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为研究减少战略联盟中机会主义行为和提高联盟收益的策略与方法,基于专有性资源的溢出效应,利用演化博弈理论建立以机会主义者比例和发生合作溢出的互惠主义者比例为参数的复制者动态方程,分析了联盟稳定平衡点下机会主义者和互惠主义者的相互演化规律和机会主义对于联盟收益的影响机理。研究表明,无合作溢出时机会主义者主宰整个联盟系统,一定的合作溢出量可以减少机会主义行为的发生,但随着合作溢出量的增加联盟整体收益将会降低,而政府部门可以通过适当补贴提高联盟收益。  相似文献   

本文以中外合资企业为主要研究对象,就关系成员企业管理者社会资本水平与其在特定关系中的机会主义行为水平的联系及其对关系绩效的影响进行了实证研究。研究结果首次证实了企业管理者社会资本会提高其在特定关系中的机会主义倾向这一潜在关系的存在,但这种机会主义行为主要体现在对关系程序控制权的获取上,并不会降低社会资本在提升关系收益水平方面的价值,同时也不会影响关系成果分配的公平性。本研究的相关结论对于进一步的研究与企业管理实践均有一定价值。  相似文献   

承销商值得信任吗——来自创业板的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于信息不对称理论,运用剩余收益评估模型控制IPO公司的内在价值,对我国创业板IPO过程中承销商的定价效率进行了实证研究.结果表明,在我国证券市场效率不高的背景下,不完善的声誉机制无法约束承销商的机会主义行为,导致承销商第三方认证功能弱化,发行价格偏离内在价值,不能有效降低发行人和投资者的信息不对称程度.承销商的机会主义行为造成发行人和承销商的利益趋同.在发行价格与抑价程度不存在显著关系的情况下,配合承销商的机会主义行为采取高报价策略争取配售份额是询价投资者的占优选择.  相似文献   

专利联盟的专利交叉许可机制使专利具有了公共品属性,在无有效机制引导下,部分企业搭便车行为必然会影响其他成员持续研发的积极性,不利于联盟稳定发展。本文在公平偏好视角下,构建了专利联盟企业公共品博弈模型,通过利用费米规则在MATLAB上模拟专利联盟企业创新行为演化过程,分析了联盟企业创新行为内在动机,并进一步引入惩罚机制,探究其对联盟企业创新行为演化过程的影响。结果表明:当嫉妒参数与羞愧参数之比低于某一阈值时,整个联盟才能呈现出稳定的高研发水平。在利己倾向的公平偏好情景下,在公共品回报乘数越高,却越会刺激搭便车;而在利他倾向的公平偏好情景下,当专利公共品回报乘数增加并超过阈值时,会促使整个联盟企业努力研发,此时许可收益增加也更有利于提高企业努力研发积极性,而且当存在联合惩罚机制时,惩罚也更有效果,但惩罚系数与惩罚成本之比必须大于某一阈值,才能抑制企业搭便车行为。最后提出了在专利联盟管理实践中促进企业积极创新的建议。  相似文献   

协调机制是影响供应链绩效的主要因素.供应合同研究忽视了机会主义行为的影响,同时也未涉及合同的达成过程.合作伙伴关系研究考虑了防范机会主义行为的问题,但仍未涉及协调机制的达成过程.供应链契约演化理论强调协调机制的调整是成员企业学习的结果,但忽视了协调机制的利益分配功能.综合上述理论及资源依赖理论,本文提出,协调机制是权力博弈的结果.每一种任务依赖关系都对应着一个潜在的有效率的协调机制,只有当权力结构与有效率的协调机制相适应时,才可能实现供应链整体绩效最优化的目标.  相似文献   

基于成熟资本市场的研究表明,高声誉券商会抑制IPO公司的盈余管理.本文以2001-2011年处于中国制度环境下的IPO公司为样本,重新考察了券商声誉与IPO公司盈余管理之间的关系.研究发现,券商声誉越高,其所承销IPO公司的盈余管理程度也就越高,但券商声誉与IPO公司盈余管理程度之间的正向关系只有在投资者法律保护较差的地区才显著.进一步的研究还发现,高声誉券商纵容或协助IPO公司盈余管理的重要动因在于获取更高的经济收益.尽管高声誉券商确实能够降低IPO公司的抑价率,但这是通过提高IPO公司盈余管理程度的途径来实现的.本文的结论表明,要使我国资本市场中的券商声誉机制发挥作用,还需要大力提高券商机会主义行为所面临的法律风险.  相似文献   

本文将机会主义区分为积极的和消极的,将合同细分成包容性和约束力两维度,研究合同的双维度与关系规范在治理不同渠道机会主义时各自及其交互的作用。实证研究表明:①合同的包容性会同时增加渠道成员积极和消极机会主义;合同的约束力会减少渠道成员的积极机会主义;②关系规范可降低积极和消极机会主义;③关系规范可强化合同的约束力在降低积极机会主义、弱化合同的包容性在增加消极机会主义方面的作用,但在弱化合同的包容性增加积极机会主义方面并无显著效果。本文对于机会主义表现形式、治理机制设计及效力的实证研究有突出的理论启示,也为企业诊断具体的渠道机会主义、设计适宜的治理机制提供了指导性建议。  相似文献   

