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城市发展转型的缘起、内涵与态势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章分析了传统城市发展模式带来的弊端与面临的挑战,阐述了中国城市发展转型的基本内涵,即发展理念、产业结构、增长方式、发展动力、体制机制五大转型的有机统一,总结了21世纪以来我国城市发展转型的总体特点与态势,并据此提出了加快推动我国城市发展转型的对策建议。  相似文献   


“Backyard” green infrastructure programs are an innovative way to manage urban stormwater, with many social and ecologic benefits. In many programs, however, residents with lower incomes are not reached, though they could benefit from participation, and though their participation could benefit the socioecological system. We examined awareness of and interest in backyard green infrastructure among lower- and moderate-income residents (N = 234). Awareness among our study population is low to moderate, but interest is moderate to high, with variability by some demographic and other characteristics. A spouse/partner, city agency, and/or neighbor may have influential roles in increasing participation in backyard green infrastructure.  相似文献   

Trends and needs in programming for independent living   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R Cook 《Child welfare》1988,67(6):497-514
This report, from a national survey, pictures what presently exists on this important part of the foster care continuum, and sets forth the specifics of policy and practice that should characterize preparation for independent living.  相似文献   

杨学红 《城市》2006,(5):71-72
一、现代化城市及现代化城市建设对基础设施发展的基本要求 中心城市现代化,是指中心城市建设的现代化,也是城市内部生产和生活服务的各种基础设施和一切活动的现代化.现代化的核心社会目标,是为了提高人类在物质生活和文化生活方面的品质.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we stress the importance of the concept respect in a wide variety of social settings and provide a working definition of this concept by emphasizing how respect relates to the act of communicating full recognition to other people on the dimensions of belongingness and morality. Subsequently, in two separate parts, we discuss why respect is so desired and valued. The first part looks at respect as a means to fulfil important human social concerns (“respect as a means to an end”). The second part looks at the potential moral underpinnings of respect and thus interprets “respect as an end in itself.” Finally, it is suggested that both reasons to value respect explain respect effects as a function of the working selfconcept that is salient (i.e., pragmatic versus idealistic self). Laetitia B. Mulder is Assistant Professor of Social Psychology at Tilburg University. Her research interests are social decision making, sanctions and rewards, moral norms, compliance, and norm internalization.  相似文献   

对上海未来公共交通的发展趋势作了简要叙述,优化的公共交通线网、新型的公交车辆、先进的计算机管理网络和科学的车辆维修制度将大大提高城市公共交通的供应水平和服务质量。  相似文献   

20世纪后期以来,许多发达国家与发展中国家都在经历巨大的政治、经济转型,其中中国从计划体制向市场体制的成功转型引起国内外众多学者的广泛关注,“中国城市研究网络(UCRN)”针对中国城市转型开展了较为系统的理论与实证研究,在国内外产生较大的影响。本文着重基于UCRN核心成员的转型研究,并综合参考其他学者的相关研究,对中国城市转型研究的新动态进行初步的透视与解读,并对UCIKN的集成之作《转型与重构:中国城市发展多维透视》进行简要评介。  相似文献   

《Habitat International》1988,12(3):65-90
Mounting international evidence suggests that an important determinant of the success of large scale urban development projects is the effectiveness of the institutional framework and capacity of government (and its agencies at all levels) to implement project proposals. In this regard, the limited professional and management expertise in transport identified by the Manpower Development and Training Study of the First Regional Cities Urban Transport Project in Indonesia proved critical. The identified staff shortages (particularly among the city authorities) were so acute, as to be in the author's view almost as important as the Project's engineering and financial findings.  相似文献   

经过10多年的发展,上海对全球资源配置能力的需求正逐渐由要素资源配置能力向综合性战略资源配置能力转变.上海到2020年基本建成国际经济、金融、贸易与航运中心后,随着城市转型的发展需要,除了满足经济要素的全球配置能力外,吸引国际组织或机构,争取国际话语权也是上海全球资源配置能力的应有之义.  相似文献   

