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This paper aims to give some suggestions to improve the extensive reading teaching in normal college. The students are the center of the class. The class should emphasize communication. A teacher is a instructor, but also is a controller, a prompter,a participant and a resource.  相似文献   

What is the best teaching method? The answer: The one that is most effective in accomplishing the lesson aim. Every carpenter's tool has its proper use. A carpenter does not use a saw to drive a nail,level a beam,or measure a board. In the same way, a teacher does not use the same teaching method for every teaching situation. There are probably at least two reasons why any one method is overused. First,many teachers tend to teach in the same manner they were taught. If they were  相似文献   

3 Brief explanation of the programs The No.3 program demostrates a sorting process, its sorting key word is character string. It needs to create a string file before it runs. The length of each string is ramdom, length maximum is 20, a string consists of 26 lower letters a..z. The No.2 program and No.1 program demostrate repectively a sorting process too, their sorting key words are integer or  相似文献   

布莱克先生是一名教师。他住在学校。他家离学校的操场很近。孩子们经常在操场上踢足球。有时他们打碎布莱克先生家的窗玻璃。一天下午,布莱克太太在家。她在读一本书。很快她便合上眼睛睡着了。这时候,一个小男孩来敲门。布莱克太太打开门问道:你是不是又打碎了我的窗玻璃?”“哦,没有,”男孩回答,“这次您的窗户是开着的。我们的足球在您的房间里。请问我能取回它吗?”Our Football Mr Black is a teacher.He lives in the School.His house is near the school play ground.The children often play football on the playground.Some…  相似文献   

有一位盲人。一天他在街上走,踩到一只正在睡觉的狗的脑袋。狗“汪汪汪”地叫了一阵。然后盲人继续往前走了很长时间。这次他踩到另外一只狗的尾巴。这只狗也“汪汪汪”地叫了起来。盲人以为它是第一只狗。所以就说道“:这只狗可真长!”Such a Long D ogThere is a blind m an.O ne day he w alks in thestreet.H e steps on the head of a sleeping dog.The dog barks fora w hile.Then the blind m an goes on w alking for a1ong tim e.This tim e he steps on anotherdog’s tail.The dog barks,too.The blind m an thinks it is t…  相似文献   

The job of teaching is one of the most important careers that exist in this modern day in which we live. It is much more than a job. It is a vocation with it the connotation of a call upon an individual's life to sacrifice all that he has, and is in order to shape the lives of those who have been entrusted to his care. The teacher, though highly regarded and respected, is still one of the lowest paid professionals anywhere in the world. This is sad, but true. An individual seeking to amass a  相似文献   

0.0 What is‘fuzziness’?Before inquiring into the fuzziness of language,we should first of all understand what‘fuzziness’is.The term didnot become a scientific term until L.A.Zadeh,an American Professor of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science,published his thesis“Fuzzy Sets”in 1965.Up to then linguists and philosophers had been using‘vagueness’instead of‘fuzziness’.And now some still use the term‘vagueness’while others use‘fuzziness’,but both of them bear the samemeaning.A.Shaff,a Polish linguist,asserted that‘fuzziness’is“indicated by the finite area and lack of specification of itsboundary”(1965).Zadeh defined his‘fuzzy set’from the dynamic point of view.He points out that‘fuzzy set’is“a  相似文献   

Ellipsis. a Greek word meaning 'omission', is a common feature in English. The omission of some word or words necessary to complete the grammatical expression of a clause or sentence is called ellipsis.  相似文献   

Noncontact measurements of the permittivity of a smooth convex target are described in this paper. Two methods are presented. The first one is a modified Erteza and Doran's method. The second one is measuring the reflection coefficient of the target and then evaluating the permittivity. Both methods are implemented in the open with a S-band bistatic radar. The experimental results are in good agreement with those obtained by the perturbation method.  相似文献   

A Figure of speech is a deviation from the ordinary use of words with aview to increasing their effect,Thus we can say,"Bring the mainstay here",We can also say,"Her son is her mainstay."Here"mainstay"is used in afiguratine or non-literal sense and signifies"chief support". Figures of speech are classified under three main heads.The mostimportant kinds of figures are given under each head for reference.  相似文献   

Just Spots A man goes to the eye doctor. The receptionist asks him why he is there. The man complains, "I keep seeing spots in front of my eyes." The receptionist asks, "Have you ever seen a doctor?" The man replies, "No, just spots. "中文注释:有一个人去看眼科医生,接待员问他的眼睛怎么了,男人抱怨道:"我总是在眼前看到斑点。"接待员问:"你以前看过医生吗?"男人回答道:"没有,只看见斑点。"  相似文献   

名词性从句 1. The Foreign Minister said,"_______our hope that the two sides will work towards peace." A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is  相似文献   

Introduction The factors of personality may be directly or indirectly related to learners' success in foreion language learning. A lot of research work has been devoted to elucidating what kinds of learner's characteristics appear to be related to success in learning a foreign language and in what way they are retatad. However,the results prove to be problematic. As a result,it is not easy for language teachers to evaluate and utilize the results of those in-  相似文献   

1. Introduction In educational theory, as with most things, there exist fashions and trends. Within the field of foreign language teaching the communicative approach is with good reason very fasharable in the west. The name certainly makes it difficult to argue with, who would want to use the 'non-communicative' approach to teaching a foreign language? The need to communicate in a language is what makes language teaching different from teaching many other subjects. If you study geography, you learn about places, but if you only learn about a language it is not enough. I  相似文献   

To paraphrase is a helpful method frequently used in English teaching. What does it mean? How to do paraphrase? The writer cites some sentences from textbooks and some teaching materials so as to sum up the way of paraphrasing in several aspects. One is paraphrasing the key words and expressions of a sentence in a paraghaph. The other is paraphrasing the rhetorical device by explaining or revealing the implication of the figure of speech and extending the meaning on the basis of the centural idea or in accordance with the logical coherence of the context.  相似文献   

In English grammar, an adjective is used to depict, qualify or modify a noun. In doing so, it may refer to the noun either directly, or through the medium of a link verb. Take the adjective "diligent" for example. We can say, "a diligent student", or "The student is diligent." Thus,  相似文献   

A remarkable talent in American poetry,E.E.Cummings(1894—1962)is,of all qualities,best known for his radical experiment with the poetical langu-age.F.O.Matthiessen,a Harvard professor and incisive critic,described himas a ″romantic anarchist″, who made plain his contempt for authority by celeb-rating individuality.Cummings’s first book ″The Enormous Room″ (1922),hisname-making novel based on his bitter experience of being unjustly imprisonedin France for three months in World War I and devoted to a savage exposure  相似文献   

一、前言有些形容词既可作定语也可作表语,有些形容词只能作定语,有些形容词只能作表语,这是大家熟悉的语言现象。例如:(*符号表示不能接受的结构) 我们可以说the old man,也可以说The man is old. 我们可以说the hard stone,也可以说Thc stone is hard. 我们可以说a mere child,却不能说*The child is mere.  相似文献   

Although traditional logic programming languages provide powerful tools for knowledge representation, they cannot deal with uncertainty information (e. g. probabilistic information). In this paper, we propose a probabilistic logic programming language by introduce probability into a general logic programming language. The work combines 4-valued logic with probability. Conditional probability can be easily represented in a probabilistic logic program. The semantics of such a probabilistic logic program is base on the method of stable model which can generate more precise answer for a query.  相似文献   

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