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财政科技专项资金绩效评价指标体系探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政科技专项资金绩效评价是完善公共财政管理体制,加强财政支出绩效管理的内在要求。鉴于现有财政科技专项资金绩效评价指标体系所存在的问题,必须依据基于合同的对标思想来构建科学、规范、实用的财政科技专项资金绩效评价指标体系,并对指标权重、指标内涵和评价标准给予详细界定和说明。如此,所构建的指标体系才具有评价全面、可操作性强、评价结果便于比较与问题挖掘等优点。  相似文献   

建立低保资金专户 1996年低保制度建立之初,青海省西宁市民政局就建议市政府对低保资金实行“专户储存、专帐管理、专款专用”,但由于市、区(县)财政困难等原因,低保资金专户管理未能实现。随着低保对象、低保资金及各项配套资金的不断增加,如何落实好、管理好低保资金逐步成为城市低保工作的重点和难点,低保资金实行“专户管理”的问题又一次被提上议事日程。而当时的实际情况,一方面是由于区(县)财政困难,个别区(县)配套的低保资金很难及时足额到位,低保对象无法按时领到低保金;另一方面是区(县)财政部门从资金调度的角度考虑普遍不愿设立低保金专户。为了保障  相似文献   

该文首先分析当前研究生导师绩效评价过程中的主要问题:忽视师德师风考核,忽视学生培养水平考核,忽视个人发展,忽视差异性评价,研究生指标分配等方面论资排辈现象依然存在.在此基础上,提出高校研究生导师绩效评价的原则与思路,比如,师德问题一票否决,重视研究生培养质量,重视个人发展,分类评价.最后,构建研究生导师绩效评价指标体系.  相似文献   

资源型城市经济转型绩效及其评价指标体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资源型城市经济转型绩效是资源型城市经济转型行为的有效性,包括转型的效率及其对城市发展的贡献能力。作为一个复杂的系统,对资源型城市经济转型绩效的评价要考虑经济、社会、资源、环境复合系统内各子系统的协调状态。当前对转型绩效评价的研究主要从生态学、经济学、社会政治学不同的角度对资源型城市转型进行了探讨和论述,提出了不同的转型绩效评价指标体系,但对指标体系的理论框架设计仍处在探索阶段,指标选择上缺乏一致性以及对转型绩效评估缺乏动态的模拟和监测。分析法、频度统计法及综合评价方法是设计评价指标体系理论框架、指标理论预选及优化与完善指标的有效方法,从而建立的指标体系可以动态地考察资源型城市经济转型绩效问题。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,公务员在线培训迅速发展,在线学习平台上建立的资源和服务颇具规模。在线学习培训投入较大,政府决策和管理部门都希望了解公务员在线培训投入产出绩效情况,这使得公务员在线培训资金投入产出绩效评价成为一项迫切任务。由于公务员在线培训和教学研究还处在探索发展阶段,开展公务员在线培训资金投入产出绩效评价存在较多困难。一是评价指标体系  相似文献   

最低生活保障制度是为城乡困难群众遮风挡雨的"保护伞",让改革开放的成果惠及每一位群众。 为了实现低保工作的操作制度化、管理规范化、结果公平化,从2010年2月起,江西省在全省范围开展了城乡低保资金专项治理工作,提升城乡低保管理服务水平,保证低保制度的公正、公平、公开地实施,达到“阳光低保”、“公平低保”、“和谐低保”的目标。  相似文献   

残疾人文化与体育生活的绩效评价的指标体系包括全国省级和地市级公共图书馆设有盲文及盲人有声读特殊阅览室数,残疾人艺术团队、省级残疾人体育活动场所数,省级残疾人体育比赛数及参与人数,市级残疾人体育活动及人数。残疾人文化生活与体育活动绩效评估的指标数过于单薄,指标体系的构建比较单一,指标的纵向比较不足。从全国范围内来说,残疾人的康复保障工作是一个巨大的系统工程,在这方面各省区域之间的差别非常大。从各省区域来看,指标体系中得分各不相同,发展程度也不相同,保障绩效也不同。绩效评价应从数量和质量两个方面的维度对其工作的优缺点进行系统性的描述。借鉴西方发达国家的残疾人的社会保障制度,建构习近平新时代中国特色社会主义残疾人文化与体育生活的绩效评价指标体系。  相似文献   

