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石琳 《民族学刊》2021,12(8):46-53, 125
坚定不移地在民族地区推广国家通用语言文字,全面提升其推广力度、普及程度和规范水平,是新时代铸牢中华民族共同体意识的关键环节。本文由语言的工具和文化功能、经济和社会价值阐释铸牢中华民族共同体意识的共同语言环境所具备的重大意义,分析民族地区国家通用语言文字推广的现状,提出国家通用语言文字普及深化的策略,后扶贫攻坚时期应将语言扶贫事业与乡村振兴战略有效衔接,持续推进民族地区的“精准推普”工作,充分释放推普典型和示范基地的引领力,积极动员各级力量以助力推普攻坚行动,从而实现推广国家通用语言文字与铸牢中华民族共同体意识的协同共进。  相似文献   

从根本上摆脱乡村文化治理能力不足,帮助农村脱贫人口实现从经济脱贫到文化脱贫,从物质脱贫到精神脱贫,是新时代巩固脱贫攻坚成果与乡村振兴有效衔接的关键。对2016~2021年广西边境8个县(市、区)精神文明程度调研结果表明,广西边境地区普通话普及率和普及质量的提升对精神文明建设及其各维度测度指标均具有显著的正向效应。国家通用语言文字高质量推广普及是提升人民文明素养和社会文明程度,建设高质量教育体系,增强文化认同,维护国家统一和民族团结,铸牢中华民族共同体意识的基础支撑。着力发挥普通话的文化效应,以推普助力农民“精神脱贫”,是新时代推进传统乡村文明向现代乡村文明转变,实现共同富裕,不断丰富和发展人类文明新形态的必然要求。  相似文献   

<正>党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视国家通用语言文字推广普及工作,习近平总书记多次作出重要指示批示,强调“要认真做好推广普及国家通用语言文字工作”“全面推广普及国家通用语言文字,全面推行使用国家统编教材,以语言相通促进心灵相通、命运相通”。推广普及国家通用语言文字是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的必然要求,是促进各民族广泛交往交流交融的重要基础和桥梁纽带,更是推动各民族共同走向社会主义现代化的关键举措。以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴,必须坚定不移推广普及国家通用语言文字,进一步加大推广力度,不断提升普及程度和质量。  相似文献   

陈永亮  张立辉  邱金华 《民族学刊》2021,12(12):99-105, 134
民族地区推广普及国家通用语言文字是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的有效手段,缘起于四川省的“学前学会普通话”行动作为民族地区普及推广国家通用语言文字的创新手段取得了积极成效。研究基于凉山州Z县、攀枝花市Y县的调查,提出影响“学前学会普通话”行动的主要因素语言环境和学校教育,从积极开展引导形成“嵌入式”语言环境、稳定学校师资建设以及开发地方性知识教材的多维视角探讨新时代民族地区“学前学会普通话”行动的多元路径,为其他民族地区开展该行动提供宝贵的经验。因此“学前学会普通话”行动是保证我国少数民族学前儿童日后成功融入社会,公平公正的参与社会就业等方面的前提条件,有利于促进各民族广泛交往交流交融,不断夯实铸牢中华民族共同体意识的实践基础。  相似文献   

信息技术对我国民族地区普及国家通用语言文字等方面发挥了重要作用,形成国家通用语言普及的中国经验。教育信息化的全方位布局改善了民族地区教育环境,推进青海民族地区国家通用语言普及实现跨越式发展,为青海民族教育质量提升、农牧区乡村振兴奠定良好基础。新时期,以信息化加快推动青海民族地区国家通用语言普及要把握正确发展方向,优化民族地区语言学习环境、赋能教师队伍建设、深化课程与教学改革,全面提升民族地区国家通用语言普及质量。  相似文献   

学前教师的国家通用语言能力对民族地区学前普通话教育和学前儿童的中华民族共同体意识教育具有重要影响。笔者采用问卷调查法和访谈法,以民族地区的887位学前教师为对象,考察教师的国家通用语言能力现状。结果显示:教师的语言能力在整体上能够满足实施学前普通话教育的语言要求,但存在区域、教龄、学历和教师聘用类型的差异。基于此,优化对学前普通话教育的制度保障和政策支持;提高教育资源配置效率,强化教师国家通用语言文字核心素养和教学能力培训;铸牢教师的中华民族共同体意识,建立积极的国家通用语言态度等是促进教师国家通用语言能力全面提升的行动方向,以此为民族地区构建高质量国家通用语言文字教育体系奠定基础。  相似文献   

