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Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1992,40(1):163-220
Book reviewed in this article: Sociology in America: Herbert J. Gans, (ed.) Animals and Society: The Humanity of Animal Rights: Keith Tester Social Forms/Human Capacities: Essays in Authority and Differences Philip Corrigan Labour Process Theory: David Knights and Hugh Willmott (eds) Max Weber's Construction of Social Theory: Martin Albrow Bureaucratisation in Northwestern Europe, 1880–1985: Domination and Governance: Rolf Torstendahl Organisational Rules: A Framework for Understanding Organisational Action: Albert J. Mills and Stephen J. Murgatroyd Organisations in Society: Glenn Morgan The Mastery of Reason: Cognitive Development and the Production of Rationality: Valerie Walkerdine Postmodern Education: Politics, Culture and Social Criticism: S. Aronowitz and H. A. Giroux ‘Race’, Ethnicity and Education: Teaching and Learning in Multi-Ethnic Schools: David Gillborn, Unwin Hyman Japan's ‘International Youth’: The Emergence of a New Class of Schoolchildren: Roger Goodman The Sociology of the Health Service: Jonathan Gabe, Michael Calnan and Michael Bury (eds) Living in a Man-Made World: Gender Assumptions in Modern Housing Design: Marion Roberts Women and Industrialization: Gender at Work in Nineteenth Century England: J. Lown The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy: David Cannadine The Making of Modern France: Ideology, Politics and Culture: Emmanuel Todd, Basil Blackwell Culture and Politics in Northern Ireland 1960–1990: Eamonn Hughes, (ed.) Highland Games: The Making of the Myth: Grant Jarvie Before Novels: The Cultural Context of Eighteenth Century English Fiction: J. Paul Hunter, W. W. Norton Writing Sites: Jon Stratton, Harvester-Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead The Ethnographic Imagination: Textual Constructions of Reality: Paul Atkinson Life and Work History Analyses: Qualitative and Quantitative Developments: Shirley Dex (ed.) A Sort of Clowning: Life and Times 1940–1959: Richard Hoggart  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1991,39(3):655-695
Book reviewed in this article:
Authors of Their Own Lives: Intellectual Autobiographies by Twenty American Sociologists Bennett M. Berger (ed.)
Post-Marxist Alternatives: the Construction of Social Orders Nicos P. Mouzelis
Surveillance, Power and Modernity Christopher Dandeker
Theories of Modernity and Postmodernity Bryan S. Turner (ed.)
Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists Elizabeth Grosz
Sociobiology and the Social Sciences Robert W. Bell and Nancy J., Bell (eds)
The Dilemma of Qualitative Method: Herbert Blumer and the Chicago Tradition Martyn Hammersley
Collective Remembering David Middleton and Derek Edwards (eds)
Models and Mirrors: Towards an Anthropology of Public Events D. Handelman
Black Music in Britain: Essays on the Afro-Asian Contribution to Popular Music P. Oliver (ed.)
