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During the last decade, federal laws have provided for remedial education in elementary and secondary schools for students with learning disabilities, preparing large numbers of them for college. Federal law also mandates helping learning-disabled students with their needs once they matriculate. Declining numbers of high school graduates in the aftermath of the baby boom have made more colleges open their doors to these students. The disabilities, and the accommodations they require, arrive in college with the rest of a student's baggage, demanding attention. Colleges and universities have chosen a variety of approaches, from specific remedial programs and individual accomodations according to need to more general programs. Some colleges pretend these disabilities do not exist and seem oblivious to their presence on campus. Learning disabilities can have an impact in every class and lecture hall and can contribute to unhappiness and the college's attrition rate. On the other hand, responsive and responsible programs provide students with the resources for the same education, honors, and opportunities as their nondisabled peers.  相似文献   

新媒介环境下传媒与青少年社会化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对近十几年来国内有关传媒与青少年社会化问题的文献进行了系统回顾,归纳出研究现状和特点:网络和电视等电子媒介是研究的主要内容;研究集中于社会化的结果,缺乏对于青少年的认知机制如何影响其处理传媒的信息的过程研究;研究对象存在着明显的不平衡现象,且概念使用混乱;研究方法日趋多样,但缺乏大型、系统的实证研究。在此基础上,对今后研究的发展方向进行了预测和分析。  相似文献   

Why Is Inflation Low When Productivity Growth Is High?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inflation has been low when productivity growth has been high. This occurs because the Federal Reserve has not adjusted nominal income growth in response to changes in productivity growth, implying that an acceleration in trend productivity growth leads to a deceleration in inflation. The model's predictions are confirmed: (1) Inflation should fall when trend productivity growth rises, and (2) nominal income and wage growth should not change with trend productivity. The model also implies that productivity growth enters a Phillips curve relationship as a proxy for inflation expectations. Thus, estimates of the NAIRU should fall when productivity growth accelerates.  相似文献   

To characterize infant reactions to jealousy evocation, 94 6‐month‐olds and their mothers were videotaped in an episode where the mothers directed positive attention toward a lifelike doll, and in 2 contrasting interactions: face‐to‐face play and a still‐face perturbation. Cross‐context comparisons of affects and behaviors revealed that jealousy evocation responses were distinguished by diminished joy and heightened anger and intensity of negative emotionality, comparable to levels displayed during the still‐face episode; heightened sadness, with durations exceeding those displayed during still‐face exposure; and an approach response consisting of interest, looks at mother, and diminished distancing, which was more pronounced than that demonstrated during play. Infants' heightened anger and sadness during jealousy evocation correlated with heightened maternal sensitivity and dyadic vocal turn‐taking, respectively, during play; and infants' diminished joy and interest during jealousy evocation were associated with heightened maternal withdrawal and intrusiveness, respectively, during play. Both fear and mother‐directed gaze were greater in girls. The discussion argues for interpreting the infant's mixed and agitated reaction to jealousy evocation as evidence of jealousy.  相似文献   

学会选择是成长——对“尊重”教育的一点感受   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从哲学的角度剖析了中国传统的"教化"式教育的弊端,通过对"尊重"含义的重新解读,提出"尊重"教育的全新理念.进而指出师长和社会应让青少年学习选择,在学会选择的过程中逐步成长.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of medium, communicator, andmessage content on the persuasiveness of a communication. Subjectsreceived either a television, radio, or written presentationwhich either agreed or disagreed with their initial position.The communicator was either a political candidate, a representative,a former representative, or a newscaster. The results indicatedthat the newscaster and former representative were consideredmost trustworthy, the representative next most trustworthy,and the candidate least trustworthy. Although there was no maineffect for medium, the medium did interact with the source variable.Overall, television was the most effective medium for the newscasterand former representative but the least effective for the candidate.  相似文献   

Through the author's personal story, this article details a case in which traditional conception and adoption were not options available for starting a family. It gives the author's rational for choosing surrogacy and describes his experience with surrogacy. This article provides an overview of the surrogacy process and concludes with implications counselors may consider and apply to their clinical practice.  相似文献   

Reuniting children with their families is the preferred outcome of foster care, yet many children reunited with their families reenter foster care. This study examined how parental substance abuse and mental health problems, and the time allotted for reunification, are associated with reentry risk. We used a complete cohort of children who entered the Texas foster care system in fiscal years 2008 and 2009 to identify the risk of foster care reentry within 5 years of reunification using selection‐adjusted multilevel survival analysis. Approximately 16% of reunified children reentered care within 5 years. Substance abuse and mental health problems predicted higher rates of reentry. Reunification after 12 months was associated with increased reentry risk overall, but not among children commonly exempted from federal permanency timelines. Permanency guidelines that restrict the length of time to achieve reunification may have the unintended consequence of pushing reunification before maltreatment risks have been resolved.  相似文献   