语言扶贫是通过提升贫困人口的语言能力来增强其脱贫能力的过程,对解决中国精准扶贫最后一公里难题具有重要的价值。然而,现实中的贫困户,虽然对普通话的需求比较明显,但其拥有的普通话技能却严重不足,这不仅对他们的收入尤其是打工收入有重要影响,还对其脱贫具有显著的作用。因为数据显示,在控制其他变量的情况下,会普通话家庭的年收入比不会普通话家庭显著地增加了60%以上,脱贫率稳健地增加了20%左右。究其原因,普通话技能可以增加贫困户的收入,增强贫困户人力资本与社会资本积累,提高贫困户的信息获取能力、资源利用能力和政策理解能力,能够转变贫困户的思维与认知,后者是他们可持续脱贫的关键。为此,应采取多种举措来提高贫困户的普通话水平。  相似文献   

民族地区进行国家通用语言文字教育,是作为统一的多民族国家的需要,也是促进民族交往交流交融,培养中华民族共同体意识的责任。国家通用语言文字教育作为语言学与教育学的交叉学科,受西方语言教育传统中逻各斯中心主义和形式主义影响,强调语言是语言教育的中心,只言“中心”忽视“他者”,相信依靠语言便能完整地表现思想。随着二十一世纪数字化的推进,尽管教育表现形式日益多元,但国家通用语言文字教育中“语言中心”并没有得到实质性的改变,且传统的基于印刷的读写教育已不能适应教育现代化的需要。在教育现代化背景下,深受新媒体影响的旨在打破“语言中心主义”的多重读写教育观可以为我国民族地区国家通用语言文字教育革新提供崭新的研究视角。所以文章基于多重读写教育观探究如何超越语言中心主义将新媒体技术深度整合到民族地区国家通用语言文字教育中,以便更好地铸牢中华民族共同体意识。  相似文献   

历史上越南曾把汉字和喃字做为国家正式文字,八月革命后把越南语列为国家通用语言,称为"国语",并视之为民族主权与尊严的象征,体现在宪法里,因此,越南语言文字使用经历了复杂的发展变化过程.  相似文献   

李树峰  陈玲  许健琼  索朗欧珠 《民族学刊》2022,13(7):119-128, 151
职业教育在提高贫困地区人口素质和就业能力、促进贫困地区经济发展、建立贫困地区发展“造血机制”方面具有不可替代的作用。作为全国唯一的省级集中连片贫困区,西藏自治区把教育扶贫作为阻断贫困代际传递的根本举措,大力发展职业教育与培训,积极发挥职业教育在阻止贫困代际传递的作用,实现由“输血式”扶贫向“造血式”扶贫的转变。西藏职业教育扶贫要在现有的基础上,努力探索最适合当前西藏职业教育的扶贫模式,如加大对西藏职业教育的扶贫力度,不断提升西藏职业教育自身扶贫能力,打通最后一公里的驻村扶贫模式、宽口径的职业教育模式、依托优势产业的职业技能培训模式,将职业教育扶贫与乡村振兴紧密结合起来,为巩固脱贫成果、解决相对贫困问题以及实施乡村振兴战略培养“下得去、用得上、留得住”的技能型人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

杨明洪  张营为 《民族学刊》2016,7(4):1-10,88-91
“Complementary counterpart assis-tance” to Tibet is one of the earliest ways China conducted regional “complementary counterpart”assistance. As a formal institutional arrangement, it already has had more than 20 years of history. The academic research on “assistance to Tibet”has been gradually increasing. However, there are big differences in understanding many of the is-sues. This article conducts a comprehensive analy-sis on the progress of related research on the“com-plementary counterpart” assistance to Tibet in re-cent years, focusing on the spheres of assistance, the theoretical basis, institutional nature and other issues related to “complementany counterpart” as-sistance of Tibet. It further proposes the direction of future research.  相似文献   

察瓦龙,是西藏东南部察隅县境内的一个行政乡,位于怒江中上游卡瓦格博神山西侧脚下,与西藏芒康、左贡以及云南德钦、贡山、独龙江相邻。由于地处偏远地区,察瓦龙鲜为被外界所知,故出现不少误读其历史文化之现象。其中,关于“察瓦龙”这一地名称谓来源,目前以“炎热的峡谷地区”作为解释见诸著作、论文、游记等,然此释义尚似乎有望文生义、错讹阙漏之嫌。  相似文献   

