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辩证思维之树常青,辩证思维之花常香,辩证思维之果常甜。邓小平的辩证思维成就受之无愧。李书华的《创新思维的典范──邓小平辩证思维方式刍议》指出,邓小平对于思维方式的运用,一向反对“唯书”“唯上”、非此即彼、静态凝固、自我封闭;坚持实事求是、对立统一、动态发展、系统开放,已经达到炉火纯青的高度。社会主义市场经济、多种所有制共同发展、社会主义本质新论等诸多辩证思维硕果,已经并将亘久地使中国人民深受其惠。   大学生对邓小平理论的学习,讲读课或讲授课的地位自然重要,但它的单向性的主要特点亦成为其主要弱点…  相似文献   

Anita Singh 《Gender Issues》2018,35(4):287-288

建设法治国家,是总设计师邓小平设定的中国改革的重大目标之一,邓小平虽没有直接阐述法学的专论,但邓选三卷洋溢着的法治精神是不容置疑的。范慧的《秩序·效率·公平·人权——论邓小平理论的法价值意蕴》指出,秩序、效率、公平、人权,完整地意蕴着邓小平理论法价值的基础、手段、目的与核心。   自 1840年国门被列强的炮舰轰开之后,积弱的中国被动地开始走上了现代化发展之路,以求强自救,但洋务运动、维新变法、孙中山共和革命、国民党建设运动、毛泽东未脱尽苏式窠臼的“一大二公”模式,贯穿着求强首位线索的现代化发展战略均…  相似文献   

在中国,柳州“求索”青年工作研讨会还是个名不见经传的社团。其实在广西,知道这个社团的人也不多。但这个社团,却引起了共青团中央书记处常务书记的注目,牵动了中国青少年研究中心主任的脚步、留下了共青团广西区委领导的关切。这是一个集工作性研究性于一体的社团,它的单位会员全部来自柳州的大中型国有企业,它的个人会员有专职团干、部门经理、教师乃至于普通工人等,都是第一线的思想政治工作者,也是始终在第一线研究以促进工作的理论工作者。他们务实求真精神的光芒远盖住了他们文笔的质朴,他们执着的工作与研究精神,尤其是朴…  相似文献   

邓小平理论能发生稳定、改革与发展中国的伟大作用,自然源于它的科学性,而此又来自于逻辑力量的强大支持。刘广志的《浅析邓小平著作中的逻辑特色》指出,概念明晰,判断准确且能巧用,推理开阔严谨,论证深刻、还有分析与综合、抽象到具体、逻辑与历史有机统一的辨证思维方法,正是邓小平理论能深入人心的逻辑力量所在。 江泽民同志“三个代表”思想的实践,要靠全党同志的共同努力,党的领导干部的分量格外重要,不思进取创新与腐败将导致实践的停滞或惨遭破坏。邵群群、李红霞的《论领导干部对“三个代表”思想的实践》强调,坚定理想…  相似文献   


新经济时代,即知识经济时代已经来临,邓小平与知识经济思想相符的大量论述,呼唤着我们奋起直追世界经济潮流。黄世虎的《邓小平知识经济思想探析》认为,邓小平理论蕴含着丰富的知识经济思想,其核心是“科学技术是第一生产力”,其主攻方向是“中国必须在世界高科技领域占有一席之地”,其政策导向是“尊重知识,尊重人才”,其体制保障是“进一步解决科技和经济结合的问题”。 胡增文的《我国社会主义经济建设模式的历史选择》认为,自 20世纪 90年代邓小平南巡之后,在当代中国,社会主义市场经济不仅仅在实践上,而且在理论上也取代…  相似文献   


