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离婚水平高和离婚率上升作为一个世界性现象,已经引起了学术界的关注和探索,本文对前者有关离婚问题的研究进行文献综述,通过这种方式对于以往离婚问题研究的视角进行一定的整合,进而寻求一种更为新颖的视角去探索中国离婚问题的研究.  相似文献   

法定离婚理由是当事人请求国家审判机关作出离婚判决的法律依据,是离婚法律制度的重要内容之一。从历史角度进行考察,我国法定离婚理由的发展经历了漫长而曲折的过程;从社会性别视角进行审视,法定离婚理由的演进表现为从男性专权到男女平权的轨迹;从立法内容上看,我国现行《婚姻法》中已经明确规定法定离婚理由平等适用于男女两性;从法律适用上分析,我国法定离婚理由在司法实践中仍存在一定的性别差异。因此,我国法定离婚理由应根据时代发展的需要相应地增加列举内容,以增强司法实践中的可操作性,同时还应注意对司法人员社会性别意识进行培养,从而推进性别平等的法律进程,并最终实现促进社会和谐发展的立法目的。  相似文献   

八十年代以来美国的离婚研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对八、九十年代美国发表的部分关于离婚问题的文献进行了分析研究,从离婚的宏观结构和人口学统计特征等方面反映了美国当代的离婚情况,揭示出80年代以来美国学者研究离婚的新观点和新特点  相似文献   

离婚率居高不下正在成为一个世界性课题,与之相伴的离婚家庭子女的发展问题也日益引起各方关注。美国社会普遍存在的离婚现象带动了理论界离婚研究的繁荣,20世纪50年代以来的研究呈现为五个较为清晰的阶段:初始期、停滞期、反省期、繁荣期与脱节期。通过对五个发展阶段的梳理与分析,勾勒出美国学界在父母离婚对孩子影响这一问题上的研究轨迹与主要观点,从中找到值得我们借鉴的分析视角与研究路径。  相似文献   

父母离婚影响孩子的四大理论视角--西方文献分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过分析西方研究父母离婚影响孩子的文献,总结出四大理论视角:(一)结构功能论--父/母角色缺席对孩子的影响;(二)经济剥夺论--经济压力对孩子的影响;(三)冲突理论--父母间冲突对孩子的影响;(四)符号互动论--父/母适应对孩子的影响.前两个视角重点是从家庭功能、父母角色、经济影响等方面进行研究,相对而言较偏向于静态的结构影响研究;后两个视角则较为重视家庭关系和家庭沟通的影响,重点研究家庭互动模式和动态过程.  相似文献   

马姝 《学术交流》2012,(5):26-30
自19世纪末女性主义在西方兴起以来,始终关注婚姻家庭制度对女性生存处境的影响,认为父权制家庭结构导致了男性领域和女性领域的具体化以及不平等权力关系的加剧。在婚姻家庭法领域,女性主义重在思考法律对女性地位的建构作用,男性中心的婚姻和财产法在激进女性主义者眼里甚至被视为女性受压迫的基本根源之一。从女性主义视角历时性地考察我国离婚法与女性地位变迁的关系,探讨1950年婚姻法中离婚自由的规定、1980年婚姻法中破裂主义兼采有责主义的离婚原则及2001年婚姻法中有关离婚赔偿的条款对各时段女性地位的影响,将会发现离婚法虽然表面上实现了女性解放和对女性的保护,但是并未改变压迫女性的性别权力结构,在法律执行过程中也最终屈服于男性利益,因此,以自由为起点的离婚法最终走向其反面成为压迫女性的工具。  相似文献   

吴洋 《社科纵横》2006,21(9):101-102
本文从精神损害赔偿的调整范围出发,讨论了离婚之精神损害赔偿理论上的可能性与实践上的必要性,把离婚中的损害区分为离因之精神损害和离婚之精神损害,重点研究了离婚之损害的法律继受、权利义务主体、请求权的让与与继承、赔偿原则及适用范围等问题。  相似文献   

