile. This article explores the ways in which spouses and siblings, parents and children obtained concessions from the Tsarist authorities regarding their loved ones’ sentences of exile, helped off-set the poverty to which many exiles were reduced, and, above all, combated the sense of loneliness and depression to which those in exile were exposed. This article argues that such familial support had a collective and positive impact on revolutionaries’ experience of exile. More broadly it provides an illuminating case study of the blurred space between public and private which the revolutionary occupied and highlights the way in which the movement depended on help from sympathizers and family members in order to function effectively on a daily basis.  相似文献   

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) engender significant and increasing personal, social, developmental, and economic burdens to women, children, families, and global public health. In the US, a Master of Social Work (MSW) elective course, Introduction to Maternal Mental Health, was created to prepare future social workers to better understand, detect, intervene, and advocate with women struggling with perinatal mental health concerns. A pilot study used pre–post-surveys (N = 10) and a focus group to examine students’ knowledge acquisition, course satisfaction, and perceived self-efficacy. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed a statistically significant difference between pre- and post-survey course content knowledge scores. Positive focus group feedback and survey outcomes suggest that students benefitted from the course in terms of increased learning and professional efficacy in maternal mental health; however, the study should be replicated using a larger sample and comparison group. The course outline provided may be used to develop a similar course or to infuse maternal mental health content into existing courses. The paper concludes with implications and recommendations for social work educators.  相似文献   

Although Roman persecution of Christians was sporadic and localised for much of the first three centuries of the church's existence, it is argued here that such persecution was nevertheless crucial in the creation and shaping of a distinct Christian identity. The primary deviance of the radical Jewish sect that had surrounded Jesus himself created a “sticky reputation” that endured even when the church had become largely politically and socially conservative. Periodic outbreaks of violence towards those labelled Christians by the authorities created a transactional relationship, in which the victims and their co‐religionists responded by the explicit adoption of a deviant identity and experienced the corollary reconstruction of the self in terms of attitudes, mores and affiliations (secondary deviance). This transaction halted a drift towards religious syncretism that might otherwise have seen Jesus take his place within the henotheistic Roman Pantheon, and thus ensured the survival of the Christian faith as monotheistic and oppositional to Roman religio.  相似文献   

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