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This study explores whether the social services weigh in health aspects, and what these may be, when investigating reported children's life situation. Information about physical and psychological health aspects for 259 children in 272 investigations was included. Overall, information about children's health was limited. Problematic emotions were the most commonly reported health aspect in the investigations, whereas suicidal thoughts, self‐harm behaviour and gastrointestinal and renal diseases were mentioned least of all. A cluster analysis revealed that the low level of health information group included the largest sample of data and consisted of investigations with minimal information about children's health. The three other cluster groups, Neurological diseases and psychosomatic symptoms, Emotional health and Physical and psychological health and destructive behaviour, consisted of investigations conducted mostly according to the model called Children's Needs In Focus (BBIC, in Swedish, Barns Behov i Centrum). Although these investigations also produced limited information, they provided more than those assessed as having a low level of information about health aspects. The conclusion is that it is necessary to increase information about health aspects in investigations if social welfare systems are to be able to fulfil their ambition of supporting vulnerable children's need of health care.  相似文献   

The advent of the Global Financial Crisis reminds us that modern epidemiological research has consistently demonstrated links between the socio‐economic circumstances of families and children's health and development. Drawing on data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, this article firstly examines the evidence for intergenerational transmission of socio‐economic disadvantage from parents to young children. It then examines parents' jobs as another source of social inequality. Results confirm that children's healthy development is affected by family income, by parents' hours of work and by the quality of parents' jobs. Job combinations that include long work hours of mothers and fathers and poorer quality jobs are associated with elevated rates of parental mental health problems, less time spent in developmentally important activities with children, and socio‐emotional developmental difficulties for children. The evidence suggests that these effects are greater within low income families. These findings highlight the need for social and economic policies to move beyond simplistic notions of promoting parental workforce participation as a way of reducing the adverse effects of social disadvantage. A more nuanced approach is required that considers the additional impacts of the quality and characteristics of jobs, especially for the parents of young children.  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyses the portrayal of children's mental health and developmental issues (CMHI) in articles located in a random sample of a selection of available high‐circulating English language North American ‘women's magazines’ indexed in the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature from 1990 to 2012. It is based upon a qualitative discourse analysis. CMHI are portrayed as materially, biologically real, prevalent and growing in incidence, and severity. They are also portrayed as located in the ‘non‐normal’, ‘non‐nice’, ‘disliked’ and ‘non‐successful’ individual child. Neither the facticity nor the biomedicalization of CMHI is questioned. The psy‐scientists and practitioners cited as experts for the ‘disorders’ offer contradictory and confusing information and advice. The possible theoretical and pragmatic explanations and consequences of this portrayal are discussed.  相似文献   

Marital conflict and children's functioning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Marital conflict is a key factor in adjustment problems in children. Research is reviewed indicating that conflicts are stressful for children, and increase their aggression and enmeshment in parental disputes. Field studies, supported by recent experimental tests, indicate that sensitization to destructive conflict occurs, resulting in greater reactivity. Marital conflict can disrupt parenting and attachments, increase aggression between siblings, and even impact extended family members such as grandparents. Intense, aggressive conflicts and those centering on the child are particularly destructive. By contrast, resolution much reduces negative reactions and can be detected through a variety of channels of information.  相似文献   

In this paper the focus is on ‘the community’ of a children's home and what it looks like from the children's point of view. The research data consist of ethnographic research material produced in conjunction with a doctoral thesis in 1996. The community was analysed in respect to four features: periodic adult relationships, alliance creation, importance of peers relationships and continuous negotiations, where children take active roles. In addition to periodic employees, the community of a children's home includes different relationships between peers and adults. The significance of the community is individually experienced. According to the field research, a children's home can offer home‐like experiences for some children and give a feeling of belonging, while there are also children for whom a sense of belonging is more complex. There is a need for a community approach in child protection and child welfare research. The studies of children's friendship and other human relationships provide adults and professionals with an understanding of the role of these relationships in the children's life and future. The studies also yield information on how these personal relationships are interpreted by young people.  相似文献   

