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The purpose of the paper is to provide an efficient pricing method for single barrier options under the double Heston model. By rewriting the model as a singular and regular perturbed BS model, the double Heston model can separately mimic a fast time-scale and a slow time-scale. With the singular and regular perturbation techniques, we analytically derive the first-order asymptotic expansion of the solution to a barrier option pricing partial differential equation. The convergence and efficiency of the approximate method is verified by Monte Carlo simulation. Numerical results show that the presented asymptotic pricing method is fast and accurate.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the pricing of vulnerable European options when the dynamic of the risky assets are governed by Markov-modulated Geometric Brownian Motions. The regime switching Esscher transform is employed to determine an equivalent martingale measure. In particular, we also provide analytical pricing formulas of vulnerable European options under a Markov-modulated jump-diffusion model.  相似文献   


Based on the fact that realized measures of volatility are affected by measurement errors, we introduce a new family of discrete-time stochastic volatility models having two measurement equations relating both observed returns and realized measures to the latent conditional variance. A semi-analytical option pricing framework is developed for this class of models. In addition, we provide analytical filtering and smoothing recursions for the basic specification of the model, and an effective MCMC algorithm for its richer variants. The empirical analysis shows the effectiveness of filtering and smoothing realized measures in inflating the latent volatility persistence—the crucial parameter in pricing Standard and Poor’s 500 Index options.  相似文献   

Lin et al. (2009) employed the Esscher transform method to price equity-indexed annuities (EIAs) when the dynamic of the market value of a reference asset was driven by a generalized geometric Brownian motion model with regime-switching. Some rare events (release of an unexpected economic figure, major political changes or even a natural disaster in a major economy) can lead to brusque variations in asset prices, and hence we sometimes need to consider jump models. This paper extends the model and analysis in Lin et al. (2009). Specifically, we assume that the financial market has a regime-switching jump-diffusion model, under which we price the point-to-point, the Asian-end, the high water mark and the annual reset EIAs by exploiting the local risk-minimization approach. The effects of the model parameters on the EIAs pricing are illustrated through numerical experiments. Meanwhile, we present the locally risk-minimizing hedging strategies for EIAs.  相似文献   

Survival studies often generate not only a survival time for each patient but also a sequence of health measurements at annual or semi-annual check-ups while the patient remains alive. Such a sequence of random length accompanied by a survival time is called a survival process. Robust health is ordinarily associated with longer survival, so the two parts of a survival process cannot be assumed independent. This paper is concerned with a general technique—reverse alignment—for constructing statistical models for survival processes, here termed revival models. A revival model is a regression model in the sense that it incorporates covariate and treatment effects into both the distribution of survival times and the joint distribution of health outcomes. The revival model also determines a conditional survival distribution given the observed history, which describes how the subsequent survival distribution is determined by the observed progression of health outcomes.  相似文献   

Survival studies often generate not only a survival time for each patient but also a sequence of health measurements at annual or semi-annual check-ups while the patient remains alive. Such a sequence of random length accompanied by a survival time is called a survival process. Robust health is ordinarily associated with longer survival, so the two parts of a survival process cannot be assumed independent. This paper is concerned with a general technique—reverse alignment—for constructing statistical models for survival processes, here termed revival models. A revival model is a regression model in the sense that it incorporates covariate and treatment effects into both the distribution of survival times and the joint distribution of health outcomes. The revival model also determines a conditional survival distribution given the observed history, which describes how the subsequent survival distribution is determined by the observed progression of health outcomes.  相似文献   

We study the joint distribution of (X, Y, N), where N has a geometric distribution while X and Y are, respectively, the sum and the maximum of N i.i.d. exponential random variables. We present fundamental properties of this class of mixed trivariate distributions, and discuss their applications. Our results include explicit formulas for the marginal and conditional distributions, joint integral transforms, moments and related parameters, stability properties, and stochastic representations. We also derive maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters of this distribution, along with their asymptotic properties, and briefly discuss certain generalizations of this model. An example from finance, where N represents the duration of the growth period of the daily log-returns of currency exchange rates, illustrates the modeling potential of this model.  相似文献   

