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Daniil Ryabko 《Statistics》2013,47(1):121-128
Given a discrete-valued sample X1, …, Xn, we wish to decide whether it was generated by a distribution belonging to a family H0, or it was generated by a distribution belonging to a family H1. In this work, we assume that all distributions are stationary ergodic, and do not make any further assumptions (e.g. no independence or mixing rate assumptions). We would like to have a test whose probability of error (both Types I and II) is uniformly bounded. More precisely, we require that for each ? there exists a sample size n such that probability of error is upper-bounded by ? for samples longer than n. We find some necessary and some sufficient conditions on H0 and H1 under which a consistent test (with this notion of consistency) exists. These conditions are topological, with respect to the topology of distributional distance.  相似文献   

Viewing the future order statistics as latent variables at each Gibbs sampling iteration, several Bayesian approaches to predict future order statistics based on type-II censored order statistics, X(1), X(2), …, X(r), of a size n( > r) random sample from a four-parameter generalized modified Weibull (GMW) distribution, are studied. Four parameters of the GMW distribution are first estimated via simulation study. Then various Bayesian approaches, which include the plug-in method, the Monte Carlo method, the Gibbs sampling scheme, and the MCMC procedure, are proposed to develop the prediction intervals of unobserved order statistics. Finally, four type-II censored samples are utilized to investigate the predictions.  相似文献   

The probability density function (pdf) of a two parameter exponential distribution is given by f(x; p, s?) =s?-1 exp {-(x - ρ)/s?} for x≥ρ and 0 elsewhere, where 0 < ρ < ∞ and 0 < s?∞. Suppose we have k independent random samples where the ith sample is drawn from the ith population having the pdf f(x; ρi, s?i), 0 < ρi < ∞, 0 < s?i < s?i < and f(x; ρ, s?) is as given above. Let Xi1 < Xi2 <… < Xiri denote the first ri order statistics in a random sample of size ni, drawn from the ith population with pdf f(x; ρi, s?i), i = 1, 2,…, k. In this paper we show that the well known tests of hypotheses about the parameters ρi, s?i, i = 1, 2,…, k based on the above observations are asymptotically optimal in the sense of Bahadur efficiency. Our results are similar to those for normal distributions.  相似文献   

Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random vector with joint distribution function FX, Y(x, y) = C(F(x), G(y)), where C is a copula and F and G are marginal distributions of X and Y, respectively. Suppose that (Xi, Yi), i = 1, 2, …, n is a random sample from (X, Y) but we are able to observe only the data consisting of those pairs (Xi, Yi) for which Xi ? Yi. We denote such pairs as (X*i, Yi*), i = 1, 2, …, ν, where ν is a random variable. The main problem of interest is to express the distribution function FX, Y(x, y) and marginal distributions F and G with the distribution function of observed random variables X* and Y*. It is shown that if X and Y are exchangeable with marginal distribution function F, then F can be uniquely determined by the distributions of X* and Y*. It is also shown that if X and Y are independent and absolutely continuous, then F and G can be expressed through the distribution functions of X* and Y* and the stress–strength reliability P{X ? Y}. This allows also to estimate P{X ? Y} with the truncated observations (X*i, Yi*). The copula of bivariate random vector (X*, Y*) is also derived.  相似文献   

This paper considers estimation of the function g in the model Yt = g(Xt ) + ?t when E(?t|Xt) ≠ 0 with nonzero probability. We assume the existence of an instrumental variable Zt that is independent of ?t, and of an innovation ηt = XtE(Xt|Zt). We use a nonparametric regression of Xt on Zt to obtain residuals ηt, which in turn are used to obtain a consistent estimator of g. The estimator was first analyzed by Newey, Powell & Vella (1999) under the assumption that the observations are independent and identically distributed. Here we derive a sample mean‐squared‐error convergence result for independent identically distributed observations as well as a uniform‐convergence result under time‐series dependence.  相似文献   

