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什么是黑人呢?美国联邦政府通过它的机构美国人口调查局在官方的列表里规定:凡是黑人和白人的混血儿,不管他身体所含黑人血液的百分率多么少,仍应属于黑人。白人与黑人的混血儿和黑人一样,没有任何区别都属于黑色人种。印第安人和黑人的混血儿也应  相似文献   

引言作为美国最大的可以明显辨认的少数民族,黑人大众一直是行为科学家广泛研究的主题。由于这一集团有着区别于其他民族集团历史的独特特征,其家庭生活尤其受人关注。黑人集团有四个文化特点,使之与来到美国的其他移民区分开来:1.黑人所来的地区,其生活准则和价值观念与美国生活方式毫无相似之处;2.他们来自许多不同的部落,各部落有其自身的语言、文化和传统;3.起初,他们到美国时没有女性;而最为重要的是,4.他们到美国后处于受奴役状态。(比林斯利,1968年)  相似文献   

根据1990年人口普查,美国有黑人29986660人,占美国总人口的12.1%。美国黑人的历史是十分悲惨的。当初,他们被殖民主义者强行贩运到美洲充当奴隶,直到1865年南北战争结束,黑人才在法律上摆脱了被奴役的地位。在美国历史上,黑人是少数民族中最先起来争取自由和平等的。本世纪五、六十年代声势浩大的黑人民权运动所取得的光辉成就和造成的巨大影响,正改变着美国黑人的命运,影响着美国社会的发展过程。  相似文献   

过去的20年,对美国一部分黑人来说,是美好的。他们就是被美国全国城市联合会称之为“纵令脆弱,却是有生活能力的黑人中产阶级”。林登·约翰逊当政期间的民权立法,60年代空前的经济繁荣和公开的种族敌对的减少,使成百万美国黑人得以享受公平教育、参政机会和近似多数白人享受的物质福利待遇。尽管1970年以来,因受4次经济萧条的影响,美国黑人社会和经济进展的步子放慢了,但是他们近些年来的受益却是实实在在的。下面的一份报告足以说明美国黑人的受益状  相似文献   

从动物范畴的意义上说,地球上的所有的人都属于同一种类。所有人的身体和智力基本都是相同的。然而,某些种族具有非常明显的体质特征,如  相似文献   

种族是一个明确无误的生物概念。它是一个由遗传而组合到一起的群体,也可以说是一种生物品种,或遗传的族群,或一种亚种。它不是一个确切的社会文化的概念。由于“种族”这个词的涵义经常含糊不清,所以最好不要应用于社会文化范畴内。但是,体质人类学所关心的既然是人的各种生物特征,那就应该和必要关心人类种族。种族的起源差不多每个人迟早都会对种族起  相似文献   

在民族历史上,很少看到一个无权的少数民族能够象美国黑人二十五年来在政治上上升得那样快。现在,从全国看,被选进国会和各市政府中担任公职的美国黑人共有四千五百人,比1954年的人数增加了四十五倍。由于黑人在各级领导岗位上获得了职务,使他们在美国几个最重要的工业州和工业城市获得了更大的政治权力。  相似文献   

种族歧视下的美国黑人   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们之所以要对美国的黑人问题进行探讨,不仅基于学术方面的考虑,还因这项工作具有重要的现实意义。美国通常以“最民主、最平等”的国家自居,它倚仗自己雄厚的经济实力,对其他国家的事务指手划脚,将“不讲民主”、“违背人权”一类的帽子抛给别国。这里所做的阐析,或许有助于人们进一步了解现实中“最民主、最平等”的美国的黑人种族主义真相,为我们在国际事务中继续坚持反对种族歧视、反对霸权主义的原则立场提供参考。  相似文献   

美国种族主义的回潮映射出美国种族等级制的历史建构,主要包括三个层次:一是“白人”种族的边界拓展与关闭;二是有色种族的“漂白”机制建构,实质是限制集体机会但开放个体机会;三是印第安人和非洲裔的劣等地位建构,根本上拒绝其集体“漂白”可能,尽管也留下了重大的个体“美国梦”空间。美国种族等级制的建构存在双重逻辑,一方面是作为集体的种族壁垒日益森严,另一方面是作为个体的“美国梦”机会开放。其带来的结果是,以个体实现“美国梦”的开放机会掩盖整体的种族等级制,从而确保“白人”种族的整体和个体优越地位。“色盲”时代与“后种族时代的种族主义”的并存,暗示着美国种族等级制的持续再生产。  相似文献   