郑长德 《民族学刊》2017,8(1):1-21,94-97
Development is the master key for resolving various problems in ethnic areas. During the process of development, we must have correct principles of development. During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, it was acknowledged that the realization of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society, resolving its challenges, and grasping the advantages of development in ethnic areas must firmly establish and thoroughly conduct the development concepts of innovation, coordina ̄tion, green, openness and sharing. This article presents an evaluation framework of the “five de ̄velopment” concept, and then evaluates the devel ̄opment status of ethnic areas. Based on the results of this evaluation, it proposes approaches for inno ̄vation, coordination, green development, open ̄ness, and sharing in ethnic areas.
Innovation is the first driving force in guiding development;coordination is the requirement for a sustainable and healthy development; green or“green development” is a necessary condition for sustainable development and important for people’s pursuit of a good life;openness is the only road for a country’s prosperity and development; and sha ̄ring is the basic requirement of socialism with Chi ̄nese characteristics. This paper analyzes the status of innovation in ethnic areas from the innovations of products, technology, markets and systems, etc. And, it discovers that the general level of innova ̄tion in the eight ethnic provinces and districts of China ( Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai) is low, and that the development of innovation is unbal ̄anced. Compared with the national average, devel ̄opment in these areas lags far behind. For the pur ̄pose of maintaining constant economic growth in the ethnic areas, and chasing after the level of de ̄veloped areas, the input in innovation must be in ̄creased, and the structure of innovation must be further optimized so that innovation becomes an im ̄portant driving force in economic development. Realizing innovative development in ethnic areas must depend on the effort of constructing its own learning ability. Laborers should get good educa ̄tion, good infrastructure should be built, and good innovation environmental programs should be crea ̄ted with the investment of the government.
Realization of harmonious regional develop ̄ment is the basic purpose of China’s regional devel ̄opment strategy. Understanding this from the angle of economics, the concept of coordination at least should include coordination among three elements, i. e. time, departments and space. The concept of coordination for development should be realized through market mechanisms in the competitive en ̄vironment, or through the rational intervention of the government. The concept of coordination for development discussed here mainly refers to the development of coordination of different regions and of urban and rural areas. Seeing from the perspec ̄tive of harmonious regional development, the de ̄velopment in the eight ethnic provinces and dis ̄tricts is actually imbalanced. In addition, urban-rural relationship is another important aspect of re ̄gional coordination development. The imbalanced development between urban and rural areas in Chi ̄na is not only reflected in income, but is even more reflected in basic public services. The ap ̄proaches for realizing the development of regional coordination in ethnic areas should 1 ) be com ̄bined with an economic support belt, and impor ̄tant lines of communication;2 ) guide the popula ̄tion and economic activities to move to important regions for development;and 3 ) take a path of in ̄clusive and green urbanization.
Green development is a basic element for sus ̄tainable development. The purpose of green devel ̄opment is to get solid growth, and avoid unsustain ̄able models. Green development will make the re ̄sources efficient, clean and resilient in the process of development. Green development requires con ̄sidering the environmental capacity or resource carrying capacity while pushing economic develop ̄ment. There are three factors in green growth, that it be: efficient, clean and resilient. Green devel ̄opment in ethnic areas is decided by its ecological location. Generally speaking, compared with the national level, both the efficiency of resource usage and carbon emission in ethnic areas is low; and environmental resilience is very different in various areas. Increasing the resource usage rate and re ̄ducing carbon emission are the main approaches for realizing green development in ethnic areas. The rich natural resources in ethnic areas are only a potential advantage, and not an economic advan ̄tage in reality. For the purpose of turning rich nat ̄ural resources into an economic advantage, and u ̄sing them to promote the regional economic devel ̄opment, one should depend on the property rights structure of natural resources, regional conditions of the area, the exploitation cost, the local tech ̄niques for transforming natural resources, and the market conditions. We should strive to develop green ecological economics, and realize the“Three-Wins” in growth, poverty alleviation, and ecolo ̄gy. According to the ecological advantages of the ethnic areas, as well as their ecological position in the whole country, we should rapidly develop green ecological industries ( eco-agriculture, eco-tourism, eco -industry ) , and make ecological economics become the important source for increas ̄ing the income of the poor population. This should be done by taking the rare ecological resources as the base, the market needs as guidance, the mod ̄ern business model as the carrier, and social cap ̄ital as the driving force. Moreover, we should make plans for green development , make clear its goals and steps, and implement the Green Industry Approach. We should enhance ecological construc ̄tion and protection; and initiate new progress in ecological civilization and poverty alleviation.
Openness or opening up is an inevitable course for the prosperity and development of a country or a district. Openness in ethnic areas in ̄cludes both external and internal openness. Exter ̄nal openness is opening up to other countries or districts, and internal openness is opening up to other areas within China. It could be noticed that external openness in the eight provinces and dis ̄tricts of ethnic areas in China is imbalanced. So, we should integrate it with the construction strategy of the “One Belt and One Road” program, and construct a new external opening up framework in an all-round way. Ethnic areas are core areas of and an important foundation for constructing of the Silk Road economic belt, and the 21st -century Maritime Silk Road. The ethnic areas should im ̄plement more actively the strategy of openness, and improve the strategic framework of opening up externally, construct new, open economic systems, expand new, open economic spaces so as to build the ethnic areas into important bridgeheads and create vital border economic belts opened to the west, north, and south of China.
Sharing the results of development by various ethnic groups, and realizing a common prosperity are the requirements of socialism. The nature of sharing development is inclusive, fair and benefi ̄cial. It further clarifies the keynotes of the rela ̄tionship between development and the people, and re-emphasizes that improving the benefits of the people, promoting the people’s development in all-round ways are starting points and goals of de ̄velopment. Poverty alleviation is the key in sharing development in the ethnic areas. The Central Pov ̄erty Alleviation and Development Work Conference proposed that “ the goal of poverty alleviation dur ̄ing ‘the 13 th Five-Year Plan’ is to win the battle against poverty, which includes ensuring food, clothing, compulsory education, basic medical service and housing security for the poor by 2020.” Furthermore,“precise poverty alleviation”is the basic strategy for fulfilling this goal. The foundation of “precise poverty alleviation” is to i ̄dentify poverty precisely, and to judge whether it belongs to income poverty or poverty by chance. Speaking from policy choice, we need to strength ̄en the self-development capability of poor popu ̄lations; speaking from project choice, we should evaluate whether it is pro -poor or pro -growth;speaking from industrial development, we should consider both the market choice and governmental support;and, speaking from spacial layout, a con ̄cept of sharing in development should be realized within centralized equalization.  相似文献   

