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Recent changes in the labour market in France, more particularly changes in labour supply and in unemployment, are examined. Particular attention is paid to the arrival of the baby boom on the labour market. The effect of demographic changes is, however, shown to have been less than that of behavioural changes. Relative earnings of successive cohorts are also examined, and the earnings-gap between baby boomers and preceding cohorts is discussed and compared with that observed in the USA. The evidence suggests that with earnings too, non-demographic factors have been important: the inequities observed in the earnings of a number of cohorts cannot be fully explained by relative cohort size.  相似文献   

国际上实行失业保险已经有1个世纪了,许多发达国家在失业保险的普及程度、在失业保险促进经济与社会发展方面都有宝贵的经验,有许多做法值得借鉴。我国人口基数大,国家财力有限,失业保障水平低,怎样让有限的失业保险金发挥应有的失业保险作用这是全社会普遍关注的一个问题。通过解析国外失业保险制度来探讨我国失业保险的路径。  相似文献   

贸易自由化会导致失业增多一直是贸易保护主义者最强有力的论据,然而直到20世纪90年代,国际贸易与失业之间的相关主题研究才逐渐大量涌现于理论文献之中。从几种解释失业模型(最低工资模型、效率工资模型和搜索模型)的分类出发,对国际贸易与失业的相关理论文献进行了梳理,然后按照跨国研究和对单个国家的研究分类对实证文献进行了归纳。研究认为,从3种不同的理论框架下出发,模型设定的贸易国的制度环境、产业分工以及贸易双方禀赋特点的不同,可以得出国际贸易对失业的不同方向的影响;实证检验由于产业的要素投入、产业间联系、产业开放程度和贸易国的制度特征不同,也呈现不同的结果。  相似文献   

Although France and Italy currently exhibit very similar expectations of life, their mortality patterns by age and sex are not the same. The differences were much greater at the beginning of the century than they are now. Graphical presentation of the data since 1900 by age, period and birth cohort is used to explore in detail the differences in trends and to bring out, in particular, differences between the two countries in period and cohort effects. In addition to providing more details on well-known period effects — the secular decline in mortality in both countries (with Italy largely ‘catching up’ with France), and the immediate effects of the world wars — similarities and differences in cohort effects are also apparent. The two countries exhibit clear differences not only in terms of immediate casualties of the wars, but also in terms of the long-term impact of unfavourable wartime living conditions on the cohorts most affected.  相似文献   

初级产品出口关税的政策目标及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,相对于其他商品而言,初级产品出口价格的不断下降给许多仍靠少数出口产品获取外贸收入的发展中国家带来一系列的挑战,使其成为国际贸易中长期存在且备受关注的焦点之一。因此,许多发展中国家便采取课征初级产品出口税的政策以图解决其所面临的问题。本文着重阐述初级产品出口税的政策目标及阻碍这些目标实现的因素,并在本文的最后部分从实证的角度说明了这一政策目标与现实冲突,从而指出发展国家所面临的这些问题不能简单地试图通过课征初级产品的出口税加以解决。  相似文献   

在经济高质量发展中需要高技术产业发展引领,而高技术产业发展与新技术的广泛使用对就业岗位是否会产生冲击而造成大规模失业,引起了人们的担忧。为此,将高技术产业发展与演化经济地理学主题相结合,采用“产业空间”方法测度了高技术产业和其他产业关联性,基于中国工业企业数据库的面板数据对中国高技术产业及其与其他产业关联密度在城市工业就业上的影响进行了检验。研究表明:(1)高技术产业具有就业创造效应,城市经济对劳动力的需求会因高技术产业诱发关联产业发展而显著增加。(2)高技术产业发展为市场提供了技术应用与服务,使资源密集型产业的劳动力需求减少,释放出一定规模的劳动力。(3)高技术产业与其他产业的关联密度主要是通过生产效率提高促使产业规模扩大、提高居民收入促使消费需求提升等机制促进城市产业就业需求增加。高技术产业带动关联产业的发展对城市就业的促进效应具有较强的稳健性。  相似文献   

Late-life depression is a condition that affects an ever-growing share of the population in ageing societies. While depression prevalence varies across countries for a myriad of reasons, generational factors, expressed in the shared experience of birth cohorts, may also play a part in such differentials. This paper describes the presence of age, period, and cohort (APC) effects in late-life depression prevalence trends (for adults aged 50 and above) for selected countries in Europe, using the Survey of Health and Ageing and Retirement of Europe (SHARE). We analysed six countries during the 2004–2016 period: Denmark, Sweden, and Germany, with a lower baseline prevalence, and Italy, Spain, and France, with a higher baseline prevalence. By applying a set of APC statistical models to visualise linear and nonlinear effects, we found that all countries followed a J-shaped curve when describing the transversal and longitudinal age trajectories of late-life depression. We also found a combination of nonlinear effects present in Germany, France and Sweden in males, indicating that younger male cohorts had a higher relative risk of depression. In females, we found nonlinear cohort effects, indicating that younger and older cohorts presented a higher risk of depression in Sweden and Germany and a lower risk in Spain. The presence of an increased risk for younger male cohorts may be indicative of a new trend in some countries, which may reduce the sex gap in prevalence. Future analysis should focus on the causes and mechanisms that lead to differential risks across cohorts.  相似文献   