别居制度与离婚制度是国外许多国家亲属法中两项重要的制度。别居即依法解除夫妻同居义务,但仍保持其婚姻关系的法律制度,是国家用以调整夫妻关系而规定的一项特别的制度。而离婚则是婚姻当事人依法解除(或消灭)合法有效的婚姻关系的行为。在国外许多国家的立法体例中,都有关于别居与离婚的规定,有的规定别居与离婚可以相互转换,有的规定一定时间的别居可以作为离婚的法定理由。我国婚姻法中仅有离婚制度,没有关于别居制度的法律规定,因此对二者进行分析比较,做进一步的研究探讨,有助于完善我国的婚姻家庭立法。  相似文献   

日本社会的中老年离婚现象逐渐增多,呈现出愈演愈烈之势.很多媒体制作以此为题材,兴起了很多与此相关的行业与服务,政府也改进了离婚时的年金分割法.由此,中老年夫妇离婚已不仅仅是家庭问题,而且已经成为一个备受关注的社会问题.本文将在具体研究现阶段日本中老年夫妇离婚的特点的基础上,分析、探求这一社会现象出现的深层原因.  相似文献   

有无和好可能:夫妻感情是否破裂的判断标准   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
离婚的法定条件是当前我国婚姻法修改的重点和难点。本文认为以“夫妻感情破裂”还是“婚姻关系破裂”作为裁判离婚的标准并无实质性差异 ,关键在于界定其概念的内涵和外延。文章在对法学专家建议的离婚法定理由作出评估的同时 ,提出了相应的立法建议  相似文献   

This study examines spouse matching for females in second order marriages or cohabitating relationships. It is based on detailed data from longitudinal Swedish population registers. We follow women who marry, divorce, and subsequently remarry compared to women who marry and remain married over the course of the study interval. The earnings of both groups, along with the earnings of their respective husbands, are modeled on the basis of data in the year prior to their marriages. From the regressions we obtain spouse-to-be pairs of earnings residuals and measure the correlation between spouses within each marital regime. Overall, we find significant positive residual correlations for both sample partitions. The correlation is smaller for the first of two marriages for women who divorce than for women who marry and remain married. For the second of successive marriages, however, the correlation is larger than that for women who marry but once. Also for twice-married women, we find evidence of matching between successive husbands. Women who marry men with unmeasured positive earnings capacities, in the event of divorce, tend to select and match in a similar fashion the second time around.  相似文献   

Children are increasingly growing up in non-intact families. Because the family is a vital developmental part of growing-up, parental divorce can have far-reaching effects on children. This article investigates whether divorce interferes with children's engagement in school. According to the deprivation perspective, the effect of a parental divorce on children is mediated through the availability of family resources. Structural equation models are performed on the Leuven's Adolescent and Family Study. We conclude that the parental divorce effect on school engagement is mediated by the parent-child relationship, parental conflict, and financial problems at home.  相似文献   

石智雷 《社会》2020,40(1):213-242
本文利用2013—2015年我国跨省流动人口数据,从动态的视角考察了流入地文化和流出地文化对流动人口婚姻稳定性的影响。数据结果显示,高离婚率地区形成了一种强势的离婚文化,无论是从低离婚率地区流入到高离婚率地区,还是从高离婚率地区流入到低离婚率地区,曾在高离婚率地区生活过的跨省流动人口都会保持较高的离婚概率。离婚文化对个人行为的影响表现为继承效应和浸染效应:继承效应即人们迁移到一个新的文化环境中,原有的离婚文化会持续产生影响;浸染效应即人们迁移到一个新的区域,会受到新接触的离婚文化的影响。年轻人更容易受到新迁入地文化浸染效应的影响,而年龄较大的人更容易受到流出地文化继承效应的影响。在新环境中,男性更容易接受新的文化,而女性则更多地保留了原有文化特征。  相似文献   