在大部分是犹太人居住的纽约城下东边的底兰西大街上,星期日仍然是最重要的经商日(星期六是犹太人的安息日)。附近就是唐人街,华人使用自己的语言,保持着自己的风俗,设有自己的圣堂和货店。而小意大利区就在运河街对面,街道两边排列着社会俱乐部和殡仪馆;每当宗教节日,货摊上出售用意大利古老方法制做的香肠和糕点(小商标上可能写着“亲我吧,我是意大利的”)。以上仅仅是组成了美国的许多种族集团中的三个。  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is commonly thought of as a disorder of White females. Despite evidence indicating similar prevalence rates across races and genders, no study has examined the experience of BPD among ethnic minorities and how this differs from Whites. The affective and behavioral symptoms of BPD were studied in 17 African Americans and 27 White Americans with the disorder. Results indicated that African Americans experience greater affective intensity and emotional dysregulation, fewer self-harming behaviors, and more thoughts of interpersonal aggression than Whites. Differences in affective symptoms were accounted for by group differences in substance use and receipt of inpatient services, whereas differences in behavioral symptomatology persisted after adjusting for potential confounders. These findings suggest that not only is BPD not a disorder exclusive to White females, but that the experience of the disorder may differ substantially across races. Implications for future research and directions for developing culturally relevant treatments are discussed.  相似文献   

How racial barriers play in the experiences of Mexican Americans has been hotly debated. Some consider Mexican Americans similar to European Americans of a century ago that arrived in the United States with modest backgrounds but were eventually able to participate fully in society. In contrast, others argue that Mexican Americans have been racialized throughout U.S. history, and this limits their participation in society. The evidence of persistent educational disadvantages across generations and frequent reports of discrimination and stereotyping supports the racialization argument. In this paper, we explore the ways in which race plays a role in the lives of Mexican Americans by examining how education, racial characteristics, social interactions, relate to racial outcomes. We use the Mexican American Study Project, a unique data set based on a 1965 survey of Mexican Americans in Los Angeles and San Antonio combined with surveys of the same respondents and their adult children in 2000, thereby creating a longitudinal and intergenerational data set. First, we found that darker Mexican Americans, therefore appearing more stereotypically Mexican, report more experiences of discrimination. Second, darker men report much more discrimination than lighter men and than women overall. Third, more educated Mexican Americans experience more stereotyping and discrimination than their less educated counterparts, which is partly due to their greater contact with whites. Lastly, having greater contact with whites leads to experiencing more stereotyping and discrimination. Our results are indicative of the ways in which Mexican Americans are racialized in the United States.  相似文献   

Race and Social Problems - Asians are currently the fastest growing racial/ethnic group in the USA. Using community samples, previous research has explored the role of racial microaggressions on...  相似文献   

This study identifies the characteristics of eligible African Americans who are not receiving food stamps. Secondary analysis of the American Community Survey focused on 14,443 African American citizens aged 18 and over who were living below the poverty line. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were used to compare the 6,558 recipients of food stamps with the 7,885 non-recipients. Less than half of impoverished African American adults used food stamps in the previous year. Food stamp use was higher among females, younger respondents, and those who had not completed high school. FSP participation was associated with co-residing with children, receiving welfare benefits and reports of functional limitations. This study can inform food security activism and improved outreach to impoverished African Americans.  相似文献   

African Americans with mental health problems consult a variety of sources for assistance. Most studies report a preference for informal sources rather than professional sources of help with mental health concerns. While it is clear that African Americans seek help from both informal and professional sources, less known is whether there are unique subpopulations of African Americans that can be defined by their support and services use. Given the importance of religion in the lives of African Americans, it also important to understand the role of religious involvement in determining help-seeking behaviors. This study used latent class analysis and data from the National Survey of American Life (n = 1315) to identify distinct profiles of help-seeking behavior among African Americans with mental health disorders defined by informal (e.g., clergy, family, and friends) and professional sources (e.g., health and mental healthcare providers) of support and services. Findings revealed two help-seeking classes: Low Use/Informal Support (95%) and High Use/All Support (5%). Low subjective religious involvement was associated with membership in the Low Use/Informal Support class. High non-organizational religious involvement was associated with membership in the High Use/All Support class. No associations between demographic characteristics were found between the two classes. Findings highlight heterogeneity in help-seeking behavior among African Americans and the importance of considering multiple domains of religious involvement in influencing these behaviors. Findings highlight the importance of collaborative efforts between religious institutions, health and mental healthcare providers, family and friendship networks in the delivery of mental health care to African Americans.  相似文献   

