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在探析国内外公众参与历史街区保护的理论研究与实践案例的基础上,构建历史街区保护的公众参与度评价体系。以国家级历史文化名城泉州西街为例,采用问卷调查和访谈的形式,对我国历史街区保护中的公众参与情况进行测度。结果表明:总体上看,历史街区保护的公众参与度较低。居民意识到自身参与的重要性,并且有意愿参与历史街区的保护工作,参与意识较强,但由于文化、专业知识和参与途径等方面的限制,居民参与能力较低。另外,居民参与后对历史街区保护所产生的影响不大,参与效果不理想。针对评价结果,为提高公众参与度提出了一些实施建议。  相似文献   

对于"七七事变"后张自忠留守北平一事,史学界多数研究者认为张是奉宋哲元之命,但也有人持"逼宫"一说。本文根据20世纪80年代以来海峡两岸公布的国民政府档案,并结合《徐永昌日记》等一些新材料,对此问题作了进一步的分析研究。结论是:"逼宫"说仅凭传闻立论,缺乏事实根据。  相似文献   

论黑龙江满族文化资源的保护挖掘与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
满族是黑龙江主要世居少数民族之一,满族文化是黑龙江多元民族文化的重要组成部分.近年来,学术界开展了抢救满语资料、研究满文档案的民族文化遗产拯救工作,并取得了一定的成果.然而,满族文化资源的挖掘与保护仅靠学术界少数人的努力是远远不够的,还需要全社会的重视及全民的参与,从而形成持久、广泛的民族文化遗产保护意识,以确保满族文化资源保护挖掘与利用工作长期有效的进行.  相似文献   

李洁 《社会》2013,33(2):156-184
本文采用底层史观的方法对中国农村去集体化进程进行了新的解读和分析。通过对江淮地区某村庄口述历史材料和文字档案材料的并置后发现,对这一事件的历史讲述存在不同层次的叙述文本。乡村共同体的隐藏文本揭示了集体化末期基层村庄的行动能力仍然是权宜而分散的,在很大程度上仍然仰仗外部局势的变化。然而在上层精英的叙述中,群众及其需要却被赋予附加的重要意义。进一步研究发现,主流历史的叙述方式与转型时期国家治理的合法性需要密切相关。  相似文献   

孟庆延 《社会》2019,39(4):1-34
相声是起源于中国民间社会并一直流传至今的传统艺术形式,在其百余年的发展过程中,形成了固定的表演形式和独特的内在结构。相声还经历了一个从“江湖”到“庙堂”的历史进程,在这一过程中,相声的演出方式、文本结构及其作品风格,随着历史与社会状况的变迁而不断调整,成为了兼具民情表达与政治之双重要素的文本类型。在本文中,笔者尝试运用相声本子(文本)、地方史志、回忆录等多种材料,在澄清相声的缘起、属性与结构特征的同时,基于历史社会学与阐释人类学等理论视域,选取不同历史时期的典型相声作品展开分析,一方面,呈现作为社会表达的相声文本的多重结构,另一方面,揭示相声作品演进变化背后的内在逻辑,并分析其中所蕴含的民情表达与政治效应的相互关系。  相似文献   

Objectives. State A may control an environmental resource that has value for other actors in the international system. The objective of this article is to compare different contractual arrangements between State A and other agents for preservation of this resource. I concentrate on direct purchase schemes and dynamic (stream–of–payment) schemes. Methods. The problem is analyzed by constructing a model of the returns to State A from exploiting the resource; its public goods value; and transfer payments from other agents. Results. Among the main results are that continual transfers may be better than a one–off buyout and, if the resource does not have a public goods value for the owner, compensation may not be effective. Conclusions. Generally, the analysis points out the gains to be made from paying attention to the type of contractual arrangement. Most of these results would not have been intuitively clear. I also show that rental schemes may be the least risky option.  相似文献   

Fear that others will not maintain confidentiality can prevent persons living with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) from participating in small groups. This article reports on practices for enhancing confidentiality among group members. The research involved surveying group workers on practices used to promote confidentiality and providing PHAs opportunity to share their perspectives. Group workers most frequently reported discussing confidentiality with group members, modelling respect of confidentiality, and seeking member agreement to maintain confidentiality. They also shared suggestions and described challenges related to maintaining confidentiality. Overall, the PHAs agreed with the reported practices. However, differences did emerge around the use and emphasis of certain means, such as the use of signed agreements.  相似文献   

Individuals experience solo status when they are the only members of their social category (e.g., gender or race) present in an otherwise homogenous group. Field studies and surveys indicate that members of socially disadvantaged groups, such as women and racial minorities, have more negative experiences as solos than do members of privileged groups, such as Whites and males (Kanter, 1977; Niemann & Dovidio, 1998). In this article, we review research showing that the public performance of women and African-Americans is more debilitated by solo status than that of Whites and males. We also show that this effect is exacerbated when negative stereotypes about the performer's social group seem relevant to their performance, and we discuss the contributing roles of lowered performance expectancies and feelings of group representativeness. We discuss how findings from social psychological research can be applied towards the goal of reducing the decrements typically associated with being the only member, or one of few members, of one's race and/or gender in the environment.  相似文献   

