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Book reviewed in this article:
T.N. GUINSBURG and G.L. REUBER (ed.), Perspectives on the Social Sciences in Canada .
S. PARVEZ WAKIL (ed.), Marriage, Family and Society: Canadian Perspectives
K. ISHWARAN (ed.), The Canadian Family
LYLE E. LARSON. The Canadian Family in Comparative Perspective .
JACQUES LAZURE, Le jeune couple non marié .
SEENA B. KOHL, Working Together: Women and Family in Southwestern Saskatchewan
FREDERICK C. ENGELMANN and MILDRED A. Schwartz Canadian Political Parties: Origin, Character, Impact .
D. LATOUCHE, G. LORD, J. G. VAILLANCOURT (sous la direction de), Le Processus électorale au Québec: les élections provinciales de 1970 et 1973 .
IVAN AVAKUMOVIC, The Communist Party in Canada .
DENNIS FORCESE, The Canadian Class Structure .
RICHARD L. HENSHEL and ROBERT A. SILVERMAN (eds.), Perception in Criminology
JAMES L. WILKINS, Legal Aid in the Criminal Courts .
WILLIAM KELLY and NORA KELLY, Policing in Canada .
WILLIAM SKIDMORE, Theoretical Thinking in Sociology .
La sociolinguistique au Québec, en collaboration, Cahier de linguistique, No 6 .  相似文献   

PAUL AUDLEV, Canada's Cultural Industries: Broadcasting, Publishing, Records and Film.
MICHAEL W. YOUNG. Magicians of Manumanua: Living Myth in Kalauna.
MARY F. ROGERS, Sociology, ethnomethodology, and experience; A phenomenalogical critique.
THOMAS FLEMING and L.A. VISANO (eds.), Deviant Designations: Crime, Law and Deviance in Canada.
FRANCIS HENRY, Victims and Neighbours: A Small Town in Nazi Germany Remembered.
HELMUT R. WAGNER, Phenomenology of Consciousness and Sociology of the Life-World: An Introductory Study.
ALFRED SCHUTZ, An Intellectual Biography.
MICHAEL ASCH, Home and Native Land: Aboriginal Rights and the Canadian Constitution
MADELEINE BÉLAND, Chansons de voyageurs, coureurs de bois et forestiers.
DENISE RODRIGUE, Le Cycle de Pâques au Québec et dans l'Ouest de la France.
GARY CALDWELL et ERIC WADDELL (eds.), Les anglophones du Québec: de majoritaires à minoritaires.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
gilles bourque, L'Etat capitaliste et la question nationale
leon dion, Quebec: the Unfinished Revolution.
SHEILAGH HODGINS MILNER AND HENRY MILNER, The Decolonization of Quebec: An Analysis of Left-Wing Nationalism.
henry aubin, Les vrais propriétaires de Mon-tréal.
john R. mallea, editor, Quebec's Language Policies: Background and Response.
DIAN I. ESSARD), L'agriculture et le capitalisme uu Québec
jean-louis roy, Edouard-Raymond Fabre, libraire et patriote canadien (1799–1854).