徐僖院士,高分子材料科学家,中国科学院院士,我国高分子材料学科的奠基人之一。现任四川大学教授、高分子研究所所长,上海交通大学教授、高分子材料研究所所长。西南石油大学“油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室第二届学术委员会委员。《高分子材料科学与工程》、《油田化学》期刊主编。曾任《中国大百科全书·化工》高分子化工分支主编,《中国大百科全书·化学》高分子化学分支副主编,《材料科学技术百科全书》高分子材料分支主编。 徐僖教授长期从事高分子化学、高分子材料成型基础理论、高分子力化学、油田化学、辐射化学等领域的研究。早在20世纪50年代后期,他即致力于高分子力化学的研究。力化学是化学与力学交叉的学科,高分子力化学一般较多研究应力导致高分子材料性能下降与结构破坏,他则着重研究应力对高分子材料的正效应。美国著名力化学家R.S.Porter在其专著《Polymer Stress Reactions(Academic Press,New York,1979)》中摘录了徐僖教授20世纪60年代的全部研究成果。20世纪80年代,徐僖教授和他领导的科研群体通过超声作用合成了18种难以从其单体合成的嵌段/接枝共聚物,可用作不相容聚合物的增容剂,油、气田勘探开发用的化学品和金属冷加工润滑剂等新型高分子材料。研究成果“在超声作用下聚合物的降解和接枝(嵌段)共聚”被认为达到国际先进水平,获得1987年国家自然科学奖二等奖。徐僖教授在他长期从事的研究领域先后在国内外学术刊物上发表研究论文300余篇,撰写出版著作、译著4本,获国家发明专利28项。曾获国家自然科学奖、国家发明奖等20余项国家、部委、省级奖励以及高分子材料学科建设与高层次人才培养国家级优秀教学成果奖、何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖、侯德榜化工科学技术奖成就奖等。曾被授予全国高等学校先进科技工作者、全国教育系统劳动模范、国防军工协作先进个人等称号。徐僖教授早已年逾八旬,却仍然辛勤工作在科研和教学第一线。他说:“我没有风烛残年之感,也没有仅能发挥余热的凄凉。我想到的是如何与国内同行、海外华人共同努力,树立我们中华民族在国际高分子材料科学领域在国际上的声誉和地位。”他的人生格言是“人生的乐趣在于无私奉献”。他最大的心愿是“中国人能在世界上普遍受到尊重”。  相似文献   

Academician Han Dakuang was born in Shanghai in 1932, native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and graduated from Tsinghua University with a degree in petroleum engineering major in 1952. He is a senior expert in oil and gas development engineering, member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor level senior engineer of Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED), doctoral tutor, and the sixth editorial board consultant of the Journal of Southwest Petroleum University (Science & Technology Edition). He taught for nearly 20 years at Tsinghua University and Beijing Institute of Petroleum (now China University of Petroleum). Since 1972, he has engaged in the research work in oil & gas reservoir engineering in RIPED, holding the posts of the director of Oil & Gas Field Development Department, vice president and chief engineer of RIPED.For more than 50 years, academician Han Dakuang has been engaged in the scientific research and teaching work of oil and gas field development engineering. On the one hand, he went deep into the oilfield production realities, carried on the comprehensive study of Reservoir Engineering and gave the strategic countermeasures; on the other hand, he actively carried out the research and application of seepage mechanics and interface physical chemistry, and became one of the pioneers of reservoir numerical simulation and enhanced oil recovery technology. His contributions and achievements in oil and gas field development engineering include:Reservoir Engineering Study area: In the early 1950s, academician Han Dakuang took part in China's first oil field waterflooding program — the design of Yumen Laojunmiao Oil field waterflooding program, who was responsible for the seepage calculation. Since then, he was repeatedly responsible for or participated in the compiling work of the oil and gas field development plans, annual plans and the discipline development plans, which made contributions to the strategic arrangements and the scientific and technological progress of China's oil field development over the years. Aiming at the development problem of China's old oilfields at high water-cut late stage, he systematically studied the new pattern of residual oil distribution and the new changes of the oil field development situation, and proposed strategies, concepts and new technology development direction, which is of important guiding significance for the elderly Oilfield enhanced oil recovery and to increase recoverable reserves. His idea has been adopted by the major leaders of China National Petroleum Corporation and China Petroleum Corporation and many older fields as the highly technology and the significantly economic efficiency.Reservoir numerical simulation area: In the early 1960s, academician Han Dakuang started numerical simulation research, the research result of "reservoir numerical simulation technique" which he chaired laid the foundation for China's further development of this technology, and won the 2nd prize of the National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology and the 1st prize of the China National Petroleum Corporation scientific and technological progress. Another early study on "The Numerical Simulation of Oil-Water Flow in the Heterogeneous Oil-Wet Sandstone Reservoir" won the 1st prize of the Former Ministry of Petroleum Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement.Enhanced Oil Recovery area: in the early 1960s, academician Han Dakuang began the experimental study of polymer flooding, and pointed out the effectiveness of polyacrylamide solution as EOR oil displacement agent. He presided over the "The Evaluation of Potential of Enhanced Oil Recovery in Water Injection Oil Field of China and its Development Strategy ", which opened up a broad way for the application of the new technology in China, and won the 1st prize of the China National Petroleum Corporation Scientific and Technological Progress.Oil production engineering technology area: the "The New Paraffin-proof Technology in Oil Wells" research had an extensive popularization and won the National Science Congress Award.Academician Han Dakuang has published five books and a translation, and more than 60 domestic and overseas papers and reports. He is the tutor for more than 40 Master, doctor, and postdoctoral students and many of them have become experts and even professors in this area.As his contribution to oil and gas field development engineering, he was granted the honor of “Distinguished Science and Technology Experts in Petroleum Industry” by China National Petroleum Corporation in 1991, and acquired the special subsidy approved by the government in the same year. Later in 1996, he received the Sun Yueqi Energy Award issued by the Chinese Development Foundation in Science and Technology.  相似文献   

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