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语文是一门充满了浓厚的人文气氛的学科,它独有其魅力。作为中学语文教师,应引导学生认识语文的魅力,激发学生学习语文的兴趣,营造和谐愉悦的学习氛围,让学生在生活中快乐地学习语文。  相似文献   

语文学习,是学生学习的基础科目,对技校生也不例外.但是,由于种种原因,技校学生在语文学习方面存在许多缺陷.怎样让语文课堂生动起来,使语文教学焕发出活力,让技校学生体验语文学习的乐趣,是本文论述的中心.  相似文献   

“兴趣是最好的老师”。学生有了兴趣,才会产生强烈的求知欲,主动地进行学习。我在语文课堂教学中,力求做到让学生变得鲜活,让学生学得兴致盎然,使学生在语文学习中享受学习的乐趣,从而提高学生的语文素养。作为语文教师应努力创造条件让学困生在语文课堂上获取成功.尝到成功的喜悦,从而激起他们的学习兴趣,让这一部分课堂上的弱势群体动起来.使课堂真真实实地活起来。如何有效提高弱势群体的学习积极性呢?  相似文献   

在初中语文教学中,教师应将生活元素融入语文教学内容,引导学生思考探索语文教学内容,使学生的学习兴趣能够得到更好的培养,使学生充分调动自己的学习积极性,让学生把更多的学习时间和学习精力投入到语文生活教育的教学内容中,从而提高学生的语文学习兴趣和学习效率,使学生可以更主动地参与到语文课堂的教学中。  相似文献   

语文教师要纵深古今,熏陶感染,激发学习兴趣并自主探究,让语文学习与生活有机结合才是学生爱上语文的硬道理.  相似文献   

李少英  赵松森 《职业》2012,(17):71-72
学生是学习的主体,教师应想尽办法调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,使学生的心理、思维和个性都得到良好发展。让学生在轻松中提高语文应用能力。要使学生由厌学变成乐学,可从鼓励引趣,求知激趣,竞赛促趣,情景创趣等方面入手,营造和谐的课堂氛围,让学生在愉快的情景中学习语文。  相似文献   

小学语文教学中,写作教学具有举足轻重的地位。如何加强小学语文写作教学是小学语文教学的难题。为此.教师必须培养学生观察生活的能力,让他们在生活中积累素材,让学生在课堂学习中学会写作,加强课外阅读,提高学生写作水平,加强学生的审题训练,加强写作练习,让学生适当写日记。  相似文献   

在课程改革中,教师要转变理念,更新学习理念,在语文实践中,教给学生学习方法,让学生自求得之.教师不妨在培养学生自主学习的能力上,通过建构网状形的能力培养目标,凭借大量的语文阅读实践,与学生共同来形成、发展、提高其学习能力与语文素养.  相似文献   

中职语文教学质量的高低直接关系着学生的语文素养和对专业理论知识的理解,决定着学校培养目标的实现。要根据学生语文基础的实际情况,采取广泛阅读的办法,努力提高学生学习语文的兴趣;采取创新性教法,让学生主动参与学习活动之中,提高学习能力;以生为本,立足基础,突出职校特点,提高实用性。  相似文献   

刘晨 《职业》2015,(8):125
在技工院校专业课学习上,用到语文知识的地方有许多,所以上好一堂语文课,除了要师生互动,让学生真正参与课堂之外,还要解决如何让语文教育更好地为专业课服务这一问题,让同学们在提高自己语文素养的同时更好地学习专业知识。  相似文献   

胡红芝 《现代交际》2014,(10):31-31
本文首先阐述了营造英语语言环境的重要性及意义,并基于学生英语学习具体情况的分析,提出了在英语课堂教学过程中营造良好语言环境的方法,及师生如何合理创设并运用这一英语语言环境来优化英语课堂教学,从而能引起教师和学生对英语语言环境的关注。  相似文献   

In an era of global awareness of the impact of social, political and environmental impact, the international field placement has become a feature of many social work programmes throughout Australia. A theoretical framework of international social work principles allows for a guiding platform for teaching and learning; however, the experience of the social work student is often one of cultural isolation and emotional vulnerabilities. Whilst cross-cultural learning is a core practice goal of the placement, the ability to engage with this learning is affected by the impact of distance on the student. In turn, the university responsibility for the student is heightened by the distance involved, creating an increased sense of risk for both the student and the social work educator. This article draws on a mixed-methods study, with data sourced from both questionnaires and in-depth interviews with university field education staff, former social work students, and field educators. Five lenses of distance are explored in the aim of increasing understanding of the student experience: geographical distance, cultural distance, emotional distance, pedagogical distance and technological distance. In doing so, the social work educators’ ability to monitor and support remote students is enhanced, and the capacity for the student to engage in a positive teaching and learning environment is increased.  相似文献   

We report on our progress in developing a pilot online group teaching innovation with 14 participants, including five service users and carers, and nine social work students. Enhancing student learning by providing shared educational opportunities between students, service users, and carers can be a challenge to organise but the project demonstrates some success in doing so. The evaluation suggests that even the smallest level of service user and carer involvement can enhance student learning and personal development during social work education and training.  相似文献   