The saddlepoint approximation formulas provide versatile tools for analytic approximation of the tail expectation of a random variable by approximating the complex Laplace integral of the tail expectation expressed in terms of the cumulant generating function of the random variable. We generalize the saddlepoint approximation formulas for calculating tail expectations from the usual Gaussian base distribution to an arbitrary base distribution. Specific discussion is presented on the criteria of choosing the base distribution that fits better the underlying distribution. Numerical performance and comparison of accuracy are made among different saddlepoint approximation formulas. Improved accuracy of the saddlepoint approximations to tail expectations is revealed when proper base distributions are chosen. We also demonstrate enhanced accuracy of the generalized saddlepoint approximation formulas under non-Gaussian base distributions in pricing European options on continuous integrated variance under the Heston stochastic volatility model.  相似文献   


To improve the empirical performance of the Black-Scholes model, many alternative models have been proposed to address leptokurtic feature, volatility smile, and volatility clustering effects of the asset return distributions. However, analytical tractability remains a problem for most alternative models. In this article, we study a class of hidden Markov models including Markov switching models and stochastic volatility models, that can incorporate leptokurtic feature, volatility clustering effects, as well as provide analytical solutions to option pricing. We show that these models can generate long memory phenomena when the transition probabilities depend on the time scale. We also provide an explicit analytic formula for the arbitrage-free price of the European options under these models. The issues of statistical estimation and errors in option pricing are also discussed in the Markov switching models.  相似文献   


The assumption of underlying return distribution plays an important role in asset pricing models. While the return distribution used in the traditional theories of asset pricing is the unimodal distribution, numerous studies which have investigated the empirical behavior of asset returns in financial markets use multi-modal distribution. We introduce a new parsimonious multi-modal distribution, referred to as the multi-modal tempered stable (MMTS) distribution. In this article we also generate the exponential Lévy market models and derive the value-at-risk (VaR) induced from them. To demonstrate the advantages, we will present the results of the parameter estimation and the VaRs for financial data.  相似文献   

Pricing options is an important problem in financial engineering. In many scenarios of practical interest, financial option prices associated with an underlying asset reduces to computing an expectation w.r.t. a diffusion process. In general, these expectations cannot be calculated analytically, and one way to approximate these quantities is via the Monte Carlo (MC) method; MC methods have been used to price options since at least the 1970s. It has been seen in Del Moral P, Shevchenko PV. [Valuation of barrier options using sequential Monte Carlo. 2014. arXiv preprint] and Jasra A, Del Moral P. [Sequential Monte Carlo methods for option pricing. Stoch Anal Appl. 2011;29:292–316] that Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods are a natural tool to apply in this context and can vastly improve over standard MC. In this article, in a similar spirit to Del Moral and Shevchenko (2014) and Jasra and Del Moral (2011), we show that one can achieve significant gains by using SMC methods by constructing a sequence of artificial target densities over time. In particular, we approximate the optimal importance sampling distribution in the SMC algorithm by using a sequence of weighting functions. This is demonstrated on two examples, barrier options and target accrual redemption notes (TARNs). We also provide a proof of unbiasedness of our SMC estimate.  相似文献   

This article discusses some topics relevant to financial modeling. The kurtosis of a distribution plays an important role in controlling tail-behavior and is used in edgeworth expansion of the call prices. We present derivations of the kurtosis for a number of popular volatility models useful in financial applications, including the class of random coefficient GARCH models. Option pricing formulas for various classes of volatility models are also derived and a simple proof of the option pricing formula under the Black–Scholes model is given.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the pricing of American options by simulation methods. In the traditional methods, in order to determine when to exercise, we have to store the simulated asset prices at all time steps on all paths. If N time steps and M paths are used, then the storage requirement is O(MN). In this paper, we present a simulation method for pricing American options where the number of storage required only grows like O(M). The only additional computational cost is that we have to generate each random number twice instead of once. For machines with limited memory, we can now use a larger N to improve the accuracy in pricing the options.  相似文献   

