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《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》2013,22(4):229-252
AbstractPerceptions toward homelessness among 23 undergraduates were explored through individual, semi-structured interviews. Several higher-education institutions have incorporated non-traditional learning components to promote altruism and empathy among students toward the poor and homeless. We focused on one Midwestern university's experiential approach that had a “poverty-immersion” experience within a selected course. We explored how the poverty-immersion weekend altered undergraduates' perceptions of the poor and persons in homeless milieu. Students evidenced marked alterations in their understandings of the homeless: dispelling assumptions to consider individuals in light of personal and circumstantial situations that led to their states of homelessness, and the holistic nature of their needs. Students were challenged to reconsider the attitudes towards the homeless as expressed by those in the middle-class socioeconomic status. 相似文献
《Journal of child sexual abuse》2013,22(4):73-90
ABSTRACT Anecdotal evidence indicates that male sexual abuse survivors fail to disclose for fear of others' reactions. This study investigated undergraduates' reactions toward a hypothetical male survivor's disclosure whose abuse occurred at age 5, 15 or 25, with a male or female offender. When age at incident was higher, the survivor was seen as less masculine, more responsible for his abuse, and the male sex role and rape myths were more strongly applied to him. Generally, women's reactions were more positive than men's. Less positive reactions were associated with disclosing to other men, abuse occurring at an older age, and a female offender. 相似文献
Seth C. Kalichman Lisa Belcher Charsey Cherry Ernestine A. Williams Christopher T. Allers 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》2013,22(4):303-318
Homeless persons living in US. innercities are at risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HW) infection, but few studies have examined the continued risk behaviors of HIV infected homeless men. We investigated the sexual behavior of 32 homeless men who had tested HIV seropositive. Twenty-five percent of HW positive men reported a history of injection drug use, 34% had sex with men, over 40% had participated in commercial sex, and 59% had been treated for a non-HIV sexually transmitted disease. HIV seropositive men also reported recent sexual behavior, with 62% having sex in the previous month and 50% currently sexually active. Condom use was inconsistent among seropositive men; 44% of vaginal and 50% of anal intercourse occasions in the preceding three months did not involve condoms, and 28% of HW seropositive men did not use a condom during their most recent sexual encounter. Substance use was frequently associated with unprotected sexual behavior among HW seropositive men. Finally, measures of life satisfaction showed that HIV seropositive men were most satisfied with their relationships, mental health, and spiritual well being. These data suggest a need for intensive behavioral.interventions tailored for homeless HW infected men and we recommend that existing substance use treatment and holistic care be incorporated into behavioral interventions for HW infected men. 相似文献
大学生闲暇生活行为倾向研究--对1000名大学本科生的调查报告 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
闲暇是一个时间、活动范畴.从时间角度来说,闲暇是指除去绝对需求之外可自由支配的时间,同工作时间与生理生活必需时间相对应;从活动角度来说,则是指人摆脱了社会制度化安排活动、剔除满足基本生存活动,用来体验其他活动的机会.所谓大学生的闲暇生活,指所有教学教育计划所安排的活动(如上课、实验、实习等)、为完成教学培养计划(如做作业、复习)的活动及满足基本生存的活动(如睡觉、吃饭)之外的时间,学生在可自由支配的时间内自主安排的生活或活动、事务. 相似文献
Mark A. Barnett Steven W. Quackenbush Lisa K. Pierce 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》2013,22(4):283-302
A total of 459 fourth-graders, high school students, and undergraduates completed a Homelessness Questionnaire developed for use in this study. Although participants generally expressed positive and supportive attitudes toward the homeless, attributing homelessness to either social maladjustment (e.g., drug problem) or negative characteristics (e.g., laziness) within the homeless was positively associated with “fear of and anger toward the homeless” for all groups of participants. In addition, perceptions of and reactions to the homeless were influenced by both the participants’ gender and age group. Although high school and college students’ interest in helping the homeless was associated with various attitudes and reactions (e.g., feelings of sympathy/support), their indication that they had ever helped homeless people (either directly or indirectly) was consistently associated only with the acknowledgment that their mother and father had ever helped homeless people (either directly or indirectly). Among these older participants, homelessness in the United States was rated as a more serious problem at the end of the questionnaire than at the beginning. 相似文献
Lydia C. Susnick 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》2013,22(4):315-323
A qualitative research study was conducted to obtain an understanding of the people who provide senvices to persons who are homeless and mentally ill. Selvice providers were asked about the kinds of selvices they provide, what they consider beneficial to this population, the kinds of selvices they would like to provide, and what is needed to allevwte the homeless problem. Selvices found in the study included, those that meet basic needs, psychiatric/medical selvices, social setvices, and activities. Service providers indicated the major selvice priority is housing and the necessity of: (a) a safe environment, (b) additional psychiatric/social selvices, (c) day programs, and (d) health care. It is recommended that selvice providers advocate for the necessary improvements in services including, collaborative workshops and training sessions to the public and to each other. 相似文献
