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《Long Range Planning》1987,20(3):84-91
The first realization in planning the acquisition of a large-scale integrated CAD/CAM system is that it must be a corporate question and not a departmental one. The overall aim should be to lay down a corporate strategy with a timeframe of at least 5 years; to understand the long-term benefits and most important to stick to it. Within this strategy it is then necessary to take on appropriate sub-systems to satisfy the objectives— some will have immediate benefits whilst others have no intrinsic value but will be vital building blocks for the achievement of the integrated whole. This paper aims to provide the visionary managing director with the necessary confidence to see his vision through to completion.  相似文献   

In contrast to the Pollution Haven Hypothesis, the Trade‐Up Hypothesis holds that international integration helps improve firms' environmental performance in developing countries. Using firm‐level data from Shanghai, this article examines how international linkages, in the form of foreign direct investment or international trade, affect firms' environmental compliance and performance. We find that firms with international linkage via ownership exhibit better compliance with environmental regulation and emit less pollution than firms with no international linkage. We also find that firms with international linkage via market exposure are more likely to exhibit better compliance with environmental regulation than firms with no international linkage, but find no evidence that the former emit less pollution than the latter. This provides a piece of empirical evidence for the Trade‐Up Hypothesis.  相似文献   

Sustainable transport development is a complex, but necessary issue to manage if the use of fossil energy will decrease and transportation become more energy-efficient and environmental friendly. The contemporary public organization is organized into policy sectors and tiers of government, but the issue of sustainability is not confined to one single sector or level, it transcends all these traditional boundaries. To address this complexity policy integration has been suggested as a way for public organizations to open up the sectoral and vertical boundaries in policymaking. This paper discusses a case study of a political committee on the regional level in Sweden, which has been formed for integrated policymaking between sectors and local and regional authorities to manage sustainable transport development. The analysis of the case shows that vertical and sectoral integration are dependent processes and that the relation between different organizational identities either strengthens or undermine them. Vertical integration is not resulting in sectoral integration, rather it works prohibiting against sectoral integration.  相似文献   

Volunteers in organizations — problem or asset? Characteristics of successful integrationVolunteering in Germany is on the rise. The expectations of the volunteers regarding their work are shifting from altruistic to self centered motives. Organizations have to respond to these changes and implement a specific management of volunteers. Also in counseling of organizations and their members, specific measures have to be developed to sharpen their view on potential conflict.  相似文献   

While organizational mergers may not yet be as commonplace in public enterprise as in private industry, they present similar challenges in terms of the complexities of seamlessly blending the multiple stakeholders involved. As a result, despite their often grandiose ambitions, mergers have not always met with unequivocal success. While the reasons involved can be as divergent as the agencies themselves, research has tended to implicate merger administrators for insufficient attention to organizational culture as a key explanatory factor. In an effort to more closely examine this potential linkage as it relates to public sector mergers, the case study described herein analyzes the role of organizational culture in the merger of two independent entities (a sheriff’s office and fire-rescue services) and describes techniques employed to enhance the compatibility of their unification. Through a combination of interviews with transition team members and analysis of relevant records, the merger process is explored from three theoretical perspectives—i.e., work-related identity, person–environment “fit” (individual–cultural alignment), and employer–employee reciprocity. Using this theoretical framework, insights are provided into the manner in which these two distinct workplace cultures have been organizationally integrated.
Jeanne B. StinchcombEmail:

Jeanne B. Stinchcomb, Ph.D.,   is a professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida Atlantic University in Ft. Lauderdale. Her 30-year career encompasses both educational appointments and administrative experience on the staffs of federal, state, and local justice agencies, ranging from the FBI to the Miami-Dade Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. She has been honored as a recipient of the Peter P. Lejins Research Award, a nationally competitive recognition presented for research that has contributed significantly to the field of corrections. She is featured in Who’s Who in America (2006), and her most recent book is Corrections–Past, Present, and Future (American Correctional Association, 2005). Francisco Ordaz   is an adjunct instructor of Human Services at Old Dominion University and an assistant director of Budget and Finance for the Department of Human Services at the City of Norfolk, Virginia. He received a master’s degree in Public Administration from Brigham Young University and master’s degrees of Urban and Regional Planning and Justice Policy and Management from Florida Atlantic University.  相似文献   

企业的思想政治建设工作一直是企业经济工作和其他一切工作的生命线,要想在企业各方面建设上都取得一定成绩,思想政治建设工作是首当其冲的。当下世界经济形势日趋复杂,市场经济建设不断推进,科技文化变革不断进行,员工思想观念日趋复杂化、多样化,价值取向和行为方式也发生了巨大变化,企业内外环境都处在不断地变化当中,如何在新的形势下闯出一片生存发展的新天地已经成为每个企业研究的主题,这也符合了党的十七大所着重强调的"坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展"的科学发展观的要求。  相似文献   

我我快要崩溃了。压力,压力,巨大的压力。每天有大量的作业要做,大量的比砖头还厚的书要读,大量的案例要讨论,大量的小组讨论要参加,每天都要到凌晨两点才能躺到床上,可仍然还是远远落后于任务安排,每天都积攒下大量的工作不能完成。  相似文献   

Customer satisfaction is considered very essential nowadays as it shows how firms are dedicated to afford quality products or services to their customers. Retaining the existing customer and acquiring the new customers are the basic objectives of any organisation and after sales service (ASS) has acquired a strategic role as a mean to achieve customer satisfaction. Importance–performance analysis (IPA) and quality function deployment (QFD) are the powerful tools successfully applied in many fields. However, studies on application of these tools in investigating the ASS quality and customer satisfaction seems to be scarce. This article investigates linking of IPA, which is a simple and effective customer satisfaction tool and QFD in the improvement of ASS attributes in an effort to determine the appropriate ASS strategic action plans to be adopted with the objective of enhancing customer satisfaction. In this study, a customer-driven model is proposed to examine the importance of the various ASS attributes and the performance of the organisation via questionnaire survey, and through the IP analysis, the areas to be focused are identified to help the decision makers in devising suitable policies, to improve the ASS performance. This is achieved through the employment of QFD that will help decision makers in the strategic planning to attain better customer satisfaction. A case study is carried out to exhibit the effectiveness of the developed model in a firm involved in manufacturing the home appliances.  相似文献   

<正> 当前,我省工业形势总的是好的。全省工业保持了持续、快速、稳定发展,超额完成了“八五”计划任务。全省企业改革不断深化,国有小企业的改革取得了突破性的进展;招商引资嫁接改造现有企业取得了实效;跨地区、跨行业的企业之间的兼并联合,实施资产重组开始起步;“8+5”工程、小巨人计划、名牌战略的实施进展顺利;结构调整和企业技术进步取得新的进展;通过学邯钢,企业管  相似文献   

<正> 经济发展、政治稳定、民族团结、社会进步,改革开放取得辉煌成就的1993年过去了。在过去的一年中,我国的社会主义现代化建设在邓小平同志建设有中国特色的社会主义理论和党的“十四大”制定的路线、方针、政策指引下,紧紧抓住机遇,深化改革,朝着建立社会主义市场经济的目标迈出了重大的步伐。  相似文献   

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