In finite sample studies redescending M-estimators outperform bounded M-estimators (see for example, Andrews et al. [1972. Robust Estimates of Location. Princeton University Press, Princeton]). Even though redescenders arise naturally out of the maximum likelihood approach if one uses very heavy-tailed models, the commonly used redescenders have been derived from purely heuristic considerations. Using a recent approach proposed by Shurygin, we study the optimality of redescending M-estimators. We show that redescending M-estimator can be designed by applying a global minimax criterion to locally robust estimators, namely maximizing over a class of densities the minimum variance sensitivity over a class of estimators. As a particular result, we prove that Smith's estimator, which is a compromise between Huber's skipped mean and Tukey's biweight, provides a guaranteed level of an estimator's variance sensitivity over the class of densities with a bounded variance.  相似文献   

One of the financial model with nonconstant volatiltiy is the constant elasticity of varinace model, or CEV model for short. The CEV model is an altrnative to the Black–Scholes model of stock price movements. In this diffusion process, unlike the Black–Scholes model, the volatility is a function of the stock price and involves two parameters. In this article, we propose an efficient Monte-Carlo algorithm for pricing arithmetic Asian option under CEV model. In an earlier work by Mehrdoust, an efficient Monte Carlo simulation algorithm for pricing arithmetic Asian options under Black–Scholes model is proposed. The proposed algorithm has proved extremely successful in decreasing the standard deviation and the error of simulation in pricing of the arithmetic Asian options. In this article, we find that the proposed algorithm under the geometric Brownian motion assumption in the Black–Scholes model can effectively apply for pricing arithmetic Asian options when the stock price process follows the CEV model. Numerical experiments show that our algorithm gives very accurate results.  相似文献   

A critical issue in modeling binary response data is the choice of the links. We introduce a new link based on the Student’s t-distribution (t-link) for correlated binary data. The t-link relates to the common probit-normal link adding one additional parameter which controls the heaviness of the tails of the link. We propose an interesting EM algorithm for computing the maximum likelihood for generalized linear mixed t-link models for correlated binary data. In contrast with recent developments (Tan et al. in J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 77:929–943, 2007; Meza et al. in Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 53:1350–1360, 2009), this algorithm uses closed-form expressions at the E-step, as opposed to Monte Carlo simulation. Our proposed algorithm relies on available formulas for the mean and variance of a truncated multivariate t-distribution. To illustrate the new method, a real data set on respiratory infection in children and a simulation study are presented.  相似文献   

Pricing of American options in discrete time is considered, where the option is allowed to be based on several underlying stocks. It is assumed that the price processes of the underlying stocks are given by Markov processes. We use the Monte Carlo approach to generate artificial sample paths of these price processes, and then we use nonparametric regression estimates to estimate from this data so-called continuation values, which are defined as mean values of the American option for given values of the underlying stocks at time t subject to the constraint that the option is not exercised at time t. As nonparametric regression estimates we use least squares estimates with complexity penalties, which include as special cases least squares spline estimates, least squares neural networks, smoothing splines and orthogonal series estimates. General results concerning rate of convergence are presented and applied to derive results for the special cases mentioned above. Furthermore the pricing of American options is illustrated by simulated data.  相似文献   

The family consisting of the distributions of products of two independent beta variables is extended to include cases where some of the parameters are not positive but negative or complex. This “beta product” distribution is expressible as a Meijer G function. An example (from risk theory) where such a distribution arises is given: an infinite sum of products of independent random variables is shown to have a distribution that is the product convolution of a complex-parameter beta product and an independent exponential. The distribution of the infinite sum is a new explicit solution of the stochastic equation X = (in law) B(X + C). Characterizations of some G distributions are also proved.  相似文献   


In order to increase the power of the classical Shewhart control charts for detecting small shift, several supplementary rules based on runs and scans were introduced by the Western Electric Company in 1956 Western Electric Company. 1956. Statistical Quality Control Handbook  [Google Scholar]. In this article we introduce a new method for computing the run-length distribution for a Shewhart chart with runs and scans rules. Our method yields an exact expression for the run-length generating function. We can then use either one of two techniques for extracting the probability function. One leads to recursive formulas and the other to non-recursive formulas. We investigate the performance of some popular runs and scans rules and show that the run-length distribution is highly skewed. Comparing the entire distributions of different rules, rather than simply the widely-used expectations (ARLs), leads to important new conclusions on the advantages of applying each of these rules vs. using a simple chart. Finally, we introduce a Web application that incorporates these theoretical results into a simple and practical tool that can be used by practitioners.  相似文献   

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