梁晨  董浩 《社会》2015,35(2):94-108
随着“大数据”时代的到来,依靠大规模系统历史资料构建量化数据库并进行定量分析成为一种新的、行之有效的研究方法。如何将这类历史资料进行合理有效的编码和数据库化,并通过实证分析更好地帮助我们了解社会经济发展的历史经验和对当下的启示,成为学界需要加强探索和讨论的关键技术课题。本文试图借助笔者多年来整理、分析近现代中国高校大学生学籍卡资料的经验,说明这种新方法论视角用于定量分析历史资料的重要价值与必要性,以及可能存在的诸多挑战和可供参考的应对办法。希望藉此引起社会科学与人文学科学者对这种研究方法的关注、讨论、尝试与合作。  相似文献   


Drawing upon a chance find of a cache of love-letters penned by Italian women in the late nineteenth century, this article investigates an emotional landscape that is rarely documented in the archives: the amorous feelings of ordinary women. The writers were anonymous, literate and presumably fairly well-to-do women from various regions in the southern half of Italy. Each of them had an intensely emotional correspondence with a man who toured the provinces in his professional capacity as an equestrian artiste. We know much about the extent to which women were constrained in the nineteenth century, particularly in Mediterranean societies, but we know less about how they experienced and expressed their emotions within those constraints, or how those feelings and expressions reflected or circumvented prevailing cultural models. Ultimately, using a small but valuable sample of evidence, the article aims to show how sensitivity to emotions as an historical category can open new vistas on the subjective hinterlands of the past.  相似文献   

Immigration is a social issue of global importance. Understanding immigration patterns and trends requires paying attention to historical trends, demographic patterns, public policy developments, and cultural attitudes and beliefs. In this article I call for an intensified social psychological analysis of immigration, using Pettigrew's (1997) three-level framework as a means to define the approach. Selected research examples build the case for the critical role that social psychology can play in understanding the individual, group, and intergroup dynamics of immigration.  相似文献   

While much of the extant literature in public management has focused on individual performance using only in-role or job performance, there is a need to consider another approach to individual performance, one that includes extra-role performance. However, public sector organizations have rarely emphasized the integration of these two types of behavioral performance to measure individual performance. Using confirmatory factor analysis and other statistical analyses, this study examines the construct validity of a multidimensional measure of individual performance. This analysis supports a multidimensional approach to individual performance. The implications and limitations of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The equitable character of a policy determines its progressiveness, yet some domestic policies are more equitable than others. The question of how and why this is the case is addressed by studying federal housing and health policies in the United States, a critical case known for its rampant inequalities in both sectors. Although social equity is a fundamental aspect of welfare provision, explaining differences in coverage and government support among policy areas remains a weakness in the literature. This comparative historical analysis shows that both housing assistance and health care suffered from inequities almost as early as their inception. But a progressive reform took shape with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and extended coverage to 20 million people formerly uninsured. This essay tackles an unsolved puzzle: Why has such grand policy reform never taken place in housing where more than 20 million people are eligible for assistance but do not receive help? We found that it is largely explained by housing assistance distinctiveness with regard to its weak constituency, racial connotation and low public concern. We conclude with the analytical payoffs of studying social equity, both for political scientists and observers of social affairs.  相似文献   

田蓉 《社会》2013,33(1):195-224
全球第三部门正处在发展的十字路口,面临转型的挑战。本文运用个案研究方法,试图探讨20世纪90年代以来新管理主义如何影响香港社会福利领域NGO的发展。研究发现,尽管新管理主义的价值观已深植于NGO领域,但不同个案机构对其影响的回应不尽相同;组织的社会倡导价值对于市场化价值的妥协在本研究中虽有体现,但如何使商界更加关注社会福利的改善正日益成为香港NGO实践其倡导价值的新关注点。  相似文献   

Since 1979 British social policy has witnessed a marked abandonment of the post-war principles of “universalism” inspired by the Beveridge Report. A deliberately residualist approach has been adopted and narrower criteria of selection have variously been imposed in areas of social welfare provision. This paper represents an attempt to assess and evaluate this trend in one area of welfare provision — the school meals service — by developing a historical analysis of an earlier period (1918–1939) when a residual model of welfare firmly held sway. From an examination of historical evidence relating to the inter-war years, it is suggested that in important respects the present situation with regard to the provision of food for children while at school recreates many of the circumstances which pertained during that pre-war period. Then as now selectivity, “targeting”, and fierce Treasury restrictions upon public expenditure were very much the order of the day. In the light of the problems of administrative fragmentation, and of the failures, inconsistencies and injustices of those policies which characterized school meals provision during that earlier period, it is concluded that contemporary developments within this service are disquieting, and a close scrutiny of the nutritional and other consequences is essential.  相似文献   

