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社会工作介入孤残儿童家庭寄养工作的空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自90年代以来,福利院集体照顾模式已无法满足社会发展的需要。1999年国家民政部正式提出有关儿童社会福利改革的思想,并明确提出改变集中供养模式的指针。家庭寄养工作自开展以来,在全国各地得到广泛的响应。本文通过对已有研究的回顾,立足我国家庭寄养工作的现实情况,指出了家庭寄养工作面临的问题,探讨了社会工作在我国孤残儿童家庭寄养工作中的介入空间。  相似文献   

宜昌市儿童福利院自2005年开展家庭寄养工作以来,旨在为孤残儿童提供最适合成长的家庭环境,享受家的温暖,健康成长。此次新家庭寄养流程的规划,不仅更加完善了家庭寄养的服务水平,更有望于在筛选家庭和寄养儿童的过程中,通过科学的寄养方法和亲情养育双效培育模式,让儿童真正获得利益最大化。  相似文献   

王俊丽 《社会工作》2009,(24):59-61
随着社会福利社会化的推进,家庭寄养作为一种新型现代的儿童养育方式正在儿童福利院推广发展起来,宁夏儿童福利院自2001年开展孤残儿童家庭寄养模式以来,至今已经成功地寄养了124名孤残儿童。本文选取家庭寄养较成功的个案进行详细分析,从社会工作专业的角度,思考总结孤残儿童在寄养家庭中的适应、改变过程,反思家庭寄养对福利院、寄养家庭的影响以及对社会工作者的专业服务要求,从而促进儿童福利院家庭寄养模式的发展与完善。  相似文献   

昆明市儿童福利院孤残儿童家庭寄养项目实施以来,以“孤残儿童利益最大化”为原则,秉承“政府出资、社会支持、家庭寄养、统一监护”的宗旨,构建了家庭寄养工作三级监护网络,实现了孤残儿童由生存型向发展型的转变,寄养工作由被动管理向主动服务的转变,实现了寄养项目的本土化,形成了具有鲜明人文特色的农村家庭寄养模式一“昆明模式”,堪称全国一面旗帜!  相似文献   

成都市儿童福利院自2000年开展孤残儿童家庭寄养工作以来,将"以人为本"的理念贯穿寄养工作的始终,力求通过家庭的滋养和关爱促进孤残儿童身心的健康发展.以提高寄养儿童的护理、教育、康复为突破点,以加强科学管理为立足点,以队伍建设为保障点,认真落实<家庭寄养管理暂行办法>,推进家庭寄养规范化开展.  相似文献   

徐建中 《社会福利》2014,(10):14-15
正【政策出台】2014年9月14日,民政部部务会议通过了《家庭寄养管理办法》,办法自2014年12月1日起施行,2003年颁布的《家庭寄养管理暂行办法》(以下简称《暂行办法》)同时废止。【出台背景】家庭寄养是我国上世纪九十年代,开始探索开展的一种新型的孤残儿童养育模式,在促进寄养儿童健康成长、深化儿童福利制度改革方面发挥了积极作用。2003年,民政部制定了《家庭寄养管理暂行办法》,将这种替代家庭养育模式予以制度化、规范化。2012年,民  相似文献   

自1998年正式在中国开展家庭寄养工作以来,“英国关爱儿童”已经先后成功地和38家儿童福利院开展了良好的合作。2009年5月26日到27日,关爱儿童组织将联合其中国合作伙伴中国社会工作协会举行关爱儿童10年家庭寄养工作论坛。除了安排各院领导及寄养工作负责人之外,这将是一个经验总结和分享成就的大会。  相似文献   

孤残儿童家庭寄养作为机构养育的替代模式之一,在民政部的推动下,已经在全国各地推广,并形成了不同的工作模式。家庭寄养工作专业化是家庭寄养工作规范化发展的必然要求,也标志着家庭寄养工作水平的提升。  相似文献   

《儿童家庭寄养管理办法》调研总报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 引言 我国现代意义上的孤残儿童家庭寄养始自上个世纪90年代初期,北京、安徽、上海、山西、云南、吉林、四川等地逐步开展了家庭寄养,迄今已有10余年,家庭寄养这种新的安置模式已经得到广泛的认可。特别是2000年,各地民政部门按照全国社会福利社会化会议的精神,结合本地实际,大力推动家庭寄养工作,全国的家庭寄养工作已经得到迅速发展。为了保证家庭寄养工作的顺利开展,各地行政部门或儿童福利机  相似文献   

张凡 《社会福利》2002,(7):33-35
孤残儿童家庭寄养作为机构养育的替代模式之一,在民政部的推动下,已经在全国各地推广,并形成了不同的工作模式。家庭寄养工作专业化是家庭寄养工作规范化发展的必然要求,也标志着家庭寄养工作水平的提升。  相似文献   

