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谢赫的"六法论"是中国绘画的重要理论,"气韵生动"在"六法论"中处于首位,全面奠定了中国古代传统绘画中美学思想的基础。本文从对"气韵生动"的认识,通过"气"、"韵"、"生动"之间的关系,来谈"气韵生动"内在的美学思想,突出了"气韵生动"美学观念在中国古代美学思想发展中的重要位置。  相似文献   

2014年以来,"淘宝镇"数量不断增加,关于"淘宝村"如何向"淘宝镇"发展、升级的研究已经迫在眉睫。"淘宝村"连片发展形成"淘宝镇"是"淘宝村"发展历程的重大跨越,由现有的成熟的"淘宝镇"已得经验可使未来"淘宝村"的跨越发展越来越顺利。  相似文献   

"三全育人"重心在"全",要求实现"教"与"育"、"管"与"育"、"服"与"育"的融合贯通。探索"三全育人"是一个系统理论:开展"全员育人",是人员保障;开展"全程育人",是过程管理;开展"全方位育人",是载体融合与创新。广大教师做到教书育人,广大管理者做到管理育人,广大职工做到服务育人,努力实现全员育人凝心聚力、全程育人系统规划、全方位育人创新载体。  相似文献   

朱艳君 《现代妇女》2014,(9):316-316
庄子在其文中以"言"为核心要素,以"道"、"美"、"意"、"知"为支点,构建了"言与道"、"言与美"、"言与意"、"言与知"的审美立体结构,描绘了"即言即道"、"大美不言"、"得意忘言"、"不言之教"的美学理想,开辟了一个自由的言说天地。  相似文献   

卢晓宁 《职业》2016,(5):145
中职学校存在师生阅读"整体性无序"、教师指导"无奈性无为"、阅读举措华而不实等问题,本文提出了构建阅读体系,变"无序"为"有序";强化教师学习,变"无为"为"有为";创建阅读机制,变"不实"为"有实"等建议.  相似文献   

一篇题为<16汉字之错:即不尊重女性,又误导儿童人生观?>的文章出现于多家网站的讨论区,作者叶满天提出,有16个汉字:"娱"、"耍"、"婪"、"嫉"、"妒"、"嫌"、"佞"、"妄"、"妖"、"奴"、"妓"、"娼"、"奸"、"姘"、"婊"和"嫖","均具有一定的贬义,让儿童在学习的过程中,让普通人在书写或阅读的过程中,从视觉上觉得这16个字与女性性别有根本的联系,无形中降低了他们对女性的评价."  相似文献   

"享有"比"拥有"贵重。我们"享有"空气,但无法"拥有"空气,我们"享有"阳光,但无法"拥有"太阳。同样的,我们享用友情亲情,但没办法,也不该想"拥有"那个友人亲人,我们也享用爱情,但没办法,也不该想"拥有"那个爱人。所以,就享有吧,"享有"比"拥有"贵重多了。——蔡康永  相似文献   

正"粉头"是"粉丝团"团长的别称,主要任务是率领自己的"粉丝团"和别的"粉丝团"抢地盘、比人气,联络广告公司,在网上炮制各种花痴文章,诋毁别人的偶像。所谓"散粉",是指没有加入任何组织的"粉丝"。"散粉"和"粉丝团"团员捐的活动经费由"粉头"登记造册,统  相似文献   

"草莓族"、"装忙族"、"闪婚族"、"捏捏族"……都市里各种族群让人眼花缭乱。"新新人类"的生活方式和理念,值得我们认真审视。随着"低碳经济"、"碳汇"等新名词的出现,"低碳族"应运而生并迅速壮大。可要养成少开汽车、随手关灯这类"低碳"好习惯,一般人还真费劲。保护环境时不我待,如今,北京的"低碳族"算是初具规模。  相似文献   

何谓风水 地理有书始于黄石(秦末汉初),续于郭璞,盛于杨公(杨筠松,唐),厥后伪书杂出,假冒名公(将国,清)."风水"又称"堪舆"、"卜宅"、"相宅"、"地理"、"形法"、"青囊"、"青鸟"、"阴阳"、"山水之术"等等.  相似文献   

Challenges to men's claims to "know" the nature of women and the nature of the world have contributed to the development of the field of feminist epistemology. So also have critiques of the substantive claims of "authoritative" texts on such questions, consideration of the adequacy of traditional conceptions of knowledge, reason, rationality and the knowing subject, explorations of the causes and the persistence of defective epistemological theories, investigations of the influence of gender upon modes of cognition and analyses of the implications of particular theories of knowledge for feminist research in various academic disciplines. This essay provides a survey of these topics and the range of positions advanced by feminist scholars on these issues.  相似文献   

高职院校精品课程的建设,目的在于提高教学质量,使培养的人才更适合行业企业发展的需要。文章以乌海职业技术学院无机化学精品课程建设为例,从岗位群调研与分析、师资队伍建设、修订教学大纲,进行一体化教学,对课程进行精心设计、建立立体化考核机制等几方面探析了能力本位精品课程的建设。  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the possible consequences of the introduction of online Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for the social politics of neighbourhoods and the public sphere more generally. Summarizing a number of recent theorizations of neighbourhood informatization, the article provides examples of online GIS in the UK and considers some of the possible implications of the use of such technologies for contemporary debates about citizenship in the context of processes of 'splintering urbanism'. Arguing that social citizenship is best understood in terms of varying forms of 'proactive' or 'defensive' engagement, the paper explores the relationship between virtual decision making about neighbourhood choice and the impact of aggregated virtual decisions 'on the ground', before going on to consider how differentiated forms of engagement are producing new forms of social exclusion in changing urban spaces.  相似文献   

