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张文宏  张莉 《社会学研究》2012,(5):1-24,244
社会资本与市场化的关系是:对于市场化而言,社会资本是一种有益的非市场力量,还是市场力量的另外一种形式?从文献中可以看到,社会资本与市场化均属不易被操作化的变量,因此围绕二者关系的实证研究结果也各有不同。本文对2009年中国八城市"社会网络与职业经历"大型问卷调查数据的分析结果显示,市场化的不同测量对社会资本与市场化关系的判定影响很大;但是三种不同的测量仍然产生了一个一致性结果,即市场化进程在提升了社会资本的"认可度"的同时降低了社会资本的"含金量"。  相似文献   

Split labor market theory was originally advanced as a general approach explaining ethnic antagonism as the result of class-based interests. In this investigation, the threat to “high-priced” (white) labor from “cheap” (black) labor within the farm tenancy system of the postbellum South is examined as an underlying cause of the lynching of blacks by whites. Supporting this interpretation, the ratio of black to white tenants in southern counties, a measure of the level of economic threat to high-priced labor, is shown to be a strong predictor of lynching rates in the Cotton South. Findings for the Non-Cotton South, however, are inconsistent with theoretical expectations. We conclude that racial violence linked to economic competition between working-class whites and blacks was limited to that part of the South dominated by the plantation system.  相似文献   

邓峰  丁小浩 《社会学研究》2012,(5):24-46,243
本文利用"中国家庭动态跟踪调查"2010年全国代表性数据,使用多层线性交互分类模型来综合考虑个体人力资本和劳动力市场分割对收入水平和性别收入差距的影响。结果表明,女性劳动者由于受教育水平低而大量在第一产业和非正式劳动力市场中就业是造成性别收入差距的重要原因。职业分割影响性别收入差距主要通过纵向分割,在不同职业内没有发现显著的性别收入差异。女性教育收益率高于男性主要是教育配置作用的结果,较高的受教育程度有助于女性进入收入水平高的行业和部门以及性别歧视程度较低的部门。  相似文献   

On the basis of fieldwork in a temporary staffing agency (TSA), I argue that while temp agencies may provide transitional mobility for jobseekers, in the long run the TSA systematically exploits and reproduces structural vulnerability in the labor market. The agency creates a core of permanent temporary workers separate from the periphery of surplus workers, such that the former is given priority in job allocation. The staffing agency can use alliances with institutions such as private correctional facilities to control its peripheral workers. At the same time, highly valued core workers also face precarious conditions when they are barred from job mobility and their wages are capped. The agency further reinforces precariousness during the moment of work by extending the agency’s surveillance to client sites.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper examines whether the Japanese youth labor market has become more unstable, particularly since the 1990s. To address this problem, I suggest that we consider the transition rate of job exit to be the benchmark of instability in the labor market and focus on workers' career histories until they reach the age of 34 years. This paper presents six hypotheses that explain the instability of the youth labor market as follows: the total increase in the job-exit transition rate, the higher risk of job exit for provisional workers, the increase in the number of provisional workers, the increasing transition rate for provisional workers and stable regular workers, the impact of firm size, and the impact of the collapse of the bubble economy. I present the summary statistics of job exit rates and the results of the Cox partial likelihood estimation models. A conspicuous phenomenon of the 1990s entailed an increasing number of provisional workers who ran a higher risk of job exits compared to regular workers. However, the job exit transition rates are generally stable. Moreover, the transition rates for regular female workers have decreased since the 1980s due to the increasing realization of gender equality in society. Although partial likelihood estimation states that firm size and the type of officer concerned (public/private) had significant effects on the transition rates, their effect did not intensify after the collapse of the bubble economy. In sum, the evidence that the Japanese youth labor market changed in the 1990s is limited.  相似文献   

