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Gathering on the International Day of Families 欢聚在国际家庭日 May 15 of each year is the International Day of Families. This year is China's Year of Russia. To enhance the friendship and increase mutual understanding between the people of Heihe, Heilongjiang Province, in Northeastern China, and Amur Prefecture, in the Far East region of Russia, both sides exchanged family delegations and paid friendly visits to each other on May 11 and 12.  相似文献   

First White Paper on Chinese Women's Health Released 首本《中国女性健康白皮书》近日推出 At the end of March 2006, the White Paper on Chinese Women's Health was promoted by the Olay Company and Trends Health (a monthly magazine) in a series of activities aimed at improving Chinese women's health. The white paper is based on  相似文献   

Successful Flight of the China Shenzhou VIManned SpaceshipAfter traveling in spacefor115hours and32minutes,and completingthe scientific spaceexperiments,the re-entrycapsule of the ChinaShenzhou VI MannedSpaceship landedsmoothly in the early hoursof Octobe…  相似文献   

Q少典绝:、币犷/众仁一(.o吮犯二乡‘,}#戮刁翩原来如此(英文)@江西元  相似文献   

A Big Step for the Promotion oCommunication between Chineseacross the Taiwan StraitThese days, Taiwanese VIPs' peacemissions to China's mainland havebecome a hot topic on everyone's lipsHu Jintao, General Secretary of theCommunist Party of China (CPC)Cent…  相似文献   

Zhang Yining Zhang Yining, the 24-year-old Chinese table tennis player, will again be ranked number one on the Women's World Ranking when the list is published on January 3, 2006, according to the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). She rose to the top spot, for the first time in her career, in January 2003. She has not relinquished that position. Zhang, who was the 2004 Athens Olympics champion, lost only one match in 2005, en route to numerous championships. In February 200…  相似文献   

~~漫画(英文)  相似文献   

Nanjing Residents Welcome 'Discussion Garden'南京市民欢迎“议事园”If a city resident finds something wrong in daily life or, if there are complaints about the community service, what's to be done? In Nanjing, the capital city of East China's Jiangsu Province, residents now deal with these  相似文献   

A.请问,有空房间吗?QYng wen, you kong fangjian ma? May I ask, are any rooms available?B.有,你要几间?You, ni yao ji jian?Yes, how many rooms do you want?A.我要一间。Wo yao yi jian. I want one room.B.单人房间还是双人房间?Dan ren fangjian haishi shuang ren fangjian? Do you want a single room or a double room?  相似文献   

DO YOU LIKE MUSIC?你喜欢音乐吗?A:你喜欢音乐吗?Do you like music?B:我很喜欢音乐。I like music very much.A:你喜欢哪种音乐?古典音乐还是流行音乐?  相似文献   

Yang Jiang: 'I am a Common Person'年度“文学女士”杨绛2003年度中华文学人物的评选揭晓,钱钟书夫人、杨绛女士,被评为年度“文学女士”。她说:“我只不过写了我自己想写的一些文字,完成了自己给自己布置的一个任务。大家能喜欢,我特别感谢。”杨绛女士著的《我们仨》记录了杨绛一家63年的风风雨雨,感人至深,是2003年度畅销书之一。  相似文献   

Shanghai Hosts UN Global Compact Summit: China 联合国全球契约中国峰会在上海举行 With the theme of "Building Alliances for a Sustainable Global Economy," the UN Global Compact Summit: China was held in Shanghai on November 30 and December 1,2005. The conference was sponsored by UN Global Compact and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. More than 400 participants-representing various Chinese enterprises, transnational firms, UN organizations and nongovernmental agencies-attended. Representatives from the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) also attended the summit. Cui Yu, Director of ACWF's Development Department, delivered a speech, entitled "Creating Favorable Circumstances Together, Promoting Women's Equal Employment," during the forum on workplace diversity and equality. The speech provided participants with the current situation regarding Chinese women's employment (see the following).  相似文献   

Shen Bing 沈冰 Shen Bing, the pretty host on China Central Television (CCTV), who made a name for herself by emceeing a program in conjunction with the 2002 FIFA World Cup, is about to host a program associated with the World Cup that will be hosted by Germany. Since September 2005, Shen has stayed at home because she gave birth. The World Cup will begin on June 9. Zhang Bin, mastermind of CCTV's program on the World Cup,  相似文献   

China in Diagrams(2005)Author/Compiler:Jin BoPublisher:China IntercontinentalPressThis book's easy-to-understanddiagrams and charts create a visuallanguage that helps readers gain anunderstanding of China'sdevelopment,from all angles.Traditional Chinese Paintings:Silent Poems in Praise of Natureand Human LifeAuthors:Zhuang Jiayi and NieChongzhengPublisher:China Intercontinental PressThis book traces the origin,development,subjects,styles andtechniques of Chinese-style painting.Itex…  相似文献   

A:今天天气怎么样?Jintian tianqi zenmeyang?How is today's weather?B:很好,不冷也不热。Hen hao,bu leng ye bu re.Very good.It's not too cold,and not too hot.  相似文献   

1 Oracle Bones:A Journey between China and the West《甲骨:一次穿赿中西方的旅行》Author:Peter Hessler Publisher:John Murray Oracle Bones tells an engaging and compelling story through the lives of a handful of ordinary people.The author is a Westerner,and a journalist,living in Beijing.The narrative tracks his story along with that of Polat,a trader and member of a forgotten ethnic minority,who moves to the West;William Jefferson Foster,who  相似文献   

Strong Sense of Pride中国人“自豪感”指数高A recent survey on modern Chinese people's lives revealed that most of the respondents had a strong sense of pride. The survey was sponsored by the Ministry of Education and conducted by several universities and institutions in Shanghai-including East China Teachers' University, Fudan University and the Shanghai Academy of Social  相似文献   

Wang Guangmei王光美China's former first lady, Wang Guangmei, who died on October 13, received the China Poverty Eradication Award, posthumously, in recognition of her poverty-alleviation achievements, in Beijing on October 17, chinanews.com recently reported. Wang, the wife of late Chinese President Liu Shaoqi, died of heart and kidney failure at a Beijing military hospital. She was 85.  相似文献   

中国妇女儿童博物馆作为我国第一家以妇女儿童为主题的国家级专题博物馆,于2006年3月正式奠基投入建设,并列入北京市重点工程项目,计划于2008年奥运会前投入使用。  相似文献   

Gu Meets Indonesian President's Wife顾秀莲会见印度尼西亚总统夫人At the Great Hall of the People,in Beijing,Gu Xiulian(middle),Vice- Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),met Kristiani Herrawati(left),wife of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, on August 1,2007.Herrawati was  相似文献   

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