Partis Politiques au Québec, sous la direction de Réjean Pelletier.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
PIERRE FOURNIER, The Québec Establishment
DONALD V. SMILEY, Canada in Question: Federalism in the Seventies
CONRAD WINN AND JOHN MCMENEMY, Political Parties in Canada
CHRISTOPHER BEATTIE. Minority Men in a Majority Setting: Middle-Level Francophones in the Ctrncidicln Public Service
OHANNES SARKIS BALIAN, The Caisse Populaire: A French-Canadian Economic Institution in Manitoba
TERRY COPP, The Anatomg of Poverty: The Condition of the Working Class in Montreal, 1897–1929
PAUL M. MIGUS (ed.), Sounds Canadian: Languages and Cultures in Multi-Ethnic Society
BENJAMIN D. SINGER (ed.), Commimications in Canadian Society
MARTIN L. FRIEDLAND (ed.), Courts and Trials: A Multidisciplinary Approach  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Department of Manpower and Immigration, Canadian Immigration and Population Study, Volumes 1–4. Howard Palmer (Ed.), Immigration and the Rise of Multiculturalism Gerald L. Gold, Strint Prrscd: Clitinging Lrtrdcrsliip & Sockrl Orgtrnization In a Quebec Town Niels Winther Braroe, Indian & White: Self-Image and Intcruction in a Canadian Plain Community W.T. Stanbury, assisted by Jay H. Siegel, Success arid Failure: Indians in Urban Society J.S. Frideres, Canada's Indians: Contemporary Conflicts D.B. Fields and W.T. Stanbury, The Economic Impact of The Public Sector upon the Indians of British Colrrmbia: An Examination of the Incidence of Taxation and Expenditure of Three Levels of Golxernment David Flint, The Htttterites: A Study in Prejudice Pat Duffy Hutcheon, A Sociology of Canadian Edrrcation Marion R. Porter, John Porter Be Bernard R. Blishen, Does Money Matter? Prospects for Higher Education Craig L. Boydell, Paul C. Whitehead, and Carl F. Grindstaff (eds.). The Administration of Criminal Justic in in Canada Elia Zureik and Robert M. Pike (Eds.). Socialization and Values in Canadian Society. Volume One: Political Socialization R. Boily, A. Dubuc, F.M. Gagnon Et M. Rioux, Données sur le Que'bec, avec une division par J.-c. Bonenfant Explorations in Communication, Volume I, no. I Tom Mc Feat, Small-Group Cultures Bernard Devault et Benoct Levesque, eléments pour une sociologie des communautés religieuses au Québec  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: DAVID C. PITT (ed.). Development From Below: Anthropologists and Development Situations WILLIAMC. MCCORMACK and STEPHEN A. WURM (eds.). Language and Man: Anthropological Issues. AGEHANANDA BHARATI (ed.). The Realm of the Extra-Human: Agents and Audiences WILLIAM H. NEWELL (ed.) Ancestors MICHAEL W. EVERETT, JACK O. WADDELL, and DWIGHT B. HEATH (eds.)- Cross-Cultural Approaches to the Study of Alcohol: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. ESTELLE FUCHS (ed.). Youth in a Changing World: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Adolescence. AGEHANANDA BHARATI (ed.). The Realm of he Extra-Human: Ideas and Actions. SPENCER. ROBERT F. and JESSE D. JENNINGS, et al. The Native Americans. ARTHUR J. RAY. Indians in the Fur Trade: Their Role as Trappers, Hunters, and Middlemen in the Lands southwest of Hudson Bay 1660–1870. WSEVOLOD ISAJIW (ed.). Identities: The Impact of Ethnicity on Canadian Society. BAN SENG HOE. Structural Changes of Two Chinese Communities in Alberta, Canada. ANNE T. BRODZKY, ROSE DANESEWICH. and NICK JOHNSON, (eds.), Stones, Bone and Skin. C.J. RICHARDSON. Contemporary Social Mobility. STEWART CRYSDALE and LES WHEATCROFT (eds.) Religion in Canadian Society. JOHN HAGAN. The Disreputable Pleasures. gary d. bouma and wilma J. bouma. Fertility Control: Canada's Lively Social Problem. rémi savard. Le Rire Précolombien dans le Québec D'Anjourd hui. Les Cahiers du CRSR. No. 1. Québec: Centre de Recherches en Sociologie Religieuse, Univer-sité Laval, 1977, 183 pages MARIE-ODILE MÉTRAL. Le mariage: Les hésitations de l'Occident. Préface de Philippe Ariès. Collection Présence et Pensée. CHABOT, RICHARD. Le curé de campagne et la contestation locale au Québec de 1791 aux troubles de 1837–38. Cahiers du Québec. marc adélard tremblay (sous la direction de) Les facettes de l'identité amérindienne I The Patterns of “Amerindian” Identity. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1976, 316 pages FRANÇOIS-MARC GAGNON. La Conversion par l'Image: Un Aspect de la Mission des Jésuites auprès des Indiens du Canada an XVII siècle. PIERRE BEAUCAGE, JACQUES GOMILA. et Lionel vallée. Testes présentés par jacqueline fry. L'Expérience anthropologique. Série Collections et archives de l'Université de Montréal.  相似文献   