民营企业的政治关系与企业价值   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在民营上市公司中,董事会成员中具有政治背景的情况越来越普遍.以2002年~2005年期间在沪深证券交易所上市的民营上市公司为研究样本,通过手工收集民营上市公司控制人和董事会成员的背景资料,刻画了民营上市公司的政治关系.研究发现,无论是采用Tobin's Q还是买入并持有超额回报来衡量企业价值,民营企业的政治关系对企业价值都有显著的正面影响,有政治关系的民营企业价值更高,投资者长期持有该企业股票得到的收益也更高,政治关系越强企业价值也越高,企业通过建立政治关系最终取得了相应的收益.  相似文献   

从“互惠式”的利益框架出发,分析了我国上市公司内部人会否以及如何利用信息优势与证券分析师形成关联,并损害外部投资者利益的命题.使用2007年~2013年内部人减持与分析师评级数据,研究发现:1)分析师在内部人减持前会集中发布乐观评级报告,内部人减持的金额与分析师乐观评级的数量正相关; 2)这一关系在非高管股东与高管股东减持时均存在,并随高管影响力的提升而增强; 3)这一关系更可能在内部人管理公司信息环境动机强烈时出现; 4)内部人和分析师的以上行为增加了彼此收益,内部人通过减持获得了超额收益,而分析师获取了更多私有信息.这些证据总体上支持了公司内部人与分析师“共谋”的猜想.这些发现全面地展现了公司内部人与分析师进行互惠利益交换的动机、手段与后果,增进了对新兴资本市场中公司内部人与分析师互动行为的理解,也为监管部门加强披露监管、打击内幕交易、维护市场秩序提供了一定启发.  相似文献   

孙亮  柳建华  卢锐 《管理科学》2017,20(7):24-42
基于成熟资本市场的研究表明,高声誉券商会抑制 IPO 公司的盈余管理. 本文以 2001 - 2011 年处于中国制度环境下的 IPO 公司为样本,重新考察了券商声誉与 IPO 公司盈余管理之间的关系. 研究发现,券商声誉越高,其所承销 IPO 公司的盈余管理程度也就越高,但券商声誉与 IPO 公司盈余管理程度之间的正向关系只有在投资者法律保护较差的地区才显著. 进一步的研究还发现,高声誉券商纵容或协助 IPO 公司盈余管理的重要动因在于获取更高的经济收益. 尽管高声誉券商确实能够降低 IPO 公司的抑价率,但这是通过提高 IPO 公司盈余管理程度的途径来实现的. 本文的结论表明,要使我国资本市场中的券商声誉机制发挥作用,还需要大力提高券商机会主义行为所面临的法律风险.  相似文献   

How should businesses best choose foreign partners as they seek to internationalise? We use reputation theory to examine this question. Building reputation is a key aim on the European Business School scene, and this article starts by using more than 2,000 articles written by European academics in top quality journals to update the LRP research reputation rankings of European Schools. We then look at the way international research collaboration takes place, and find that alliances between schools are far from random. It seems that academics from US and European schools are strongly attracted to form alliances with one another, and the choice process appears to be consistent with reputation theory that suggests US schools seek out the most reputable foreign partners. Moreover, the “charmed circle” of high-reputation partners appears to be defined on a country-to-country basis rather than from a whole-Europe perspective. The lessons for managers in internationalising industries are that international alliance choice must include a reputation perspective, with great care being paid to the exact nature of the foreign partner's achievements.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(6):102200
Mounting sustainability pressures challenge established firms to engage with sustainability innovations, which are often introduced by startups. Research on alliance learning has established the potential of learning from startups to advance corporate innovation. Here, scholars have outlined alliance learning processes and outcomes and have distinguished learning about and learning from alliance partners as two key learning types. The saliency of learning from the operational alliance process is stressed. To date, however, no study has investigated alliance learning processes and outcomes for sustainability innovations. This is despite the fact that sustainability research suggests learning processes in the sustainability context have a distinct nature. This study addresses this research gap by analyzing the sustainability-specific learning processes and outcomes of a large European meat producer and wholesaler with a turnover of $2.7bn in the fiscal year 2019/2020. The firm formed alliances with nine startups for sustainable plant, insect-based and cell-based protein solutions. Our analysis (1) identifies three distinct characteristics of sustainability-related alliance learning processes and outcomes, and (2) specifies the temporal occurrence and outcomes of learning types in alliance learning phases. In contrast to findings of prior research, our study reveals that learning about alliance partners is of key importance throughout the whole sustainability-oriented alliance learning process. In addition, the findings highlight that alliance learning outcomes may support an established firm's contribution to the sustainability transformation of mass markets.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(5):102240
We study the role of alliance governance in the behavior of partners in alliances with different degrees of competition. Using data from a lab experiment on 1,009 alliances and 31,662 partners' choices, we explore whether and how alliances succeed in different competitive scenarios, contingent on the use of formal governance mechanisms (termination clauses) and the number of partners in the alliance. We find that trust, an informal governance mechanism, emerges as a complement to formal governance in order to establish success in our experimental alliances, especially when competition is high. In particular, we document the significance of “trust-building” in initial stages and “trust repair” in later stages of our experimental alliances.  相似文献   

