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通过对外国劳动力与韩国劳动力的供给行为特征比较、外国劳动力对韩国本地劳动力市场的补缺替代效应的分析,指出外国劳动力大部分流向韩国本地劳动力回避的次级劳动部门,缓解了韩国劳动力结构性短缺的问题,对韩国劳动力市场表现出较强的补缺效应。在我国人口红利逐渐消失、刘易斯转折点临近的背景下,"民工荒"与"洋黑工"现象突出的产业集聚地区应坚决禁止非法劳工的流入。同时,根据韩国在内的东亚经验,外国劳动力的流入在我国会呈现增长趋势,因而,需要重新思考限制外国低技术工人入境的政策。  相似文献   

文章主要回顾和分析了经济合作与发展组织(OECD)国家就业保护制度的建立及改革的历史进程。通过对这些国家在解决劳动力市场僵化问题过程中围绕灵活性与稳定性的平衡对就业保护体系的各项改革分析,以及以提高劳动力市场灵活性为目标的政策研究,总结其得失成败,有助于我们认识劳动力市场制度建设中良好意愿与真实效果之间的冲突,为我国的劳动立法和劳动力市场制度建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

尹豪 《人口学刊》2004,(1):24-29
进入20世纪80年代以后,随着持续的经济增长,韩国国内工资水平显著提高。同时,由于人口结构以及产业结构的变化,国内某些行业出现了劳动力短缺现象。从80年代后半期开始,大量外籍劳工从亚洲各国不断涌入韩国。为了解决国内一些产业的劳动力短缺问题,韩国建立了"外国人产业研修生制度",并通过该制度从亚洲各国接受了大量研修生。2003年7月韩国又制定"关于外国劳动者雇佣等的法律",决定从2004年8月起实施外国人雇佣许可制,并同原来的外国人研修生制度并行实施。  相似文献   

李雪  原新 《人口学刊》2014,(4):93-102
中国和韩国同属世界上人口老龄化发展最快的国家。20世纪80年代中期以来,超低生育率和人口老龄化一直困扰着韩国经济社会发展,导致劳动力供给不足,使公共年金制度面临资金即将枯竭的危机。考察韩国公共养老保障制度面临的困境及其产生原因,从中吸取经验和教训,对我国养老保障制度的发展和改革具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

本文利用2013年国家卫计委流动人口动态监测调查数据对东北三省外流劳动力的就业状况及收入水平进行分析,发现东北三省外流劳动力具有年龄选择特征和技能遴选效应。根据劳动力市场分割理论并按照受教育水平高低将外流人口分为两类,研究结果表明:高技能劳动力和普通劳动力处于两个分割的劳动力市场中,前者在就业稳定性和收入方面均高于后者,外流劳动力群体内部已发生因教育引起的就业和收入分化。高技能劳动力属于"发展型"流动,社会地位和经济因素是其外流的主要原因;普通劳动力属于"生存型"流动,经济收入是其外流的首要因素。  相似文献   

中国劳动力市场多重分隔及其对劳动力供求的影响   总被引:54,自引:3,他引:54  
本文认为,由于经济改革迸程的迅速推进与社会和政治领域中传统制度变革的滞后,使中国的劳动力市场被多重分隔,特别是正规劳动力市场和从属劳动力市场并存的格局给中国的劳动力需求与供给,乃至整个经济增长都带来深刻影响。低价的从属劳动力市场已经成为调节中国经济增长劳动力成本的主要杠杆,并有效地刺激着资本需求。但在这种效率的背后,我们却付出了公平的代价。  相似文献   

英国自20世纪80年代以来进行了较为成功的经济体制改革,而社会养老制度改革是英国宏观经济改革的重要组成部分。文章就英国社会养老制度改革对英国劳动力市场的影响进行了理论和实证分析,考察了英国社会养老计划对劳动力供给的影响;指出英国的社会养老制度市场化改革特别是推出个人养老金计划增加了劳动力市场的流动性,增强了劳动力市场的弹性。劳动力市场弹性的提高,促进了产出的:噌长和企业竞争力的提高。  相似文献   

