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This article examines how physicians act, react, and organize when managed care forces them to consolidate into larger groups and business corporations. Physicians have experimented with ownership by hospitals or business corporations to gain capital, management skills, and information systems. Now they're moving toward physician-owned groups with "outsourcing" of administrative and information system functions. The mood, movement, and momentum of physicians, in short, is toward integrated physician organizations bound together by information that amplifies on their core competencies and capacities to deliver care.  相似文献   

In this paper, we employ a new dataset based on a sample of 123 franchise systems originating from Germany to empirically test hypotheses stemming from agency theory and capital scarcity considerations on the contractual relations and the organizational structure in franchising. We include proxies for the franchisor’s capital scarcity as well as for moral hazard on the franchisee’s and the franchisor’s side. Furthermore, we distinguish between initial and ongoing franchisor support. Our results indicate that agency models based on double moral hazard do explain the design of franchise contracts and the organizational structure in terms of the proportion of franchised outlets. We find that the incentive component of the franchise contract (the royalty rate) is not influenced by moral hazard on the franchisee’s side, but rather by moral hazard on the franchisor’s side. Furthermore, the proportion franchised is strongly influenced by moral hazard on the franchisee’s side. Hence, after providing incentives to outlet managers by turning them into franchisees, thereby granting them residual claimancy, the royalty rate mainly serves to ensure ongoing franchisor input. The franchisor’s capital scarcity influences the fixed fee in franchise contracts and the proportion of franchised outlets, thus supporting standard capital scarcity arguments.  相似文献   

A primary concern of many physicians is the accumulation of adequate funds while practicing to maintain their lifestyles after retirement. Take a look at how some business arrangements can affect retirement planning.  相似文献   

In this chapter, we put forth the premise that people's motivated tendency to justify and defend their external systems has important, and largely unexplored, implications for the field of organizational behavior. Drawing on recent theoretical and empirical work emerging from System Justification Theory (Jost & Banaji, 1994), we propose that people's desire to view prevailing structural arrangements in a positive light may uniquely contribute to our understanding of the psychology of people in organizational settings. We begin by specifically highlighting System Justification Theory's implications for: organizational change, employee citizenship behaviors, and integration of a diverse workforce. We then review empirical work on the situations in which people's system-justification motive is likely to be particularly pronounced and discuss how these situations may manifest in organizational contexts. Following this, we describe several streams of research on the consequences of the system-justification motive, with a focus on the implications of these findings for organizational members’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in the workplace.  相似文献   

The ability of an organization to cope with radical technological change is regarded to be heavily dependent on its ability to absorb and apply knowledge from its environment. This study investigates the role of organizational structure in driving absorptive capacity and uncovers the role of the emergent phenomenon of organizational energy as the enabler of this relationship. A field study was conducted among firms that are challenged by the disruptive nature of Cloud computing. Our results show that organizational design affects the degree of mobilization of an organization's affective, cognitive and behavioral resources, which in turn influence the effectiveness of learning processes related to the absorption and exchange of knowledge within the organization. Furthermore, they reveal the positive relationship between the enactment of absorptive capacity and the successful adoption of Cloud technology for incumbent firms. The findings contribute to our understanding of the micro-foundations of absorptive capacity and how positive organizational phenomena facilitate effective adoption and implementation of emerging technologies.  相似文献   

Debates about short-termism in business tend to center around the role of shareholder pressures and managers’ incentives, while the role of organizational structure remains understudied. In our paper, we adopt an attention-based lens to elucidate the role of organizational structure in directing the attention of management towards pressures for short-term results at the expense of the long term. Specifically, we argue that greater scale of operations, hierarchy, bureaucracy, and workforce flexibility reduce slack resources available to senior managers and increase the complexity of information presented to them in different ways. As a result, the senior managers shift their attention to short-term pressures, which are more easily understood, at the expense of attention for long-term considerations. Analysis based on a survey of senior managers in 3221 private firms in the Netherlands provides support for our arguments.  相似文献   

This study attempted to determine if individual value systems, organizational investments, and personal constraints affect organizational commitment directly or only indirectly through job satisfaction. Previous research has determined that certain job characteristics exert only indirect effects on the value or affective dimension of organizational commitment. The purpose of this study was to examine whether other categories of antecedents have any direct effects on value commitment. The study used hierarchical regression on data from 270 evening MBA students employed full-time in managerial or professional positions. Results showed that organizational investments and the Protestant Work Ethic both exerted significant direct effects on organizational commitment as predicted. Personal constraints showed a negative relationship with value commitment, opposite to the prediction, while the effect of the Materialistic Work Ethic was nonsignificant. However, job satisfaction showed a substantially higher correlation with value commitment than did any other antecedent.  相似文献   