易娜 《职业时空》2012,(3):117-119
护理专业的语文教学工作要主动适应护理专业需求,结合受体特征,不仅培育学生的语文运用能力和人文情怀,还须培育学生的职业素养,建设有护理专业特色的中职语文教学体系。以现有语文教材为载体,将护理专业所需能力要求嵌入语文教学中去,并结合专业特色将日常应用文、护理应用文的写作纳入语文课堂的训练之中。语文课应加强学生的口语训练,以培养合格适用的护理人才为根本目的,通过系统的课堂实训,保证学生掌握护士工作所必需的基本口语表达技能。  相似文献   

The most pertinent question concerning teaching and learning in the twenty-first century is not what knowledge and skills students need--that laundry list was identified over a decade ago--but rather how to foster twenty-first century learning. What curricula, experiences, assessments, environments, and technology best support twenty-first century learning? New Technology High School (NTHS) in Napa, California, is one example of a successful twenty-first century school. In this chapter, the author describes the components of this exemplary high school, illustrating an environment that will cultivate twenty-first century student learning. New Technology High School began by defining eight learning outcomes, aligned with the standards of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills; to graduate, students demonstrate mastery of these outcomes through an online portfolio. To help students achieve the outcomes, NTHS employs project- and problem-based learning. Whereas in traditional classrooms students work alone on short-term assignments that do not lend themselves to deep understanding, the project-based learning approach has students working in teams on long-term, in-depth, rigorous projects. Students' work is supported by the school's workplace-like environment and effectiv use of technology. Meaningful assessment is essential to project-based learning; students receive continuous feedback, helping them become self-directed learners. In fact, NTHS uses outcome-based grading through which students constantly know how they are performing on the twenty-first century outcomes. Research has shown that NTHS graduates are better prepared for postsecondary education, careers, and citizenship than their peers from other schools. To facilitate twenty-first century learning, all schools need to rethink their approach to teaching and learning. New Technology High School is one way to do so.  相似文献   


Social work practice faculty have an important role in socializing MSW students to the field and practice of social work. This study, based on interviews with 15 faculty teaching an advanced clinical practice course in the United States, examines how faculty conceptualize teaching and learning. Faculty were asked about the theories or frameworks that guided their teaching, their own journeys to teaching and the resources that support their teaching. The study found that participants drew largely on their own experiences as student learners and social work practitioners and did not have much formal training in teaching and student learning. Furthermore, while half of the participants were able to identify a learning theory that guided their teaching, the other half were not. Finally, while participants articulated the need for support regarding their own teaching, many of the schools did not have formal faculty development opportunities. The paper ends with recommendations for supporting current and new faculty regarding teaching and student learning.  相似文献   

This study examined power through social relations between entities in the implementation of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in an environment where English is spoken as a foreign language. The examination involved analysing the discourse of two foreign English teachers. Specifically, subject positioning of entities, made apparent through pronominal markers and shifts, as well as discourse meaning, were analysed to establish attributes and relations pertinent to the teaching and learning entities and context. The findings showed how teachers’ epistemologies can be made visible through the examination of discourse. Steven, a participant of this study, indicated that while he seemingly practised an inclusive approach, he was restricted by his teaching context, which appeared to be stricter, and his students’ language proficiency. The second teacher, Tamara, was more democratic in her pedagogical approach, seen through her students’ involvement. This signified a more open work environment as both teacher and student could make necessary adjustments to support the learning objectives. From this study, we could see how intercultural education is still perceived differently. This difference may be due to the parameters of the teachers. This study also showed how teachers’ discourse is a feasible site for the examination of power.  相似文献   

Hybrid education includes an online component and interaction between students and teacher by televised sound and image. This approach contrasts dramatically with traditional face-to-face teaching and classroom teaching modalities enhanced by Web-based tools. Should educators in “human behavior and the social environment” (HBSE) use hybrid technologies? This study explores the differences and similarities in student satisfaction and learning outcomes between a hybrid and a face-to-face Web-enhanced macro-course in HBSE. Results suggest that hybrid and Web-enhanced course delivery methods do not differently impact student learning. Students did report greater satisfaction with some but not all aspects of the hybrid sections.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the concept of ‘cultural cross‐currents,’ their implicit nature and the potential they have to effect second language literacy learning, teaching and curriculum reform in Hong Kong primary classrooms. Despite the substantive implications for learning, the exploration of cultural influences upon teacher and student thinking and the resultant educational consequences, remains a largely unrecognized area. The central argument in the paper is that cultural differences in attitudes, beliefs and values of cultural groups toward the way first and second languages are acquired needs to be made explicit in order to facilitate second language literacy teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some recent studies problematizing various aspects of identity in relation to mobile students’ encounters with the social interactive and pragmatic dimensions of language. The paper will examine several salient demographic categories represented in the literature: nationality, ‘foreigner’ status, gender, age, and sexuality. These studies clearly demonstrate that student sojourners abroad may encounter challenges not only to their language skills, but also to their identities. Furthermore, these challenges can influence both the overall quality of study or residence abroad as an environment for language learning and the particular aspects of language that students choose to appropriate or reject. In light of these findings, it would appear that simply enjoining language learners to become more engaged or less judgmental may not be sufficient. Rather, what is in order is a renewed emphasis on awareness of language and culture as well as approaches helping students to understand how linguistic choices both reflect and create interpersonal, social, and cultural contexts.  相似文献   

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