The Unprincipled Society: New Demands and Old Politics David Marquand
New Forms of Ownership: Management and Employment G. Jenkins and M. Poole (eds)
Patterns of Labour: Work and Social Change in the Pottery Industry Richard Whipp
Social Work in an Enterprise Society Robert Pinker
The Politics and Morality of Deviance: Moral Panics , Drug Abuse
Readings in Medical Sociology S. Cunningham-Burley and N.P. McKeganey (eds)
New Directions in the Sociology of Health Pamela Abbott and Geoff Payne (eds)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1988,36(3):564-637
Book reviewed in this article: The Research Relationship G. Clare Wenger, (ed.) Classic Disputes in Sociology R. J. Anderson, J. A. Hughes and W. W. Sharrock (eds) Social Theory Today Anthony Giddens and Jonathan Turner (eds) Sociology and Social Welfare Michael Sullivan, Allen and Unwin Comparative Anthropology Ladislav Holy, (ed.) Essays on Individualism: Modern Ideology in Anthropological Perspective Louis Dumont The Imaginary Institution of Society Cornelius Castoriadis, trans. Property Andrew Reeve, Macmillan, Basingstoke Myths of the Chicago School of Sociology Lee Harvey Towards A Critique of Foucault Mike Gane (ed.) Family Life in Western Societies J. E. Goldthorpe Reproducing Families: The Political Economy of English Population History David Levine Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class 1780–1850 Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall Love in America: Gender and Self Development Francesca M. Cancian Neighbours: The Work of Philip Abrams Martin Bulmer (ed.) Ritualised Friendship and the Greek City Gabriel Herman Medical Power and Social Knowledge Bryan S. Turner Social Hygiene in Twentieth Century Britain Greta Jones, Croom Helm From Farming to Biotechnology. A Theory of Agro-Industrial Development David Goodman, Bernardo Sorj and John Wilkinson Workplace Industrial Relations and Technical Change W. W. Daniel Managing the Factory P. K. Edwards The Politics of the UCS Work-in John Foster and Charles Woolfson Redundancy and Recession in South Wales C. C. Harris Recession, Crime and Punishment Steven Box Crisis and Transition: Polish Society in the 1980s Jadwiga Koralewicz, Ireneusz Bialecki and Margaret Watson (eds) The Roots of Football Hooliganism Eric Dunning, Patrick Murphy and John Williams, Routledge and Kegan Paul Music and Society; The Politics of Composition, Performance and Reception R. Leppert and S. McClary (eds)  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1979,27(3):579-627
Book reviewed in this article: Hermeneutics and Social Science: Approaches to Understanding by Zygmunt Bauman Structure, Consciousness and History by Richard Harvey Brown and Stanford M. Lyman (eds.) The Politics of Legitimacy: Struggles in a Belfast Community by Frank Burton. City, Class and Power by Manuel Castells, translated by Elizabeth Lebas Australian Society. A Sociological Introduction by A. F. Davies, S. Encel and M. J. Berry (eds.) The Bard of Savagery: Thorstein Veblen and Modern Social Theory by John P. Diggins Groups and Individuals: Explanations in Social Psychology by Willem Doise Industry and Labour: Class Struggle at Work and Monopoly Capitalism by Andrew L. Friedman Illegitimacy, Sexuality and the Status of Women by Derek Gill Teachers, Ideology and Control: A Study in Urban Education by Gerald Grace The Liberation of Women: A Study in Patriarchy and Capitalism by Roberta Hamilton Renaissance Man by Agnes Heller The Working Class in Welfare Capitalism: Work, Unions and Politics in Sweden by W. Korpi Power and the State by Gary Littlejohn, Barry Smart, John Wakeford and Nina Yuval-Davies (eds. Marx: Sociology/Social Change/Capitalism by Donald McQuarie (ed) Marx's Theory of Politics by John M. Maguire The Rules of Disorder by P. Marsh, E. Rosser and R. Harré The Dilemmas of Contemporary Religion by David Martin A General Theory of Secularization by David Martin Tragic Realism and Modem Society: Studies in the Sociology of the Novel by John Orr Karl Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge by A. P. Simonds Ways of the Hand: The Organization of Improvised Conduct by David Sudnow The Personnel Managers: A Study in the Sociology of Work and Employment by Tony J. Watson Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Wales by Glyn Williams (ed.) The American Ideology: Science, Technology and Organization as Modes of Rationality in Advanced Industrial Societies by H. T. Wilson The Declining Significance of Race: Blacks and Changing American Institutions by William Julius Wilson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1995,43(3):573-615
Books reviewed in this article:
A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England , Steven Shapin
The Sight of Sound: Music, Representation, and the History of the Body Richard Leppert
The Authority of the Consumer Russell Keat, Nigel Whiteley and Nicholas Abercrombie (eds)
Space, Place and Gender Doreen Massey
Ecological Feminism Karren J. Warren (ed.)
