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The present paper examines the arguments and data presented by Nisbett and Wilson (1977a; 1977b; Wilson & Nisbett, 1978) relevant to their thesis that subjects do not have access to their own cognitive processes. It is concluded that their review of previous research is selective and incomplete and that the data they present in behalf of their thesis does not withstand a demand characteristics analysis. Furthermore, their use of observer-subject similarity as evidence of subjects' inability to access cognitive processes makes tests of their hypothesis confounded and, at the same time, reveals limitations in the application of the pre-inquiry quasi-control to research on social behavior. Problems with postexperiment questionnaires, such as the demand characteristics of the inquiry procedure are also considered. Although there are difficulties in assessing subjects' cognitive processes, many of these may be overcome through the application of novel techniques and research conducted on more traditional methods. In contrast to the view that subjects have limited access to cognitive processes and that their verbal reports are not valid, it is concluded that subjects' verbalizations are a rich source of psychological data which must be pursued if we are to tap their cognitive processes and are to gain an adequate understanding of human behavior. 相似文献
Marie Jahoda 《The Journal of social issues》1988,44(4):13-23
The greatest burden of economic recession falls on the unemployed. Research in this area has resulted in a general consensus that the large majority of the unemployed are psychologically impaired. From the voluminous relevant literature, three conceptual issues are singled out for discussion: the research style—that is, the dominant questions investigated and the corresponding research procedures; explanations for the mental state of the unemployed and the role of theory; and the concept of mental health as involving more than the absence of mental illness. 相似文献
Anne K. Hughes Rena D. Harold Janet M. Boyer 《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(7):659-677
Very little research exists examining the interactions between community-based aging service providers and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults. It is unclear whether mainstream aging services acknowledge the needs of this community. We asked direct care providers and administrators in the Michigan aging services network to describe their work with LGBT older adults. We found there are very few services specific to the needs of older LGBT adults and very little outreach to this community. At the agency level, resistance to providing services was found. 相似文献
文学权力决定于文学作为符号资本在表征领域里所占据的比重 ,而文学观念是文学权力的一种突出表现。由此出发 ,作者讨论了口传时代的文学权力。本文认为 ,借助于智慧的观念的传布 ,口传诗人以神的代言人的身份控制了人们的知觉和感觉。因此 ,在早期社会 ,文学权力是一种卡理斯玛权力 ,并具有实践意义。 相似文献
风险社会是全球化时代不可避免的际遇,我们生活在“风险社会”中。风险意识是生活在“风险社会”中的当代人最需要具备的意识观念。风险意识的精神实质是批判与超越意识。既是建构现代秩序的动力,也是规避因现代性内在冲突而带来的危险的自我批判的精神形式。对现代性处于生成之中的我国而言,在全球风险社会时代,更需要树立风险意识,并在对工业化的现代化的批判和超越之中建设现代化。我们需要引入现代性的精神和制度,又需要批判与超越现代性;要清楚地看到风险的全球化对我们的影响,又要承担起自己的责任,避免风险的威胁。 相似文献
Peter H. Cock 《The Australian journal of social issues》1974,9(3):155-167
This paper is concerned with the dimensions and processes of dehumanization within the context of our contemporary social order. It considers briefly the nature of post-industrial society and its dehumanizing consequences, discussing the various dimensions of dehumanization articulated by various writers. The core argument is that dehumanization is created by external social structural conditions and only later becomes internally self-generating within the individual, which can lead to a self-perpetuating dehumanization syndrome. 相似文献
Teacher Reports of Children's Friendships and Social Groups: Agreement with Peer Reports and Implications for Studying Peer Similarity 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Scott D. Gest 《Social Development》2006,15(2):248-259
Teacher–peer agreement about children’s friendships and social group affiliations was examined in a sample of 219 children in grades 1, 3, and 5. Peer reports were used to identify reciprocated friendships and informal social groups. Teachers listed each child’s closest friends and described the informal social groups existing in their classrooms. Teachers also rated children’s externalizing behavior problems and academic orientation and provided direct ratings of the externalizing behavior problems and academic orientation of children’s friends. Teacher–peer agreement was reliable for friendships and social groups and was stronger in the upper elementary grades. Estimates of peer similarity were highest when teachers provided global ratings of the behaviors of the children’s friends. Results suggest that teacher reports of children’s peer affiliations have some validity but result in inflated estimates of peer similarity. 相似文献
Kevin M. McConkey Suzanne M. Roche Peter W. Sheehan 《The Australian journal of social issues》1989,24(1):44-53
This paper presents a content analysis of television news and current affairs reports of forensic hypnosis focusing on the information conveyed about the nature of hypnosis, the introduction of hypnosis to criminal investigation, the impact of hypnosis on memory, the usefulness of hypnosis in criminal investigation, and the recognition of potential problems associated with forensic hypnosis. Findings indicate that the reports conveyed simplistic notions about hypnosis and memory, and were encouraging and uncritical in their presentation of forensic hypnosis. The research is discussed in terms of the possible influence of the reports on public opinion. 相似文献
Summary Twenty-four interviews between trained social workers and theirclients were recorded and compared with the findings of a studyof how doctors talk to their patients. The social workers' techniqueswere found to be much more elaborate and much less obvious thanthose used by the doctors. 相似文献
Man-Chi Leung 《Social Development》1996,5(2):146-157