In this article we focus on job mobility patterns in Japan and Taiwan, exploring how local institutional settings are linked to patterns of job mobility. Previous studies have distinguished between involuntary and voluntary job mobility. However, more diverse patterns of job mobility may also exist, which are not captured by this dichotomy. In this study we used representative national survey data from Japan and Taiwan and analyzed five types of job turnover: involuntary, positive voluntary, negative voluntary, family related and other. Using event history models we found significant differences between the two societies. First, the effect of higher education on voluntary job mobility was weaker in Japan than in Taiwan. Second, the effect of organizational size on voluntary job mobility was stronger in Japan than in Taiwan. Third, these tendencies were more significant for men than for women. These results suggest that the local institutional filters affect the turnover process.  相似文献   

社会资本理论是分析研究女大学生创业难问题的独特视角。当前,女大学生自主创业面临的主要问题来源于其社会性别身份造成的社会认可度低、创领域与行业结构化以及自主创业意识与主动精神淡薄等方面,社会资本理论为解决上述问题提供了理论上的可能性,这是由社会资本的社会性特征与女大学生的群体性特征、社会资本的投入性特征与女大学生自主创业的条件性特征共同决定的。在社会资本理论下,女大学生应增强社会资本积累的主动意识,在构建社会关系中积累社会资本,在社团活动中拓展增值社会资本,高校也应当积极作为,为女大学生创业者与高校社会资本的深度融合创造条件。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of labor market conditions on employer-sponsored health insurance (ESHI). Unique data from the Louisiana Health Insurance Surveys linked to unemployment data and the Louisiana Job Vacancy Surveys prior to and after Hurricane Katrina provide very large variation in the job vacancy and unemployment rates, our measures of labor market conditions. Results suggest a significant relationship between both unemployment and industry specific job vacancy rates and ESHI.  相似文献   

Review of Economics of the Household - Economic developments of the past three decades posed new questions to economists: what are the causes of fluctuations in rates of return to human capital?...  相似文献   

内生性问题是社会科学定量分析面临的重要挑战之一。如何通过不同的模型识别策略来消减内生性问题,判定因果关系,成为了近来西方社会资本研究领域的前沿议题。本文围绕社会资本的劳动力市场效应,从使用社会关系、使用了的社会资本和可使用的社会资本这三条主线,重点回溯了相关研究中的内生性问题和模型识别策略。最后,本文提出今后社会资本实证研究中模型设置、数据搜集纵向跨度、横向跨度、外生变量挖掘、研究假定说明和复制性研究等六大努力方向。  相似文献   

We examine whether there is a wage premium from attending an AACSB accredited business college compared to a non-accredited business college. To estimate the returns to AACSB accreditation, we use data from the 1993/1994 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, which provides a rich set of control variables. The earnings regressions suggest that there is no wage premium associated with graduating from an AACSB accredited business college upon entry into the workforce.  相似文献   

The German “mode of integration” after World War II has been to include migrants and their offspring into general societal institutions. This can be stated despite differences between federal states in some aspects of migrant integration (e.g., the educational sector). Migrant children normally attend the same schools and classes as their German age peers, they participate in the dual system of vocational training, and there are only a few limitations in labor market access. The second generation in Germany consists mainly of children of the “guestworkers” recruited in southern and southeastern European countries from the 1950s onwards. It is not easy to obtain information about their numbers and their socioeconomic position, as most statistical data distinguish only between foreigners and Germans. The achieved integration status of the second generation varies between areas: obvious problems in the educational system go along with considerable progress in the vocational training system and in the labor market. Children of Turkish migrants are the most disadvantaged group among the second generation.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from an Internet-based CV database to investigate if women are more restrictive than men in their choice of search area, and if this is of importance in the early stages of the hiring process. We show that women are less likely to search in the metropolitan areas or far away from where they currently live. Moreover, our results indicate that these differences are important: Female searchers get fewer firm contacts, and we show that this is to a large extent explained by their more restrictive search area. When we include controls for the searchers?? search area, the negative gender effect disappears. However, the results differ somewhat across subgroups: For highly skilled women the search area is important, but there remains an unexplained negative gender effect. Our results suggest that gender differences in job search may be important to consider in studies of gender differences in labor market outcomes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article explores the relationship between social stratification and the division of household labor by examining how the contribution to housework by husbands in dual-earner families varies across the Japanese social stratification structure. First, I review previous studies concerning the determinants of husbands' participation in housework and construct four hypotheses regarding the relative resources explanation, the time constraints explanation, the ideology/sex role explanation, and the alternative manpower explanation. Second, I examine the empirical support for these hypotheses in dual-earner couples and the effect of social stratification on husband's participation in housework, which has not been studied thus far. Third, I investigate the effect of social stratification in more detail. According to the results of TOBIT regressions and other supplementary analyses, the principal findings are as follows:
  • 1) 

    the relative resources explanation is not supported;