Gendered Work: Sexuality, Family and the Labour Market Lisa Adkins
The Social and Political Economy of the Household Michael Anderson, Frank Bechofer and Jonathan Gershuny, (eds)
Privatization and Popular Capitalism Peter Saunders and Colin Harris
Educational Reform: A Critical and Post-Structural Approach Stephen J. Ball
Gendered Education: Sociological Reflections on Women, Teaching and Feminism Sandra Acker
The Importance of Disappointment Ian Craib
Sport and Leisure in Social Thought G. Jarvie and J. Maguire
The Sociology of Religion. Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives Malcolm B. Hamilton
Raymond Williams: Making Connections John Eldridge and Lizzie Eldridge
Postmodernism and Social Inquiry David R. Dickens and Andrea Fontana, (eds)
The Poverty of Postmodernism John O'Neill
Insight and Solidarity. The Discourse Ethics of Jürgen Habermas William Rehg  相似文献   

Books Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1987,35(1):170-236
Books reviewed in this article: The Social Science Encyclopedia Adam Kuper and Jessica Kuper (eds), Routledge & Kegan Paul The Principle of Hope Ernst Bloch, 3 volumes, translated by Neville Plaice, Stephen Plaice and Paul Knight Fragments of Modernity David Frisby Habermas and the Foundations of Critical Theory Rick Roderick, Macmillan Subordination: Feminism and Social Theory C. Burton, Allen and Unwin Marxism and International Relations Vendulka Kubálková and Albert Cruickshank Powers of Theory: Capitalism, the State, and Democracy Robert R. Alford and Roger Fdedland The Ideology of the New Right Ruth Levitas (ed.) Ideology David McLellan Explanation in Social History Christopher Lloyd, Basil Blackwell Writing Marxist History, British Society, Economy and Culture Since 1700 R.S. Neale Capitalism and Leisure Theory Chris Rojek, Tavistock The Devil Makes Work: Leisure in Capitalist Britain John Clarke and Chas All Manners of Food, Eating and Taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present Stephen Mennell, Basil Blackweil Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries Networks of Corporate Power: A Comparative Analysis of Ten Countries Frans N. Stokman, Rolf Ziegler and John Scott (eds) The Power Structure of American Business Beth Mintz and Michael Schwartz Just Managing: Authority and Democracy in Industry Peter Cressey, John Eldridge and John McInnes Men In Families Robert A. Lewis and Robert E. Salt (eds) Private Schools and Public Issues. The Parents’View Irene Fox Life in public Schools Geoffrey Walford Growing Up at the Margins: Young Adults in the North East Frank Coffield, Coral Borrill and Sarah Marshall The Dynamics of Aggression in Women's Prisons in England Alexandra Madaraka-Sheppard War and Peace News New Communications Technologies and the Public Interest Marjorie Ferguson (ed.) Computers and Qualitative Data Peter Conrad and Shulamit Reinharz (eds)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1992,40(2):370-373
Book reviewed in this article: Undoing the Social: Towards a Deconstructive Sociology Ann Game Reading Ethnographic Research Martyn Hammersley What Has Sociology Achieved? C.G.A. Bryant and N.A. Becker, (eds) Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge Karl Mannheim Knowledge and Politics: The Sociology of Knowledge Dispute Volker Meja and Nico Stehr, (eds) The Myths We Live By R. Samuel and P. Thompson Late Marxism: Adorno or the Persistence of the Dialectic F. Jameson Structures of Capital: The Social Organization of the Economy Sharon Zukin and Paul DiMaggio, (eds) From Boarding House to Bistro: the American Restaurant Then and Now Richard Pillsbury A Tale of Two Industries: The Contraction of Coal and Steel in the North East of England Huw Beynon, Ray Hudson and David Sadler Dependence and Autonomy, Women's Employment and the Family in Calcutta Hilary Standing Being Unemployed in Northern Ireland: An Ethnographic Study Leo Howe The State of Welfare: The Welfare State in Britain Since 1974 John Hills, (ed.) Doing Educational Research Geoffrey Walford, (ed.) Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood Allison James and Alan Prout, (eds) Young People's Understanding of Society Adrian Furnham and Barrie Stacey Common Culture: Symbolic Work at Play in the Everyday Cultures of the Young P. Willis Music as Social Text John Shepherd Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1841–1991 S.W.F. Holloway Social Science Perspectives on Medical Ethics George Weisz, (ed.)  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1981,29(2):361-396