张明 《西北人口》2013,(1):102-106,110
从韩国的失业率和青年就业的现状来看,韩国青年失业率一直明显高于平均失业率,青年就业态势中也存在着劳动力市场供需不均衡、劳动参与率性别分布、产业、行业就业分布以及雇佣形态、薪金分布的不均衡问题。面对青年失业、半失业问题以及青年就业非均衡态势,韩国各界联合采取各种措施,从法律法规的制定与实施、教育制度的改革以及战略策略的制定等方面,促进雇佣的灵活化和青年的就业,确保社会统和。  相似文献   

本文基于中国居民收入调查(CHIPS) 2002年、2007年和2008年数据,实证分析了城市劳动力市场上农民工的就业稳定性及其工资差距.研究发现:2002-2008年农民工的就业稳定性有了很大提升;就业稳定性对农民工工资收入有正向显著的影响,但在不同的年份影响程度差异很大,在校正了就业稳定性的选择性偏差之后,该结论依然稳健;非稳定就业和稳定就业农民工的工资差距在2002年到2007年间减小,2007年到2008年间增大,并且主要由特征差异造成,歧视效应所起的作用逐渐减小:在不同的收入组中,造成收人差距的原因不同,人力资本效应随着分位数的提高逐渐增强,劳动力市场分割效应则相反.此外,文章还讨论了歧视效应在不同收入组中对工资差距影响程度的变动特征.  相似文献   

近年来,劳动力外出务工已成为农民增收的一个重要途径。农村流动劳动力作为一个特殊群体,影响其收入的因素既具有居民收入的一般规律。又具有其特殊性。现有的研究一般以传统人力资本理论和收入均等化理论等为基础,来分析农村流动劳动力收入水平的影响因素。本文以甘肃省农村流动劳动力的调查数据为样本,试图从流动劳动力的人口学特征、就职行业、流动去向及工作稳定性等四个方面分析劳动力市场分割对农民工收入水平的影响。  相似文献   

Recently, there has been an increase and abundance of literature measuring flexicurity across countries. However, there is yet to be any agreement on the definition of the key concepts of flexicurity as well as the framework in which to base one’s research. Due to this, the outcomes found in the existing studies are rather diverse, far from reaching a consensus, and can be misleading. This paper addresses the issues by first introducing a framework, namely, the various levels and stages of flexicurity, as well as introducing some key issues that should be addressed when doing flexicurity indicators research. In addition, an empirical example is given to show how the framework derived can be used to carry out flexicurity research, and to show how by not regarding these frameworks one can come to misleading outcomes.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze a flexicurity index for disabled people by using Italian regional data. To this purpose, the empirical results are based on a composite index denoted as Mazziotta-Pareto Index. Our results show that Northern Italy regions show a higher flexicurity degree than Southern Italy ones. In addition, by estimating an augmented matching function, we verify that flexicurity increases the probability of finding employment for a disabled person. In particular, we test that the flexicurity indicator that gives more weight to the economic independence of disabled people represents the indicator that most favors the labour matching process.  相似文献   

做好困难群体的再就业工作,并不意味着人人都能重新上岗。由于某些原因,现有劳动力人口中的一部分目前仍滞留各地再就业中心的大龄下岗困难职工,将可能永远无法再回到社会主导产业中去,或找到稳定的就业机会。所以,可否考虑在利用“积极劳动力市场政策”提供岗位援助,为其创造“边缘性”就业机会的同时;利用“消极劳动力市场政策”提供保障援助,重点做好社会保险的接续工作,帮助这部分特殊就业困难群体逐渐、直至完全退出劳动力市场就业竞争,实现“下岗”向“退休”的平稳过渡。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the determinants and patterns of married women's labor force participation in Korea. Married women's employment in Korea is largely determined by age, urban residence, household characteristics of the husband's socioeconomic status, family income, fertility, and the lagged effect of work. Older age, rural residence, inferior household economic condition, and recent work experience are the major positive causes of married women's participation in the market work. On the other hand, younger women with preschool children, who currently reside in urban areas, enjoying better household economic conditions (due to higher socioeconomic status of husbands and/or higher family income) are the groups of women with the smallest probability of working in the market. Married women's employment pattern in Korea shows a pattern typical of less-developed and low-income countries in two aspects: married women working and characterized by a low level of education; the difference between urban and rural areas in terms of work participation pattern is remarkable. Although Korea belongs to the advanced group of currently industrializing countries, she lags behind with other developing countries in terms of married women's employment. Moreover, it is difficult to predict in advance that Korea would have similar experiences as those of contemporary advanced countries.  相似文献   