Games provide valuable learning experiences for children. Team games in particular involve them in a variety of roles and responsibilities. This article examines team selection in spontaneous playground games in an elementary school enrolling 500. The approach is naturalistic and ethnographic. The children were very concerned about choosing teams of comparable ability so as to ensure an even and fair contest. The key was careful selection of team captains based on athletic ability. Friendship played a secondary role. These athletically skilled captains in turn chose teams according to ability. Girls and less skilled boys were not selected to lead because that would threaten the balance of the teams. Children chosen last for the team or not chosen at all felt rejected socially as well as athletically.  相似文献   

To explore how parental socialization of emotion may influence children's emotion understanding, which then guides children's interpretations of emotion‐related situations across contexts, we examined the pathways between socialization of emotion and children's adjustment in the classroom, with children's emotion understanding as an intervening variable. Specifically, children's emotion understanding was examined as a mediator of associations between mothers' beliefs about the value and danger of children's emotions and children's adjustment in the classroom within an SEM framework. Classroom adjustment was estimated as a latent variable and included social, emotional, and behavioral indices. Covariates included maternal education, and child gender and ethnicity. Participants were a diverse group of 201 third‐graders (116 African American, 81 European American, 4 Biracial; 48.8% female), their mothers, and teachers. Results revealed that emotion‐related beliefs (value and danger) had no direct influence on classroom adjustment. However, children whose mothers endorsed the belief that emotions are dangerous demonstrated less emotion understanding and were less well‐adjusted in the classroom. Mothers' belief that emotions are valuable was not independently associated with emotion understanding. Findings point to the important role of emotion understanding in children's development across contexts (family, classroom) and developmental domains (social, emotional, behavioral) during the middle childhood years.  相似文献   

This paper describes my efforts, as a practising play therapist, to listen to children’s opinions about the play therapy experience. There has been ongoing interaction between this project and my clinical work. Previous research has attended to adult agendas, and I have tried to give children a voice. There have been methodological challenges. However, data from the children confirm the overriding importance of the relationship, providing the context for the therapeutic experience. Within the playroom, children distinguish between talking and playing, and both have a role. However, while therapists ascribe meaning to play, most children see it as ‘just fun’. For some children having fun, in the context of a thoughtful and sustaining relationship, was the most significant aspect of the therapeutic process. Others were able to reflect more deeply and recognize the value of having difficult feelings thought about and understood.  相似文献   

In the current study, a curvilinear association was examined between differential parenting and children's social understanding as measured using standardized assessments and behavioral observations. Social understanding was comprised of theory‐of‐mind and behavior indicating understanding of others’ minds (i.e., cognitive sensitivity and internal state talk and reasoning during sibling interactions). Data came from a community sample of 372 children (51.6% males; M age = 5.57, SD = 0.77), their younger siblings (M age = 3.14, SD = 0.27), and their mothers who were observed in their homes. We hypothesized that in families with higher levels of differential parenting, both favored and disfavored older siblings would display poorer social understanding, but that disfavored children would be more negatively impacted. Results from a hierarchical regression analysis indicated an inverse linear effect, rather than a curvilinear relationship, between being favored by mother and siblings’ social understanding. Specifically, disfavored older children showed higher levels of social understanding when interacting with their favored younger sibling. This relationship remained significant after controlling for variables such as age, SES, and language. Findings suggest that differential parenting plays a role in children's ability to understand others.  相似文献   

The father–child interaction deserves attention during the COVID-19 epidemic. This study administrated the Child Anger Questionnaire and the SCL-90 Symptom Checklist to collect primary data from 1862 fathers of Chinese young children during the COVID-19 outbreak, examined the relation between young children's anger and their fathers' mental health, and verified whether the relation was moderated by the gender or the child number. The results demonstrated that the detection rate of anger among Chinese young children was 60.08%, the scores of SCL-90 factors of their fathers were significantly lower than the Chinese normal adult male norms and those of infant parents, and the anger of young children had a significant effect on their fathers' mental health. Gender and child number moderated this relation. It is of great significance to strengthen the attention to the anger of young children and the mental health of fathers during the period of public health emergencies, and to promote the harmonious interpersonal relationship between young children and their fathers.  相似文献   