Beliefs in the impossibility of interpersonal comparison of welfare and the unacceptability of utilitarianism are based on a non-materialist solution to the theory of mind, i.e. on the existence of a soul. The compellingness of the theory of evolution and some discoveries in brain sciences render (philosophical) materialism very persuasive. The acceptance of materialism implies the negation of free will, non-significance of the self (no substantial reason to care much more about the welfare of one's own future self than the welfare of others), possibility of interpersonal comparison of welfare, compellingness of utilitarianism, and the possibility of conscious machines. Searle's argument on the impossibility of rigorous social sciences is however rejected.I am grateful to Dennis Mueller and Aubrey Townsend for commenting on the first draft.  相似文献   

黄晓星 《社会学研究》2012,(1):199-220,246
本文聚焦于南苑①围绕广安肿瘤医院的抗争故事,将该事件置于城市空间重构与生产的结构性情境下,分析社区空间的生产机制。文章指出,自上而下的空间规划权力在执行过程中隐蔽在市场化的话语体系下,以程序合法性及产权的话语获得垄断地位;而自下而上的抗争以规则、权利等意识为主导,通过"间隙运用"的策略生产出社会空间,但最终服从于空间的霸权体系。作者分析了空间霸权的战略、空间抗争的战术特点,以及上下分合轨迹,将其统合成为社区空间的生产过程。笔者认为,社区空间应该趋向对社会主义空间的生产,才能更好地实现空间正义。  相似文献   

Williams elaborates the concept of structures of feeling in different ways at important points in his writings. This gives it a particular methodological significance in relating the extraordinariness of imaginative literature to the ordinariness of cultural process. It is employed particularly to show the significance of literature for the articulation of alternatives to dominant world views, and thus to the politics of social change. Williams's different formulations of the concept are discussed in terms of their ways of relating reflexive experience to institutional structures and in relation to the genetic structuralism of Goldmann and Bourdieu's concepts of habitus and cultural field. Three types of criticisms are considered, which have in common the contention that the concept is unclear. Operationalized in analysing literature and its symbols, it can contribute towards clarification of the complexity of the processes of reflexive communication of experience which are at the root of social order and change.  相似文献   

研究城镇化问题,必须清醒认识这一变化可能带来的各种挑战,认清城镇化自身发展的背景和规律。尽管从指标上看,上海等一些经济发达地区的城镇化程度已经很高,但是要看到城镇化模式日益趋同,农业边缘化、人口空心化、离农人口就业保障弱化等各种矛盾交织在一起。因此,必须在推进城镇化进程中正确处理好相关关系。  相似文献   

王群  邓世豹 《当代青年研究》2013,(1):125-128,57
版权意识是落实版权制度、促进版权保护的基础。当代大学生作为社会年轻的知识群体,其版权意识具有重要的示范意义。当代大学生版权意识现状如何,具有什么特点?值得分析。以广州大学城的大学生作为样本对象,围绕当代大学生对于版权意识的诸多认知进行问卷调查分析,总结出其版权意识的有关特点,提出了提高大学生版权意识的有关建议:政府部门和司法机关发挥职能,为提高大学生版权意识营造良好的社会环境;开展有针对性的版权专题宣传活动,扩大受众范围;高校应加强课堂内外版权法律知识教育,拓宽交流平台;提高大学生的版权的主体意识,维护自身权利并积极履行义务。  相似文献   

One of the more interesting aspects of the dialogue between the mediums of the still and moving image that has taken place over recent years has been a concern within fine-art photography for the cinematic. Photographers have turned to the style and iconography of the established genres of cinema as a means of reinventing the pictorial form of the tableau and thereby to explore the possibilities of narrativity within the static image. However, beyond any aesthetic interest the contemporary genre of the ‘cinematic photograph’ may hold, it is argued here that it may be indicative of an important shift in the social, economic and technological bases of fine-art photography. This essay suggests that the significance of the ‘cinematic photograph’ lies in its complex forms of technical production, the mobilisation of skilled labour and professional expertise, and the deployment of substantial economic resources, which are to be found in the film industry. Through an analysis of the work of the American photographer Gregory Crewdson, the authors demonstrate how the formal and iconographic properties of his images are inseparable from his adoption of the cinema's specific modes of production and that the latter is central to a reading of Crewdson's photographs. The consequences this holds for our understanding of the medium of photography are developed with reference to Raymond Williams's concept of ‘medium as social practice’. The authors conclude that the ‘cinematic photograph’ might be regarded as symptomatic of a trend within contemporary art practices to model themselves on cinema as the emblematic form of cultural production of ‘late capitalism’, a trend that has significant implications for the dominant conceptions concerning the nature of the work of art and the role of the artist.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper focuses upon ethical conduct and liberal mentalities of government in the context of the historical sociology of administrative expertise in nineteenth century Britain. After a brief consideration of theories of moral regulation, the paper pursues, by way of a discussion of the government of India and of the famous Northcote-Trevelyan Report on the Civil Service, the issue of the establishment of an appropriate bureaucratic persona in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

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