In this qualitative study of welfare mothers' perceptions and responses to receiving an economic sanction, we recruited a convenience sample of mothers of preschool children whose benefits had been cut due to noncompliance with an employment activity. The interviews combined semi-structured and open-ended questions, as well as measures of maternal depression and economic hardship. No pattern of differences in strategies was found between those women who complied with the work mandate and those who did not. Many of the women were confused about the reason for the cut in their benefit. Policy ramifications of findings in regard to the 2002 TANF Reauthorization legislation are discussed.  相似文献   

信息化服务是新媒体在社区建设不断应用的产物之一。在新媒体环境下,社区在空间上发生了转变,打破了原有的地域性,社区的参与性与网络性更加凸显出来。社区赋权强调多元主体之间的互动,从整体上提升社区能力,而新媒体可能搭建社区服务发展的新平台,构建社区的整体参与网络,形成社区共同体意识,从而推动社区赋权的发展。本文基于对当前信息化服务现状并结合了对厦门市30个社区的信息化服务初步分析,当前社区信息化服务中仍存在着重信息轻网络、重视程度不够、人才资金缺乏等不足。由此,本文对当代中国社区信息化服务的发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Judith Butler's analysis of corporeal matters offers an exemplary account of the hidden political agenda within the very grain of representation and discourse. This essay, however, argues that language and its political implications are even more complex and curious than Butler concedes. The author contests the conflation of writing with Culture, as if Culture is the constitutive and enclosed space of productivity and transformation. She argues that the question of Nature has not been provoked in Butler's analysis but answered and dismissed much too quickly. The author extends the problematic of writing to biology and suggests that Nature is literate.  相似文献   

新媒体环境下高校形象建设探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新媒体的产生、发展和壮大催生了大众传媒的深刻变革,创造了高校形象建设的全新范式。面对蓬勃兴起的新媒体及其带来的机遇和挑战,我们应保持清醒认识,主动作为,采取有效措施,扬长避短,趋利避害,不断提升高校形象建设的针对性和实效性,为高校的事业发展创造良好环境。  相似文献   

This article presents an approach to curriculum design that incorporates natural environmental content into social work education using sustainability principles. The curriculum development project outlined here used scenario-based learning (SBL) to integrate sustainability themes into contemporary social work practice challenges. SBL offers a flexible pedagogical strategy to integrate environmental content and explore social complexity. Importantly, it presents eco-social concerns as a central consideration of all contemporary social work practice.  相似文献   

Today, the many innovations and the spread of new media and information technologies are bringing new realities to contemporary society. In Japanese sociology, this social transformation is called johoka , or information–oriented transformation. The present study examines two aspects of today's urban environment, concerning this social transformation. One is the phenomenon of "Disneylandization" of the urban environment and the other is the emergence of "cyberspace" or the "cybercity". The former is the proliferation of areas and buildings filled with signs and designs that are quoted from other historical or geographical contexts, and arranged under some "theme" or "concept", such as theme parks. The latter is the emergence of "virtual spaces" and the "virtual city" in computer networks, especially on the Internet. The former is a change in the physical urban environment and the latter is a phenomenon of the non–physical environment, inside computers. However, in spite of this contrast, these phenomena can be considered to result from the same social transformation—that is, the new relationship between space and society. The semantic emptiness, and expectations and desires for a sense of "placeness" in contemporary society are the preconditions of both phenomena. Often these elements are regarded as postmodern phenomena, yet it is of interest to explore Disneylandization and the emergence of the cybercity as the latest versions of the modern urban transformation and the modern urbanism.  相似文献   

Social media continues to grow as a focus of social, organizational, and scholarly interest, yet there is little agreement as to what constitutes social media and how it can be effectively analyzed. We review various definitions of social media and note that much of the confusion regarding social media comes from conflation between social media types, platforms, and activities. To facilitate investigations of social media, we debunk common social media myths and review the relationship between social media and several prominent sociological concerns. We conclude by reflecting on directions for future research on social media.  相似文献   

The terms basic, superordinate, subordinate, and global are often used to describe the categories formed by infants. However, although infants' categories appear externally to match those formed by adults, it is not clear that they are grounded in an organized hierarchical system that embodies relations within and between domains; that is, a taxonomy. To assess whether it is appropriate to consider infants' categories as taxonomies, 3 criteria are examined: (a) similarity to adults' choice of category members, (b) hierarchical understanding, and (c) agreement with adults' bases for classification. It is argued that infants' categories do not meet these criteria and that it may be erroneous to apply the same labels to categories formed in the first 2 years as those in later life. To do so may be to hold an illusion of taxonomies about infants' categories.  相似文献   

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