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THE changes in collars, sleeves and lace of women's clothing should be regarded as changes in form. But the early 20th century also saw changes in the ideology of and attitudes towards women's fashions. The first striking change was that women began to adopt men's fashions. Some women who struggled for emancipation chose to dress as men in order to change the image of women as delicate and frail. Around 1903, Qiu Jin, a famous woman fighter of the Chinese democratic revolution, lived in Beijing. A Japanese friend was deeply impressed by  相似文献   

Olympic Passion Becomes‘Exercise Fervor'奥运后全民健身升温The conclusion of the Olympic Games has not meant the end of people exercising in Beijing.Why?The Games,it would seem,has fostered Beijingers' enthusiasm to stay fit. In China,heading to the gym was not nearly as popular—not even in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai—as it was in developed countries Since Beijing hosted the Olympics,however,residents have  相似文献   

Athens Olympic Torch Relays in Beijing雅典奥运圣火在北京传递The Olympic flame cast its glow in Beijing for the first time on June 9 as a high-profile torch relay for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games was held in the Chinese capital.The olive-leaf-shaped torch was lit at 9:16 a.m. (0116 GMT) at the East Gate of the Great Hall of the People by Tian'anmen Square in downtown Beijing. Then it was passed from one bearer to the next on a specially marked route that passed through the city's most famous landmarks including the Heaven of Temple and the Forbidden City.A total of 148 torchbearers, aged 14 to 73, took part in the relay. The list of torchbearers was a who's who of Chinese sport, and also involved people from all walks of life.  相似文献   

This is the first time we try to use the entire magazine to introduce Shanghai and Shanghai women. We hope our readers like it. A city of a long history, Shanghai first formed in the mid-11th century. In 1291, Shanghai County was established: in 1685, its Customs was set up; in 1842, Shanghai opened as one of five trading por-  相似文献   

Tianyi Cemetery lies in the western part of Moshikou in Beijing's Shijingshan District, is the first and also the onlymuseum in China that commemorates the place of eunuchs in Chinese culture.Built in 1605, during the Wanli Period of Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) as the graveyard of a high-ranking eunuch named Tianyi, it was comprised of Xiande Ancestral Hall,  相似文献   

Beijing Sihe Courtyard Hotel北京四合宾馆Sihe Courtyard Hotel is located in Beijing's commercial hub.Two white-marble lions stand at the hotel's entrance,as if they are watching the view and life of the city.The hotel is one of the few quadrangles(compound with houses around a courtyard) left in Beijing.It was built during the Qing  相似文献   

During the Zhenguan Period (627—649) of the Tang Dynasty, Wei Zheng was conferred by Emperor Tai Zong the titles of the Left Grand Councilor and Duke of the State of Zheng because of his dedication and valuable service in founding the Tang Dynasty. Indeed, Wei Zheng was a man of great integrity and did not seek corrupt pleasure as many officials did. Wei Zheng refused to take any concubines or forsake his first wife; on  相似文献   

Beijing Olympics Facts Opening Ceremony On August 8,2008,the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games was held in the Beijing National Stadium,also known as the"Bird's Nest."At the beginning of the ceremony,2008 actors chanted The Analects of Confucius,and each struck a fou(a clay pot played as percussion instrument)to welcome friends from around the world.  相似文献   

China's Olympic Hall of Fame奥运名人堂Gao Min-Diving Queen跳水女皇——高敏Gao Min,nicknamed Diving Queen,is widely regarded as one of the best women springboard divers in history. Born in the city of Zigong,Southwest China's Sichuan Province,in 1970,Gao learned swimming at the age of four. At nine she started the gymnastics training and was then persuaded to learn diving by a coach.In 1980 she entered  相似文献   

Helping Me to Know More about China帮我了解中国It is my first time in China. I have been here for only two weeks as an exchange student. I got your February issue from one of my friends. I was absorbed by the cover, which was so colorful. I couldn't help but read the inside. I found some of the pictures so impressive, and very helpful to me in understanding Chinese women and China.  相似文献   