In this case study, designers proactively proposed new product ideas to a client by using an ergonomic approach. This approach differs from a more traditional approach where one works within a specific, clientdefined project. The methodology used included basic ergonomic techniques such as task analysis and information gathering sessions conducted with users. It was adapted so that these enriched user sessions could be conducted within a short time period. After meeting with five users in seven days, designers identified 20 problems that could be tackled and eight design ideas that could be implemented over the short, medium and long term. The ideas encompassed a wide range of potential projects, including physical product improvements, new product lines, Web-site and software improvements and longer term research. Problems identified and ideas generated involved many disciplines including occupational therapy, mechanical engineering, graphical design, software engineering, sales and manufacturing know-how. This wide range was possible because designers were not constrained to specific project scopes and timelines. The client was involved in the idea evaluation process. As a result of this study two new projects were initiated so far.  相似文献   

InScale and Scope, A.D. Chandler explores the role of management in shaping growth and competitiveness in industrialising nations. Chandler views managers as reacting to technological and economic change rather than initiating it, giving little attention to the extent to which growth of modern management and corporate capacities were tied to the emergence of parallel structures in government and society, and the important national differences in the role of public and private sectors in the process. His failure to offer a broad and encompassing paradigm of organisational growth and change produces a celebration of ‘American exceptionalism’ and corporate bigness rather than a genuinely comparative analysis.  相似文献   

In December 1976, the Director of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM), Mr. John F. Thomas, addressed a Seminar of the American Immigration and Citizenship Conference in New York, where the author of this article, Dr William S. Bernard, Chairman of the Committee on lntegration of the American Immigration and Citizenship Conference and Emeritus Director of the Center for Migration Studies, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, was honoured for his eminent work and contributions on the world-wide problems of voluntary and forced migratory movements and especially the human aspectsinvolved. The editors of International Migrarion hope that this eminent author will also in future con- tribute his valuable articles to this periodical.  相似文献   

The present article delineates the parallel and complex processes of integration and disintegration under way in both Eastern and Western Europe. By drawing attention to the interrelatedness and consequent long‐ranging implications of these transformational processes, the author calls for a re‐evaluation of the role of Western aid to Eastern Europe as well as of that of the intellectuals.  相似文献   

This paper examines the absorption of foreign aid in the presence of formal and informal production. Calibrating a two-sector open economy model to 67 aid-recipient countries for 1990–2019, we show that an increase in foreign aid drives resources into the informal sector, and away from the formal sector. With untied aid, the expansion of the informal sector can lead to an economic contraction through the Dutch Disease effect. An economic expansion with an increase in the share of formal production can be attained by re-allocating existing aid to public investment rather than an increase in the aggregate level of aid.  相似文献   

This essay examines some of the trends in educational, sociological, and social psychological research on inequality of educational opportunity for African Americans in the United States. A review of theoretical approaches and methodological developments is followed by an overview of research and theory in selected substantive areas; social allocation processes in schools (ability grouping, tracking, etc.), the relationship of poverty to academic achievement, and educational attainment. The article concludes with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

This article reports on a survey of 800 members of four Social HMO demonstration sites, who were receiving home-based, community-based, and short-term institutional services under the demonstration's expanded community care benefits. The survey asked whether members needed help in 11 areas, whether they received help in each area from an informal caregiver, whether they wanted more help from the Social HMO, and whether help provided by both was adequate. Satisfaction with the program and with service coordination was also assessed. The adequacy of informal care differed by problem area, as did the help desired from the Social HMO and its responsiveness. Members were less satisfied when they had weaker informal care, were African American, and when they received inadequate help from the plan with ADLs, transportation, medical access, and managing money. Members were more satisfied when they were professionals, home owners, knew their service coordinator's name (or how to contact her), and received help with their problems. The findings point to the importance of clarifying divisions of labor with informal caregivers, as well as possible expansions in responsibilities for service coordinators and benefits beyond traditional boundaries.  相似文献   

In contrast to the “eradication and resettlement” approach of the 1960s and 1970s, and the implementation of isolated public-works projects in the 1980s, the 1990s in Rio have brought a comprehensive upgrading approach to the favelas. Such local innovations in Brazil began to emerge after the enactment of the 1988 Constitution that gave municipalities the power to formulate urban policies and laws at the local level. We examine the Favela-Bairro Program, in particular, highlighting its five central features: (1) projects designed to integrate favelas with planned neighborhoods (bairros), (2) urban redevelopment plans that embody a comprehensive approach, (3) an emphasis on coordination among municipal agencies, (4) utilization of a participatory approach, and (5) the use of private sector firms in executing public works projects.  相似文献   

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