Dans l'examen des problématiques de l«identité nationale» au Canada, la sociologie critique est de plus en plus tournée vers l'analyse discursive, aboutissant à des conclusions nuancées et complexes. Or, une telle approche risque d'escamoter d'autres analyses, tout aussi utiles, qui attribuent à la technologie un rôle central dans le processus de «nation-building» au Canada. Cet article explore la sociologie de la traduction, aussi appelée théorie d'acteur-réseau, et suggère que l'emprunt d'une telle approche se prêterait à une analyse plus complète des «questions nationales» du Canada et du Québec - analyse qui intégrerait les catégories du social et de la technique. Canadian critical sociology draws increasingly from discourse analysis to work out questions of national identity in Canada, yielding complex and nuanced results, but not sufficiently engaging with other work privileging technology as a central question in Canadian nation-building. This paper explores the sociology of translation, also known as actor-network theory, and suggests that such an approach might usefully be taken up in order to provide a more complete analysis of the “national questions” of Canada and Québec that integrates both social and technological categories.  相似文献   

Le texte démontre la place marginale qu'occupe la sociologie quantitative dans l'activité officielle de cette discipline au Québec. Les chercheurs qui publient des articles quantitatifs sont peu nombreux et ne contribuent guère au développement des méthodes quantitatives dans la discipline. Les sujets traités se restreignent à quelques domaines seulement. Il semble par contre que les méthodes quantitatives soient plus répandues chez les sociologues non-universitaires. Par ailleurs, les études quantitatives sont perméables aux tendances dominantes de la sociologie québécoise; elles sont centrées sur le Québec comme objet d'analyse et elles utilisent un cadre théorique relativement élaboré.
This paper shows the marginal position of quantitative analysis in the articles published by Quebec francophone sociologists in the major journals of the discipline. Very few sociologists publish quantitative studies and they basically apply methods developed elsewhere. Quantitative analysis is confined to a few subject matters and is completely absent in many domains. It appears, however, that the quantitative approach is more widespread among non-university-based sociologists. Finally quantitative studies share some of the general characteristics of Quebec sociology: they focus almost entirely on Quebec as the object of analysis and they resort to an elaborate conceptual framework.  相似文献   

LIEBERSON, STANLEY, Language and Ethnic Relations in Canada
MAHEU, ROBERT, Les francophones du Canada, 1941–1991
JOY, RICHARD J., Languages in Conflict: the Canadian Experience  相似文献   

Les développements sur l'identité ethnique des Inuit et sur les origines historiques de la dépendance dans le Nord canadien ne fournissent pas de théorie capable de rendre compte des différences dans l'intégration des Inuit au Labrador, dans la partie artique du Québec. Nous y sommes parvenus à la suite de notre analyse, en évaluant la validité d'un type de colonialisme interne pour le Nord canadien, qui poserait a priori l'existence d'une division ethnique du travail. Cette théorie s'appuie sur des données fournies surtout par le recensement. Celles-ci se regroupent autour des modes de participation de la population active Inuit, le maintien de l'identité et la survie de la langue.
Discussions of Inuit ethnic identity and of the historical origins of dependency in the Canadian North often fall short of an adequate theory capable of explaining the varying patterns of Inuit integration in Labrador, Arctic Quebec, and the eastern and western Northwest Territories. Our analysis does this by evaluating the validity of an internal colonialism model for the Canadian North, which posits the existence of a cultural division of labour. Data to support this contention are drawn largely from census material. The data focus is on patterns of Inuit labour force participation, identity maintenance and language retention.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: M. PATRICIA MARCHAK, Ideological Perspectives on Canada. IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN, The Modern World-System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century ALAN F. BLUM, Theorizing. Sociologie et Sociétés J. HENRIPIN et E. LAPIERRE-ADAMCYK, La fin de la revanche des berceaux: qu'en pensent les Québécoises ? JANICE ACTON, PENNY GOLDSMITH, and BONNIE SHEPARD (eds.), Women at Work: Ontario 1850–1930. LUCE IRIGARAY, Spéculum de l'autre femme C. CARISSE et J. DUMAZEDIER, Les femmes innovatrices: problèmes post-industriels d'une Amérique francophone, le Québec. DAVID R. HUGHES and EVELYN KALLEN, The Anatomy of Racism: Canadian Dimensions. H.F. MCGEE, The Native Peoples of Atlantic Canada: A Reader in Regional Ethnic Relations. THOMAS ABLER, DOUGLAS SANDERS, SALLY WEAVER, et al., A Canadian Indian Bibliography: 1960–1970. BERNARD ASSINIWI, Histoire des Indiens du Hunt et du Bas Canada. PETER R. SINCLAIR and KENNETH WESTHUES, Village in Crisis. WILLIAM SHAFFIR, Life in a Religious Community: The Lubavitcher Chassidim in Montreal. ROBERT PRESTHUS, Elites in the Policy Process. MICHAEL BLISS, A Living Profit: Studies in the Social History of Canadian Business, 1883–1911. DANIEL KUBAT and DAVID THORNTON, A Statistical Profile of Canadian Society. JAMES and ROBERT SIMMONS, Urban Canada D.J. BAUM, The Final Plateau: The Betrayal of Our Older Citizens. BENJAMIN SCHLESINGER(ed.), Family Planning in Canada: A Source Book.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Elliott Leyton (ed.), The Compact: Selected Dimensions of Friendship, Newfoundland Social and Economic Papers No. 3.
