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Corporate environmental/sustainability reporting is a growing trend among top global companies. In many cases, these reports have been made available online. Although the internet has provided reporting companies with a new channel to convey environmental information to the public, effective use of this media requires careful thought.Usability is a primary consideration that is not being addressed in many online corporate environmental/sustainability reports (CER). Often, these reports are difficult for users to locate from the corporate homepage, the search option does not render the correct page, some are only available in PDF format, and navigation within the report can be difficult. Current online reporting can also be ineffective if the technology is not oriented towards a framework of maximizing stakeholder value.If approached properly, internet technology allows for interactivity between a company and its stakeholders, provision of real-time updates of information and specialized information retrieval depending on the needs of users. This paper focuses on the current state of online CER reporting and suggests methods and practices for enhancing stakeholder value.  相似文献   

This article aimed to examine the impacts of reporting‐type corporate responsibility activities (CRA‐R) on corporate social and financial performance. Academic research has explored how varying attributes of markets, industry sectors and firms might shape corporate social and financial performance, but includes little effort to examine the impacts of different kinds of CRA on corporate performance. We build on debate about the value of firms' reporting activities related to corporate responsibility. Recent literature suggests that CRA‐R is superficial marketing or “greenwashing.” Despite this viewpoint, corporate reporting activities related to responsibility are rising. In order to solve this puzzle, this article explores the impact of CRA‐R on corporate performance. First, drawing from the institutional perspective, we propose that CRA‐R will positively impact corporate social performance (CSP) oriented toward secondary stakeholders. Second, combining the stakeholder–agency perspective and corporate responsibility literature, we motivate the hypotheses that CRA‐R positively influences corporate financial performance (CFP). Empirical testing with a unique dataset of large US corporations selected in the Fortune 500 support the proposed hypotheses. In particular, both corporate social responsibility and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) activities positively influence corporate environmental performance, and financial performance. In particular, GRI reporting is a strong indicator to impact both social and financial performance. Our findings indicate that CRA‐R should not simply reflect shallow motivations, but deliver value to noninvestor stakeholders as well as investors.  相似文献   

The world is faced with unprecedented global economic, environmental, and social challenges. Sustainable development has emerged as an organizing principle for addressing these issues. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is seen as the business contribution to sustainable development. The article defines CSR as an organization's efforts to secure resources and legitimacy for survival or competitive advantage by managing nonmarket and nonregulated issues arising from complex social and environmental problems. Supporting this definition, the “sustainability issue management” (SIM) model is presented to help managers and researchers assess and manage CSR issues. Based on ecological economics, the tool originated from a larger study. The model is used to explain and discuss how the UK Government's National Indicator 185 (requiring carbon reporting from Local Authorities) shaped the action of a supplier to Local Authorities. The case illustrates how the SIM model can help both managers and researchers understand and manage CSR issues.  相似文献   

研究考虑企业社会责任(CSR)行为的闭环供应链定价决策及协调问题,分别构建了单个第三方回收及两个第三方回收竞争下的闭环供应链博弈模型,分别从企业与消费者两个视角分析了CSR投入对供应链成员的定价策略及系统总收益的影响,并建立了基于“收益共享”与“回收成本共担”相结合的契约协调模型。研究表明,两个第三方回收商间的适度竞争不仅可以降低产品价格、提升废旧产品回收效率,同时对提高企业的CSR投入水平以及收益水平也起到积极的促进作用。最后,在契约参数的可行性范围内,“收益共享-成本共担”契约在使供应链总收益达到最大的同时,还成功改善了每个成员企业的收益。  相似文献   

In contrast to corporate firms, voluntary sustainability reporting by universities is still in its infancy. Against this background, we have investigated which Canadian universities report their sustainability performance and what specifically is reported. Our study applies content analyses as a methodological approach to determine the relative importance of disclosure topics by using a university-specific catalogue of indicators. This unique study completely covers all sustainability reports published between 2011 and 2015 by Canadian universities and as such provides evidence and analyses of voluntary sustainability reporting by universities, which has been the subject of very little research to date. The findings show that sustainability reporting by Canadian universities diverges considerably and the range of aspects included is relatively narrow. Overall, the results show a clear focus on the environmental dimension and very weak coverage of the social dimension. The environmental orientation of many Canadian universities seems to be a result of their participation in the STARS program.  相似文献   