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in the United States, and compared to other racial and ethnic groups, Blacks between the ages of 45 and 65 have the highest likelihood of dying from heart disease. Nevertheless, relatively little is known about intragroup variation among the US Black population. In this study, utilizing a nationally representative sample of Black Americans, we examine the relationship between heart trouble and racial group identity for two groups of Blacks: African Americans and Caribbean Blacks. We include two measures of racial group identity: closeness to other Blacks and Black group evaluation. Our results reveal three important patterns. First, closeness to other Blacks is suppressed by Black group evaluation. Second, at low levels of closeness to other Blacks, there is little difference between African Americans and Caribbean Blacks in the probability of heart trouble. However, as closeness to other Blacks increases, the probability of heart trouble increases for African Americans, but decreases for Caribbean Blacks. Finally, with respect to positive Black group evaluation, both African Americans and Caribbean Blacks benefit and experience a lower probability of heart trouble.  相似文献   

This study explored the extent to which private regard and religiosity beliefs serve as protective factors for school bonding among African American and Caribbean black adolescents who experience racial discrimination in school. Findings are drawn from a nationally representative sample of (n = 810) African American and (n = 360) Caribbean black adolescents (52% girls) aged 13–17 (Mage = 15, SD = 1.42) years. Results suggest that perceiving racial discrimination from teachers was associated with lower levels of school bonding for African American and Caribbean black adolescents. For African American adolescents, perceiving more racial discrimination from teachers and reporting lower private regard beliefs was associated with less school bonding. The findings for Caribbean black adolescents revealed that endorsing moderate levels of religiosity and perceiving higher rates of teacher discrimination was associated with less school bonding. The developmental significance and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to assess the significance of the concept of race in interpersonal attraction and self-identification comparing African Americans and native Ghanaians. An adaptation of the Bogardus Scale (1926) was used to measure interpersonal attraction. A self-identification questionnaire developed by the principal author was used to measure self-identification. The samples consisted of 366 native Ghanaians residing in Ghana and 113 African Americans residing in Northern New Jersey. The results show that when making judgments about interpersonal attraction to different ethnic and racial groups as well as in self-identification, African American respondents attributed more psychological significance to the concept of race than Ghanaian respondents did. Racial group membership and cultural kinships were strongly related to interpersonal attraction and self-identification for African American respondents. They attributed more significance to racial group membership in judging self-identification and interpersonal attraction toward other African Americans compared with other groups. On the other hand, in judging interpersonal attraction toward other groups, African American respondents attributed more significance to cultural reference factors than racial group membership. Ghanaians perceived nationality and cultural kinships as more significant than racial group membership in their reported interpersonal attraction to groups represented in this work Ghanaian respondents did not perceive racial group membership as a significant factor in making judgments about interpersonal attraction and self-identification.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the research literature on colorism–discrimination based on skin tone—by examining whether skin darkness affects the likelihood that African Americans will experience school suspension. Using data from The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, logistic regression analyses indicated that darker skin tone significantly increased the odds of suspension for African American adolescents. Closer inspection of the data revealed that this overall result was disproportionately driven by the experiences of African American females. The odds of suspension were about 3 times greater for young African American women with the darkest skin tone compared to those with the lightest skin. This finding was robust to the inclusion of controls for parental SES, delinquent behavior, academic performance, and several other variables. Furthermore, this finding was replicated using similar measures in a different sample of African Americans from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. The results suggest that discrimination in school discipline goes beyond broad categories of race to include additional distinctions in skin tone.  相似文献   

论族群与族群关系   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
有关族群和族群性的概念多种多样。族群与民族均来源于西方,但它们之间是有区分的。在对族群的研究中,族群认同被视为一个主要的内容,族群认同总是通过一系列的文化要素表现出来,文化是维持族群边界的基础。关于族群关系的讨论有许多不同的理论同化理论、文化多元理论、生物学的理论、人文 生态理论、权力和分层理论及整合的族群关系理论等。  相似文献   

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