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学龄初期是指儿童从六七岁到十一、二岁这一时期,这时儿童进入学校,开始以学习为主导的活动。它是儿童心理发展的一个重要时期。作为社会工作专业方法之一的小组工作能帮助学龄初期儿童树立团结互助与分享意识,培养他们团结合作的精神,提高他们独立自主的能力。笔者从小组工作专业视角出发,以湖北省荆州市实验小学××班作为个案,描述并分析了学龄初期儿童的特征,阐述了小组工作方法对学龄初期儿童介入的可行性,探讨了小组工作方法的介入、评估及个人反思。  相似文献   

作为注重操作性且具有完善理念和技术的专业工作方法,社会工作对老年人社会适应的介入是增进老年问题解决的有效措施。经过实践经验和理论的总结,社会工作形成了个案工作、小组工作和社区工作三大主要方法。本文从专业实务的角度解析三大主要专业方法在老年社会适应问题领域的操作性技巧。以提高社会工作专业方法在实务运用中的有效性,增进老年社会福利服务专业化发展。  相似文献   

孙秀影  魏成 《社会工作》2011,(20):26-29
大学新生进校后,面对的是一个既新奇而又完全陌生的环境,他们要完成专业学习上的自觉、环境和自身角色上的认同、生活上的自理、思想上的自我教育、目标上的自我选择等一系列适应问题。在以往的入学新生教育中多采用思想政治教育的方法来解决,而笔者根据所学知识结合带组经验,从社会工作的角度出发,采用社会工作三大专业手法之一小组工作来介入高校新生入学适应问题,并为小组工作提出了一套小组工作介入高校新生入学适应问题的基本模式。  相似文献   

老年人社会适应的社会工作介入方法操作技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为注重操作性且具有完善理念和技术的专业工作方法,社会工作对老年人社会适应的介入是增进老年问题解决的有效措施。经过实践经验和理论的总结,社会工作形成了个案工作、小组工作和社区工作三大主要方法。本文从专业实务的角度解析三大主要专业方法在老年社会适应问题领域的操作性技巧。以提高社会工作专业方法在实务运用中的有效性,增进老年社会福利服务专业化发展。  相似文献   

单亲家庭的留守儿童现象和问题引起了越来越多学者的关注,但是鲜见对母亲离家出走这种抛弃式造成的单亲家庭的研究,从社会工作视角展开的研究更是几近空白.本研究运用访谈法、量表法分析母亲离家出走家庭的留守儿童自我接纳问题的成因及需求,并通过个案工作、小组工作介入该类型的留守儿童低自我接纳问题,进而总结社会工作介入路径,以期引导这类留守儿童学会自我接纳并悦纳自我,从而构建良好的适应性人格,促进他们健康成长生活.  相似文献   

赵晓歌 《社会工作》2008,(20):27-28
受艾滋病影响儿童作为特殊弱势群体,其救助具有特殊性和多元性,需要社会各方面力量的参与和整合。作为一项专业的综合性服务活动,社会工作以助人自助为核心价值观,强调个别化、平等、接纳等原则。运用专业的理论、方法和技巧介入受艾滋病影响儿童群体。目的是协助其走出心理等多重困境,同时能够使其社会功能得到恢复和发展。在综观现有研究的解决对策基础上,文章尝试了高校社会工作教育者介入受艾滋病影响儿童群体救助工作的新路径探析,分析了其优势和特点。并对其工作载体和工作手法等提出了构想。  相似文献   

受艾滋病影响儿童作为特殊弱势群体,其救助具有特殊性和多元性,需要社会各方面力量的参与和整合。作为一项专业的综合性服务活动,社会工作以助人自助为核心价值观,强调个别化、平等、接纳等原则,运用专业的理论、方法和技巧介入受艾滋病影响儿童群体,目的是协助其走出心理等多重困境,同时能够使其社会功能得到恢复和发展。在综观现有研究的解决对策基础上,文章尝试了高校社会工作教育者介入受艾滋病影响儿童群体救助工作的新路径探析,分析了其优势和特点,并对其工作载体和工作手法等提出了构想。  相似文献   