People who divorce experience a number of negative impacts, and yet divorce also offers opportunities for growth and transformation. This qualitative study of older adult women offers the possibility that divorce may be sexually empowering, especially for women, based on in-depth interviewing of women who had gone through one or more divorces. Detailed examples of the experiences of fourteen women with divorce and sexual expression are offered, focusing on in which situations divorce might be empowering and how it could contribute to sexual exploration and satisfaction. Overall, for the fourteen women in the study who had experienced divorce, the quality of sex in the marriage impacted the quality of sexual expression after the divorce. Also, these findings supported the idea of transformational learning through divorce, and expand divorce-stress-adjustment and transformational learning perspectives to apply more specifically to sexual expression. Understanding possible impacts of divorce over the lifespan, including strengths-based aspects, is important for social workers as the population they serve ages.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study extends child outcome models by focusing on factors in the adult social domain as contributors to parenting. The sample included 138 divorced mothers, their focal sons, and their support confidants assessed approximately 5 years after marital separation. The multimethod latent variable analysis tested a hypothesized progression stating observed confidant support would enhance problem solving outcomes achieved by mothers and confidants. Resolving parenting and personal issues for the mother was expected to benefit parenting practices (i.e., monitoring, discipline, and mother/child problem solving), which in turn would predict a macro level measure of child antisocial behavior. Analysis of the simplex model supported the progression. The final model explained 36% of the variance in antisocial behavior, 15% of the variance in parenting, and 53% of the variance in problem solving outcome. Dyads with cohabiting partners scored higher on problem solving outcomes than did dyads with friends or family members. The model is discussed in the context of social interactional and social learning theory.  相似文献   

Arising from the landscape of global development and fueled by the demographics of increasing rates of mobility and divorce, the international enforcement of child support is a challenging and growing problem. Current initiatives to rectify this critical problem cut across geopolitical divides and have resulted in the creation of uniform procedures for child support enforcement that are awaiting ratification in the USA: the 2007 Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. In the following paper, we will trace the evolution of these efforts and extrapolate a framework for social work practice illustrated by examples drawn from a case study of a family's plight with international child support enforcement. While thousands of families are impacted by this issue, there is a gap in the social work literature about this critical issue.  相似文献   

Programs for divorce adjustment which utilize short-term groups provide a viable treatment intervention for meeting the needs of divorced clients. Through a comparison of such programs, this article identifies and discusses some of the issues and gaps in our present knowledge about the use of short-term groups for adjustment to divorce. Guidelines are provided for practitioners and agencies interested in developing divorce adjustment group programs or modifying existing ones.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a longitudinal study of the effects of divorce on play and social interaction in children. Forty-eight middle class white preschool children from divorced families and a matched group of forty-eight non divorced families were studied at 2 months, 1 year and 2 years after divorce. In the first year following divorce disruptions were found in both play and social relations for boys and girls from divorced families. The adverse effects had largely disappeared for girls by two years after divorce; however, the effects were more intense and enduring for boys. The play patterns of children from divorced families, in comparison to those of children in non divorced families, were less socially and cognitively mature when measured shortly after divorce. Limitations and rigidity in fantasy play were particularly notable. In the year following divorce both boys and girls showed high rates of dependent helpseeking behavior and acting out, non-compliant behavior. This again was more enduring in boys than girls. Even when the behavior of boys from divorced families had improved they were viewed and responded to more negatively by peers and teachers than were children from non divorced families or girls from divorced families.  相似文献   

Two years after the final decree, 560 divorced parents, fathers as well as mothers, were asked to assess the impact of the divorce on their children. Their responses to this question—as well as to other questions—seemed to divide into a "his" and "hers" perspective. Other variables having to do with the parents and their children, the marriage, the divorce and the changes necessitated by the divorce were analyzed in relation to these parental assessments. Factors associated with fathers' responses differed from those associated with mothers', but the majority of each group felt that their children had been negatively affected by the divorce.  相似文献   

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