Mark Ivagler, Natives Without a Home.
Lorne Tepperman, Social Mobility in Canada.
Robert A. Stebbins, The Disorderly Classrooms: Its Physical and Temporal Conditions.
Robert A. Silverman and James J. Teevan, Jr, Crime in Canadian Society.
Brian A. Grosman, Police Command: Decisions and Discretion.
Samuel D. Clark, J. Paul Grayson, and Linda M. Garyson (eds.), Prophecy and Protest: Social Movements in twentieth-Centuary Canada.
Gustavus Myers, A History of Canadian Wealth
Richard Hamilton, Restraining Myths: Critical studies of U.S Social Structure and Politics.
T. R. Balakrishnan, J. F. Kantner. and J. D. Allingham, Fertility and family Planning in a Canadian Metropolis.
Pierre Dansereau, La terre des hommes et le paysage interieur.
Michel Pelletier et Yves Vailancourt, Les politiques sociales et les travailleurs, cahier IV: Les annees soixante  相似文献   

Dans cet article, nous examinons l'influence de la religion sur les modèles de colonies de peuplement des Hollandais au Canada après la guerre. D'après les données historiques, des différences existaient dans l'assimilation des catholiques hollandais et des calvinistes hollandais au Canada. Lorsque les immigrants hollandais sont arrivés au Canada au début des années cinquante, les catholiques se sont inté‐grés aux églises et aux écoles catholiques existantes alors que les calvinistes orthodoxes ont entrepris de forger leurs propres structures sociales et culturelles, car, selon eux, les institutions canadiennes ne reflétaient pas leurs croyances idéologiques et religieuses. La religion a joué un rôle important dans l'émergence de communautés hollando‐canadiennes contrastées. Nous partons du modèle de pluralisme et d'intégration volontaires de Driedger (1996: 39) afin d'élaborer le cadre théorique de cet article. In this paper the influence of religion on the postwar settlement patterns of Dutch‐Canadian immigrants is examined. Historical data show that there were differences in the assimilation patterns of Dutch Catholics and Dutch Calvinists within Canada. When Dutch immigrants arrived in Canada in the early 1950s, the Dutch Catholics joined existing Catholic churches and schools, while the orthodox Dutch Calvinists undertook the building of their own social and cultural structures because they could not find Canadian organizations based on their ideological and religious beliefs. Religion played an important role in the emergence of contrasting Dutch‐Canadian communities. Driedger's (1996:39) model of voluntary pluralism and integration provides the theoretical framework for this study.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: JEAN STOCKARD and MARIAN M. JOHNSON, Sex Roles: Sex Inequality and Sex Role Development. MARGRIT EICHLER, The Double Standard: A Feminist Critique of Feminist Social Science. ALICE M. YOHALEM, The Careers of Professional Women: Commitment and Conflict. MARTIN KING WHYTE, The Status of Women in Preindustrial Societies JACQUES DONZELOT, The Policing of Families. Toronto: Random House of Canada SHANKAR A. YELAJA (ed.), Canadian Social Policy. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier GAYLENE BECKER, Growing Old in Silence. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London ELLIOTT A. KRAUSE. Power and Illness. The Political Sociology of Health and Medical THEDA SKOCPOL, States and Social Revolutions, NY: Cambridge VINCENT WRIGHT, The Government and Politics of France. London JOHN McCALLUM, Unequal Beginnings: Agriculture and Economic Development in Quebec and Ontario Until 1870. Toronto DOUG OWRAM, Promise of Eden: The Canadian Expansionist Movement and the Idea of the West, 1856–1900. Toronto J. RICK PONTING and ROGER GIBBINS, Out of Irrelevance: A Socio-Political Introduction to Indian Affairs in Canada. Toronto ROBERT A. SCOTT and ARNOLD R. SHORE, Why Sociology Does Not Apply: A Study of the Use of Sociology in Public Policy. WILLIAM SKIDMORE, Theoretical Thinking in Sociology (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge JAMES A. SCHELLENBERG, Masters of Social Psychology. New York GREGORY BAUM (ed) Sociology and Human Destiny: Essays on Sociology, Religion and Society. New York EDWARD A. MAZIARZ (ed.), Value and Values in Evolution. New York BRYAN R. WILSON, The Noble Savages: The Primitive Origins of Charisma and its Contemporary Survival. