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WUHAN University, at the foot of the Luojia Hill by the East Lake, is a key comprehensive university in China with a picturesque landscape and a history of 103 years. The university is strong in both teaching and scientific research. It has about 400 professors, 138 doctoral student instructors, five stations for flow of post-doctoral  相似文献   

The State of Xi was a small kingdom in ancient times located between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. It was overturned by leaders from the State of Chu in 680 B.C. This bronze basin, the only unearthed relic from the State of Xi, is 21 centimeters in girth, has a lid with a bugle-shaped handle and two symmetrical handles on the sides. The bottom of the basin is engraved with the characters meaning "Xing, the king of the State Xi has this as his food basin."  相似文献   

IN his report to the United States State Department after he returned from a survey of the city of Tianjin, Dr. George Lee, the American Trade Councillor to China, said, "The Tianjin Economic Development Area (TEDA) has probably the most suitable investment environment in China. My deepest impression of TEDA is that the administrative officers are young and enlightened. Their slogan is: 'The investors are the sovereign and the project is the lifeline.' For Americans interested in investing in China, we suggest that they pay a visit to TEDA."  相似文献   

This sword was a popular weapon with warriors in ancient China, but it was also worn by gentlemen as status symbol. It was first used at the end of the Shang Dynasty (21st Century B.C.-16th Century B.C.) and became popular during the Spring and Autumn period (770 B.C.-476 B.C.) and the Warring States period (475 B.C.-221 B.C. ). The best examples of this sword at that time were made in the Wu State and the Yue State. The sword was used by Gou Jian, King of the Yue State during the Warring States period. It was discovered in 1965, and is considered the best example of its kind. Shown here is a sword  相似文献   

This exquisite bronze object is a combination wine container and water container. It was excavated from the tomb of Zeng Houyi, a prince of the State of Zeng. The upper part is a wine container, measuring 30. 1 cm tall and the lower part is a water or ice container, measuring 58 cm in diameter. The two parts resemble a  相似文献   

Leaders of Zaozhuang (a city in East China's Shandong Province) Women's Federation visit orphans and disabled children in Zaozhuang Children's Welfare Office. The hospital of the 22nd Regiment of the Second Agricultural Division of the Xinjiang (in Northwest China) Production and Construction Corps, in Xinjiang's Hejing County, recently distributed, among doctors and nurses, a handbook to illustrate the importance of working in the frontier.  相似文献   

Since May, a red tide has been noticed in the East China Sea. The used-to-be blue sea now has a worrying dark red color. It is the result of hundreds and thousands of fish and shrimp corpses floating on the surface. By June, red tides had affected the Bohai, Yellow and  相似文献   

Director:Xie Fei Cast:Siqin Gaowa Wu Yujuan,Le LuoSheng,Chen Baoguo and Jing Lei "Women from the Lake of Scented Souls" is about the lives of two women, in a Chinese village,in the 1990s.The film records the changes that occur in China during a period of social transition,in addition to the more subtle transformation in the psyches of the women.  相似文献   

THIS cup, unearthed at the site of an aristocrat's tomb (No. 2 Baoshan Tomb) of the Chu State, was a vessel used during weddings in ancient times. According to the earliest account of the vessel, found in the book Liji, a new couple would use it to gargle together, which meant that they would be of one heart and one mind, and that they would love and take care of each other. Shaped like a standing phoenix, the vessel is 17.6 cm. long. The phoenix holds a pearl in its beak and its wings are spread  相似文献   

"The Beijing Area Study" (BAS) is a large-scale social investigation and research project planned and implemented by the Beijing University Research Centre for Contemporary China together with the Beijing Municipal Government Policy Research Office. The purpose of the survey is to understand the attitudes of Beijing residents towards the changing social atmosphere under a market economy. It also includes some questions related to women's issues.This BAS survey questions people between the ages of 18 and 70, and is carried out once a year, in order to keep a current database.  相似文献   

On June 2. the Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China issued a White Paper in Beijing about the situation of Chinese women.The 20, 000-word white Paper consists of a foreuord and eight parts. Through a large number of facts and data, it introduces in details hou' Chinese uomen obtained historical liberation during the new' democratic rerolution and socialist rerolution led by the Chinese Communist Party, and how under the socialist system Chinese women hare stepped onto the path of equality and derelopment and become an important force in China's construction, derelopment and progress.In Seplember 1995, the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women is to be held in Beijing. To satisfy our readers' desire to knou' about the situation of Chinese women, we will publish the excerpls of the White paper, "The Situalion, of Chinese Women," in this and the Norember issue of our, magazine.  相似文献   

