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随着后"条例"时代的来临,我国非公募基金会的数量逐年增多,但大多数非公募基金会在项目管理的专业化方面,尚存在严重的滞后现象。非公募基金会应正视目前所处的困境,并积极寻求突破,可尝试从校会合作的角度,通过积极推进与科研院校、科研机构的交流合作,探索一条优化项目管理、培养专业人才的路径,以推进本土非公募基金会项目管理的专业化。  相似文献   

方英 《探求》2011,(6):71-78
我国非公募基金会的发展处于一种"孕育期"的依附性生存状态,在资金、人员和物资等方面都缺乏离开原生机构独立生存发展的能力。非公募基金会要从"孕育期"向"成长期"发展,需从两方面提升:一是突破外部管理制度对基金会的控制型政策的束缚;二是从项目运作差异化、专业化、品牌化,人员专职化、专业化,基金会增值保值等方面推进积极的内部发展策略。  相似文献   

2011年1月11日,壹基金成功登记为公募基金会,意味着中国对民间个人举办公募基金会给予了进一步的放松管制。这个现象值得人们予以高度重视和深入思考。如果换一种思路来看这个问题,是否可以在对公募基金会准入登记放宽的同时,对其日常运作强化监管,建立退出机制,从而推进公募基金会与非公募基金会的合理布局。  相似文献   

美国有56000多家基金会,总资产近5000亿美元,其中独立的私人基金会约占85%,公司基金会约占5%,两项在数量和总资产上占到了90%以上,它们均属于"非公募基金会"。在我国基金会当中,大多数还是公募基金  相似文献   

玉苗 《社会工作》2013,(6):130-138
“类公益孵化器”培育模式是公募基金会依托其在我国社会组织监管体制中的法团地位,发挥“官民二重性”的优势,通过与草根公益组织签订长期合作协议,将草根公益组织吸纳为志愿团队,提供合法性支持、公募权、体制资源、资源拓展、财务托管、政策法律咨询、业务指导、资金支持、交流平台等综合系统的长期培育,帮助其全面提高自主运行和发展的能力。对公募基金会自身来说,也是其改革转型的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

美国有56000多家基金会,总资产近5000亿美元,其中独立的私人基金会约占85%,公司基金会约占5%,两项在数量和总资产上占到了90%以上,它们均属于“非公募基金会”。  相似文献   

<正>为认真贯彻落实中央关于弘扬中华优秀传统文化,践行社会主义核心价值观的系列指示精神和贵州省委十一届四次全会精神,贵州省农村信用合作社联合社、贵阳市儒学研究会、贵阳市孔学堂管理处三家单位联合发起,成立贵州省孔学堂发展基金会(以下简称基金会)。基金会由贵州省精神文明办公室主管,是具有独立法人资格的公募型基金会,2013年12月23日在贵州省民政厅正式登记注册。内设理事会作为决策机构,负责规范基金的运作及决定基金会的重大事宜;设立执行监  相似文献   

正河南省洛宁县于2010年6月被选为中国儿童福利示范项目的项目点。经过三年多的项目推进,洛宁县儿童福利事业成果显著:不仅形成了"五位一体"的儿童救助体系,还将儿童福利工作从困境儿童救助向全县儿童福利普惠层面拓展。此外,洛宁县还通过示范项目搭建起了儿童福利项目平台,积极与国内外儿童福利事业前沿组织合作。2014年年初,洛宁县通过与瑞士银行基金会、儿童乐益会、北京师范大学等单位合作,联合开展针对未成年人的保护工作,在洛宁建立  相似文献   

香港社会科学项目管理的一些优秀管理理念、管理思路和管理方法,能为社会科学院的科研项目管理提供十分有益的资料参考和经验借鉴。在这当中尤以亚洲基督教高等教育联合基金会的项目管理具有较为突出的特点和典型的意义。  相似文献   

社会心理学家巴克的"非对称性相倚"和"彼此相倚"理论是解释业主和物业冲突与合作的有效理论.由于信息、权力、收费服务和对利益理解等的不对称,使"非对称性相倚"成为业主与物业冲突的主要根源;而通过成立业主委员会,加快推进物业管理的社会化、市场化和专业化,明确双方定位、利益共享等"彼此相倚",则是解决业主与物业冲突的有效途径.  相似文献   

The Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Strengthening Aging and Gerontology Education for Social Work (SAGE-SW) project, funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation partnered with the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM) to develop an Intergenerational Policy and Advocacy Project (IAP). This curriculum pilot project, based on a community organization model, was conducted with 13 baccalaureate social work (BSW) and master's social work (MSW) programs across the country and 122 students. The project was one method to pursue CSWE SAGE-SW's efforts to infuse aging content into social work foundation curricula, to support intergenerational teaching, to strengthen social work advocacy skills, and to provide social work students with positive experiences working with older adults. Pilot sites were asked to carry out the project as part of an existing course foundation or field practicum course. Project activities included collaboration with a variety of community agencies, holding issues or "town hall" forums in order to educate community members about critical policy issues affecting older adults; making contacts and establishing relationships with local, state and/or federal legislators; and conducting assessments of the service needs of older adults in the students' communities. Questionnaires, feedback, pre-post evaluations as well as brief accounts of each project are presented. Participants considered the IAP to be a successful project in terms of the objectives of increasing awareness and competency among social work students of aging issues and of promoting intergenerational linkages between older people and social work students.  相似文献   