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London ARON HOROWTIZ, Striking Roots: Reflections on Five Decades of Jewish Life. Oakville PIERRE CLICHE, Espace Social et Mobilité Residentielle. Québec: Les Presses de ?  相似文献   

Cet article évoque en premier lieu les moments-clés de l'institutionnalisation de la sociologie québécoise francophone en tant que discipline et profession. Il examine, dans un deuxiéme temps, certains des traits globaux d'un système social qui se constitura parallèlement à celui du Canada anglais. Sont ensuite présentés les grands axes analytiques auxquels obéit la production scientifique québécoise. On y découvre alors l'existence d'une jonction entre une sociologie de la praxis d'une part et d'autre part, une sociologie de la domination. L'examen de la sociologie des mouvements sociaux et de la sociologie des rapports de sexes vient illustrer nos propos.
This article focusses first of all on the institutionalization of Francophone sociology in Québec, sociology being considered here both as a discipline and as a profession. Attention is also given to the main features of a social system which has become separate and distinct from English-Canadian sociology. We then go on to examine the major analytical axes which characterize this body of knowledge. What emerges is the presence in francophone Québec sociology, of two foci; the affirmation of praxis and collective social action is coupled with an emphasis on structural factors, such as domination, which constrain social action. A closer examination of the sociology of social movements and of the sociology of gender relations illustrates the polarization between social praxis and social critique.  相似文献   

Dans cet article l'auteur clarifie la différence entre deux élements clés qui ont marqué le développement de la production agricole au Québec et au Canada au cours des quatre dernières décennies, à savoir la modernisation de l'agriculture et son insertion dans le modèle capitaliste. Elle examine comment chacun de ces facteurs respectifs affecte la participation des femmes à l'agriculture. Les données proviennent d'une petite paroisse du Québec: il s'agit d'entrevues semi-dirigées, realisées auprès des membres adultes de 63 families agricoles choisies au hasard. L'analyse indique que ni le développement de l'agriculture capitaliste, ni l'adoption de techniques modernes n'ont un effet independant (net) sur la participation des femmes. L'effet d'interaction entre ces deux facteurs est ce qui produit la plus forte variation quant au type et à la charge du travail que les femmes consacrent à l'agriculture. In this article, the author differentiates between two key elements in the development of agricultural production in Québec and Canada in the last four decades (the modernization of agriculture and the penetration of capitalist relations of production) and then tests the relative strength of each for producing change in women's participation level. Data were collected during a year of field work in a small Québec parish and consist of semi-structured interviews with the adult members of 63 randomly selected farm families. The findings indicate that neither the development of capitalist agriculture nor the adoption of modern methods have an independent effect on women's contribution. It is the interaction effect between the two that produces the greatest variation in the type and amount of work women devote to farming.  相似文献   