A large body of research focuses on the (socio)economic antecedents of marriage dissolution. Less is known about the factors that affect the stability of cohabitations. The focus in this study, which is based on Finnish register data, is on whether the socioeconomic resources of the partners affect the stability of cohabitations and marriages in a similar way. According to the results, a lower level of education, unemployment (of the man in particular) and the male partner’s (or the couple’s) low income increased dissolution rates in unions of both types. The stabilizing effects of each partner’s high educational level as well as the male partner’s employment and high income were stronger in marriages. The union types also seemed to differ in that the separation-promoting effect of the female partner’s high (absolute or relative) income was stronger in marriages, but high-income women are few and the interactions between union type and the income of the female partner were statistically insignificant. The overall conclusion is that in the Finnish context, the socioeconomic antecedents of union dissolution are remarkably similar in cohabitations and marriages, but socioeconomic resources are somewhat more important for the stability of marriages. Only weak support was found for the idea that cohabitations are more compatible with income equality.  相似文献   

中国服务贸易规模的扩大在促进经济增长的同时,也带来诸如环境污染、二氧化碳排放量增加等一系列环境问题。通过各类服务业的主要能源消耗量估算了1990~2016年中国各服务业的二氧化碳排放量,并利用各服务类上市公司财务数据,运用价格指标法对中国的服务贸易自由化状况进行具体测算,以服务业碳排放量作为衡量环境质量的指标,从行业层面实证研究了中国服务贸易自由化和服务贸易规模对环境所产生的影响。研究认为,低水平的贸易开放无助于中国的二氧化碳减排,反而会增加碳排放量,同时贸易规模的扩大也会提高二氧化碳排放量;各服务行业的贸易开放碳排放效应和规模效应存在差异,其中交通运输、仓储和邮政业的贸易自由化碳排放效应和规模效应最大,批发、零售、住宿和餐饮业次之。因此,要降低中国的二氧化碳排放量,应调整产业结构与贸易开放结构,控制不同行业的贸易规模与对外开放水平,并提高各服务行业的能源利用效率和改善能源消费结构。  相似文献   

在西方发达国家成熟的证券市场中,低市盈率股票的收益率大于高市盈率股票收益率的现象持续存在,市盈率指标可以作为投资选择的一个依据。文章通过上海证券市场A股市盈率与二级市场收益率相关性分析,指出我国证券市场价值投资理念已初步凸显的结论。  相似文献   

盈余质量是投资者风险定价的重要依据之一,而政治联系作为一种普遍存在的、非正式的制度安排,其对公司的盈余质量及其风险定价功能有何影响,是比较值得关注的问题。研究表明,同等条件下,拥有政治联系的民营上市公司,其盈余质量显著低于没有政治联系的公司,而且公司的政治联系越密切,其盈余质量水平越低。此外,公司政治联系的存在也会对其盈余质量的风险定价产生负面的影响。  相似文献   

Easterlin's relative income hypothesis projects for smaller cohorts: (a) increasing wages, (b) increasing fertility and (c) decreasing female labour supply. This paper reviews the literature on the substitutability of female for male labour, on relative income changes as a result of changes in cohort size and on husband's income as a determinant of female labour supply. It is concluded that own wage is a more important determinant of female labour supply than husband's income, and that policies that increase females net wages are therefore a stimulus to female labour supply. The example of Sweden shows that pronatalist policies can be combined with policies that stimulate female labour supply.  相似文献   

为研究国际油价冲击和美国、日本等国家进出口贸易量的波动对中国进出口贸易的影响,选取与中国贸易往来较多的18个国家和地区,包括欧元区主要国家、金砖国家及东盟地区国家,构建全局向量自回归模型,借助脉冲响应函数,分析国际油价及他国进出口贸易量对中国国际贸易的影响方向和程度。研究认为,国际油价波动对中国进出口贸易额均有影响,油价上涨对中国进口产生一定程度的正向效应,对中国出口产生一定程度的负向效应;美国、日本进口增加会对中国进出口贸易产生显著的负效应,相反,美国、日本出口增加会对中国进出口贸易产生显著的正效应,并且两者都对中国进口贸易抑制作用显著;中国外贸对贸易伙伴国进出口贸易波动的反应比对油价波动的反应更加显著。因此,国际油价上涨在一定程度上会促进中国进口,阻碍中国出口;美国、日本两国进出口贸易对中国对外贸易影响显著,美国、日本进出口冲击均对中国进口贸易更具影响力,但是相较于美国、日本外贸冲击,国际油价对中国国际贸易影响较小。  相似文献   