学习型组织的组织结构特征与案例分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
陈国权 《管理科学》2004,7(4):56-67
系统综述分析了前人关于学习型组织结构的研究成果和观点. 基于作者提出的学习型 组织的6P - 1B 模型,提出了学习型组织的组织结构的5 个职能特征(functional characteris2 tics) ———信息/ 情报职能,创新职能,学习/ 培训职能,知识管理职能,变革/ 危机管理职能,以及 4 个形态特征(form characteristics) ———网络化/ 团队化,扁平化,市场/ 客户导向性,弹性/ 可重构 性. 并对这些特征分别用实际企业案例进行了分析说明. 最后提出了今后的研究方向  相似文献   

Examine a social learning theory model as a framework to guide health system leaders as they consider the psychology of organizational design as it pertains to the successful integration.  相似文献   

Although the effects of many environmental and contextual variables on organizational structure have been studied extensively, the relationships of these variables among themselves and with organizational structure remain largely inconclusive. Based on the information-processing (IP) view of organization, this study builds and tests an integrated model to investigate the factors that are likely to be associated with an organization's information intensity. The model includes two organizational contextual variables: competitive pressure and organizational innovativeness, two IP-related variables: information intensity and information technology (IT) importance, and two dimensions of organizational structure: centralization and formalization. Based on data collected in Taiwan, the results show the significant role of information intensity in mediating the effects of competitive pressure and innovativeness on IT importance and structures, thus lending strong support to the IP view of organization.  相似文献   

Research in organizational psychology has shown that commitment to the organization correlates with different criteria of work effectiveness. This paper argues that social psychology and, particularly, the Social Identity Approach to intergroup relations extend the concept of commitment theoretically. Above that, it provides a broader conceptual framework for the understanding of underlying processes in the relation between organizational identification and job-related attitudes and behaviours. This theoretical analysis is completed with a review of empirical findings in different fields of application (group performance, work-related attitudes, group norms).  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of psychological empowerment on organizational commitment and the moderating effect of organizational learning culture on the relationship. The results suggest that psychological empowerment, organizational learning culture, and demographic variables had a significant impact on organizational commitment for employees in the public sector of Korea. Employees showed higher organizational commitment when they perceived high psychological empowerment and a high organizational learning culture. In addition, the moderating effect of organizational learning culture on the relationship between psychological empowerment and organizational commitment was found to be significant. Among the demographic variables, only educational level turned out to be significant. Finally, implications, limitations and research recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   

中国职工组织承诺的结构模型研究   总被引:139,自引:2,他引:139       下载免费PDF全文
凌文辁  张治灿  方俐洛   《管理科学》2000,3(2):76-81
在访谈、项目收集、多次预试和科学检验的基础上 ,研制了一套“中国职工组织承诺问卷”.采用多元统计解析方法中的因素分析 ,探讨了中国企业职工组织承诺的心理结构 ,提出了五因素模型 .这五种基本的承诺类型是 :感情承诺、规范承诺、理想承诺、经济承诺和机会承诺 .  相似文献   

There is an extensive private sector literature on organizational change management. However, recent studies have suggested that the specific context of public organizations may have consequences for the management organizational change. This study examines to what extent different change approaches and transformational leadership of direct supervisors contribute to the effective implementation of organizational change in public organizations, and to what extent the bureaucratic structure of public organizations makes the implementation of organizational change s3pecific. The implementation of an organizational change in a Dutch public organization is studied using quantitative methods and techniques. The results indicate that bureaucratic organizations may effectively implement organizational change with both planned and emergent change approaches. The contribution of transformational leadership depends on the type of change approach and organizational structure. Transformational leadership behavior of direct supervisors contributes little to planned processes of change, but is crucial in emergent processes of change in a non-bureaucratic context. Although the literature on change management mostly emphasizes the leadership of senior managers, the leadership role of direct supervisors should not be overlooked during organizational change in public organizations.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how top management support of technology influences the generation of technological skills, technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning. The research also examines the effects of technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning on organizational innovation and reflects how all of these variables impact organizational performance. The results of our empirical analysis, based on a sample of 201 Spanish technological firms, suggest that: (1) top management support positively influences the generation of technological skills, technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning; (2) technological distinctive competencies and organizational learning positively affect organizational performance, directly and indirectly through organizational innovation.  相似文献   

During times of significant change to organizations in strategies and structures, employees can experience high levels of stress as their jobs, areas of responsibility and roles also change. Yet research is curiously silent about how people react to organizational change, especially towards promoting healthy responses to change. As a first step to outlining areas for future research this paper considers a range of individual and organizational strategies that may be effective in reducing employee stress and related problems. Prior to the implementation of these strategies, however, organizations must empower employees to adopt the role of change agent and encourage them to take action to solve the problems that stress them. At the individual level, employees can respond to the stress created by organizational change by using problem- and emotion-focused strategies. Also important in coping with change are the personal resources of employees, including a sense of hardiness, beliefs about having control over their work environment, and the availability of social supports within and outside the organization. Although few organizations fully acknowledge their role in helping employees cope with change, there are a number of initiatives that organizations can pursue. Several strategies are discussed in relation to communication, leadership, job-related tasks and stress management programmes.  相似文献   

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