<正>低碳生活先把入口关有这样一份资料,说一个人一生要消耗的食物,总重量与6头大象相仿。平均到年,一个成年人大概要吃掉88公斤肉,相当于排放3212千克二氧化碳;  相似文献   

我们要有鲜明的、科学的21世纪的时代观。讲21世纪,不是讲一般未来十年、二十年或者三十年、五十年。这样地来想问题,任何时候都可以做,而现在我们要有新世纪感,要有“最充分地适应进入新世纪后我们的时代”这样的认识和实践。  相似文献   

Our Lost Legacy     
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Although it is only a minority of displaced and persecuted people globally who seek refuge in ‘Western’ countries, they meet an increasingly hostile reception. This paper focuses on the situation facing children seeking asylum with or without their families in Britain and Australia, and the implications for children's rights and for social work. The policy background and its racist foundations in both countries are outlined. Despite geopolitical differences, there are unnerving parallels. Legislative changes and policy complexity signal increasingly punitive attitudes towards asylum seekers. The situation of children and families in the community is discussed in terms of the exclusion of asylum seekers from basic rights, and specific issues for separated children. Even more damaging is the incarceration of children and families in detention centres, and the emerging research is explored. In both countries there is widespread flouting of children's rights, and children also feature as pawns in ideological contests. However, they also act autonomously and illustrate an inclusive model of citizenship. The role of social workers in the statutory and voluntary sectors is considered, and the paper concludes with a discussion of the challenges for social work of avoiding collusion with repressive policies and actively promoting human rights.  相似文献   

This paper reflects upon the historic abuse of young people living in children's homes. Beginning with a recognition of ‘individual abuse’, it explores, first of all, the reasons why young people were abused, including: (1) the status of childhood and being in care; (2) the application of ‘approved’ treatment methods; (3) the failure of managerial, organizational and inspection systems; and (4) the institutional critique and the popularity of preventative policies. Second, by identifying common themes arising from this account, it is suggested we need to rethink the way abuse has been conceptualized. Individual direct abuse, sanctioned abuse, organized systematic abuse and system outcome abuse are discussed. Finally, the paper reviews recent changes in law, policy and practice, including the Children Act 2004, designed to prevent abuses happening again. It is argued that challenges still remain in addressing structural inequalities, improving protection, balancing needs and rights, extending protection to different groups of young people and in having a preventative vision for children's homes.  相似文献   

A follow-up study of 141 young people in 48 children's homes examined changes in their moods, relationships with their family and adjustment. The average scores of the group on these variables changed little between first interview and follow-up 6–9 months later. However, some individuals improved and others deteriorated. Improvements in family relationships were more likely in homes where the head of home could describe strategies for fostering family ties. Improvements in adjustment were also more likely in homes where the head of home could articulate ways of enabling change in key areas of the residents' lives. Residents who spoke of attempts to bully them were more distressed at the time of the first interview and less adjusted at follow-up. The study underlines the damaging effects of bullying and the key role of the head of home.  相似文献   

TheintroductionofWesternliterarytheoriessincethebeginningofthenewera,whichhasbeenveryhelpfulforenlargingourhorizon,hasalsohadside-effectssuchastheoretical"indigestion"andanon-creativeimitationoftheWest.OnecanstillrecalltheembarrassmentwhenWesterntheories,stronglycriticized,orevenregardeda8outdatedintheWest,werestillbeinglaudedbyChinesescholars.Thiscreatedadilemmaforliterarystudiesinthenewperiod,andthefearthatatotalrejectionofnewWesterntrendswouldcauseconservatismandunderdevelopment,whileblin…  相似文献   

汶川!汶川! 2008年5月12日下午2点28分,四川省阿坝州汶川县发生里氏8.0级强烈地震。北京、江苏、贵州、宁夏、青海、甘肃、河南、山西、陕西、山东、云南、湖南、湖北、上海、重庆、西藏等省区市均有震感。截至5月28日12时,共造成68109人遇难,364552人受伤。失踪19851人。  相似文献   

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