While creating and implementing effective environmental strategies, firms collect and process information from many interconnected “learning environmental.”These “models of learning” serve to develop environmental knowledge and cultural beliefs that guide, coordinate and synchronize actions at the corporate and subsidiary levels. In this way, best environmental practice becomes institutionalized within the organization.This article examines both the formal and informal processes that firms use to identify and transform environmental strategies into accepted organizational practices. Environmental, health and safety (EH & S) managers, in particular, should embrace the notion that systematically gathering and sharing such information across the organization can have profound implications for a firm's environmental performance. Firms that capture and disseminate the critical environmental knowledge of their members can be well positioned to attain environmental leadership roles in their industries.  相似文献   

From a business perspective, one of the emerging debates is how can businesses contribute to the objectives of sustainable development. This article presents the ecological footprint accounting tool and demonstrates its usefulness in measuring and monitoring corporate sustainability. The application of the ecological footprint is based on a case study of the city of Liverpool whilst its usefulness to businesses is demonstrated with data available in the environmental reports of various companies. For companies, the ecological footprint is able to take a given environmental impact and through its methodology convert this impact into a land measurement (hectares). Once all environmental impacts are considered and measured, the ecological footprint becomes the total area of land required to support a company in terms of the resources they consume and the waste that they produce. An ecological footprint analysis can highlight how near or far a company is from being sustainable and identify those aspects that have the greatest ecological effect. The usefulness of the ecological footprint is the use of a land measurement that enables it to be readily and easily understood by all that have a vested interested in a company's environmental performance. The metaphorical resonance of the ecological footprint is seen as one of a number of powerful attributes.  相似文献   

Environmental pressures and growing societal commitment to the ideal of “sustainable development” pose profound strategic challenges for business. Recognition of the significance of sustainable development for business and eagerness to “do something” has lead to a number of responses from companies. The most effective corporate response is to build an environmentally sustainable business. The Environment Council through its work had developed an elegantly simple and proven approach to producing and implementing a strategy for doing this.This approach involves recognising that corporate strategic environmental opportunities and threats fall into three inter-related categories; Resources, Innovation, and Values. Applying the simple technique of a Strenghts, Weaknesses. Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of the business against these fields enables managers to establish the organisation's environmentally-driven key survival issues (KSIs) - environmental threats and opportunities to which the company has to develop the right response to ensure survival and prosperity. Every business has perhaps two or three key survival issues, though few seems to know what they are and even fewer are doing anything serious about them. The article gives some guidance on identifying key survival issues and how to develop a consistent corporate response.  相似文献   

Australia corporate boards and senior management have been spirited from the Land of Milk and Honey (profit) to the Land of OZ. They are to embark on a journey, following the “yellow-brick road”, a proverbial path to a promised land of one’s hopes and dreams, in order to find brains, a heart and courage. The effect of new regulations introduced in Australia to curtail corporate misbehaviour is detailed by storytelling. The Wizard of OZ is the title of a story written by L. Frank Baum and published in 1899. In 1939, Metro Goldwyn Mayer Studios made a movie of the story. I have used The Wizard of Oz to argue that corporate boards and senior management need to make decisions using a balance of intellect (brains), emotionality (heart), and a sense of purpose (courage). The inspiration for using Baum’s story, as an analogy for the transformation needed in corporate boards and senior management, comes from Biberman and Whitty (Journal of Organisational Change Management 10(2):130–188, 1997). This research is based on interviews with Board members and non-executive directors from five companies listed in the Business Review Weekly (BRW) Top Twenty-five Companies in Australia (2007) and a range of secondary data sources. The financial and reputational success of the organisation and its members is out of balance with the human and social costs and benefits. Respondents confirmed that board members and senior management should willingly provide information about the corporation and its activities to its stakeholders, that information and data should be transparent, the true extent of director remuneration should be revealed and that financial reporting should be true and accurate. Board members and senior management can be assisted to operate in a way that observes socially responsible values and balances the obligation for profit maximisation with corporate social responsibilities (CSR). This study provides steps that organisations can take to achieve a balance of intellect, emotionality and sense of purpose and therefore realise their corporate social responsibility. The results of this empirical and secondary research suggest a method that may be used to make board members and senior managers more aware of their corporate social responsibilities and curtail corporate misbehaviour where the introduction of a range of new regulations has had little effect.  相似文献   

A historic agreement signed in July 1998 between the American Hospital Association (AHA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signals changes in waste management in the health care industry. The agreement, which calls for a fifty percent reduction of hospital waste by 2010, will not only have an impact on hospital facility managers, but throughout the entire healthcare supply chain. As this article argues, improving the environmental impact of the health care industry should start with the health care delivery institutions themselves. The health care industry has a long way to go in addressing its environmental impacts, compared to the energy and chemical industries, for example. One reason is that these industries are raising their suppliers' environmental performance. Health care delivery institutions can effectively pull environmental performance requirements through the entire supply chain as well. This can be accomplished by examining supply chain strategies of leading industries and firms and considering the role of environmental management systems such as a ISO 14001 throughout the entire chain.  相似文献   