This paper describes a research and demonstration project in which partnerships are formed between agency social workers and family members of elderly clients. While the social worker retains responsibility for counseling and provision of support to the elderly client, the family member is taught by the social worker to assume responsibility for the case management of services provided to his/her elderly relative. Practice issues which have emerged during the first year of this three-year project include: the generalizability of findings in light of the special characteristics of agency clients, the definition of the agency-family partnership, confidentiality in the context of this partnership, exceptions to family involvement, clients without families, and our experiences with research-practice collaboration. Each of these issues is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   


Social work education has neglected gerontology at the same time that the demand for aging-competent practitioners has increased. Surveys, focus groups, and other sources of data from the John A. Hartford Foundation SAGE-SW project at the Council on Social Work Education indicate a lack of current curriculum content, little encouragement for students, limited gerontological expertise among faculty, and more interest by students in gaining gerontological knowledge than expected. Suggested actions for practitioners and field agency supervisors are provided.  相似文献   

通过对国家级贫困县A县竞争性扶贫项目运作逻辑的探析发现,依附于科层制之下的扶贫项目在实施前的选择性平衡、实施中的反科层制逻辑以及落地后的短期效应,共同造成项目制在扶贫开发中功能的式微。扶贫项目在地方实践中的非均衡分配规制了贫困地区脱贫的步伐,项目进村时呈现出的“委托—代理”关系使地方在扶贫项目打包中以“反控制”的策略从中谋利,项目制“短、平、快”的目标导向弱化了扶贫开发的可持续性。面对扶贫项目存在的一系列问题,需要进一步加强项目执行的监管力度,提高基层政府的精准扶贫治理能力,制定扶贫开发的后续扶持政策。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the findings of a research project (funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation) which set out to explore the ways in which family assistance orders (Children Act 1989) are used in providing help to families after separation and divorce. The research findings are based upon extensive fieldwork with family court welfare teams and members of the judiciary in eight areas with varying rates of use of family assistance orders. In particular, the paper focuses on the notion of exceptionality (given that the orders may only be made in exceptional circumstances) and the different ways that this notion is conceptualized by the various professionals involved in the process of promoting the welfare of children after the separation of their parents. We highlight the difficulties of reaching a common understanding of exceptional circumstances and the issues and problems this raises in relation to those whose responsibility it is to safeguard the welfare of children.  相似文献   

龚强  胡运权 《学术交流》2002,(5):110-114
系统方法、系统工程和信息工程是应用于“硬”系统领域的 ,但随着社会的进步 ,系统分析方法不可避免地扩展到社会系统和民用问题等软系统领域。软系统方法可以较好地解决这些目标模糊的问题。城市综合功能GIS(地理信息系统 )是由于城市化迅速发展提出来的 ,它是实现城市规划、管理现代化的智能工具 ,但系统建设中有许多“软”的问题 ,用软系统思想和方法指导建设城市综合功能GIS,能够弥补“硬”系统方法的一些不足  相似文献   

《明昌辞人雅制》与赵秉文的诗学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘达科 《学术交流》2006,(5):144-151
《明昌辞人雅制》是金代重要作家、文学批评家赵秉文编辑的一部大定末和章宗时期的诗作总集,已亡佚。以是其诗学史意义和价值历来为人们所忽略。明昌诗坛流行的清脱、风雅、尖新、浮艳、圆成诸诗体,前两者均为“明昌辞人”所创。他们的创作代表当时诗坛的主流和健康方向,为金诗中后期反思宋诗流弊、倡扬宗唐复古的思潮和南渡后诗风全面转变的先导。《明昌辞人雅制》是赵秉文诗学思想转变过程中的重要环节,是赵氏力图反拨当时尖新浮艳诗风的结晶和总结金代前、中期诗师法苏、黄的利弊之产物,标志着赵秉文诗学思想走向成熟和趋于定型。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, case management has been implemented in the USA and Canada – and recently also in various European countries – to support substance abusers with multiple and complex needs. Although this intervention is often presented as a set of standardised functions, its application is often a subjective task involving various dilemmas, which may influence case management outcomes significantly. Based on a comparison of case managers' experiences in Denmark and Belgium, we focus on several core dilemmas in case management for substance abusers with complex problems. Case management practices vary from one project to the next and even within the same project. Such differences are apparently related to the way in which case managers approach dilemmas such as those existing between control versus self-determination, or between systematic versus ad-hoc planning. The conclusion is that it is vital to discuss these dilemmas during training courses and supervision meetings in order to ensure that the intended form of intervention is actually delivered on the ground.  相似文献   

倩丽 《今日辽宁》2012,(4):44-49
项目是支撑地区发展的最基本元素,是地区强劲发展的动力和载体。近年来,辽宁依托项目不断扩大优势,释放潜力,以大项目带动大发展的实际行动喜迎党的十八大胜利召开。2012年,抚顺市称之为"项目促进年",本溪市直接叫响"项目年",阜新市确定为"项目建设年",营口市则命名"重大项目推进年"……毋庸置疑,这一年必将是辽宁厚积薄发、强劲发展的一年。  相似文献   

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