Book reviewed in this article: Book reviews are indexed in the Book Review Index Contemporary Hermeneutics by Josey Bleicher. Higher Education for the Future by Charles Carter. Process and Structure in Higher Education by Tony Becher and Maurice Kogan. The University Teacher and his World by Richard Startup. Working Class Culture: Studies in History and Theory by John Clarke, Chas Crichter, and Richard Johnson (ed.). The Sociology of Belief: Fallacy and Foundation by Keith Dixon The Microelectronics Revolution: the Complete Guide to the New Technology and its Impact on Society by Tom Forester (ed.) The Computerisation of Society: A report to the President of France. by Simon Nora and Alain Mine. The Sociology of Literature by John Hall. Marxism, Ideology and Literature by Cliff Slaughter. Origins and Destinations: Family, Class and Education in Modern Britain by A. H. Halsey, A. F. Heath, J. M. Ridge. Work, Society and Politics: The Culture of the Factory in Later Victorian England by Patrick Joyce. The Concept of Ideology by Jorge Larrain. Bastardy and its Comparative History by P. Laslett, K. Oosterveen and R. Smith (eds.). TUC: the Growth of a Pressure Group 1868–1976 by Ross M. Martin. State Housing in Britain by Stephen Merrett. Housing, Social Policy and the State by Joseph Melting (ed.). The Control of Work by John Purcell and Robin Smith (eds.). Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830–1914 by Richard Price. The Sociology of Welfare: Social Policy, Stratification and Political Order by Graham Room. Rubbish Theory: The Creation and Destruction of Value by Michael Thompson. Women, Work and Family by L. A. Tilly and J. W. Scott.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1987,35(3):622-671
Book reviewed in this article: Barbara Wootton, social science and public policy, essays in her honour Philip Bean and David Whynes (eds) Risk Acceptability According to the Social Sciences Mary Douglas, Routledge & Kegan Paul Structures of Thinking Karl Mannheim, edited by David Kettler, Volker Meja and Nico Stehr, translated by Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shierry Weber Nicholsen, Routledge & Kegan Paul Conservatism: a Contribution to the Sociology of Knowledge Karl Mannheim, edited by D. Kettler, Volker Meja and Nico Stehr, translated by David Kettler, Volker Meja and Elizabeth R. King, Routledge & Kegan Paul Foucault: A Critical Reader David Couzens Hoy (ed.) Power Steven Lukes (ed.) Power and the Division of Labour Dietrich Rueschemeyer Politics in the Semi-Periphery: Early Parliamentarism and Late Industrialisation in the Balkans and Latin America Nicos P. Mouzelis Disorganized Capitalism: Contemporary Transformations of Work and Politics Claus Offe Women, Work and Ideology in the Third World Haleh Afshar (ed.) Class and Gender in India: Women and their Organizations in a South Indian City Patricia Caplan Labour in British Society: an interpretative history Richard Price, Croom Helm Professional Powers: A study of the institutionalisation of formal knowledge Eliot Freidson Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations John Rex and David Mason (eds) Race and Ethnicity John Rex Racism and Recruitment: Managers, Organisations and Equal Opportunity in the Labour Market Richard Jenkins The Governance of Police Laurence Lustgarten Losing the fight against crime Richard Kinsey, John Lea and Jock Young Policing Prostitution: A Multi-Agency Approach Roger Matthews Policing