Michael M. Morgan H. Wallace Goddard Sherri Newton Givens 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》1997,6(1):45-56
Homelessness is an ongoing challenge for many families and individuals. Many struggle to meet their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter. Unfortunately, we know very little about the people who directly help homeless people meet these needs. The present study examines the relationships between empathy, religion, household income, political orientation, gender, race, and people's expressed willingness to assist the homeless. Results demonstrate a strong and consistent link between empathy and willingness to help. Moderately consistent associations are found for religion and race. Limitations, suggestions for further research, and for practical application are discussed. 相似文献
Michael M. Morgan Wallace Goddard Sherri Newton Givens 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》2013,22(1):45-56
Homelessness is an ongoing challenge for many families and individuals. Many struggle to meet their basic needs for food, clothing and shelter. Unfortunately, we know very little about the people who directly help homeless people meet these needs. The present study examines the relationships between empathy, religion, household income, political orientation, gender, race, and people's expressed willingness to assist the homeless. Results demonstrate a strong and consistent link between empathy and willingness to help. Moderately consistent associations are found for religion and race. Limitations, suggestions for further research, and for practical application are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment》2013,23(1-2):145-162
SUMMARY Indigenous peoples are overrepresented in the homeless population. This paper examines the extent to which homelessness and some of its possible antecedents and consequences differ for indigenous peoples and majority whites residing in the city of Minneapolis. We conclude that being homeless and indigenous in Minneapolis is a significantly different experience for this group than it is for majority whites. The cultural context of indigenous homelessness reflects higher poverty and inconsistent patterns of employment. It also reflects higher support in family and friend relationships. Higher misuse of alcohol reflects personal disability while lower use of mental health services reflects a structural disability. Discrimination is reflected in previous childhood out-of-home placements. 相似文献
Mark A. Barnett Jeffrey.S Bartel Fred W. Sanborn Susan R. Burns Stacey J. Wilds 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》2013,22(3):205-219
AbstractThe present investigation examined the effects of three public service announcements (PSAs) on undergraduates’ willingness to volunteer to assist the homeless at a local emergency shelter. A PSA designed to arouse empathy in listeners generally yielded a higher rate of volunteering to assist the homeless than either a self-oriented PSA or an unemotional, other-oriented PSA. The PSA designed to arouse empathy was found to be especially effective in promoting volunteering in individuals who scored relatively high on trait affective empathy and who, in turn, reported a relatively strong empathic response to this message. 相似文献
Jay M. Marlowe Cherie Appleton Shirley-Ann Chinnery Sutibra Van Stratum 《Social Work Education》2015,34(1):60-73
How social work students incorporate personal and professional selves in the contexts of field education represents a cornerstone of effective and sustainable practice. This paper presents a qualitative component of a study that tracked 15 third-year bachelor of social work students across their first field placement to document their use of self, critical reflections and experiential learning. The project examined students' assessed ‘use of self’ assignments to understand their capacity for and development of critical awareness across this placement. Students were most articulate in being able to identify stressful situations that arose from placement in terms of what they were thinking (mind) and feeling (emotion) and to a much lesser extent to what they were sensing (body). Over time, students demonstrated a growing critical awareness to better identify and respond to their self-reported tensions. The findings provide developmental insights into how students integrate personal and professional selves and potentially shift from reflective and reflexive practices to incorporating praxis in their work. Through considering the linkages between self and practice, this paper explores student experiences whilst on placement and the associated developmental tasks of critical awareness. 相似文献
The possible moderating effects of social support and self-competence on the relationship between stressful life events and behavior problems were examined in 49 homeless children residing in shelters in New York City. The children's mothers were administered measures of their children's stressful life events, social support, and behavior problems; the children themselves were administered measures of their social support and perceived self-competence. There was support for the buffering hypothesis for social support, with the mothers' perceptions of their children's social support moderating a relationship between stressful life events and behavior problems. Social support also was related to self-competence and to behavior problems. The children's perceived self-competence did not function as a moderator. Implications for preventively oriented interventions with homeless children are discussed. 相似文献
