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We consider the least squares estimation of a linear regression model in transformed variables from a data set that has been microaggregated by means of the individual ranking method. It is shown that the least squares estimators are consistent even in the case where variable transformations are carried out after microaggregation. Applying individual ranking techniques to a data set thus guarantees the analytical validity of the microaggregated data for a wide class of statistical models.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a partially explosive linear model with polynomial regression components generating a pair of related time series. The least squares estimates of the coefficients are shown to be √N-consistent and asymptotically singular normal, when the degrees of polynomial regression components are same, thus generalising a result due to Venkataraman (1974).  相似文献   

Most methods for survival prediction from high-dimensional genomic data combine the Cox proportional hazards model with some technique of dimension reduction, such as partial least squares regression (PLS). Applying PLS to the Cox model is not entirely straightforward, and multiple approaches have been proposed. The method of Park et al. (Bioinformatics 18(Suppl. 1):S120–S127, 2002) uses a reformulation of the Cox likelihood to a Poisson type likelihood, thereby enabling estimation by iteratively reweighted partial least squares for generalized linear models. We propose a modification of the method of park et al. (2002) such that estimates of the baseline hazard and the gene effects are obtained in separate steps. The resulting method has several advantages over the method of park et al. (2002) and other existing Cox PLS approaches, as it allows for estimation of survival probabilities for new patients, enables a less memory-demanding estimation procedure, and allows for incorporation of lower-dimensional non-genomic variables like disease grade and tumor thickness. We also propose to combine our Cox PLS method with an initial gene selection step in which genes are ordered by their Cox score and only the highest-ranking k% of the genes are retained, obtaining a so-called supervised partial least squares regression method. In simulations, both the unsupervised and the supervised version outperform other Cox PLS methods.  相似文献   

Some simple methods for the estimation of mixed multivariate autoregressive moving average time series models are introduced. The methods require the fitting of a long autoregression to the data and the computation of consistent initial estimates for the parameters of the model. After these preliminaries the estimators of the paper are obtained by applying weighted least squares to a multivariate auxiliary regression model. Two types of weight matrices are considered. Both of them yield estimators which are strongly consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. The first estimators are also asymptotically efficient while the second ones are not fully efficient but computationally simple. A simulation study is performed to illustrate the behaviour of the estimators in finite samples.  相似文献   

The assumption that all random errors in the linear regression model share the same variance (homoskedasticity) is often violated in practice. The ordinary least squares estimator of the vector of regression parameters remains unbiased, consistent and asymptotically normal under unequal error variances. Many practitioners then choose to base their inferences on such an estimator. The usual practice is to couple it with an asymptotically valid estimation of its covariance matrix, and then carry out hypothesis tests that are valid under heteroskedasticity of unknown form. We use numerical integration methods to compute the exact null distributions of some quasi-t test statistics, and propose a new covariance matrix estimator. The numerical results favor testing inference based on the estimator we propose.  相似文献   

空间回归模型由于引入了空间地理信息而使得其参数估计变得复杂,因为主要采用最大似然法,致使一般人认为在空间回归模型参数估计中不存在最小二乘法。通过分析空间回归模型的参数估计技术,研究发现,最小二乘法和最大似然法分别用于估计空间回归模型的不同的参数,只有将两者结合起来才能快速有效地完成全部的参数估计。数理论证结果表明,空间回归模型参数最小二乘估计量是最佳线性无偏估计量。空间回归模型的回归参数可以在估计量为正态性的条件下而实施显著性检验,而空间效应参数则不可以用此方法进行检验。  相似文献   