王娟  江璐 《社会工作》2010,(17):11-11
江西省宜丰县从2010年3月份开始,结合全县城乡低保资金专项治理工作,重点推行低保听证制度。4月初召开了全县首个"城市低保听证评议会",除组织县城七个社区观摩学习,  相似文献   

徐兰坤 《社会工作》2011,(21):36-37
一近年来,江西省广丰县农村低保工作制度日趋完善,低保对象管理逐步规范,实现农村低保对象管理动态化、低保标准增长自然化、低保资金发放社会化,基本上做到低保对象“应保尽保、应退尽退”。截止2011年10月底,共有12377户26315人享受了农村低保。农村最低生活保障人均每月90元,月人均补差65元。全县月支出低保金一百七十余万元。  相似文献   

问责与绩效评价:政府审计职能创新解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨茁 《求是学刊》2006,33(5):59-64
文章基于政府职能转变,解读政府审计制度的完善、审计职能创新问题,提出赋予政府审计司法地位,为问责审计和绩效评价审计制度的建立创造前提条件。文章建议沿着公共资金使用效能和环境资源效益两条主线有重点地开展绩效评价、问责审计,尤其在国有企业改革中,通过问责和绩效评价审计,解决政府审计“缺位”和“不到位”问题,防止国有资产流失问题再发生。  相似文献   

From the outset, French family policy has vacillated between several objectives: defending the institution of the family, encouraging childbirth and reducing social inequalities. In the current context of social policy, certain family allowances take on the appearance of veritable social incomes policy measures. Children, in the same way as loss of employment or disablement, give rise to entitlement to social solidarity. This paper will examine the case of the single-parent allowance, introduced in France in 1976, and will place it in the context of "minimum social incomes", taken to mean those that afford a modicum of self-respect, rather than being mere subsistence incomes.  相似文献   

In 1985 the Finnish Parliament passed a law which stipulated that all children under age three were to be guaranteed a day care place as from the beginning of the 1990s. The law was made possible by a political compromise in which the agrarian Centre Party won the backing it needed to push through a system of state subsidies for the home care of children. As an alternative to a day care place, parents were now given the option of taking a child home care allowance and using that allowance either for purposes of looking after their child themselves or for paying for a private place. Measured in terms of the number of users, the child home care allowance was a hugely successful innovation. Most parents of small children have used the allowance for at least some period of time. This was due above all to the size of the allowance compared with other social benefits. However, following cutbacks in allowance expenditure of more than 20 per cent from 1995, the use of home care allowances declined at almost the same rate as the allowances were reduced. This brought significant short-term savings to the Government and to local authorities, but in the longer term other costs have been rising. There has even been a sharp, unexpected decline in the birth rate. The case of Finland goes to show that, even in a country where wage-earning motherhood has become firmly established, income transfers through family policy can have a very significant influence on the numbers opting temporarily for homemaking.  相似文献   

孙兰 《今日辽宁》2012,(4):84-85
一张覆盖城乡居民全方位、多层次的社保网络全面铺开,越织越密,老有所养、难有所济已不再只是梦想。一幅幅温暖的民生图景,映照着万家灯火,暖流涌动。“国家连续8年涨养老金,我差不多全赶上了。”提起涨养老金的事,家住沈阳市皇姑区公艺社区的陈阿姨掩饰不住内心的喜悦,“6年前退休的时候,我的养老金是1380元,现在是1978元,涨了近600元,  相似文献   