A random vector X = (X 1,…,X n ) is negatively associated if and only if for every pair of partitions X 1 = (X π(1),…,X π(k)), X 2 = (X π(k+1),…,X π(n)) of X , P( X 1 ? A, X 2 ? B) ≤ P( X 1 ? A)P( X 2 ? B) whenever A and B are open upper sets and π is any permutation of {1,…,n}. In this paper, we develop some of concepts of negative dependence, which are weaker than negative association but stronger than negative orthant dependence by requiring the above inequality to hold only for some upper sets A and B and applying the arguments in Shaked.  相似文献   

Let X2: n and Y2: m be the second order statistics from n independent exponential variables with hazards λ1, …, λn, and an independent exponential sample of size m with hazard change to λ, respectively. When m ? n, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for comparing X2: n and Y2: m in mean residual life, dispersive, hazard rate, and likelihood ratio orderings based on some inequalities between λi’s and λ. The established results show how one can compare an (n ? 1)-out-of-n system consisting of heterogeneous components with exponential lifetimes with any (m ? 1)-out-of-m system consisting of homogeneous components with exponential lifetimes.  相似文献   


Least squares estimator of the stability parameter ? ? |α| + |β| for a spatial unilateral autoregressive process Xk, ? = αXk ? 1, ? + βXk, ? ? 1 + ?k, ? is investigated and asymptotic normality with a scaling factor n5/4 is shown in the unstable case ? = 1. The result is in contrast to the unit root case of the AR(p) model Xk = α1Xk ? 1 + ??? + αpXk ? p + ?k, where the limiting distribution of the least squares estimator of the unit root parameter ? ? α1 + ??? + αp is not normal.  相似文献   

Let Xl,…,Xn (Yl,…,Ym) be a random sample from an absolutely continuous distribution with distribution function F(G).A class of distribution-free tests based on U-statistics is proposed for testing the equality of F and G against the alternative that X's are more dispersed then Y's. Let 2 ? C ? n and 2 ? d ? m be two fixed integers. Let ?c,d(Xil,…,Xic ; Yjl,…,Xjd)=1(-1)when max as well as min of {Xil,…,Xic ; Yjl,…,Yjd } are some Xi's (Yj's)and zero oterwise. Let Sc,d be the U-statistic corresponding to ?c,d.In case of equal sample sizes, S22 is equivalent to Mood's Statistic.Large values of Sc,d are significant and these tests are quite efficient  相似文献   

Ashley (1983) gave a simple condition for determining when a forecast of an explanatory variable (Xt ) is sufficiently inaccurate that direct replacement of Xt by the forecast yields worse forecasts of the dependent variable than does respecification of the equation to omit Xt . Many available macroeconomic forecasts were shown to be of limited usefulness in direct replacement. Direct replacement, however, is not optimal if the forecast's distribution is known. Here optimal linear forms in commercial forecasts of several macroeconomic variables are obtained by using estimates of their distributions. Although they are an improvement on the raw forecasts (direct replacement), these optimal forms are still too inaccurate to be useful in replacing the actual explanatory variables in forecasting models. The results strongly indicate that optimal forms involving several commercial forecasts will not be very useful either. Thus Ashley's (1983) sufficient condition retains its value in gauging the usefulness of a forecast of an explanatory variable in a forecasting model, even though it focuses on direct replacement.  相似文献   

Let X1, X2, …, Xn be identically, independently distributed N(i,1) random variables, where i = 0, ±1, ±2, … Hammersley (1950) showed that d = [X?n], the nearest integer to the sample mean, is the maximum likelihood estimator of i. Khan (1973) showed that d is minimax and admissible with respect to zero-one loss. This note now proves a conjecture of Stein to the effect that in the class of integer-valued estimators d is minimax and admissible under squared-error loss.  相似文献   

