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AWOMAN calls a women's hotline: "My husband and I have always been compatible. Now our son is almost 10 and my husband still wants to have sex! This makes me sick. I don't know what to do. Help me!" Another woman calls in tears: "My husband is an ordinary man and used to lead a normal life like anyone else. One day, he told me he would try something else to develop his career. I supported him. Finally, his efforts paid off. But soon after, he began having an affair. He didn't deny it but he said he wouldn't divorce me. Why did this happen to  相似文献   

Iam 75 years old this year and my husband is still alive and in good health, My grandson has finished his undergraduate studies and has begun to work. My granddaughter's son is now 2 years old. The life in my latter years is tranquil and serene. But every time I recall the embarrassed marriage of my youth, a bitter feeling wells up in my heart. I am from Shangyu County, Zhejiang Province. I am the third of six sisters. My  相似文献   

IF you ask most people, they'll tell you they think their hometown is the best. My husband is no exception. Recently I went with him on my first trip to his native place—a village of rivers and lakes in the southern area of the Yangtze River. He was so pleased when we arrived. You see, he thinks that only the sky of his hometown is truly blue, only the water of his hometown is truly clear. And as far as food is concerned, only the food  相似文献   

Sandwich Sam     
SAM, a 28-year-old Canadian, has a nice family name: Goodman. Four years ago, he came to China and now he owns two cafes. Sam is not tall. To match his loose black sweater, he wears a pair of jeans which are so long that the trouser legs are wrinkled over his sneakers. Why did he think of running a cafe in Beijing? "After graduating from college, I went to Hong Kong to be a fitness coach for half a year. Then, I went to South Korea. While sightseeing, I taught English to make a living.  相似文献   

Ian Thompson, 28, from the United States, has been living in Beijing for one and a half years. He teaches oral English classes in several primary schools. Fascinated by the beautiful, ancient city, and the warmhearted local people, he says he plans to live in Beijing for another three to five years. Thompson has taken a Chineselanguage course, but he is more interested in practicing spoken Chinese with his  相似文献   

Three Illusions     
world; if he exists, it will not be in my orbit. Even if he appears, even if he is in my orbit, I know that I shall refuse him. Otherwise, I shall become a slave to my feelings and I shall be the unfortunate "woman in love" forever. How miserable a woman in love is,  相似文献   

Iremember clearly how despaired I was seven years ago when I received the doctor's diagnosis of my illness—multiple hysteromyoma. "Mum, you'd better to have the operation," said my 15-year-old son. "Ⅰ'Ⅱ go to the hospital to take care of you." His mention of the operation disheartened me, because I had already had three operations. During these operations, it was my husband who helped me through the difficulties. He cooked delicious food for me and took care of my daily needs. But he has passed away. I did not know how I could go through this fourth operation without his help.  相似文献   

WHEN I was born, my father was 40 and my mother was 36. Father is a man of few words and an introverted nature. He belongs to that type of people who are very tough and strong-willed; he has worked hard all his life. Mother, on the other hand, is extroverted and eager to excel. My personality is a combination of both of their characters. Father loves playing ping-pong ardently. He used to be a top player of the Henan provincial team and won the men's singles championship in a contest of five provinces in central and southern China. Mother, a worker at the No. 4 National Textile Mill in Zhengzhou, also loved to play ping-pong when she was young. It was because of the sport that she and Father were brought together and got married. When the Henan  相似文献   

"Piggie, it's time for supper!" Every evening, when 1 holler from the kitchen, Dominique Swain, my husband, jumps up from the sofa to help me put the dishes on our table. Born and raised in Germany, he has "fallen in love" with Chinese dishes since we got married last summer. As a result,  相似文献   

HE stretched out his hand but he could not fix his eyes on me. After a brief hesitation, I grasped his small, warm, thin hand .From Director Yang who was at my side I knew his name was Du Xin and that he was eight years old. Then I found that part of his forehead obviously protruded and his eyes slanted to both sides. He drew me lightly to him and pointed to a photograph on the wall behind us. In it Du Xin was playing the piano and sitting in a man's arms. When I said "Nice sound," he also said "nice sound." Then he drew me to a corner lit by a colored revolving light. When I said, "How beautiful!" he clapped his hands happily.  相似文献   