Whenever her mother was making up colorful clothes, the girl would sit around, watching with great interest. In her mind's eye, there appeared the happiest moment when she, in clothes of beautiful colors, became the focus of attention. She felt like a princess. At night, when she was lying in bed, she went off to her dreamland. "What a wonderful thing if one day I could design clothes for myself as well as for others, " she thought. Later the girl grew up and her sweet dream has come true.  相似文献   

East Lake is the largest lake within a city in China and a famous sightseeing spot in Wuhan City. It was one of the first areas deemed as a State Scenic Area by the State Council in 1982. The boundaries surround an area of 88 square kilometers. The East Lake Scenic Area features beautiful hills and water, abundant and varied greenery, the unique  相似文献   

She was hailed as a "gifted female scholar of her time." She possessed the eyes of an architect and the soul of a poet. Throughout her life, she was poetic and rational.她被誉为“一代才女”。她拥有建筑师的眼睛,诗人的心灵。她的人生诗意而理性。Lin Huiyin was born in 1904, into a bureaucrat's intellectual family in Minhou County, Fujian Province. She displayed a remarkable interest in and understanding of literature and art when she was a young girl. When she was 16, her father, Lin  相似文献   

Cao Aiwen曹爱文Twenty-three-year-old Cao Aiwen, a journalist with the metropolitan channel of Henan TV, which is based in Central China, has been praised as the "most beautiful female reporter in China," by netizens, because she put a story on hold to try to save a girl's life. At 5 pm on July 10, Cao was at work and she received a call that a girl had fallen into the Yellow River. Initially, she thought it was a great story. She rushed to the scene and watched as some people  相似文献   

Tie Ning铁凝Tie Ning, on November 12, was elected the first woman president of the Chinese Writers Association (CWA). She succeeded the late Ba Jin, who was one of the nation's literary giants of the past century, Xinhua News Agency reported on November 13. Tie, 49, was elected during the seventh congress of the association, which was held in Beijing. She is the third president of the association. The first president was Mao Dun. The presidency had been vacant since Ba died in October in Shanghai, He was 100.  相似文献   

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of EU-China diplomatic relations, the European Commission Delegation in Beijing held some special competitions this year. The painting competition with the theme of "EU and Me" was open to students of the 3,000 EU-sponsored primary schools in Gansu Province. The competition was organized by the EU Delegation, together with the Department of Education of Gansu Province and the EU-China Basic Education Project. The 10 winners were invited to Beijing, as guests of the delegation, for three days of fun including Children's Day celebrations. The Gansu Basic Education Project is jointly  相似文献   

Luzmila Zanabria first came to China in 1995, when she chaired the general session of the Peruvian Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee. Since then she has become passionately interested in China. So when Luzmila was assigned to be the Peruvian Ambassador to China, she was naturally delighted. As ambassador, Luzmila works around the clock. In the past years, she has visited many places in China, such as Xi'an, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Kunming. The  相似文献   

"Everything is so new!" said, Hon. Zippora J. Kittony, National Chairman of MYWO, on this, her third visit to China. She was amazed at the number of new developments in China-particularly those concerning Chinese women. At the invitation of the ACWF, Madam Kittony led the KenyanWomen's Delegation to China this autumn, to observe Chinese women's participation in political affairs and economic activities. During the 11-day tour of Jiangxi, Shanghai and Beijing, the six-person delegation personally visited rural farming projects run by women, as well as inspecting community services and the development of cities. The Kenyan visitors expressed their support and mentioned how touched they were by the warmth of the Chinese people.  相似文献   

Nestled away in a little hutong in Dongzhi men, Beijing, is Tongjiao Monastery, which was built in Ming Dynasty(A. D. 1368-1644), rebuilt in 1942 and now serves as a working monastery for Buddhist nuns. The building is a cultural relic under preservation by the city. The main building in the monastery is the Mahavira Hall, which contains the statues of Amitabha and on either Side the statues of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Ksitigarbha.  相似文献   

Imet my first girlfriend when I was in my third year at college. Her name was Lan and she studied in the Foreign Language Department. We met through Old Sui, one of my roommates, who came from the same town as Lan. Blood brothers, Sui and I often drank wine together, had heart to hearts and slept together. After I met Lan, Our twosome became a threesome.  相似文献   

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