and its Context 1750-1870 Clive Emsley Inside Schools: Ethnography in Educational Research Peter Woods, Routledge & Kegan Paul The Sexual Exploitation of Children Judith Ennew Mental Health and the Environment Hugh L. Freeman, (ed.) Sport, Power and Culture John Hargreaves Britain By Mass-Observation Tom Harrisson and Charles Madge  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Alvesson, Mats and Billing, Yvonne D. Under-standing Gender and Organizations Becker, H. S. Tricks of the Trade: How to Think About Your Research While You're Doing It Crompton, Rosemary Women and Work in Modern Britain Czarniawska, Barbara A Narrative Approach to Organization Studies Ericson, Richard V. and Haggerty, Kevin D. Policing the Risk Society Good, James and Velody, I.(eds) The Politics of Postmodernity Jones, Helen (ed.) Towards a Classless Society? Joppke, Christian (ed.) Challenge to the Nation-State:Immigration in Western Europe and the United States Lemert, Charles Postmodernism Is Not What You Think Livingstone, Sonia Making Sense of Television: The Psychology of Audience Interpretation Maher, Lisa Sexed Work: Gender, Race and Resistance in a Brooklyn Drug Market Turner, Lowell (ed.) Negotiating the New Germany. Can Social Partnership Survive? van Dijk, Teun A. Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Approach  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Young at Eighty: The Prolific Public Life of Michael Young Geoff Dench, Tony Flower and Kate Davron (eds), Psychosocial Disorders in Young People: Time Trends and their Causes Michael Rutter and David J. Smith, (eds), Gender and the Professional Predicament of Nursing Celia Davies, A National Health Service? The Restructuring of Health Care in Britain since 1979 John Mohan, Drugs and Narcotics in History R. Porter and M. Teich (eds), Invented Moralities: Sexual Values in an Age of Uncertainty Jeffrey Weeks, Childhood and Parenthood: Proceedings of the International Sociological Association Committee for Family Research Conference Julia Brannen and Margaret O'Brien, (eds). Changing Ethnic Identities Tariq Modood, Welcome to the Jungle: New Positions in Black Cultural Studies Kobena Mercer, The Urban Context: Ethnicity, Social Networks and Situational Analysis Alisdair Rogers and Steven Vertovec (eds), Acknowledging Consumption: A Review of New Studies Daniel Miller, (ed.), The Sociology of the Meal Roy C. Wood, Interrogating Inequality: Essays on Class Analysis, Socialism and Marxism Erik Olin Wright, Bataille: Writing the Sacred Carolyn Bailey-Gill, (ed.), The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics T. Bennett, Disney and his Worlds Alan Bryman, Mapping the Subject: Geographies of Cultural Transformation Steve Pile and Nigel Thrift, (eds), Border Approaches: Anthropological Perspectives on Frontiers H. Donnan and T.M. Wilson (eds).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
S andra B. B urman and B arbara H arrell -B ond , (eds.), The Imposition of Law.
J. Paul Grayson (ed.) Class, State, Ideology and Change: Marxist Perspectives on Canada.
David Coburn, Carl D'Arcy, Peter New and George Torrence (eds.), Health and Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives.
Charles C. Lemert (ed.), French Sociology: Rupture and Renewal Since 1968.
Derek L. Phillips, Equality, Justice and Rectification: An Exploration in Normative Sociology.
William H. Durham, Scarcity and Survival in Central America: Ecological Origins of the Soccer War.
Randle W. Nelsen and David A. Nock (eds.), Reading, Writing, and Riches: Education and the Socio-Economic Order in North America.
Jeffrey G. Reitz, The Survival of Ethnic Groups.
Harold E. Pepinsky, Crime Control Strategies: An Introduction to the Study of Crime.
Michiel Horn, The League for Social Reconstruction: Intellectual Origins of the Democratic Left in Canada, 1930–1942.
Alvin Finkel, Business and Social Reform in the Thirties.
Suzanne Berger and Michael J. piore, Dualism and Discontinuity in Industrial Societies.