ONCE upon a time, there was a poor man who had himself a hut. Because he had little money he had the roof made of a thin layer of poor quality straw matting. One night a thief came. He mounted the roof to see if there was any chance of getting into the house. But the straw mats could not stand his weight and he went right through the roof and fell onto the poor man, who was sound asleep. The thief was annoyed, and went to the King first timing in the morning. "Your Majesty," he said to the King, "I am a thief who knows my job very well. But last night I couldn't steal anything. Instead, I broke my leg." The King sent for the poor man immediately. "It's true, your Majesty," said the poor man when he arrived. "Then you must be sent to the gallows," announced the King, and ordered the gallows to be readied at once. Seeing what a fool the King was, the poor man cried, "I'm innocent, Your Majesty. It is the hut-builder who is guilty, because he didn't build the roof strong enough."  相似文献   

Through his years of teaching at a Beijing language center, Lin Li has come to believe teachers must be imaginative. He is often stunned by some of the strange questions asked by the foreign students, and after he comes to understand the questions, he does not know whether to laugh or cry. He is always happy to share his interesting experiences as a language teacher with his friends. Once, one of his students, from  相似文献   

XIUHUA Mountain Museum,a building nestled amongthe hills,is the first private museum of the Tujiaethnicity.Its name is an amalgamation of the names ofthe couple who run it,Gong Daoxiu and her husband ChenChuhua.According to Chen,the reason that he put his wife’s  相似文献   

IN his report to the United States State Department after he returned from a survey of the city of Tianjin, Dr. George Lee, the American Trade Councillor to China, said, "The Tianjin Economic Development Area (TEDA) has probably the most suitable investment environment in China. My deepest impression of TEDA is that the administrative officers are young and enlightened. Their slogan is: 'The investors are the sovereign and the project is the lifeline.' For Americans interested in investing in China, we suggest that they pay a visit to TEDA."  相似文献   

HAVING meals together could be regarded as one of the most important aspects of family life. My husband, my senior high school-age daughter and I have meals together only in the evenings, so we pay close attention to what we eat. We usually talk about what we will have for supper in the mornings. As a housewife, I want to cook a supper that is rich and appetizing, so my husband and daughter will enjoy it more.  相似文献   

Emily Bronte is one of the most famous and outstanding novelists in English literature. In her only novel Wuthering Heights, Emily successfully depicts a very complex character – Heathcliff,who is the central figure of the whole story. He is regarded as a devil for his brutal behaviors of revenge. However, his ruthlessness on the surface cannot completely reflect the feeling of his interior world. As a matter of fact, he is only a solitary and pitiable man who lives a miserable life since he is born. Although he acts entirely like a devil in pursuing revenge, he still can be called a hero because of the good qualities hidden in the depth of his soul. Heathcliff is such a unique character in Wuthering Heights that it is always difficult for readers to comprehend his inner conflict and make an appropriate judgment for him. This thesis offers a detailed analysis of Heathcliff's special character and gives a new interpretation for the complexity and profundity of human nature.  相似文献   

We had been going out for a couple of months when my then-boyfriend (now husband) asked me to meet his parents. It was in the middle of January, and I had been abandoned by my ftatmates to spend the wholewinter break alone in our drafty apartment, which st, ddenly started to feel too small. So, I was more than happy to agree (to meet his parents). 1 thought 1 could finally get out of the flat and see some real people instead of watching more DVDs at home alone as I anguished over the empty promises of parties and fun that the university had promoted in its year-abroad handbook.  相似文献   

王晴 《现代妇女》2014,(5):288-288,291
Emily Bronte is one of the most famous and outstanding novelists in English literature. In her only novel Wuthering Heights,Emily successfully depicts a very complex character - Heathcliff,who is the central figure of the whole story. He is regarded as a devil for his brutal behaviors of revenge. However, his ruthlessness on the surface cannot completely reflect the feeling of his interior world. As a matter of fact, he is only a solitary and pitiable man who lives a miserable life since he is born. Although he acts entirely like a devil in pursuing revenge, he still can be called a hero because of the good qualities hidden in the depth of his soul. Heathcliff is such a unique character in Wuthering Heights that it is always difficult for readers to comprehend his inner conflict and make an appropriate judgment for him. This thesis offers a detailed analysis of Heathcliff's special character and gives a new interpretation for the complexity and profundity of human nature.  相似文献   

Shang yang is a highly representative painter in the contemporary Chinese oil painting circle. In the past few decades, his painting style has changed several times; he abandoned his successful original style and familiar subjects when he turned from realism to abstraction. In the two pieces shown here, the people of the Loess Plateau are depicted as existing as an integral whole with nature, mutually inside and outside of it. Beholden to some techniques from traditional Chinese painting Shang's  相似文献   

A man should be grateful to his children. Without them; he cannot become a father. If he is not a father, he will not be a true and complete man. I was working in a factory when I became a father. At the time, a 50-year-old workshop deputy head often complained that his son wore his pants and recently took his new coat. Therefore, from head to toe,  相似文献   

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