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刘玉山 《阅江学刊》2011,3(5):92-98
魏晋南北朝史研究中的士族、庶族等词汇的区别和划分问题,由于说法或者语境的不同往往产生歧义。针对上述问题进行比较、辨析,可知严格意义上的士族就是指高门士族,其余所谓的"次等"与"低级"士族并不存在,不应视为士族。  相似文献   

This paper examines the two major conflicts between general practitioners and the state in the mid-1960s and again at the end of the 1980s. In the mid-1960s morale in general practice was low, but GPs emerged with a strong endorsement from government for their professional autonomy. In 1990 morale was high, but government succeeded in imposing a new contract on GPs that sought to increase their accountability. GPs have always defended their status as "independent contractors". However, the paper argues that GPs saw this status as a means of protecting their professional freedom and autonomy. When the government treated them more as independent contractors in 1990 and demanded more specific terms, GPs did not like it. Furthermore, the new GPs' contract was introduced alongside the new internal market of the NHS, which has had further implications for GPs' status as independent contractors.  相似文献   

日本政局出现历史性变化,是日本政治发展的必然结果,是自民党保守政治所致。民主党执政后,提出一系列内政改革与变革政策,努力使日本政治转型,具有重要意义。鸠山内阁开局良好,具有优势和很多有利因素,但也面临执政经验与能力、经济和社会问题,以及来自自民党等挑战,也存在考验。鸠山内阁推行调整对美关系、重视亚洲和对华关系的积极外交政策,利及日本自身和东亚地区的稳定与合作,具有战略性的积极意义。但寻求确立对美的对等关系,将受到来自美国的阻力,具有难度。在发展对华与对东亚国家关系上,日方态度积极,也需要切实把握和努力。  相似文献   

赵雨乐 《唐都学刊》2001,17(1):27-33
唐代自进入中后期,翰林学士的政治角色日形重要.学士负责起草诏令,又参决军政机密事务,分担了宰相部分职权.宦官北衙的势力兴起,虽操纵君主废立命运,然而草制宣诏的合法化过程,同时亦强化翰林机构的议事渠道,形成一股新兴的抗衡力量.北衙宦官对翰林采取强烈制控,由委任翰林亲信,到设立宦官专职的翰林学士院使,均旨在纳入内廷诸司的监控范围.文章在前人研究翰林学士院职掌的基础上,对唐中后期翰林于南北司的权力格局之中,如何层累衍生学士、承旨和使职名目,稍作补充.  相似文献   

霍有光 《唐都学刊》2005,21(1):102-108
~~《吕氏春秋》与黄帝、三皇五帝文化@霍有光$西安交通大学人文社会科学学院!陕西西安710049~~~~[1]陈奇猷.吕氏春秋校释[M].上海:学林出版社,1984. [2]陈戍国点校.周礼·仪礼·礼记[M].长沙:岳麓书社, 1989. [3]刘俊田,等.四书全译[M].贵阳:贵州人民出版社, 1988. [4]张耿光译注.庄子全译[M].贵阳:贵州人民出版社, 1991. [5]罗竹风.汉语大词典[M].上海:汉语大词典出版社, 1991. [6]黄朴民注译.孙子兵法[M].长沙:岳麓书社,1991. [7]铜板四书五经读本(下册):春秋三传·隐…  相似文献   

信夫清三郎认为中国在亚洲创建了特殊的国际秩序,以内"华"外"夷"的朝贡制度或宗藩体系构筑了"中国的世界秩序";17世纪后半叶的山鹿素行开始脱离中国中心主义转向日本中心主义,"华夷"观念获得日本中心主义的理论重构,然后18世纪兴起的是"国学"与"兰学".友枝龙太郎认为17世纪的徂徕学派之所以不尊孟子主要是由于孟子的汤武放伐论破坏了君臣关系的伦常秩序,这反映了日本尊君的政治结构及生活传统;在斥孟这一点上徂徕学派与司马光、李觏等近似,而先于徂徕的伊藤仁斋则比较接近於朱子.伊藤仁斋及其子孙的古义堂家学是日本罕有的学问世家,贝塚茂树根据仁斋所读书、所藏书的历史情况,考证认为仁斋年轻时未读到<朱子语类>而只读了节选性质的语录且所读程子书甚於朱子书,故程子兄弟於仁斋的学风影响要大於朱子.18世纪的太宰春台认为贝原损轩由信奉程朱到晚年质疑程朱,这是损轩的巨大进步与转折,但损轩只怀疑程朱学不合圣学但未知程朱学正是通过孟子之变异而发展过来;春台敬佩损轩的学识但他认为他自己排程朱、复孔学的努力是损轩所不可及的.  相似文献   

李佳 《求是学刊》2016,(5):155-162
君臣关系是中国古代政治史的核心问题之一,主要指向君主与臣僚间的权力分配与运作状态,双方互动方式及其牵涉的道德伦理观念。洪武一朝是明代君臣关系的生成期,关于君主身份合法性、君臣权力关系格局,以及君臣相处之道的形成过程深刻影响了后来的国家政治与政治文化,且与元明易代、明初封建诸王、废相等重大事件密切关联。梳理洪武君臣关系形成过程中的话语形态与制度推演,可见该过程主要指向两个维度:君主身份合法性的文化确认和君主集权制度框架的构建。此外,洪武君臣关系作为一种王朝早期历史记忆,在此后二百余年间,被士人群体反复评说,构成以君臣在国家体制中权力与角色为中心的不断反思,甚至发生对皇权专制极端化倾向批判的思潮。  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济新形势下 ,如何做好思想政治工作 ,把思想政治教育贯穿于改革、发展、稳定之中 ,这是宣传思想战线亟待解决的问题。把握思想政治工作的“六性”和“六点” ,才能找准思想政治工作的切入点 ,使思想政治工作出现应有的生机和活力  相似文献   