为了深化教学改革,提高人才培养质量,我国大部分高校推行按大类招生分阶段培养的模式。该模式有利于"厚基础、宽口径、强能力、高素质"的人才培养,但是学科门类划分是否合理,培养阶段设置是否科学等都会影响学生的专业学习。笔者以长江大学社工L班团队建设小组为个案,研究了小组工作方法介入大学生专业成长中的作用。结果表明,小组工作方法有利于社会工作专业学生的专业成长。  相似文献   

张丽芬  肖飞 《社会工作》2013,(1):105-112,154
社会工作的专业介入是肿瘤患者康复的重要条件。本研究运用个案研究的方法,基于社会工作的优势视角理论、互动理论、群体动力理论、干预理论、预估理论以及标签理论等专业视角,探讨了个案工作、小组工作、社区工作介入肿瘤患者的行动模式。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的快速发展,高等教育入学率不断提高,大学生群体不断壮大。在入学初期,大学新生普遍在学习、生活、人际交往等方面存在不适应问题。社会工作专业高年级学生运用小组工作帮助新生解决入学适应性问题能够发挥"平等"、"助人自助"、"小组动力"等专业优势。通过南通大学"一米阳光"新生成长小组的具体实践,发现小组工作在介入大学新生入学适应问题过程中存在新生对小组工作专业性不够了解,工作人员经验缺乏,场地、设备及时间等客观条件不足等诸多问题,建议将社会工作专业资源纳入学生工作体系并逐步实现学校社会工作的职业化,以便使社会工作在学生工作中充分发挥作用。  相似文献   

郝秋丽 《社会工作》2008,(14):27-29
边缘老人在此特指被外来务工人员带到城市中来、在城市中生活、主要职责就是帮助成年子女照看孩子的老人。笔者采用质的研究方法,访谈对象是北京市华奥打工子弟学校一名学生的奶奶,目的在于通过深人的个案分析,对边缘老人在京的休闲活动、社会支持网络、自我概念与发展以及求助形态与意愿等进行深人的综合探讨。经过调查,笔者发现,这些在京的边缘老人的生活比较单一,对自我的评价也处于相对矛盾的状态。基于调查资料分析结果,笔者结合社会工作心理社会治疗模式的理论就如何对这一群体开展社会工作,服务城市中的边缘老人做了进一步的探索。  相似文献   

农民工子弟学校是城市化流动加速背景下产生的特殊教育机构。学校社会工作介入农民工子弟学校不仅对于农民工子弟学校,而且对于拓展社会工作都具有重要的现实意义。其具体价值体现为:优化心理素质,促进学生正常心理的健康发展;增强学生对城市的认同感,促进其亲社会行为的发展;密切联系家庭,改善家庭教育效果;提高学生的学习动机与学习积极性;影响教师的教育理念,加强教师与学生的沟通;实现教育公平、构建和谐社会;促进社会工作的社会认可度。  相似文献   

刘小平 《社会工作》2009,(18):38-40
打工子弟虽然大多已有条件接受基础教育,但他们普遍存在社会适应、城市融入、人际交往的能力差以及亲子沟通障碍等问题。为了解决这些问题,帮助打工子弟在大城市健康成长,我们尝试在两所北京市打工子弟学校运用学校社会工作的方法开展了一系列服务,包括个案、小组和社区教育等。通过这些服务,服务对象在个人卫生习惯、人际交往等方面比以前有了显著改善,不少打工子弟尊重和关心他人的意识增强,架设了学校、打工子弟、打工子弟家长三位一体的沟通桥梁。但是,我们的服务也暴露出了一些不足,比如个案工作开展得不够深入、社会动员不够等。导致这些问题的原因包括实习学生经验不足和未能充分利用社会支持系统等方面。以上问题,希望在今后进一步服务过程中能够加以避免和克服。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine child and parent predictors of children's hostile attribution bias (HAB) with a particular focus on exploring the associations between parents’ early attribution of child misbehavior and children's HAB in the transition to school age. Participants were 241 children (118 girls) of middle‐income families who were at risk for school‐age conduct problems. Multi‐method, multi‐informant data were collected on maternal attributions of child misbehavior, parental use of corporal punishment, and child attributes (i.e., verbal IQ, effortful control, theory of mind, and emotional understanding) at 3 years, and child HAB in ambiguous situations at 6 years. Results indicated that mothers’ internal explanations for children's misconduct may either reduce or increase children's later HAB depending on the specific content of attributions, such that mothers’ belief that children misbehave because of their internal state (i.e., emotional state or temperament) was associated with lower levels of child HAB, whereas attributing power‐based motives (i.e., manipulative, controlling intentions) in children was associated with higher levels of HAB. The findings are discussed with respect to appreciating the complexity of parents’ explanations for children's behavior, and considering parental cognition as a potential target for early identification and prevention of child HAB and related problems.  相似文献   