IN February 1992 the State Council Standing Meeting discussed and endorsed the National Program of Action for Child Development (hereinafter referred to as National Program for short) in China in the 1990s which is a program of action for children. Children are the future of our motherland and the hope of our Chinese nation. The wholesome development of children has a bearing upon the future of China. Improvement of the quality of our entire nation begins with them.  相似文献   

Athens Olympic Torch Relays in Beijing雅典奥运圣火在北京传递The Olympic flame cast its glow in Beijing for the first time on June 9 as a high-profile torch relay for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games was held in the Chinese capital.The olive-leaf-shaped torch was lit at 9:16 a.m. (0116 GMT) at the East Gate of the Great Hall of the People by Tian'anmen Square in downtown Beijing. Then it was passed from one bearer to the next on a specially marked route that passed through the city's most famous landmarks including the Heaven of Temple and the Forbidden City.A total of 148 torchbearers, aged 14 to 73, took part in the relay. The list of torchbearers was a who's who of Chinese sport, and also involved people from all walks of life.  相似文献   

At the invitation of Portugal's Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG), a four-member women's delegation from China visited Portugal from February 22-26, 2010. The delegation was headed by Huang Qingyi, Vice-Chairperson of the National Working Committee on Children and Women under the State Council, and former Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF). It was the second visit in 20 years. The delegation was warmly received with great hospitality. During the visit, the delegation held meetings with Elza Pais, Portuguese Secretary of State for Gender Equality,  相似文献   

Strong Sense of Pride中国人“自豪感”指数高A recent survey on modern Chinese people's lives revealed that most of the respondents had a strong sense of pride. The survey was sponsored by the Ministry of Education and conducted by several universities and institutions in Shanghai-including East China Teachers' University, Fudan University and the Shanghai Academy of Social  相似文献   

Photos byJlA0 YONGPUandLI JlANGSHUA bird’S—eye view of the Tianjin Economic Development Area,located in the suburbs of Tianjin;a mere 13 years ago,the area wasa plot 0f wasteland.The factory workshop of Merlin Gerin Ltd.Company,a Sino~French joint ventureThe recently—opened Huana golf course attracts domestic and foreign guests alike.Motorola 15 one of the big eomPan一esw}:ieh 11asin、z口只十p日in hp TF几ATianjin Economic Development Area…  相似文献   

THE All-China Women's Federation(ACWF) has established some 60.000 basic units in Party and government organizations above the county level throughout the country. The units include women's committees in 78 ministries and commissions of the State Council Program Director Ms. Zhang Xiaoyuan noted that the ACWF has extended its basic organizations from villages and neighborhoods to tens of millions of women workers and cadres nationwide since 1993. The effort has opened a new network serving urban professional women, and meets the new demands the reform and opening have placed on work for women. The results have thus proved highly beneficial.  相似文献   

Gu Xiulian Gives a Report on the Basic State Policy of Gender Equality in Hainan顾秀莲在海南深刻阐述男女平等基本国策On December 7, 2004, Gu Xiulian, Vice-Chairperson of the NPC Standing Committee and President of the All-China Women's Federation, gave a report on the basic State policy of gender equality in Haikou, Hainan Province. Officials of the Hainan Provincial Government and the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People's Congress presented.In her report, Gu gave a profound exposition about the great significance of gender equality. She summarized the achievements and problems of implementing the basic State policy of gender  相似文献   

The National Working Committee on Children and Women under the State Council (NWCCW) held a seminar on establishing two programs to promote the development of Chinese women and children. The seminar was held on April 7 2010, in Changsha, Central China's Hunan Province.  相似文献   

"The Soul of the Forest." a ceramic work exhibited at the "Century Women" Art Show. is a fine example of the work of Zhang Wenzhi from Guangdong Painting Studio: this particular piece reflects the artist's concern for environmental protection. The ceramic objects created by Zhang are not for pragmatic use; instead. they are a kind of modern art: sculpture in essence. but cer amic in flavor. Zhang Wenzhi obtained her master's degree at Guangzhou Fine Arts Academy in 1993 and her book. Arts of Modern Materials. Was published in June of that year. The next year. she joined the European Synthetic Arts Soci-ety. In 1996. she held ceramics exhibition in the gallery of Illinois State University. Her work, "The World of Wine." Was collected by the former Culture Ministry. In 1997. her work. "Chinese" was selected for the first National Modern Ceramics Exhibition in Shanghai and awarded the silver medal.  相似文献   

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