The current analysis considers the  human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)  prevention research record in the social sciences. We do so with special reference to what has been termed "AIDS Exceptionalism"—departures from standard public health practice and prevention research priorities in favor of alternative approaches to prevention that, it has been argued, emphasize individual rights at the expense of public health protection. In considering this issue, we review the historical context of the HIV epidemic; empirically demonstrate a pattern of prevention research characterized by systematic neglect of prevention interventions for HIV-infected persons; and articulate a rationale for "Prevention for Positives," supportive prevention efforts tailored to the needs of HIV+ individuals. We then propose a social psychological conceptualization of processes that appear to have influenced developments in HIV prevention research and directed its focus to particular target populations. Our concluding section considers whether there are social and research policy lessons to be learned from the record of HIV prevention research that might improve our ability to address effectively, equitably, and in timely fashion future epidemics that play out, as HIV does, at the junction of biology and behavior.  相似文献   

In this article we analyse the evolution of the Czech welfare state and we examine the factors explaining its path. We show that although the Czech welfare regime exhibits a 'mixed profile' that includes conservative and universalist elements, it is increasingly moving in a more liberal, residualist direction – not because of conscious steps but rather through decay. Governments have often zig-zagged in their policies and resorted to symbolic reforms at times rather than implementing ideologically based, consistent policies. We argue that historical and sociological institutionalism combined with a social-capital approach can explain this decay better than the more common arguments about economic pressures combined with ideological hegemony or the protest-avoidance strategy. In particular, the social capital approach adds to our institutional framework by explaining why cutbacks in welfare programmes have not met much opposition, even though public opinion surveys consistently show support for more generous welfare policies, and why policies have deviated so much from political rhetoric.  相似文献   

孟庆延 《社会》2016,36(4):40-75
1933年中国共产党领导的查田运动第一次将量化阶级标准推行到土地革命的实践中,后又沿用至1946年以后解放区土改和1949年以后全国性的土改实践之中。以往学界对土地革命的研究,更多侧重于社会动员论视角下的地方史解读,而对量化阶级标准缺少足够的关注。重点关注前者的学者,往往又集中于单纯的政策讨论层面因而很容易陷入意识形态之争。本文主要关注后者并试图以推行量化阶级标准的重要历史担纲者王观澜为考察对象,综合运用多种史料,通过对其成长背景、教育经历以及革命历程的详细梳理,呈现其特有的精神气质,并以此为基础去勾勒其在土地革命中的“算阶级”的实践轨迹。同时通过再现置身于土改运动中的共产党“技术干部”对待理论问题的“实用主义”的思想倾向,考察蕴含在共产党政权具体的土改实践脉络中的一系列内在局限,并尝试去揭示这些局限的历史根源。  相似文献   

Scholars believe that family ties extending out to previous generations, called kin support, may have allowed American Indians to withstand traumatic events. Although a series of traumatic and historical events disrupted the social structures of family life, kin support was found to be a major factor in the survival of American Indians. This study utilized the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to compare American Indians and whites (n = 1227) in factors that impact kin support. While urban American Indian mothers were similar to whites in a number of elements, American Indian mothers that were not married, fell below the poverty threshold, were younger in age and co‐resided with kin were more likely than their white counterparts to receive kin support. Implications for urban American Indian mothers suggest that maintaining their role as kin keeper may serve as an intrinsic reward and motivation for caring for kin. The role of a kin keeper may also promote the unique contribution in their families and the preservation of their culture. Given the minimal research in this area, results of this study can be used to guide future research and the development of intervention strategies for practitioners working with American Indian families.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of macroeconomic, as well public and private health insurance financing (PHI) factors on out of pocket (OOP) healthcare expenditures, by using fixed/random effects and dynamic panel data methodology to a dataset of 26 EU and OECD countries for a period lasting from 1995 to 2013. The existing empirical literature has focused on testing the hypothesis that several macroeconomic and health financing determinants have an effect on OOP healthcare expenditures. Nevertheless, the related articles have not well tested the hypothesis concerning the potential impact of PHI financing on OOP spending. We find that public and PHI financing have a significant countervailing effect on OOP spending. Moreover, we show that unemployment rate has a significant positive impact on OOP expenditures. Sensitivity tests with variation of specifications and samples show that our findings are robust. We argue that policy-makers should give serious consideration to PHI institution; our results indicate that there is an inverse effect on OOP spending. We suggest that our examined countries have to provide financial risk protection to their citizens against OOP payments, rather than only attending health budgetary retrenchments in order to adjust public finances.  相似文献   

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