文章以2007--2012年我国A股非金融行业上市公司为样本,研究债务契约、政府保护与盈余管理的关系。检验结果支持债务契约假设,即公司的负债水平与盈余管理正相关。但在政府保护行业的公司,债务契约假设不成立,而非政府保护行业的公司进行盈余管理以规避债务契约约束的动机更强。  相似文献   

马克思的相对过剩人口理论,对于研究和思考我国现阶段的失业问题具有重要的启示意义。资本主义相对过剩人口和我国失业人口既有联系又有区别。区别表现为其产生的根本原因不同、范围大小不同、作用不同、政府对解决失业问题的重视程度不同、对劳动者的影响不同等。我国就业形势严峻,失业问题突出,因此要实施积极的就业政策,充分发挥劳动力市场机制作用,大力发展非公经济,保持经济稳定增长,鼓励创业创新。  相似文献   

从制造业就业长期性绝对衰落这一非工业化界定来看,撒切尔时期是消极非工业化的典型。在1979-1981年间的经济衰退期间,在制造业中不同行业、制造业就业的区域分布以及英国与OECD国家在制造业就业方面的对比方面看,英国制造业都面临崩溃的境地;在1982-1990年的经济繁荣时期,撒切尔政府始终没有解决失业问题。究其政策层面原因在于撒切尔政府在执政初期采取的严厉的货币主义以及过于依靠市场的自身调节来解决失业问题。这说明要提高经济效率,摆脱滞涨,必须要发挥市场的作用;但是要解决失业问题,变消极的非工业化为积极的非工业化仅有市场是不够的,还需国家予以适当干预。  相似文献   

分析典型大国、北欧四国、四强小国和金砖国家1999-2014年高技术产业发展的主要特征.高技术产业占经济总量的比重不高,但它是决定国家竞争力的"关键少数"行业.高技术产业增加值占GDP比重会随经济增长而先升后降,呈现倒U形关系.倒U形后半段是保留高端环节、淘汰低端环节的产业升级过程.工业化高峰并非高技术产业高峰.高技术产业波动远高于经济周期波动.大国高技术产业发展多采取均衡战略,小国多采取专业化战略.典型国家经验表明:发达的高技术产业是跨越中等收入陷阱的必要条件;一国难以在高技术产业的各个领域占据全面优势,高技术产业技术创新适宜采取重点突破战略,以局部带动全局,逐步增强整体竞争力;大国需要兼顾高技术产业和传统产业发展.  相似文献   

文章构建了基于地方政府竞争的数量模型。研究表明:在一系列的激励下,中国的地方政府为经济增长而展开了激烈竞争。由于资本密集型产业相对于劳动力密集型产业来说,具有更高的生产效率和更强的增长效应,因此,地方政府在引进和选择产业发展时,会倾向于优先发展资本密集型产业。为此,他们会采取多种措施来吸引、扶持资本密集型产业的发展,忽视劳动密集型产业。而资本密集型产业的过度发展,一是会造成机器和技术对劳动力的替代,使得中国出现"低就业的增长";二是造成资本在收入中的谈判能力不断提高,而劳动力的谈判能力不断降低,从而使得国民收入的初次分配中资本的占比不断提高,而劳动的占比则不断降低。  相似文献   

全球价值链理论为发展中国家的产业升级提供了理论支撑。研究表明,发展中国家有希望通过主动嵌入发达国家主导的全球价值链实现产业流程升级和产品升级的目的,但是发达国家的主导企业并不会主动为发展中国家的功能升级提供条件,反而会采取种种措施进行溢出截断。中国为了成功实现价值链的攀升,需要更加重视企业内生能力的培养,创造保护内资企业的制度环境,引导企业重视本地市场,并积极创造条件提升跨国企业的根植性。  相似文献   

采用事件研究的方法, 选取中国A股非金融类上市公司的季度财务报告, 研究了公告前后的订单流不平衡与盈余信息的关系。研究发现:盈余宣告前, 市场上存在盈余信息提前泄漏的现象, 订单流不平衡与盈余信息基本表现为显著正相关;盈余宣告日, 订单流不平衡与盈余信息基本显著正相关;盈余宣告后, 盈余信息需要一段时间才能够融入到交易价格中, 表明中国股票市场尚未达到半强有效市场程度, 之后盈余信息对订单流不平衡不再产生显著影响。同时, 还发现订单流不平衡和盈余信息的关系一定程度上受到订单流不平衡序列自相关性的影响。  相似文献   

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