The decree establishing a uniform system of basic pensions for employees in municipal and private enterprises, published by the State Council on 16 July 1997, reflects the Chinese Government's ultimate choice in favour of a partly private funded scheme to cover future pension needs. This article examines the reasons which led to this choice and asks how easy or otherwise it will be to find the capital to finance it. The authors believe that the partly private scheme is more advantageous than other methods and is right for China. Many issues, however, remain the focus of lively debate. In particular, a realistic coordination of individual and group accumulation is needed in order to avoid shortfalls in capital formation and the dangers of inadequate benefit provision. To safeguard the subsistence needs of former workers in state-owned enterprises, a system of equalization at national level is needed, and problems continue over how future pension insurance funds should best be managed.  相似文献   

退耕还林与秦巴山区农民生活来源替代模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何家理 《唐都学刊》2004,20(1):108-111
退耕还林是整个西部大开发的根本点和切入点。退耕还林区大多都属于经济贫困地区 ,经济效益的强烈追求导致了偏离生态目的现象的发生。建立最低生活保障基金 ,调整产业结构走产业化道路 ,剩余劳动力外出务工 ,生态旅游等方式 ,是解决退耕还林区农民生活来源的几种有效模式。  相似文献   

Income‐related housing allowance schemes have become a long‐term feature of social policy in the advanced welfare states. They are not without disadvantages, however, and a number of countries have recently introduced significant reforms of their systems. The aim of this paper is to examine some key features of, and recent developments in, housing allowance programmes in seven countries. It addresses five main questions: why have income‐related housing allowances become so important, what role do they play, what are the essential features of such schemes, how do they tackle concerns about moral hazard, and what are the pressures facing them?  相似文献   

试论北京市低保资格审核的规范化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市居民最低生活保障制度在社会中起着最后安全网的作用,它是以家庭经济调查为前提的选择性救助制度。本文根据福利行政的特点,从低保管理的规范化角度分析了北京市低保资格审核制度运作中存在的问题。借鉴国内外先进经验提出对策,即提高社会救助部门核算居民家庭收入的专业化水平,培养社会工作专业人才,依靠法律规范管理机关和社保对象之间的关系。  相似文献   

董凯静 《学术交流》2012,(5):99-102
我国2006年事业单位岗位绩效工资制度改革,旨在建立符合事业单位特点、体现岗位绩效和分级分类管理的收入分配制度。事业单位岗位绩效工资由岗位工资、薪级工资、绩效工资和津贴补贴四部分组成,其中岗位工资和薪级工资为基本工资。目前,我国事业单位已顺利完成了基本工资的套改工作,绩效工资的推进却任重而道远,但改革势在必行,尤其是高等院校,绩效工资的改革受诸多因素的影响和制约,进展缓慢,绩效工资的分配至今尚未真正落实。绩效工资的设计和实施应着眼于高校发展的目标,以岗位设置和聘任为切入点,以绩效考核为重点,以绩效工资分配为落脚点。  相似文献   

马金华  杨娟 《创新》2011,5(4):47-51,116,134
近年来,地方政府债务问题已成为影响中国经济长期稳定增长不可忽视的重要因素。中央政府、地方政府和金融机构在地方政府债务问题上已形成博弈之势。在这种情况下,要防范和化解政府债务风险应建立偿债机制和风险预警体系、加强金融机构的监管、改变现行的政绩评估机制、修改现行《预算法》等。  相似文献   

In the course of the present transition in Russian society, a new system of social security has been developed. The previous Soviet system has been replaced by a system of four more or less independent social funds, covering the main branches of social security. These funds are supposed to be run according to insurance principles and to be financed by contributions, mainly from employers. Given the difficult economic and social situation of the country, there have been increasing demands for effectiveness in the management of the different funds and also in the management of the whole social security system. The results of this study show that the social funds have developed different organizational structures with different degrees of centralization and decentralization. Only one of the funds seems to be relatively well-functioning and effective, while the others have experienced more or less serious problems in fulfilling their main tasks and functions. The most serious problems, however, seem to stem from the structure of the social security system as a whole, which is perceived as fragmented and badly coordinated. In order to improve the coordination of the system, there have been proposals to merge two or more funds into a unified social security organization. This strategy is open to question, however, since it would increase the bureaucracy of the system. There are other ways in which the structure of the social security system might be advanced. Such developments should be based on an analysis of the system from the perspective of the individual client or patient.  相似文献   

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