Paul I. Ahmed and George V. Coelho (eds,), Toward a New Definition of Health, Psychosocial Dimension.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1988,36(1):158-222
Book reviewed in this article: Social Theory and Modern Sociology Anthony Giddens A Reconstruction of Historical Materialism Jorge Larrain Place, Practice and Structure: Social and Spatial Transformations in Southern Sweden: 1750–1850 Allan Pred New Forms of Democracy David Held and Christopher Pollitt, (eds) Women and European Politics Joni Lovenduski Women of Europe Elizabeth Vallance and Elizabeth Davies Becoming a Feminist: The Social Origins of First Wave Feminism Olive Banks Justice for Women? Family, Court and Social Control Mary Eaton Women, Violence and Social Control Jalna Hammer and Mary Maynard The British Worker Question: A New Look at Workers and Productivity in Manufacturing Theo Nichols Routledge & Kegan Paul. The Enemy Within: Pit Villages and the Miners' Strike of 1984–5 R. Samuel, B. Bloomfield and G. Boanas (eds) Thurcroft: a Village and the Miners' Strike The Miners' Strike 1984-5: Loss without Limit M. Adeney and J. Lloyd German White-Collar Workers and the Rise of Hitler Hans Speier Democracy and Control in the Workplace Ed Davis and Russell Lansbury Towards a New Industrial Democracy: Workers' Participation in Industry Michael Poole, Routledge & Kegan Paul Unemployment: Personal and Social Consequences Stephen Fineman (ed.) Unions, Unemployment and Innovation Eric Batstone and Stephen Gourlay Public Acceptance of New Technologies. An International Review Roger Williams and Stephen Mills (eds) Education for Some: The Educational and Vocational Experiences of 15–18 Year Old Members of Minority Ethnic Origins John Eggleston, David Dunn, Mahdu Anjali The Power of Psychiatry Peter Miller and Nikolas Rose (eds) Love as Passion: the Codification of Intimacy Niklas Luhmann Quest for Excitement: Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning All Work and No Play? The Sociology of Women and Leisure Rosemary Deem The Pub and the People A Worktown Study by Mass Observation Ageing and Social Policy C. Phillipson and A. Walker (eds)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Anwar, Muhammad Between Cultures: Continuity and Change in the Lives of Young Asians
Baert, Patrick Social Theory in the Twentieth Century
Bauman, Zygmunt Work, Consumerism and the New Poor
Bauman, Zygmunt Globalization: The Human Consequences
Kiely, Ray and Mar eet, Phil (eds) Globalisation and the Third World
Bourdieu, Pierre Practical Reason: On the Theory of Action
Clawson, Dan (ed.) Required Reading: Sociology's Most In uential Books
Collins, Harry M. and Pinch, Trevor The Golem at Large: What you Should Know about Technology
Giele, Janet Z. and Elder, Glen H. Jr. (eds) Methods of Life Course Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Holdaway, Simon and Rock, Paul (eds) Thinking About Criminology
McCrone, David The Sociology of Nationalism: Tomorrow's Ancestors
Osborne, Thomas Aspects of Enlightenment: Social Theory and the Ethics of Truth
Rojek, Chris and Urry, John Touring Cultures: The Transformations of Travel and Theory
Rose, Richard, Mishler, William and Haerpfer, Christian Democracy and its Alternatives: Understanding Post-communist Societies  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1990,38(2):362-397