Several estimators are examined for the simple linear regression model under a controlled, experimental situation with multiple observations at each design point. The model is examined under normal and non-normal error distributions and mild heterogeneity of variances across the chosen design points. We consider the ordinary, generalized, and estimated generalized least squares estimators and several examples of M estimators. The asymptotic properties of the M estimator using the Huber ψ are presented under these conditions for the multiple regression model. A simulation study is also presented which indicates that the M estimator possesses strong robustness properties under the presence of both non-normality and mild heteroscedasticity o£ errors. Finally, the M estimates are compared to the least squares estimates in two examples.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the recursive (or on line) estimation in (i) regression and (ii) autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) time series models. The adopted approach uses Kalman filtering techniques to calculate estimates recursively. This approach is used for the estimation of constant as well as time varying parameters. In the first section of the paper we consider the linear regression model. We discuss recursive estimation both for constant and time varying parameters. For constant parameters, Kalman filtering specializes to recursive least squares. In general, we allow the parameters to vary according to an autoregressive integrated moving average process and update the parameter estimates recursively. Since the stochastic model for the parameter changes will "be rarely known, simplifying assumptions have to be made. In particular we assume a random walk model for the time varying parameters and show how to determine whether the parameters are changing over time. This is illustrated with an example.  相似文献   

This article presents a class of estimators for linear structural models that are robust to heavytailed disturbance distributions, gross errors in either the endogenous or exogenous variables, and certain other model failures. The class of estimators modifies ordinary two-stage least squares by replacing each least squares regression by a bounded-influence regression. Conditions under which the estimators are qualitatively robust, consistent, and asymptotically normal are established, and an empirical example is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the estimation of the unbalanced panel data partially linear models with a one-way error components structure. A weighted semiparametric least squares estimator (WSLSE) is developed using polynomial spline approximation and least squares. We show that the WSLSE is asymptotically more efficient than the corresponding unweighted estimator for both parametric and nonparametric components of the model. This is a significant improvement over previous results in the literature which showed that the simply weighting technique can only improve the estimation of the parametric component. The asymptotic normalities of the proposed WSLSE are also established.  相似文献   

This paper investigates estimation of parameters in a combination of the multivariate linear model and growth curve model, called a generalized GMANOVA model. Making analogy between the outer product of data vectors and covariance yields an approach to directly do least squares to covariance. An outer product least squares estimator of covariance (COPLS estimator) is obtained and its distribution is presented if a normal assumption is imposed on the error matrix. Based on the COPLS estimator, two-stage generalized least squares estimators of the regression coefficients are derived. In addition, asymptotic normalities of these estimators are investigated. Simulation studies have shown that the COPLS estimator and two-stage GLS estimators are alternative competitors with more efficiency in the sense of sample mean, standard deviations and mean of the variance estimates to the existing ML estimator in finite samples. An example of application is also illustrated.  相似文献   

In the presence of collinearity certain biased estimation procedures like ridge regression, generalized inverse estimator, principal component regression, Liu estimator, or improved ridge and Liu estimators are used to improve the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates in the linear regression model. In this paper new biased estimator (Liu estimator), almost unbiased (improved) Liu estimator and their residuals will be analyzed and compared with OLS residuals in terms of mean-squared error.  相似文献   

We Consider the generalized multivariate linear model and assume the covariance matrix of the p x 1 vector of responses on a given individual can be represented in the general linear structure form described by Anderson (1973). The effects of the use of estimates of the parameters of the covariance matrix on the generalized least squares estimator of the regression coefficients and on the prediction of a portion of a future vector, when only the first portion of the vector has been observed, are investigated. Approximations are derived for the covariance matrix of the generalized least squares estimator and for the mean square error matrix of the usual predictor, for the practical case where estimated parameters are used.  相似文献   

This paper treats an abstract parametric family of symmetric linear estimators for the mean vector of a standard linear model. The estimator in this family that has smallest estimated quadratic risk is shown to attain, asymptotically, the smallest risk achievable over all candidate estimators in the family. The asymptotic analysis is carried out under a strong Gauss–Markov form of the linear model in which the dimension of the regression space tends to infinity. Leading examples to which the results apply include: (a) penalized least squares fits constrained by multiple, weighted, quadratic penalties; and (b) running, symmetrically weighted, means. In both instances, the weights define a parameter vector whose natural domain is a continuum.  相似文献   

Several approaches have been suggested for fitting linear regression models to censored data. These include Cox's propor­tional hazard models based on quasi-likelihoods. Methods of fitting based on least squares and maximum likelihoods have also been proposed. The methods proposed so far all require special purpose optimization routines. We describe an approach here which requires only a modified standard least squares routine.

