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现代企业制度的个人权利基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业从主体性上看,要么是个人,要么是政府.现代企业制度是私人企业社会化的产物,仍然是企业.独立的个人经济权利是企业权利结构的基础,也是企业独立的经济职能得以实现的基础.现代企业制度的核心是法人财产权,法人财产权的基础是出资人个人权利.现代企业效率的主导因素是企业家个人经济权利.没有个人经济权利就没有现代企业制度.我国在国有企业基础上建立现代企业制度,是要在缺乏个人经济权利基础的土壤上走出一条现代企业制度逆向演进的道路,是"前无古人"的.国有企业的主体本来就是政府部门.政府在客观上不可能、在主观上也不能放弃对国有企业的控制.国有企业改革的成功一定在于政府行政制度的现代化和行政能力的提高.  相似文献   

现代国有企业制度论略——对国有企业活力与企业制度改革的分析孟庆琳国有企业的制度改革目前虽然取得很大进展,但和建立具有活力的国有企业的基本目标相比仍差强人意:国有企业效率不高、活力不足的局面仍然没有根本改变,现代企业制度改革多半流于“翻牌”和走过场。究...  相似文献   

深化现代企业干部人事制度改革,必须坚持党管干部原则刘定福建立现代企业制度是发展社会化大生产和市场经济的必然要求,是我国国有企业改革的方向。在进行企业干部人事制度改革的过程中,要不要坚持党管干部的原则,怎样建立和完善适应现代企业制度要求的干部运行机制,...  相似文献   

国有企业的转制是我国经济体制改革的重点和难点,它牵涉到方方面面的问题.本文仅就国有企业改革过程中如何确立企业的法人财产所有权问题谈一些看法.企业法人财产权的确立是现代企业制度的基础国有企业是我国国民经济的重要支柱,但效益低下一直是国有企业存在的突出问题.究其原因,关键就在于国有企业本身不是企业财产的所有者.因此,这就使得企业的财产只能由各级政府委托各  相似文献   

国有企业改革是中国经济体制改革过程中最困难和争议最多最大的改革.经过30年的努力,国有企业改革已取得实质性重大进展,尽管还有一些攻坚任务,但国企改革最困难的时期已经过去,建立现代企业制度已是国企改革的既定方向.今后国企改革总体上是进一步深化和完善新体制,基本完成国有经济布局和结构的战略性调整任务,国有大中型企业基本实现公司制、股份制改革,国有资本管理体制基本完善,使国有经济在国民经济中的主导作用更好地发挥出来,推动社会主义市场经济健康发展.  相似文献   

建立现代企业制度的重要一环──关于股份制企业市场经济管理工程的构建尹相泉在党的十四大精神及三中全会《决定》的指引下,全面推进企业改革,建立起适应社会主义市场经济的现代企业制度的任务,已摆在我们面前。国有企业实行公司制,是建立和完善现代企业制度的有效途...  相似文献   

我国的国有企业制度是在特定的体制条件和特殊的经济背景下形成的 ,既有其存在的必然性、合理性 ;同时也存在着与市场经济的相悖性。针对国有企业制度性缺陷 ,我们进行了一系列改革 ,从放权让利、立足于调整国家与企业利益关系的适应性改革 ,到转换经营机制、着重于对企业制度中的经营制度进行改革 ,再到建立现代企业制度、力求实现国有企业制度的根本变革。国有企业改革逐步深入 ,国有企业制度变迁渐进完成。进一步改革 ,要继续突出以建立现代企业制度为中心 ,实现国有企业制度的全面创新  相似文献   

党的十四届三中全会明确地指出:“建立现代企业制度,是发展社会化大生产和市场经济的必然产物,是我国国有企业改革的方向。”回顾我国企业改革的曲折历程,正确理解现代企业制度的基本内容,有助于我们促进国有企业经营机制的转换,建立有中国特色的现代企业制度。  相似文献   

国有企业改革的目标是建立现代企业制度。现代企业制度是财产、组织和管理社会化的企业制度。它以企业的独立性为前提。国有企业改革应从确立企业独立的财产所有权和经营自主权 ,以及大型国有企业分解为各个独立的部分出发 ,把国有企业的权利和责任落实到位。在此基础上 ,推行国有企业的社会化 ,实行国有与非国有的混合联合 ,以加强企业的独立化和提高企业的经营管理水平 ,建立真正符合现代市场经济发展要求的企业制度。国有企业改革面临自然历史发展与现实客观要求的矛盾 ,解决的办法是实行“独立化”与“社会化”的衔接转换 ,以分化和整合为主要内容 ,以建立管理产权为根本着力点 ,以优选经营者为集中体现  相似文献   

对国有宾馆建立现代企业制度的构想宋佩玉,王占君国家体改委领导同志在谈到1995年经济体制改革的总任务时指出:“重点推进以建立现代企业制度为目标的国有企业改革,配套进行社会保障制度改革、培育市场体系和转变政府职能,进一步深化和完善宏观管理体制改革,同时...  相似文献   

广东省土地财政问题实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过全面审视中国渐进性制度变迁过程,分析了导致土地财政产生的制度变迁激励和政府行为选择,并以广东省的实际数据佐证了理论分析的结论.研究结果表明,地方政府间的竞争格局、预算内财政压力的制度环境的综合作用,是促使地方政府迈向土地财政的背后推力.因此,土地财政的最大风险是危及中国城市化进程的可持续发展.基于此,文章最后提...  相似文献   