The call for greater corporate accountability and transparency is affecting companies around the globe. As the demand increases for uniformity in corporate environmental reports, respected WRI researchers Janet Ranganathan and Daryl Ditz (now with the Environmental Law Institute) argue for a set of four environmental performance indicators: materials use, energy consumption, non-product output, and pollutant releases. Countries, such as The Netherlands, are finding that sets of environmental indicators are useful in developing nationals goals. As discussed in “Communicating Environmental Performance to the Capital Markets,” by Linda Descano and Bradford Gentry in this issue, it is essential for the investment community to understand the link between environmental performance and business value.  相似文献   

As customers, the public and other stakeholders are increasingly demanding that manufacturing firms improve their approach to environmental management, some plants have moved to develop an orientation that is increasingly proactive. Synthesizing earlier research, environmental management orientation is defined here to include system analysis and planning, organizational responsibility, and management controls. The relationship between a proactive orientation and two sets of internal factors, specifically the personal views of plant managers and plant‐specific characteristics, was tested using survey data from the furniture industry. The production outlook for the plant was critical, with a favorable outlook fostering a more proactive environmental management orientation. After controlling for plant‐specific factors, personal views also were influential; an increasing emphasis on short‐term economic value was related to a more reactive plant‐level orientation. Thus senior corporate management can foster strong plant‐level environmental management through a more balanced emphasis on economic and ethical values and continued investment in a plant's long‐term viability.  相似文献   

For a variety of reasons, biodiversity is currently an important issue, and increasingly seen as a problem over which the corporate sector needs to take ownership. There are dramatic statistics about the decline of biodiversity, and the corporate sector is both partially responsible and subject to its impacts. This means that for most companies, the environmental goal posts are starting to move: having an Environmental Management System which controls waste and energy is now the lowest standard; the bench-mark of best practice is a sustainability strategy whose environmental aspect integrates biodiversity into the EMS. This can be achieved through company Biodiversity Action Plans, and an increasing body of best practice exists highlighting this approach.  相似文献   

This paper explores how large UK financial institutions (FIs) pursued a private corporate governance agenda with their portfolio companies. It also investigates the role of financial reporting in private and public corporate governance. The case financial institutions argued that the limited quality of public information, especially in financial reports, was a major constraint on their ability to act in fund management and corporate governance roles. However, the financial reporting cycle determined a private institutional and company meeting cycle and this created opportunities for private information collection and for governance influence by FIs. In addition, the perceived limitations of public governance mechanisms such as voting encouraged private governance approaches. As a result, the case financial institutions had the incentive and the means to improve the quality of their sources of corporate information and to obtain a competitive edge over other financial institutions and the market through their direct contact with companies. Despite the limitations of public information, the paper reveals how public disclosure in financial statements and the financial reporting cycle played a central role in corporate governance. Public sources of information were combined with private sources to create a financial institutional knowledge advantage. The institutions used this knowledge to diagnose problem areas in strategy, management quality, and the effectiveness of the board, and their impact on financial performance. The financial reporting cycle meant that the quasi insider financial institution had the access opportunity and the joint public/private insight to influence companies across a wide corporate governance agenda and in a range of corporate circumstances. The case institutions exploited these private access and knowledge advantages for investment purposes and for Cadbury style corporate governance purposes. Thus, the private governance process was critically dependent on the FI knowledge advantage, which in turn relied on both financial reports and private disclosure. This wide ranging governance behaviour by institutions corresponds to recommendations subsequently made by the Hampel report in 1998 concerning UK corporate governance. The paper ends by exploring how the private institutional and company meeting agenda can suggest new directions for financial reporting and public disclosure and how this can further improve public and private corporate governance.  相似文献   

The term corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) is gaining popularity with some studies attempting to escape narrow definitions of corporate responsibility. This paper aims to develop a model that illustrates how various external, sector-specific and internal influences for CSER are interpreted, and then shaped into action at the level of the firm. Using an in-depth case study approach, this model is then applied to one firm — Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). Developing an understanding of the figurative black box of SAS's motivations contributes to unlocking the reasons why corporations are choosing (or not) to commit to CSER. If these reasons are known, they can be used to develop appropriate mechanisms to ensure that CSER is an important aspect of a company's decision-making regime. Findings of the case study provide further evidence that motivations cannot be looked at in isolation of sectoral and cultural contexts. Secondly, it was seen how catalysts — the lens through which a firm sees and interprets motivations — can have an important impact in its level of commitment to CSER.  相似文献   