We present methods for fitting a linear regression model to censored data by least squares and method of maximum likelihood. In the least squares method, the censored values are replaced by their expectations, and the residual sum of squares is minimized. Several variants are suggested in the ways in which the expect­ation is calculated. A parametric (assuming a normal error model) and two non-parametric approaches are described. We also present a method for solving the maximum likelihood equations in the estimation of the regression parameters in the censored regression situation. It is shown that the solutions can be obtained by a recursive algorithm which needs only a least squares routine for optimization. The suggested procesures gain considerably in computational officiency. The Stanford Heart Transplant data is used to illustrate the various methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the estimation of parameters of a general near regression model. An estimator that minimises the weighted Wilcoxon dispersion function is considered and its asymptotic properties established under mild regularity conditions similar to those used in least squares and least absolute deviations estimation. As in linear models, the procedure provides estimators that are robust and highly efficient. The estimates depend on the choice of a weight function and diagnostics which differentiate between nonlinear fits are provided along with appropriate benchmarks. The behavior of these estimates is discussed on a real data set. A simulation study verifies the robustness, efficiency and validity of these estimates over several error distributions including the normal and a family of contaminated normal distributions.  相似文献   

Multicollinearity or near exact linear dependence among the vectors of regressor variables in a multiple linear regression analysis can have important effects on the quality of least squares parameter estimates. One frequently suggested approach for these problems is principal components regression. This paper investigates alternative variable selection procedures and their implications for such an analysis.  相似文献   

We consider variable selection in linear regression of geostatistical data that arise often in environmental and ecological studies. A penalized least squares procedure is studied for simultaneous variable selection and parameter estimation. Various penalty functions are considered including smoothly clipped absolute deviation. Asymptotic properties of penalized least squares estimates, particularly the oracle properties, are established, under suitable regularity conditions imposed on a random field model for the error process. Moreover, computationally feasible algorithms are proposed for estimating regression coefficients and their standard errors. Finite‐sample properties of the proposed methods are investigated in a simulation study and comparison is made among different penalty functions. The methods are illustrated by an ecological dataset of landcover in Wisconsin. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 607–624; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Fixed-effects partially linear regression models are useful tools to analyze data from economic, genetic and other fields. In this paper, we consider estimation and inference procedures when some of the covariates are measured with errors. The previously proposed estimations, including difference-based series estimation (Baltagi and Li in Ann Econ Finan 3:103--116, 2002) and profile least squares estimation (Fan et al. in J Am Stat Assoc 100:781--813, 2005) are no longer consistent because of the attenuation. We propose a new estimation by taking the measurement errors into account. Our proposed estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Consistent estimations of the error variance are also developed. In addition, we propose a variable-selection procedure to variable selection in the parametric part. The procedure is an extension of the nonconcave penalized likelihood (Fan and Li in J Am Stat Assoc 85:1348--1360, 2001), which simultaneously selects the important variables and estimates the unknown parameters. The resulting estimate is shown to possess an oracle property. Extensive simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed procedures.  相似文献   

Random coefficient regression models have been used to analyze cross-sectional and longitudinal data in economics and growth-curve data from biological and agricultural experiments. In the literature several estimators, including the ordinary least squares and the estimated generalized least squares (EGLS), have been considered for estimating the parameters of the mean model. Based on the asymptotic properties of the EGLS estimators, test statistics have been proposed for testing linear hypotheses involving the parameters of the mean model. An alternative estimator, the simple mean of the individual regression coefficients, provides estimation and hypothesis-testing procedures that are simple to compute and teach. The large sample properties of this simple estimator are shown to be similar to that of the EGLS estimator. The performance of the proposed estimator is compared with that of the existing estimators by Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

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