Book reviewed in this article: Power, Modernity and Sociology: Selected Sociological Writings. Raymond Aron. Dominique Schnapper (ed.) Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and other Writings 1977–84, Lawrence D. Kritzman (ed.) Norbert Elias: Civilization and the Human Self-Image, Stephen Mennell Modernity and the Holocaust, Zygmunt Bauman Fin-de-Siecle Socialism, Martin Jay The Analysis of Ideology, Raymond Boudon Political Theory and the Modern State, David Held The State, John A. Hall and G. John Ikenberry Status, Bryan S. Turner Citizenship, J.M. Barbalet On Work: Historical, Comparative and Theoretical Approaches R.E. Pahl (ed.) The Transformation of Work? Skill, Flexibility and the Labour, Process S. Wood (ed.) New Technology and the Labour Process, David Knights and Hugh Willmott (eds) Employment in Britain D. GaHie (ed.) Victims of Crime: A New Deal?, M. Maguire and J. Pointing Growing Up Good: Policing the Behaviour of Girls in Europe M. Cain (ed.) The Tradition of Female Transvestism in Early Modern Europe Rudolf M. Dekker and Lotte C. van de Pol AIDS: Cultural Analysis, Cultural Activism, Douglas Crimp (ed.) Looka Yonder The Imaginary America of Populist Culture Duncan Webster  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1977,25(3):623-659
Book Reviewed in this article The Wedding Complex: The Social Organization of a Rite of Passage by Trudy Knicely Henson in collaboration with Wayne Wheeler The Sociology of Developing Societies by Ankie M. M. Hoogvelt The Dialectic of Ideology and Technology: The Origins, Grammar and Future of Ideology by Alvin W. Gouldner Communism in Italy and France by Donald L. M. Blackmer and Sidney Tarrow (eds.) Economics and Demography by Ian Bowen Manpower Planning by D. J. Bartholomew (ed.) The Business of Crime: Italians and Syndicate Crime in the United States by Humbert S. Nelli Sociology's Models of Man by W. L. Skidmore Social Issues in Business by Fred Luthans and Richard M. Hodgetts (eds.) A Social History of Engineering by W. H. G. Armytage Theorizing by Alan Blum British Syndicalism 1900–1914 by Bob Holton Crimes of the Powerful by Frank Pearce The Sociology of Organisations by Angela M. Bowey Social Anthropology in Perspective: The Relevance of Social Anthropology by I. M. Lewis The Dual Vision: Alfred Schutz and the Myth of Phenomenological Social Science by Robert A. Gorman Critical Sociology: Selected Readings by Paul Connerton (ed.) Urban Sociology: Critical Essays by C. G. Pickvance (ed.) Origin and Significance of the Frankfurt School: A Marxist Perspective by Phil Slater  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Baltes, Paul B. and Mayer, Karl Ulrich (eds) The Berlin Aging Study from 70 to 100
Bus eld, Joan Health and Health Care in Modern Britain
Bussemaker, Jet (ed.) Citizenship and Welfare State Reform in Europe
Chauvel, Louis Le destin des générations. Structure sociale et cohortes en France au Xxe siècle
Daly, Mary The Gender Division of Welfare. The Impact of the British and German Welfare States
Davis, Howard and Scase, Richard (eds) Managing Creativity: The Dynamics of Work and Organization
Evans, Geoffrey (ed.) The Decline of Class Politics: Class Voting In Comparative Perspective
Fenton, Steve Ethnicity: Racism, Class and Culture
Friedkin, Noah E. A Structural Theory of Social Influence
Jenkins, Timothy Religion in English Every-day Life: An Ethnographic Approach
Lyon, David Jesus in Disneyland: Religion In Postmodern Times
McRae, Susan (ed.) Changing Britain: Families and Households in the 1990s
Philo, Greg and Miller, David (eds) Market Killing: What the Free Market Does And What Social Scientists Can Do About It  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Sociological review》1994,42(1):111-161
Book reviewed in this article: Debates in Sociology: David Morgan and Liz Stanley (eds) The Ethics of Social Research: Roger Homan The Politics of Truth: from Marx to Foucault: Michèle Barrett Derrida: A Critical Reader: David Wood (ed.) Baudrillard's Bestiary: Baudrillard and Culture: Mike Gane The Two Sovereigns: Social Contradictions of European Modernity: Keith Tester Narrating Our Pasts: The Social Construction of Oral History: E. Tonkin Other Histories: Kirsten Hastrup (ed.) Introducing Women's Studies: Feminist Theory and Practice: Diane Richardson and Victoria Robinson (eds) Gender and Bureaucracy: M. Savage and A. Witz, (eds) Women's Employment and the Capitalist