This study shows that when fringe benefits are accounted for, inequality increases at a point in time and grew faster from 1987 to 1994. Several alternative explanations of the observed discrepancies between wage inequality and compensation inequality are assessed. The evidence is that the disproportionately greater decline in income for less skilled workers is responsible for the greater decline in health insurance coverage, which in turn contributes to greater inequality growth when fringe benefits are accounted for.  相似文献   

The interrelationship between labor market discrimination against black males and white females—as reflected in the respective size distributions of their full-time income—is examined for states in the U. S. Employing previously used data, conclusions opposite those of other researchers are reached. The hypothesis of a simple negative association between the two forms of discrimination is rejected, along with the implication of that association that blacks and females are functional substitutes in a capitalist economy. More adequate measurement and analysis shows that the presumed relationship is largely spurious, and caused primarily by the sexual specificity of labor demand as well as supply.  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the new General Assistance Act (1996) in The Netherlands, single parents on welfare have become obliged to seek work as soon as their youngest child has become 5 years old. This article presents a study of 1,049 Dutch single mothers on welfare. Using LISREL, a conceptual model is examined for the effects of both the past and current circumstances of the mothers on their labor orientation and on their steps toward a full‐time job. An individual mother's motivation to work is particularly related to the importance she attaches to caring (care ethos) as opposed to working (work ethos) and to the problems she anticipates in combining care and work.  相似文献   

We empirically analyzed the labor market participation of Italian women, with special emphasis on the role of intergenerational family links. Older relatives, on the one hand, discourage the work participation of women by requiring care; on the other hand they may provide household services favoring labor supply. We studied this dual impact estimating a trivariate probit model where the three choices to be in the labor force, to use informal help from older relatives and to care for them are jointly determined. Our estimates show that care duties towards members of the previous generation hinder the labor market participation of Italian women, and that informal help received from older relatives strongly increases their probability of being engaged in paid work.
Anna MarenziEmail:

Causal models of initial occupational rewards for black and white males are developed from the responses of first-year workers in the National Longitudinal Surveys of Labor Market Experience. A comparison of the black and white models shows that while blacks have experienced considerable upward mobility, their income and prestige remain far behind their white counterparts. Two explanations for this racial gap are indicated by the data: (1) blacks begin work with lower levels of key background variables, and (2) racial discrimination in the labor market. Our measurement of racial discrimination in labor market entry accounts for only a small proportion of the gap between black and white levels of rewards; and when compared with earlier research, the data indicate a national trend of decreasing racial discrimination in the labor market.  相似文献   

The literature indicates that the representation of women in legislatures is positively associated with the passage of female-friendly social policy (e.g., child care or family leave). However, there is little corresponding research concerning the effects of women in cabinet on female-friendly social policy. I argue that this gap must be addressed, because most of the advanced industrial democracies are parliamentary democracies in which policies typically originate at the cabinet level, and governments typically enjoy substantial control over the legislative process. Thus, women in cabinet positions should be ideally placed to promote female-friendly policies; indeed, they are likely to be in a better position to promote these policies than their legislative counterparts. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of female cabinet ministers in the adoption of female-friendly policies, thus addressing this gap in the gender and politics literature. It should be noted that the influence of female officeholders on female-friendly policy may differ by policy. To assess female officeholders’ effect on female friendly policy in general, I create an index measure using 17 variables related to these policy areas. Using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, I find that female ministers have a significant effect on the adoption of policies that help to create a more female-friendly working environment.  相似文献   

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