当今社会是信息高速发展的时代,对培养大学生创新能力和综合素质能力提出更高的标准和要求.传统的培养模式已经不能适应社会的发展.为顺应时代发展,必须寻找一些行之有效的方法来培养新时期人才.该文通过对实验中心进行一系列教学改革,重点介绍了几种行之有效的方法和举措,来提高农业院校中药资源与开发专业学生综合素质能力.实践证明,这些措施是可行的、有效的,并取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

In this article we analyse the dynamics of the welfare state, focusing on the Netherlands and Sweden. The basic question is whether the different social systems of these countries result in differences in persistency of benefit dependency. We conclude that although benefit dependency at a macroeconomic level is more or less the same, patterns of mobility of individuals between benefits and jobs are different. These different patterns are partly explained by overrepresentation of benefits with a high degree of persistency in the Netherlands. This overrepresentation is, however, not sufficient to account for the large differences observed in dynamics. Characteristics of the welfare state account for that.  相似文献   

近年来,社区居委会作为矛盾纠纷调解的基层组织,经过实践,总结出了许多比较典型的舆情疏导方法。社区居委会针对社区内存在的政府与居民、物业与居民、居民之间、居民家庭内部和居民与其他组织的矛盾纠纷,巧妙运用舆情疏导的具体方法,对于维护社区稳定具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着世界范围的老龄化趋势严重,老年人的福利问题已经成为热点。作为世界上的人口大国,中国面对巨大的老龄化压力。本文通过对社会背景、传统文化与中国相似的日本和韩国在养老保险、老年医疗和老年福利各个方面的比较,为中国的老年福利的建设提供经验借鉴,力求寻求一条具有中国特色的老年福利之路。  相似文献   

Global ageing, the major social issue of the twenty-first century, will have greater social repercussions for developing countries. The fastest increase of older persons in terms of ratio in relation to younger people is happening in developing countries, and in Africa segregation of older people in rural areas will become manifest. While beneficial changes for women have accompanied modernization in many of the developing countries, the situation of older women appears to be particularly precarious. Social changes brought about by modernization are also profoundly affecting the traditional systems of care for older people. Even though most older people requiring care are still looked after within the informal structures of the family, this can no longer be taken for granted as we move into the new century. This paper critically reviews social protection systems and the resource constraints which characterize developing countries and warns against blind development of social security systems based on those of the industrialized countries. The paper argues for the design of intergenerational support back into mainstream social relations so that older persons are not marginalized and put at risk through social protection programmes which reinforce physical vulnerability stereotypes and stress welfare needs over and above older people's social and economic contributions to society  相似文献   

疏离与被疏离是对鲁迅与左联关系的较为准确的概括。鲁迅对左联的疏离具有双重含义:其行为表象是鲁迅对左联工作的冷淡,包括与左联实际领导人的不合作和对新政策的不理解、不支持,而实质上这是鲁迅对左联由来已久的关门主义和宗派主义错误有了清醒认识之后的理性选择;左联对鲁迅的疏离也具有双重含义,那就是左联的实际领导人对鲁迅维持着敬重的表象,实质上他们在攻击着、欺瞒着、背弃着鲁迅。  相似文献   

In the psychological literature, love is often seen as a construct inseparable from that of close, interpersonal relationships. As a result, it has been often assumed that the same motivational factors underlie both phenomena. This often leads researchers to propose that love does not exist in itself—that it is an emotion which stems solely from a need for attachment, fulfillment of reproductive aims, or for social exchange. The popular cultural imagination, however, perceives love as a unique, mysterious, altruistic, ever-lasting bond between two people—a vision of love which is at odds with its supposed psychological origins. We propose that an ideal of love and its enactment in our culture is a result of two intertwining factors. Within the last few centuries, interpersonal relationships and love have replaced religion as islands of existential comfort. Toward this end, lovers project illusory meaning on their partners. The laborious and turbulent process of withdrawing these projections can lead to what many thinkers think "love" is: bestowal of value on another, and consequent respect for, and care for that person, unmotivated by one's own needs, within the context of a real relationship.  相似文献   

李健 《阅江学刊》2014,(4):81-87
曹魏至西晋,拟诏机关为中书省。当时三省的机构职能尚未完全确定,拟诏机关及人员不绝对是中书省及其属官。诏令的形成过程,可以分为自上而下和自下而上两种。在具体运作中,很多诏令直接指明了执行机构或具体执行者。为了正确贯彻自己的意图,皇帝还会在前诏的基础上发出新诏,对如何执行做出明确而详细的指示。在诏令的发布和执行过程中,会有多次的反馈和调整:反馈包括预前反馈和同期反馈;调整既有对诏令本身问题的调整,也有对执行不力、违背诏令精神行为的调整。曹魏西晋皇帝诏令的形成和执行过程说明当时的行政运作已经达到了较高的水平。  相似文献   

发挥专家学者作用完善北京的决策咨询机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
北京作为首都 ,科研的人力资源十分丰富 ,分布着“五路大军”、“六大板块”。这些机构和人员通过各种形式 ,在政府的决策中起着积极的服务作用 ,推动了北京各项事业的发展。但与资源优势相比 ,开发和利用专家学者的作用上仍存在问题 ,作者认为应该采取完善政府决策咨询制度 ;建立畅通的沟通渠道 ;创建高效的组织协调机制 ;搭建政府决策支持平台等措施。  相似文献   

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