The importance of schools and teachers in child welfare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article begins by challenging what is considered to be the relative neglect by child and family social work of the importance for children of school and teachers. Key roles of school in children's lives are conceptualized. School is argued to have potential as an ally for children, a guarantor of basic protection, a capacity builder, a secure base from which to explore the self and the world, an integrator into community and culture, a gateway to adult opportunities and a resource for parents and communities. It is suggested that school can have a special supportive value for children experiencing adversity, including those in state care or under supervision, those whose parents have divorced, and those recovering from abuse or neglect. The implications of the central importance of schools and teachers for child and family social work are discussed with reference to the child as client, work with teachers, work with the wider school and community, and policies in social work agencies and in education and training programmes for social workers and teachers.  相似文献   

Turchi B 《Social science》1987,72(2-4):185-190
In this study of household time allocations, Turchi argues that children play a crucial part in the trade-off that members of a household must make between time at home and the pursuit of economic gains in the marketplace. Turchi examined data collected by Baumann, Udry, and Turchi in 1977 for a study of marriage and fertility to study how families handle the time that children add to their schedules. Using the data and the theory of utility maximization from economics, the researchers were able to look at the amounts of time a group of parents reported spending in various child-related activities and the impact this had on their economic status. The average number of hours a wife devotes to various activities varies considerably with having children. For example, wives spend 21 hours/week on general housework before having children, 16 hours/week when the children are preschool age, and 13 hours/week when the children are school-age. The child-related housework increased from 0 to 26 hours with preschool children, and then decreased to 21 hours with school-age children. Child care increased to 26 hours/week with preschoolers, and decreased to 20 with school-age children. Outside employment dropped from 29 hours/week to 11 with preschoolers, and increased to 18 with school-age children. Turchi has developed a method for measuring the value of time for nonworking women; it allows more precise understanding of the factors that determine the time allocation of wives, and, in particular, their fertility decision. This method allows the estimation of the monetary value of time spent in housework and child care, which is of great interest to lawyers who specialize in personal injury and divorce cases. While findings may support the argument that individuals who grow up without siblings are more successful, more intelligent, and better educated because of more quality time from parents, Turchi offers a different interpretation. He suggests that sharing a parent's time with siblings also results in quality time spent with a child. 2 children do not necessarily double the time costs of 1. He further argues than the psychological costs per child may even drop as family size increases.  相似文献   

Family homelessness is a key social issue across many European countries and is associated with uncertainty, a lack of safety and increased risks for children which can trigger the involvement of child welfare services. Living in homeless accommodation during the early years of a child's life also has the potential to impact on a child in many ways, for example, academically, physically, emotionally and socially. In the current paper, the authors review existing literature regarding the impact of family homelessness on children's development in order to identify key messages for social work practitioners working with children and families experiencing homelessness, for example, in the field of child protection and welfare. Findings reveal that family homelessness impacts on various aspects of a child's world and ultimately on their development, as a result of reduced social networks, inappropriate space to facilitate play, increased school mobility and school-dropout rates and increased levels of behavioural challenges and mental health concerns. These findings are discussed with relevance to social work practice when working with children and families who experience homelessness and how social work professionals can address the developmental needs of children who experience homelessness. Implications regarding future research and the education and training of social workers are also explored.  相似文献   

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