Children's self reports of social groups were compared with the social groups identified by a consensus judgment of their peers. The subjects were 138 Chinese 4th grade students (mean age = 9.91) from a primary school and 167 Chinese 7th grade students (mean age = 13.09) from a secondary school, both located in Hong Kong. Following the Social Cognitive Map (SCM) procedure, students were asked to identify the social groups within their grades, including their own groups. The subjects also rated themselves on multiple domains of competence. Their teachers rated them on the same domains. Subjects tended to be biased toward self-enhancement when reporting their own groups: They omitted members who had low school scholastic rank and unfavorable scores on teacher ratings of competence. There was a strong effect of propinquity and gender on group membership, in that all groups were comprised of children from the same classroom and virtually all (98%) of the same sex. Members scored similarly on teacher ratings of competence. In elementary school, conventional values and academic achievement provided the behavioral bases for peer group cohesion. By early adolescence, peer-related concerns supplemented rather than replaced conventional values as the bases for group cohesion. 相似文献
The phenomenon of cognitive enhancement is attracting attention in bioethics literature and beyond, in public policy. In response, three bodies—the British Medical Association (BMA); the Commission de l'éthique de la Science et de la technologie (CEST) du Québec; the American Academy of Neurology (AAN)—have produced reports and guidance on this topic. To gain insights into different public policy approaches, rationales, and recommendations on the topic, we analyzed these reports in depth. We found convergence on the definition (with the exception of the CEST) of cognitive enhancement. However, we noted a lack of critical reflection with respect to the underlying rationale for developing these reports, i.e., that cognitive enhancement practices are rampant and represent major social changes. As it currently stands, cognitive enhancement is constituted in a way that challenges the creation of coherent and effective policy recommendations. However, policy makers should not simply wait for definitional consensus and hope that on balance the benefits turn out to be greater than the risks. Some components of cognitive enhancement could be reduced down to clearly identified policy targets to be further examined. Then, if appropriate, policy should be created that is, amongst other criteria, beneficial to the majority of the population. 相似文献
随着人类对外部世界的改造活动的不断展开和主体性观念的不断增强 ,人类在不断取得辉煌文明成果的同时 ,发现自身也正面临着史无前例的诸多危机 :环境危机、能源危机、核危机和生态危机等等。如果这些危机最终不能得到解决的话 ,整个人类文明似乎将要面临一场灭顶之灾。面对这种“矛盾”的现实 ,引发了人们对主体性的种种哲学思考。有人发出“主体性的黄昏”的慨叹 ,当然也有人坚持主体性是无法消解的 ,只不过在 2 0世纪 ,主体性哲学实现了一种新的转型。为此 ,本刊认为有必要就主体性问题展开讨论 ,以求探索一种具体的或温和的主体性观念 ,从而引导人类文明健康发展 相似文献
Carpenter John; Schneider Justine; Brandon Toby; Wooff David 《British Journal of Social Work》2003,33(8):1081-1103
Correspondence to Professor John Carpenter, Centre for Applied Social Studies, University of Durham, Elvet Riverside II, Durham DH1 3JT, UK. E-mail: J.S.W.Carpenter{at}dur.ac.uk Summary This study investigated the relationships between the organizationof community mental health services and professional and teamidentification, team functioning and the psychological well-beingand job satisfaction of staff working in multidisciplinary communitymental health teams (CMHTs). Staff in four districts in theNorth of England completed anonymous questionnaires on two occasions,twelve months apart. There were systematic differences in teamfunctioning, favouring teams in districts where mental healthand social care services were integrated. However, service organizationhad no evident impact on professional or team identificationor on outcomes for staff in terms of stress or job satisfaction.There were differences between social workers (n = 31) and healthservice professionals (n = 82) indicating that social workershad poorer perceptions of team functioning and experienced higherlevels of role conflict. Controlling for other factors includingthe study districts, role conflict was a significant predictorof stress and of job dissatisfaction, while role clarity promotedjob satisfaction. We conclude that support and supervision aimedat ensuring a social work contribution to multidisciplinaryworking should be provided in the course of establishing CMHTsand integrated health and social care services. 相似文献
Marian S. Harris 《Smith College studies in social work》2017,87(1):26-42
ABSTRACTAlthough men comprise the largest portion of the prison population in the United States, the number of women in prison has increased more than 800% during the past three decades. More than 60% of these women are mothers of children under 18 years of age. There continues to be a gap in our knowledge base regarding mothers who are incarcerated. In this study, unresolved issues of trauma and attachment are explored for 28 incarcerated mothers involved with the child welfare system. Data were collected using the Trauma Attachment and Belief Scale (TABS) and the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Findings from the TABS revealed scores of average and high average in beliefs related to five need areas that are sensitive to the effects of traumatic experiences, namely self-safety, self-trust, self-esteem, self-intimacy, and self-control. Most participants were classified as disorganized/disoriented based on their narrative responses to questions from the AAI protocol. Implications for the results are discussed. 相似文献
This article begins with a brief review of various non-medical intervention procedures for child maltreatment. Psychological intervention is reviewed in more depth, with an emphasis placed on those treatments which have been empirically evaluated. Finally, the article discusses methodological and ethical issues concerning outcome research on maltreatment intervention. 相似文献
Paul Gerrans Marilyn Clark‐Murphy Keith Truscott 《The Australian journal of social issues》2009,44(4):417-439
Financial literacy in the general Australian population and how to improve it is now firmly on the national agenda, partly as a result of compulsory superannuation. This paper reports the results of a pilot study which explored the financial literacy levels and superannuation knowledge of Indigenous Australians living in an urban environment. Previous studies have indicated that social disadvantage has a strong correlation with poor financial literacy but previous surveys of financial literacy in Australia have not reported specifically on the Indigenous population. Findings suggest that in some areas financial literacy is significantly weaker than that in the general population. Several of the areas of comparative weakness relate to an over belief in the role of government and the extent to which financial matters are regulated. There is also a high level of desire for financial education and information but a lower level of usage of potential sources of financial information. The findings suggest that a closing of the financial literacy gap is required. 相似文献