韩国提高人口素质的主要举措及经验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
20世纪60~70年代,人口素质的提高在韩国经济腾飞过程中起到了不可忽视的作用。韩国政府通过实施家庭生育计划,完善教育制度和社会保障制度以及开展"新村运动"等在短期内大幅度提高了国民的人口素质。总结韩国政府的主要举措可以得出如下经验:注重传统儒家文化在幼儿教育中的作用;建立多层次教育体系满足各类市场人才需求;寻求多样化的教育经费投入来源;重视提高农民的受教育水平;建立完善的社会保障制度。  相似文献   

张晓蓓  亓朋 《南方人口》2011,26(1):25-32
采用中国住户调查数据和综合社会调查数据考察我国城市劳动力市场的户籍差异,并使用Oaxaca分解方法研究户籍歧视对差异的解释力度及其变动。研究表明,城市农民工无论在就业待遇还是就业保障方面均受到歧视。2002—2006年,农民工与城市工工资差异不断缩小,户籍歧视对工资的影响也相应降低;然而,农民工与城市工的就业保障差异在逐年扩大,户籍歧视的影响效应不断上升。  相似文献   

Changes in women's relative wages and employment are analyzed, using social security data from Slovenia (1987–1992) and a retrospective labor force survey in Estonia (1989–1994). Estonia adopted liberal labor market policies. Slovenia took an interventionist approach. Nevertheless, relative wages for women rose in both countries. Factors favoring women included: returns to human capital rose in transition, benefiting women; relative labor demand shifted toward predominantly female sectors; low-wage women had a disproportionate incentive to exit the labor market, especially in Estonia. However, women were less mobile across jobs in both countries, so men disproportionately filled new jobs in expanding sectors. Received: 27 November 1997/Accepted: 20 December 1998  相似文献   

This study analyzed data from the 1970 Korean Census to uncover the determinants of women's labor force participation (LFP) in Korea, in 1970, when industrialization was beginning and the traditional sex-roles of Confucianism prevailed. The population surveyed included urban women aged 14-65 (19,277 married, 4373 single and living with parents, and 3222 single living independently). The study began by reviewing supply side explanations for LFP by women that predict women with high earning potential are likely to participate in the labor force, and noting that this economic explanation fails to consider the effects of cultural mechanisms that emphasize female domesticity. The study then comments on the labor market structure in Korea, in 1970, that led to limited employment opportunities for women, the domestic ideology that was prevalent during the early industrial stage, and the impact of this domestic ideology on Korean women. The logistic regressions used in the analytical methodology are then described, and it is hypothesized that women will be less likely to seek employment if they have adequate family resources, they are married and have children, and they are part of an extended family. It is further hypothesized that women's education will have no significant impact on employment and that university education is important as a marriage asset. The study results support this hypothesis in regard to single women living with parents, but reveal a slight effect of education on LFP among married women.  相似文献   

韩国的社会保障制度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩国的社会保障制度与其经济发展水平相比处于较落后的状态 ,社会保障的支出规模与发达国家相差悬殊 ,为此 ,韩国在努力健全完善本国的社会保障制度。韩国的社会保障制度的发展与完善是以“国家调整论”为主要理论依据的 ,但鉴于这一理论本身的局限性 ,今后 ,韩国社会保障制度的完善还需要较长时间  相似文献   

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