Group work with parents of children in foster care has good potential as a complement to casework services in permanency planning. An underused social work service in child welfare, group work has rarely been provided to natural parents. It can be utilized differentially along the foster care continuum from needs identification through aftercare to provide parents information, support and training specific to foster care. Reports of group work services for abusing parents, parents of children in residential treatment and special programs for natural parents provide relevant information for design of group work with natural parents. An example of a group of parents whose children are in foster home placement is presented. Special considerations for providing group services to natural parents are highlighted. Group work appears to have positive effects on the providing agency as well as on parent group participants. Issues regarding group work in permanency planning include the risk of its misuse through agency-imposed agendas and/or agency determined timetables for individual and group development. It will be helpful to study what group services with which parents at which points in the foster care continuum assist permanency planning efforts.  相似文献   

The subject of stability for children in long‐term foster care is an emerging field within social work with vulnerable children. In Sweden, the adoption of foster children is not a common occurrence. Instead, when a child has been placed in foster care for 3 years, the local social welfare committee will consider whether the custody of the child should be transferred to the foster parents regardless of the circumstances of the birth parents, in order to secure stability and a sense of family belonging. Consequently, custody transfers raise questions such as “who is family?” and “who is a parent?” This qualitative interview study with custodians and young people who have experienced custody transfer highlights that who counts as family and as a parent is ambiguous. This article draws attention to how negotiations about family and parenthood revolve around biological, emotional, and relational dimensions. Furthermore, we show that stability for children in care has to be understood in terms of processes over time and not as the result of a single decision of custody transfer. Consequently, social workers need to take several aspects into account when they assess family belonging and stability for children in foster care.  相似文献   

For some youth in foster care, the closest family or family‐like relationships are with the foster parents with whom they have lived for extended periods of time. Nonetheless, child welfare agencies often do not explore these relationships and the potential they may hold for youth for legal permanence through adoption or guardianship. Recognizing that social workers often lack resources to help them initiate permanency conversations, Casey Family Services, a direct service child welfare agency in the USA, developed a tool that social workers can use to explore youth's sense of emotional security with their foster parents and foster parents' sense of claiming and attachment with youth in their care. The research literature that suggests that emotional security is a critical component of successful permanence provided the foundation for the development of the Belonging and Emotional Security Tool (BEST). When used with youth and foster parents, the BEST was found to advance meaningful permanency conversations. The authors provide case examples of its use and discuss future directions for using the BEST and broadening its application.  相似文献   

How do foster parents support the relational and cultural connections of Indigenous children in care? The answer matters; the well‐being of Indigenous children depends on these connections. At one of Canada's largest Indigenous child welfare agencies, we implemented inclusive foster care, an approach requiring foster parents to engage with the family, community, and cultural life of the child for whom they care. Fifteen years later, we present findings from a thematic analysis of interviews with 13 foster parents who participated in a mixed methods study exploring inclusive foster care. We discuss foster parent strategies to support the child's family relationships: setting clear boundaries, rolling with inconsistency, and understanding the family's (hi)stories. Strategies to strengthen cultural connectedness include visiting traditional territory, using personal initiative and Indigenous knowledge, and engaging in school‐based and “multi‐purpose” cultural opportunities. Drawing on foster parent stories of success, we propose ways for social workers, foster parents, and policymakers to address the cultural and relational disruption that characterizes the experience of Indigenous children in care in colonial settler societies.  相似文献   

随着我国儿童福利事业不断深化改革,儿童福利院逐渐突破传统的养育模式。向社会化、人性化、个性化的方向发展。为使孤残儿童能有一个良好的成长环境,武汉市儿童福利院在现有的福利院集中供养、家庭分散寄养的基础上。于2007年8月开展了“小组家庭寄养模式”。  相似文献   

社会福利是与民生、与社会工作密切相关的领域,生态福利作为社会福利的新的组成部分,更加强调作为个体的人与生态环境的互动。生态福利更强调社会应该为人类生存与发展所提供的好的生存环境以及物质福利与精神福利的双重促进。运用社会工作助人自助的理念和社会工作专业方法可以很好的将生态福利的服务推广和运用到生活中。生态福利社会化概念的提出,有利于扩大社会福利的内涵,唤醒公众关注社会福利的意识,促进社会全面发展。本文将从生态福利社会化的定义、社会工作与生态福利的关系、社会工作方法在生态福利社会化中的具体应用以及社会工作者在其中的角色等方面,对社会工作视角下的生态福利社会化进行探析。认为社会工作方法的应用有助于推进生态福利社会化,促进社会和个人良性互动、协调发展。  相似文献   

福利服务专业化成为福利机构发展的总体趋势。21世纪以来,社会工作作为社会福利专业化的重要推动力普遍走进社会福利领域。在推动社会福利服务专业化进程中,如何发挥其积极功能是社会工作实践探索的重点。本文从强化社会工作协调人职能的角度,探讨社会工作推动福利机构专业化的方式。  相似文献   

福利服务专业化成为福利机构发展的总体趋势。21世纪以来,社会工作作为社会福利专业化的重要推动力普遍走进社会福利领域。在推动社会福利服务专业化进程中,如何发挥其积极功能是社会工作实践探索的重点。本文从强化社会工作协调人职能的角度,探讨社会工作推动福利机构专业化的方式。  相似文献   

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