基于知识创造和知识溢出的R&D联盟的动态模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对R&D联盟中企业间知识创造和知识溢出的分析,给出了知识存量的一般表示方法,并将参与企业的知识投入和开放水平视为内生变量,构造了知识联盟R&D两阶段的非合作动态博弈模型,提出了在对称的情况下纳什均衡存在并有唯一解的条件,分析了知识投入和知识开放水平在联盟不同时期对企业均衡利润的影响,并通过案例对部分命题提供佐证。最后,在模型假设和模型思想方面进行了一些简单探讨。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of the degree of industry globalization on international alliance formation in terms of the type of alliance chosen by partner firms and stock market responses to the chosen type of alliance. Using a sample of 244 international alliances formed between U.S. and non-U.S. firms for the 1992–97 period, we find that nonjoint venture (joint venture) alliances take place relatively more frequently in global (multidomestic) industries than in multidomestic (global) industries. We also find that in global industries, abnormal returns to nonjoint venture partners are relatively greater than those to joint venture partners, whereas in multidomestic industries, abnormal returns to nonjoint venture partners are relatively smaller, though insignificant, than those to joint venture partners. Our findings suggest that the degree of industry globalization plays an important role in explaining which type of international alliance is likely to be chosen by partner firms when entering an alliance and how stock markets tend to respond to the chosen type of alliance.  相似文献   

学习型联盟中知识资产开放水平的模型分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
竞争环境的变化使得学习型联盟成为企业间合作的一种重要形式,但学习型联盟中开放和保护的两难选择一直是困扰联盟管理的一项难题。本文通过对联盟双方的关系和交互作用的分析,研究了开放和保护这两种策略的选择依据、结果和影响因素,并建立了博弈模型,进一步揭示了联盟成员的开放程度与贡献水平的关系以及双方开放程度之间的相互影响关系,并解释了其在联盟管理中的实际意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of knowledge similarity on the choice of alliance structure in the biotechnology industry. Knowledge similarity between two alliance partners has implications for both integrating and protecting knowledge. Alliance partners have incentives to select the alliance structure that maximizes efficiency in integrating knowledge. Likewise, alliance partners have incentives to select the alliance structure that protects appropriable knowledge. We draw upon the arguments of the knowledge accessing theory and causal ambiguity perspectives as well as the transaction cost economics perspective to predict the role of knowledge similarity on the choice of alliance structure. We empirically test the role of technological overlap and technological component on alliance structures-equity based versus non-equity based. The empirical results show that as technological overlap increases and technological component exists, the probability of equity based alliance structure increases.  相似文献   

Research on interfirm alliances indicates that partner firms’ asymmetry in network centrality increases the likelihood of alliance dissolution because it gives rise to a power imbalance and opportunism in the partnership. We contend that this view of centrality asymmetry does not consider the binding force that network resource complementarity can provide in an alliance, which motivates partners to ally for the long term. We propose that centrality asymmetry can have both divisive and cohesive forces in an alliance, which – when considered together – lead to a prediction that centrality asymmetry has a U‐shaped relationship with alliance dissolution. Moderate levels of asymmetry lead to lower rates of dissolution than high and low levels of asymmetry. The degree of cooperation between partners and the degree of external competition reduce the effects of centrality asymmetry on alliance dissolution because they mitigate power imbalances while encouraging partners to strengthen the alliance to withstand competitive challenges.  相似文献   

Drawing from the organizational learning, transactions costs and resource based theories, we argue that the larger the Alliance Portfolio Size (APS) of the partners, the lower the likelihood that the alliance will be expanded. We also argue for an interactive effect by proposing that high levels of experience will neutralize some (but not all) of the detrimental impact of a large APS on the likelihood of alliance expansion. We deploy the case-control methodology to select a sample of 182 alliances from the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries spanning the period 1980–2004. Results from logistic regression analyses support our predictions.  相似文献   

In today's increasingly globalized environment, more and more companies recognize the mutual dependence of supply chain partners in value creation. When making business decisions, they take into consideration their partners’ bottom line profitability, especially in emerging markets. The question is, is this kind of practice sustainable? This study makes an attempt to formalize this issue by examining a stylized two‐party supply chain model in which each player maximizes its own profit while making a certain commitment to its partner. We compare five different games between the two supply‐chain partners, which reflect different power positions of the players and different levels of commitment. We identify conditions under which both players are better off with mutual commitments than without, a situation we call win–win. We show that win–win can be achieved if and only if the mutual commitments are comparable. Thus, the recognition of mutual dependence of the supply chain members needs to be translated into reciprocal concerns. In addition, different players’ commitments play different roles but together they have a similar effect as a profit sharing contract. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings in the context of socially responsible operations. In particular, our analyses show that it is possible to care about the supply chain partners’ bottom line without sacrificing one's own profitability, and our models can be used as a tool to determine the commitment levels by evaluating the predicted outcome.  相似文献   

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