Garrett SB Higa DH Phares MM Peterson PL Wells EA Baer JS 《Evaluation and program planning》2008,31(4):436-444
Use of available services is low among homeless youths, and how youth make decisions to access services or seek housing is unclear. This study explored perspectives of current and former street youth about these processes. Recruited from the streets and a drop-in center, 27 youth ages 16–24, participated in individual qualitative interviews. Findings from consensual qualitative analyses indicated choices to use services were embedded within developing autonomy and identification with street lifestyles. Themes of self-reliance, substance use, and relationships with street and housed persons were expressed as critical for both using services and transitioning to stable housing. Agency-related factors such as caring staff, a nonjudgmental atmosphere, and flexible policies were perceived as important for service use while youth-related factors such as experiencing major events, being internally motivated, and embracing mainstream values were seen as conducive to transitioning off the streets. Implications for service providers and future research are discussed. 相似文献
Rae Anderson 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》1997,6(1):1-12
This article examines the multivalenced meaning of “street” in a nonprofit shared housing project for chronically homeless street people in Toronto. Findings suggest the importance of the design of the built environment in facilitating a sense of empowerment for residents. The street becomes a marker of identity, a boundary where public and private meet, where marginality is reconfigured, where a sense of community thrives, and where the performance of arrivals and departures is spatially, aurally, and visually mapped. 相似文献
《Journal of gay & lesbian social services》2013,25(4):103-111
Summary Aging, homeless HIV-infected gay men confront multiple bereavement and mental health issues. Needs assessment interviews with this population in the streets of New York City facilitate the initial review and provision of clinically and culturally appropriate service delivery strategies for these disenfranchised gay men to access bereavement support and mental health care systems. 相似文献
Ming‐Te Wang Robert L. Selman Thomas J. Dishion Elizabeth A. Stormshak 《Journal of research on adolescence》2010,20(2):274-286
This study uses an ecological framework to examine how adolescents' perceptions of school climate in 6th grade covary with the probability and frequency of their engagement in problem behaviors in 7th and 8th grades. Tobit analysis was used to address the issue of having a highly skewed outcome variable with many zeros and yet account for censoring. The 677 participating students from 8 schools were followed from 6th through 8th grade. The proportions of students reporting a positive school climate perception decreased over the middle school years for both genders, while the level of problem behavior engagement increased. The findings suggested that students who perceived higher levels of school discipline and order or more positive student–teacher relationships were associated with lower probability and frequency of subsequent behavioral problems. 相似文献
《Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work》2013,32(4):47-66
Abstract This qualitative study, part of a larger study of resiliency, explores the impact of spirituality on runaway and/or homeless youth. Interviews with 19 former runaway and homeless youth were analyzed to explore their experience of spirituality as they coped with the adversity in their lives. Five themes related to spirituality emerged: a belief in divine intervention; having a personal relationship with a nonjudgmental higher power; use of prayer; participation in traditional and nontraditional religious practices; and finding meaning and purpose in life, including a desire to “give back” to their community. Implications for social work practice and research are addressed. 相似文献
Ralph Anderson 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》2013,22(4):369-380
Successful adaptation to street life requires that risk of violence, an often present aspect of this lifestyle, be reduced to as Iowa level as possible. This means knowing the infonnal rules which permit avoiding the pitfalls of street life. It is argued in this paper that safety and security are a function of interactions occurring within a specific place, with pal1icular associates, and involving safe and unsafe behavior. Carelessness with respect to any of these factors can result in victimization. These issues are discussed using SUlVey and ethnographic data collected in Chattanooga. 相似文献
Ralph Anderson 《Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless》1996,5(4):369-380
Successful adaptation to street life requires that risk of violence, an often present aspect of this lifestyle, be reduced to as low a level as possible. This means knowing the informal rules which permit avoiding the pitfalls of street life. It is argued in this paper that safety and security are a function of interactions occurring within a specific place, with particular associates, and involving safe and unsafe behavior. Carelessness with respect to any of these factors can result in victimization. These issues are discussed using survey and ethnographic data collected in Chattanooga. 相似文献