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We study the relation between the number of firms and price-cost margins under price competition with uncertainty about competitors' costs. We report an experiment in which two, three, and four identical firms repeatedly interact in this environment. In line with the theoretical prediction, market prices decrease with the number of firms, but on average stay above marginal costs. Pricing is more aggressive than in equilibrium. Absolute and relative surplus increases with the number of firms. Total surplus is close to the equilibrium level, because enhanced consumer surplus through lower prices is counteracted by occasional displacements of the most cost-efficient firm. (JEL C90 , C72 , D43 , D83 , L13 ) 相似文献
This paper empirically analyzes airline pricing for short‐haul flights in contexts with no credible threat of inter‐modal competition. To this end, we explore the southern Italian market since it is less accessible by other transport modes and thus fares are the direct outcome of air‐related competition. We show, in fact, that market power matters, depending on the level of intra‐modal competition, and that airlines apply differentiated mark‐ups. Besides, consistent with the implementation of inter‐temporal price discrimination (IPD), we find a non‐monotonic inter‐temporal profile of fares with a turning point included in the interval of the 43rd to 45th days before departure. Finally, we provide evidence that in more competitive markets, airlines are more likely to engage in IPD. (JEL L11, L13, L93) 相似文献
LORI L. TAYLOR 《Economic inquiry》2010,48(3):603-620
Competition‐based school reform could have a significant impact on teacher earnings. If school districts behave as typical oligopsonists, then increased competition could lead to higher salaries. However, if teachers receive a share of the economic rents generated by the monopoly power of school districts, then increased competition could lower teacher salaries. This study uses panel data from 670 Texas school districts and more than 335,000 teachers to examine the relationship between school competition and teacher pay. The analysis suggests that an increase in competition results in higher wages for most teachers but lower wages for teachers in relatively concentrated markets. (JEL I2, J3) 相似文献
HOWARD P. MARVEL 《Economic inquiry》1980,18(1):103-122
This paper contains estimates of the determinants of the commodity composition of U. S. trade flows and of price-cost margins in U. S. domestic manufacturing in a simultaneous context. Above-competitive profits in U. S. manufacturing appear to provide a powerful incentive to import competition. These imports, in turn, provide a check on the ability of domestic firms to earn monopoly rents. The estimates indicate that failure to account for imports leads to a substantial underestimation of the impact of market structure on price-cost margins. The linkages between exports and domestic market conditions appear to be of second-order importance. 相似文献
NICOLA CETORELLI 《Economic inquiry》2014,52(1):320-340
Empirical studies have documented that improvements in credit supply have important effects on entry in nonfinancial industries. This article shows that changes in credit supply conditions have much deeper effects on firms' population dynamics, well above and beyond the experience of entry. I explore the hypothesis that changes in credit supply have important effects on the demand side as well. I conjecture that when financial capital is difficult to obtain, while fewer firms may enter, those entering are drawn from a population with a better distribution of entrepreneurial quality. In an environment where financial capital is easily obtainable instead, the population of loan applicants changes as well, including those in a tougher environment who would not have tried entrepreneurship in the first place. These changes in the population of applicants imply significant effects on firms' life expectancy profile, and these effects are heterogeneous across firms of different vintage. Modifications in life expectancy are likely to affect firms' incentives in undertaking future capital investment and likewise investments in technological innovation. Hence, these changes in overall firms' population dynamics characterize an explicit mechanism through which finance can affect real economic activity. (JEL G21, L11, L16) 相似文献
Thomas W. Gilligan 《Economic inquiry》1993,31(3):394-409
This article investigates the relationship between imperfect competition and basing point pricing. Basing-point pricing can emerge if firms at the base site are Bertrand competitors, firms at non-base locations are less than perfectly competitive with each other and are von Stackleberg leaders with respect to base site production, and the products produced at the base and non-base locations are perfect substitutes. Basing-point pricing is associated with competitive prices by base site firms but with markups by non-base site firms equal to their phantom freight charges. 相似文献
This article tests the prediction of three discrete asymmetric duopoly price competition games in the laboratory. The games differ from each other in terms of the size of the cost asymmetry that induces a systematic variation in the difference between the firms' marginal costs. While the standard theory requires the low‐cost firm to set a price just equal to the high‐cost firm's marginal cost, which is identical across all three games, and win the entire market, intuition suggests that market price may increase with a decrease in the absolute difference between the two marginal costs. We develop a quantal response equilibrium model to test our competing conjecture. (JEL L11, L12, C91, D43) 相似文献
Although antitrust laws enjoy wide support among economists, there was almost no such support during the early years of the Sherman Act. One reason for this transformation is a change in the theory of competition. Until the 1920s most economists viewed competition as a dynamic, rivalrous process that would be stifled by antitrust laws. Once the perfect competition model–which largely ignores rivalry–was accepted, economists' opinions of antitrust grew more favorable. To the extent that antitrust interferes with rivalry and enterprise, the competitive model has very likely misdirected the profession, at least as far as antitrust policy is concerned. 相似文献
KEVIN E. HENRICKSON 《Economic inquiry》2012,50(2):364-379
Firms compete spatially for customers who have some degree of brand loyalty. The number and attractiveness of the alternatives available to these customers dictates the level of competition facing firms. In this study, data on ticket pricing in four professional sports leagues are used to empirically examine the existence of spatial competition in sports, and the impact of space on team relocations. Results, allowing for structural breaks over time while using spatial autoregressive techniques, suggest that sports franchises spatially compete when pricing their tickets, and that spatial characteristics, including the level of spatial competition, have influenced the relocation of teams. (JEL D40, L11, R30, L83) 相似文献
We present theoretical and experimental results on spatial competition between two firms. Firms choose locations simultaneously along a line representing a linear market. Identical consumers with non-increasing demand functions are uniformly distributed along this line. We solve for symmetric equilibrium payoffs in an infinitely repeated game for the case of linear demand and an arbitrary discount factor. The set of equilibriums found includes both competitive and collusive payoffs. In laboratory experiments in which the final period was unknown to the players in advance, we observed both competitive and collusive outcomes. Non-binding communication led to collusion. 相似文献
E. Woodrow Eckard 《Economic inquiry》1991,29(1):119-133
The 1970 ban on television advertising for cigarettes constitutes a quasi-experiment allowing the effect of advertising on competition to be evaluated. Assuming the ban reduced the efficacy of industry advertising, an analysis of various proxies for competition before and after the ban enables one to deduce whether advertising promotes or limits competition among cigarette firms. The results indicate that in this case the restriction of advertising reduced competition. 相似文献
Bart Dredge 《Sociological inquiry》1986,56(4):523-534
This article provides the first evidence that universities compete directly on price, and that the market for students depends on the proximity of competitors. Exploiting detailed data from private U.S. universities, price competition is tested by introducing geographic proximity into a spatial-autoregressive tuition model. Standard spatial models show that list and net tuition are inversely related to distance between institutions, consistent with price competition in higher education. An extension to the spatial-econometrics literature relaxes a constraint that estimated spatial relationships are common across all observations, implying that spatial effects differ across qualitative classes of institutions . ( JEL C21, I2, L11) 相似文献
Boris Ginzburg 《Economic inquiry》2021,59(1):280-286
A continuum of contestants are choosing whether to enter a competition. Each contestant has a type, and of those who enter, the ones with highest types receive prizes. A profit‐maximizing firm controls entry, and charges a price for it. I show that an increase in the value of each prize leads the firm to raise the price while keeping the intensity of entry fixed. Conversely, when the mass of prizes increases, the firm initially keeps the price constant while allowing entry to increase; and later—raises the price. (JEL C72, D82, D83) 相似文献