刘蔚 《西藏研究》2020,(1):38-43
块数据,正深刻地改变着人们的生产生活方式。在特定空间范围内,基于块数据对人、事、物所在的各行业或领域的海量数据融合,逐渐被应用到城市社区治理中。西藏自治区作为我国重要的安全屏障,基层社区的安全稳定关系到整体国家安全。立足当前西藏城市社区构建的“三级平台、四级管理”网格化治理平台,西藏自治区城市社区施行了基于空间地理、社会个体、政府、企业块数据融合的多元化、立体化治理。  相似文献   

西藏双语教育与和谐社会的构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
藏、汉双语并用是西藏社会语言应用的必然需求和发展趋势.和平解放以来,西藏各级各类学校就先后实施了双语教育,有力地促进了学生综合素质的提高,促进了民族团结和社会稳定,促进了西藏经济、社会、文化等各项事业的发展,对构建西藏和谐社会产生了十分积极的作用.  相似文献   

三江源区生态移民工程,既是该源区生态环境保护和建设重大工程的核心内容,也是该源区生态环境保护和建设工程能否最终取得成功的关键所在。所以,在已有基础上,通过法制手段,依法建立生态补偿机制;加大扶贫开发力度;继续推进退牧退耕还林草工程;实施素质教育和职业教育工程以及吸收和推广该地区有利于生态环境保护的本土法资源等,对该源区生态环境的保护和建设尤为重要。  相似文献   

周超  樊虎 《民族学刊》2022,13(8):117-125, 165
我国实现全面脱贫后,推动巩固全面脱贫成果与实施乡村振兴战略的接续发展是过渡时期的主要任务,而防止发生规模性返贫风险则是其中的关键一环。一直以来,民族地区都是我国组成部分的关键点和薄弱点,也是规模性返贫风险的易发地区。基于多维视角,发现民族地区规模性返贫风险呈现出区域性、群体性、联动性等特征,从生态性、政策性、发展性等因素深度剖析其发生缘由,进而从相应角度提出创新民族地区生态扶贫方式、完善民族地区返贫风险治理政策体系框架、建构民族地区新内生发展模式等针对性对策,以防止民族地区发生规模性返贫风险。  相似文献   

民族语言文字政策也是民族政策的重要组成部分。清王朝统一全国后,实行了一系列的民族平等的语言文字政策,促进了各民族语言文字的交流,取得了较好的统治效果。  相似文献   

郑洲 《西藏研究》2007,(4):100-107
文章以西藏自治区扎囊县德吉新村扶贫综合开发为例,以公共产品理论为指导,考察了政府提供的农村公共产品在德吉新村扶贫综合开发建设中的绩效问题。首先,基于政府供给农村公共产品的角度,分析了政府在德吉新村所提供的一系列农村公共产品对扶贫搬迁群众走出贫困所发挥的积极作用;其次,重点基于德吉新村搬迁群众实际需求的视角,分析了政府所提供的农村公共产品在德吉新村扶贫综合开发中存在的问题与不足;最后,文章就提高西藏农村扶贫综合开发成效,即提高西藏农村公共产品供给效率提出几点政策建议。  相似文献   

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