Järkestig Berggren U, Blomberg S, Petersson J. Traits of a representative welfare state: the Swedish example Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 402–411 © 2009 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. The care manager reform and the case manager reform are new reforms in the social care services in Sweden, which are evolving during the 2000s. Together they shape the social care services introducing a new way of decision‐making where representatives for the organisation (care manager) and the users (case manager) negotiate. The reforms have been analysed in two studies with results presented in this article. Using the concepts of role, orientation, function and assignments, it is argued that the managers come to the negotiations on rights from different positions that are both conflicting and complementary. They further mediate the development towards a welfare mix, where the market, social networks and users interact to obtain the public welfare provision. Through this negotiated rights model, it is argued that traits of a representative welfare state emerge, with the distinction of moving the focus to the administrative practices and their differences away from political ideologies.  相似文献   

The Leading Group for Deepening Reform Comprehensively has been set up on the decision of the CPC Central Committee to be in charge of the overall planning of reform, taking a balanced and coordinated approach, advancing reform as a whole and supervising its implementation. This means that change management has become an important item on the agenda. Systematically reviewing and examining the course of the seven rounds of institutional reform introduced by the State Council since 1978 from the perspective of change management, we find that the reforms have advanced gradually and steadily, with functional transformation as the core feature and key to each round of reform. The transformation of government functions exhibits a marked two-phase character. The first phase focuses on change in government functions relating to economic management, while the second focuses on enhancing and improving macro-control systems to strengthen social management and public service functions. However, in terms of program design, the goals and measures of the past 10 years’ functional transformation have clearly not been specific enough to establish a clear relationship between the three rounds of institutional reform programs and the concrete measures and their effects. Therefore, the question of whether institutional reform itself needs reform has become a new proposition for practice, one that needs to be reviewed in terms of strategic orientation, mode of implementation, public responsibilities and overall design.  相似文献   

北京市农村经济体制改革已经走过30年的历程。30年来,北京市遵照中央提出的改革方向,结合京郊农村实际情况,在农村经营体制等多领域采取了一系列政策措施,推动农村经济体制改革取得了重要进展,积累了一定的经验。本文试对此加以简要回顾与总结,并对其未来改革方向做出判断。  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2022,44(6):1232-1250
In this exploratory research, we examine the effect of policy and media indicators on the creation of Chinese state-owned enterprise policies. Using a VAR model, we show that Ministry of Finance policy and People’s Daily mention of small enterprises can explain, to some extent, the incidence of state-owned enterprise policies. We verify that non-government forces are less important in determining Chinese SOE policy incidence, as has been suspected by foreign observers, and that policy is indeed made through government agenda setting or consensus building. We also provide evidence to validate the theory of Leutert (2021), that SOE policy occurs in a feedback loop (it is self-reinforcing). These explanations of Chinese policy making can be applied to other government departments to further explain policy incidence.  相似文献   

Land Finance and the Tax-sharing System: An Empirical Interpretation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方政府的区域竞争推动了中国经济的迅速增长,其中的作用机制有待发掘。地方政府行为受中央与地方关系的影响,尤其受分税制以来财税体制改革的影响。分税制集中财权使地方政府逐渐走向以土地征用、开发和出让为主的发展模式,从而形成了土地财政;利用省级的年度数据验证了两者之间的密切关系。无论如何评价以土地财政为代表的发展模式,与财政包干制相比,分税制都是一个理性化的制度变革,其建立了中央与地方之间关系的稳定互动框架,而以土地为中心的城市扩张模式是这次改革的意外后果。  相似文献   

This paper provides firm-level empirical evidence of the policy effects of China’s anticorruption campaign on SOE (state-owned enterprise) entrepreneur behaviour and corporate governance. While conflicts between corruption monitoring and performance of SOEs do exist, the 2012 anticorruption movement has profoundly changed Chinese political entrepreneurs’ power choice and accountability for SOE corporate governance. Specifically, this paper shows that the anticorruption measures have effectively reduced the sum of perks but aroused excessive asset extraction. When perk consumption has been seriously curtailed by the anticorruption rules, SOE executives’ reversed expectation precipitates their opportunistic activities in SOE’s tangible asset management and undermines SOE’s long-term corporate value.  相似文献   

国有经济的退出路径有两条体制内的主动退出和体制外的被动退出.在转轨时期,国有经济体制内的主动退出面临着重重的壁垒,相对于体制内的主动退出而言,体制外的被动退出是一条最优的路径.体制外被动退出是由国有经济目标函数变化内生决定的,是渐进式改革的必然结果.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to contribute to the understanding of the institutional arrangements within which China's rural health facilities are embedded and of the contribution of policy to the creation of these arrangements. Information collected through field observations and in‐depth interviews with the managers, staff and patients of a township health centre indicates that with the gradual evolution of markets, encouraged by state policies, health care in rural China took on more of the characteristics of a commodity. In order to adapt to this change, the health centre and its employees are adjusting their behavioural norms and reconstructing an institutional network within which daily activities of simultaneously fulfilling public health responsibilities and pursuing economic gain are legitimized. This article focuses on the interwoven relationship between politics and markets at the micro level and examines the negotiations between stakeholders in constructing new institutional arrangements. It also describes how health sector managers are creating regulations to influence the performance of their facility. The article argues that while government policies play a crucial role in shaping the direction of development, institutional arrangements strongly influence the attempts by rural health organizations to implement them. It concludes that it is critical to take institutional factors into account in analyzing China's rural health‐care reforms.  相似文献   

张洋勇 《社会工作》2008,(12):18-20
随着改革开放的推进和经济、社会管理体制的不断深入,我国社区的发展呈现蓬勃之势。与此同时,社区对专业人才的需求也日益突现出来。社区需求什么样的专业人才,我们该如何培养,这些将是本文所要解决的问题。  相似文献   

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