Family: Ben Fine Of Mice and Women: Aspects of Female Aggression: Kaj Bjordkqvist and Pirkko Niemela (eds) Men In the Public Eye: Jeff Hearn Discovering Men: David Morgan Body Matters: Essays on the Sociology of the Body: Sue Scott and David Morgan, (eds) Youth and Inequality: Inge Bates and George Riseborough, (eds) Down On Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Street People: David A. Snow and Leon Anderson Race, the City, and the State: Malcolm Cross and Michael Keith, (eds) Symbolic Interactionism and Cultural Studies: The Politics of Interpretation: Norman K. Denzin From Class Structure to the Politics of Pleasure; The Effects of Gramscianism on Cultural Studies: David Harris The Sports Process; A Comparative and Developmental Approach: E. Dunning, J. Maguire and R. Pearton (eds)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《The Sociological review》1985,33(1):143-185
Book reviewed in this article: Method in Social Science: A Realist Approach Andrew Sayer The Perspective of Ethnomethodology Douglas Benson and John A. Hughes Soeiology, Ethnomethodology and Experience Mary F. Rogers The Social Dimension: European Developments in Social Psychology Henri Tajfel (ed.) Rethinking Cognitive Theory Jeff Coulter Beyond the State? Dominant Theories and Socialist Strategies Boris Frankel War, State and Society M. Shaw (ed.) Prisons and the Process of Justice Andrew Rutherford Regulating Society: Marginality and Social Control in Historical Perspeetive Ephraim H. Mizruchi Terrorism in Northern Ireland Alfred McClung Lee Classes in Contemporary Japan Rob Steven School Leavers and their Prospects: Youth and the Labour Market in the 1980s Kenneth Roberts Unfairly Structured Cities Blair Badcock Urban Social Research: Problems and Prospects (Sociological Review Monograph: 30) 169 Valdo Pons and Ray Francis (eds) Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 2 I.H. Simpson and R.L. Simpson (eds) Work and Family: Changing Roles of Men and Women P. Voydanoff (ed.) Women and Education S. Acker, J. Megarry, S. Nisbet and E. Hoyle (eds) Talk: An Analysis of Speech and Non-Verbal Behaviour in Conversation Geoffrey Beattie British Social Attitudes. The 1984 Report R. Jowell and C. Airey (eds) The Age of the Dream Palace: Cinema and Society in Britain 1930-1939 Jeffrey Richards  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1977,25(4):887-918
Book Reviewed in this article The Sex Education Controversy. A Study of Politics, Education, and Morality by James Hottois and Neal A. Milner Citizens for Decency. Antipomography Crusades as Status Defense by Louis A. Zurcher, Jr., and R. George Kirkpatrick An Introduction to the Thought of Galvano Delia Volpe by John Fraser The Worker Directors: A Sociology of Participation by Peter Brannen, Eric Batstone, Derek Fatchett and Philip White Critique of Dialectical Reason by Jean-Paul Sartre Talcott Parsons and the Social Image of Man by Ken Menzies Rationality and the Social Sciences by S. I. Benn and G. W. Mortimer (eds.) Perspectives in Marxist Anthropology by Maurice Godelier (trans. Robert Brain) King Labour: The British Working Class 1850–1914 by David Kynaston Educational Aid and National Development by Nancy Parkinson.* Centrality and Cities by James Bird Essays in Labour History 1918–1939: Vol. 5 by Asa Briggs and John Saville (eds.) Miners, Quarrymen and Saltworkers by Raphael Samuel (ed.) Knowledge and Ideology in the Sociology of Education by Gerald Bernbaum Millenium and Charisma among Pathans: A Critical Essay in Social Anthropology by Akbar S. Ahmed The International Political System by F. S. Northedge New Rules of Sociological Methods by Anthony Giddens The Intelligentsia and the Intellectuals. Theory, Method and Case Study by Aleksander Gella (ed.) Social Class Differences in Britain: A Sourcebook by Ivan Reid  相似文献   

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