The rising emphasis on the business model (BM) as a reportable element reflects the view that it constitutes one of the key starting points for investors’ analysis. In spite of this, recent academic and professional studies describe current reporting on BMs as uninformative: too optimistic, generic and incomplete. The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) claims that these limitations may be overcome by means of an “Integrated Report”, an innovative report which is expected to offer a complete and balanced representation of how organizations create value by mean of their BMs. The paper investigates the informativeness of BM disclosure questioning whether companies adopt impression management (IM) strategies by manipulating the tone of the BM disclosures provided in their reports. We perform a manual content analysis of all the reports identified in the IIRC website and a multivariate statistical analysis to assess if a positive tone of BM disclosure is significantly associated with weak corporate governance, bad performance and low verifiability of the disclosure itself. Our findings support the idea that managers use BM disclosure as an IM strategy. This evidence has relevant implications for both accounting scholars and practitioners, since it questions the role of integrated reporting in improving corporate reporting on BMs.  相似文献   

Shareholders have become increasingly active in endeavouring to influence companies’ environmental and social practices. In comparison with the mature field of financially motivated shareholder activism, limited enquiries have been carried out on its non‐financial counterparts. This paper synthesizes the knowledge base through a review of the academic literature, exploring shareholder activism intended to affect corporate environmental and social performance. Theoretical perspectives appropriate to this phenomenon are critically appraised: in particular, insights from social movement theory, Hirschman's theory of exit, voice and loyalty and stakeholder salience theory, as well as the roles of signalling and symbolic management actions. Data from the literature are organized into a process model of non‐financial shareholder influence. Underpinned by the influencing context, this conceptualization centres on three primary shareholder interventions: divestment, dialogue and shareholder proposals. These interventions are enabled through a range of actors and tools: coalitions, non‐governmental organizations, codes and indices, the media and regulators. The interaction between interventions and the enabling actors and tools helps to determine managers’ perceptions of shareholder salience. These perceptions subsequently shape the organizational behaviours that affect companies’ symbolic and substantive environmental and social performance. An agenda to direct future research in this burgeoning field is articulated.  相似文献   

Asia represents one of the most diverse regions of the world in terms of culture, politics and economies. Not surprisingly, there is a comparative variety in who is publicly reporting, where and why. As might be expected, those countries with stronger, more mature economies are the regional leaders, notably Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong. Japan is far ahead in terms of numbers of companies reporting and also has two award schemes in place to reward best practice and innovation. Both South Korea and Hong Kong are increasingly reporting, but with limited sophistication and an emphasis on environmental issues.With the development of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), participating Asian companies are able to access a global network of reporting organisations and substantial collective experience. A number of Japanese companies have already cited using the GRI framework in preparing their reports, whilst five Asian companies are involved in the current GRI feedback process, including one in Singapore and one in Thailand.The region's reporting pioneers are being driven by globalisation and international peer pressure. Moreover, whilst Asian companies have been notorious for limited corporate governance and transparency in their financial affairs, business models are changing and this evolution is likely to promote better disclosure not only of fiscal performance but also on environmental, health, safety and social issues.  相似文献   

Managers are increasingly faced with pressure to think not just about profits, but also about their organization's environmental and social performance. This research provides a first examination of operational managers' experiences with and attitudes about employee well‐being and environmental issues, how these factors impact employee well‐being and environmental performance, and how the three performance measures interrelate. We use violations of Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations and Toxic Release Inventory reports of emissions as proxies for employee well‐being and environmental performance. Our findings suggest that operational managers do not (yet) think in sustainability terms. However, employee well‐being and environmental performance do interact in a significant way with operational performance. Hence, operational managers would benefit from a more complete understanding of the relationships among the elements of the triple bottom line.  相似文献   

This research assesses the impact of combining the economic, social and environmental dimensions of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) on firm innovation. In particular, we test whether the three dimensions of CSR (economic, social and environmental) are interrelated (behavioural complementarity), and whether their joined adoption will generate super-additive innovation performance effects (objective complementarity). To that end, we draw on the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) for Spain during the period 2009–2014. The analyses confirm behavioural complementarity among the three dimensions of CSR, as well as differences on objective complementarities depending on the innovation performance measure considered. In particular, the combination of the social dimension with any of the two others (economic and environmental) is the one that gives the best results in terms of radical innovation, whereas both the economic and environmental dimensions of CSR seem to be fundamental to foster incremental innovation. These results have implications for academics and practitioners, since they provide useful guidelines for the design of CSR in order to enhance firm innovation.  相似文献   

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