The need to simulate from a univariate density arises in several settings, particularly in Bayesian analysis. An especially efficient algorithm which can be used to sample from a univariate density, f X , is the adaptive accept–reject algorithm. To implement the adaptive accept–reject algorithm, the user has to envelope T ° f X , where T is some transformation such that the density g(x) ∝ T ?1 (α+β x) is easy to sample from. Successfully enveloping T ° f X , however, requires that the user identify the number and location of T ° f X ’s inflection points. This is not always a trivial task. In this paper, we propose an adaptive accept–reject algorithm which relieves the user of precisely identifying the location of T ° f X ’s inflection points. This new algorithm is shown to be efficient and can be used to sample from any density such that its support is bounded and its log is three-times differentiable.  相似文献   

This paper investigates tail behavior of the randomly weighted sum ∑nk = 1θkXk and reaches an asymptotic formula, where Xk, 1 ? k ? n, are real-valued linearly wide quadrant-dependent (LWQD) random variables with a common heavy-tailed distribution, and θk, 1 ? k ? n, independent of Xk, 1 ? k ? n, are n non-negative random variables without any dependence assumptions. The LWQD structure includes the linearly negative quadrant-dependent structure, the negatively associated structure, and hence the independence structure. On the other hand, it also includes some positively dependent random variables and some other random variables. The obtained result coincides with the existing ones.  相似文献   

Assuming that (X1, X2) has a bivariate elliptical distribution, we obtain an exact expression for the joint probability density function (pdf) as well as the corresponding conditional pdfs of X1 and X(2) ? max?{X1, X2}. The problem is motivated by an application in financial markets. Exchangeable random variables are discussed in more detail. Two special cases of the elliptical distributions that is the normal and the student’s t models are investigated. For illustrative purposes, a real data set on the total personal income in California and New York is analyzed using the results obtained. Finally, some concluding remarks and further works are discussed.  相似文献   

In a model for rounded data suppose that the random sample X1,.,.,Xn,. i.i.d., is transformed into an observed random sample X,.,.,X, where X = 2vΔ if Xi, ∈ (2vΔ - Δ, 2vΔ + Δ), for i = 1,.,.,n. We show that the precision Δ of the observations has an important effect on the shape of the kernel density estimator, and we identify important points for the graphical display of this estimator. We examine the IMSE criteria to find the optimal window under the rounded-data model.  相似文献   

Let X = {X1, X2, …} be a sequence of independent but not necessarily identically distributed random variables, and let η be a counting random variable independent of X. Consider randomly stopped sum Sη = ∑ηk = 1Xk and random maximum S(η) ? max?{S0, …, Sη}. Assuming that each Xk belongs to the class of consistently varying distributions, on the basis of the well-known precise large deviation principles, we prove that the distributions of Sη and S(η) belong to the same class under some mild conditions. Our approach is new and the obtained results are further studies of Kizinevi?, Sprindys, and ?iaulys (2016) and Andrulyt?, Manstavi?ius, and ?iaulys (2017).  相似文献   

The L1 and L2-errors of the histogram estimate of a density f from a sample X1,X2,…,Xn using a cubic partition are shown to be asymptotically normal without any unnecessary conditions imposed on the density f. The asymptotic variances are shown to depend on f only through the corresponding norm of f. From this follows the asymptotic null distribution of a goodness-of-fit test based on the total variation distance, introduced by Györfi and van der Meulen (1991). This note uses the idea of partial inversion for obtaining characteristic functions of conditional distributions, which goes back at least to Bartlett (1938).  相似文献   

This article derives the likelihood ratio statistic to test the independence between (X 1,…,X r ) and (X r+1,…,X k ) under the assumption that (X 1,…,X k ) has a multivariate normal distribution and that a sample of size n is available, where for N observation vectors all components are available, while for M = (n + N) observation vectors, the data on the last q components, (Xk-q+1,…,X k ) are missing (k+q≥r).  相似文献   


This article considers the estimation of a distribution function FX(x) based on a random sample X1, X2, …, Xn when the sample is suspected to come from a close-by distribution F0(x). The new estimators, namely the preliminary test (PTE) and Stein-type estimator (SE) are defined and compared with the “empirical distribution function” (edf) under local departure. In this case, we show that Stein-type estimators are superior to edf and PTE is superior to edf when it is close to F0(x). As a by-product similar estimators are proposed for population quantiles.  相似文献   

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