l'étude sociologigue de la famille a fait ses débuts au Québec il y a plus de 100 ans. Or, à la fin des années 1960, les cours de sociologie de la famille se sont rapidement répandus dans les universités anglo-canadiennes. Cet article vise à examiner la sociologie familiale et son développement autant sur le plan académique qu'en ce qui a trait à la société canadienne entre 1964 et 1989. L'auteure tente également d'ex-pliquer la hausse et le déclin dans l'étude de la famille par les socio-logues canadiens depuis la fin du XIXe siecle. Le but de cet article est d'apporter un complément à lTiistoire de la sociologie canadienne, qui est en train de se développer et qui dispose de peu de références à ce jour dans ce sous-domaine. Enfin, on considère l'avenir de la sociologie familiale au Canada. The sociological study of families began over 100 years ago in Quebec, and during the late 1960s courses in family sociology spread rapidly throughout Anglo-Canadian universities. In this paper the field of family sociology is examined as it developed in the context of the Canadian academy and sociology between 1964 and 1989, and explanations are offered for the rise and fall of interest in the study of family by Canadian sociologists over the years since the late 19th century. The aim is to complement the history of Canadian sociology that is being developed by chroniclers who so far have seldom mentioned the sub-field. Finally, the future of family sociology in Canada is considered.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
ANNE-MARIE HENSHEL, Se Structure. Don Mills: Longman, 1973
EDMUND w. BRADWIN, The Bunkhouse Man.
JOHN MACDOUGALL, Rural Life in Canada: Its Trend and Tasks.
LEE GUEMPLE (ed.), Alliance in Eskimo Society , Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society, 1971
S. CRYSDALE and C. BEATTIE, Sociology Canada: An Introductory Te t.
PIERRE MARANDA, Introduction to Anthropology: A Self-Guide.
HILARY STEWART, Artifacts of the Northwest Coast Indians
JOHN O'NEILL, Sociology as a Skin Trade.
DIMITRIOS i. ROUSSOPOULOS (ed.), The Political Economy of the State: Canada/Quebec/U.S.A.
ANTHONY H. RICHMOND, assisted by MICHAEL LYON and SYLVIA HALE, Migration and Race Relations in an English City: A Study in Bristol
R. FULFORD, D. GODFREY, and A. ROTSTEIN, Read Canadian: A Book About Canadian Books.
R. CHODOS and N. AUF DER MAUR (eds.), Quebec: A Chronicle 1968–1972.
M. STAROWICZ and R. MURPHY (eds.), Corporate Canada: 14 Probes into the Workings of a Branch-Plant Economy.
K. CAMERON et al., She Named It Canada.
j. LORIMER, A Citizen's Guide to City Politics.
GEORGES EDOUARD BOURGOIGNIE, Les Hommes de I'eau: ethno-ecologie du Dahomey lacustre.
GILLES PAQUET et JEAN-PIERRE WALLOT, Patronage et pouvoir dans le Bas-Canada (1794–1812).
YVES LAMARCHE, MARCEL RIOU, ROBERT SEVIGNY, Alienation et ideologic dans la vie quotidienne des Montrealais francophones.
MICHEL VERDON, Anthropologic de la colonisation au Quebec: Le dilemme d'un village du Lac Saint-Jean.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
JOHN HUTCHESON. Dominance and Dependency.
POILIP RESNICK. The Land of Cain: Class and Nationalism in English Canada, 1945–1975.
LEO PANITCH (ed.). The Canadian State: Political Economy and Political Power.
HENRY MILNER. Politics in the New Quebec.
DANIEL GLENDAY. HUBERT GUINDON, and ALLAN TUROWETZ. Modernization and the Canadian State.
ROGER O'TOOLE. The Precipitous Path: Studies in Political Sects.
LEO DRIEDGER (ed.). The Canadian Ethnic Mosaic.
RICHARD A. CARLTON, LOUISE A. COLLEY, and NEIL J. MACKINNON (eds.). Education, Change, and Society: A Sociology of Canadian Education.
S. PARVEZ WAKIL, Marriage and Family in Canada. Journal of Comparative Family Studies Monograph, George Kurian (ed.).
LORNE TEPPERMAN. Crime Control: The Urge Toward Authority.
DAVID B. CHANDLER. Capital Punishment in Canada: A Sociological Study of Repressive Law.  相似文献   

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