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Liu Pengkai 《学术界》2012,(9):257-262
Friedrich Hayek w as reputed as the most influential liberalist in the 20th centry.He adopted macroscopic,multi-subjects know ledge as w ell as a methodology w ith a less-moral principal to reassert and consolidate the understanding of freedom.T he follow ing article,quoting some of his arguments and major methodologies w hich he based on,presents the general thoughts of forming C onstitution.  相似文献   

Wang Wei 《学术界》2015,(2):262-270
Can the jury system replace the system of people’s assessors and find a way out of the jury system dilemma in our country? The author gives an affirmative answer that the jury system should be established as soon as possible in our country in order to give full play to the efficacy and value of judicial democracy and supervision. This paper tries to analyze from the following three aspects. Firstly, it analyzes the differences and advantages and disadvantages of two jury patterns including the jury system and the mixed court system; then,based on the statement of development and existing problems of the mixed court system in our country,it analyzes the feasibility of application of the jury system in our country combining with national conditions; finally, social effect of the introduction of the jury system is evaluated,which affects the situation as a whole domino.  相似文献   

The enlightenment of modern education in China was in the late Qing Dynasty, and it was originated from the Tibetan schools in the area of Western Sichuan. This paper tries to provide a review of the Tibetan schools' establishment, development and evolution, and to explore its unique role in the social and historical process at the time.  相似文献   

Zhang Lü 《学术界》2015,(2):303-307
Linguistic civilization orientation is a necessity for all eras,with which the motivation,viable model and pragmatic hypothesis of the language can be formed."Chinese character— Chinese language"takes on different cultures in different regions, embodying the integration of language and civilization. As a result, in order to analyze linguistics, it is necessary for us to compare the Chinese language at home and abroad, and it is the linguistic construction based on the public. The modern Chinese language inherits the cultural connotation of the Chinese linguistics and answers the regional hypothesis and establishes the new linguistic system for the Chinese language in different regions.  相似文献   

Liu Zhihui 《学术界》2015,(1):276-280
In the protection of the virtual property,online game is a new field.And it is important to analyze the legal protection of the rights and value of the virtual property.This paper attempts to analyze the current situation and shortcom ings of the legal protection of the virtual property in China by referring to the advanced experience of the developed countries,so as to perfect the legal guarantee of the virtual property and support the sustainable developm ent of the netw ork industry in China.  相似文献   

冯平 《阴山学刊》2011,(5):63-66
The term "Other" is a key concept in the framework of postcolonialism.This paper attempts to analyze the native black people’s role-"the Other" in the process of colonization.The British writer Doris Lessing finds the unltimate expression in her first novel The Grass Is Singing.With the settlement of the colonizers,the South Africa has been rendered by the white colonizers as "the Other World" and the native people are regarded as "the Other" who are degraded into unspeakable animals by white people.  相似文献   

Wang Cuixia 《学术界》2015,(2):271-275
The basic standpoint of the substantive interpretation of the criminal law is to explore the ontological basis of the theories of the criminal law interpretation and the basic routes of the substantive interpretation of the criminal law from the perspective of practice. As far as the practicality of the substantive interpretation of the criminal law is concerned, it emphasizes the connection of the theories and the basic routes,and the practicality comes from the philosophical dimension of the criminal law,which interprets problems from a higher level.  相似文献   

Hu Zuoyou  Wu Congming 《学术界》2012,(12):249-258
The paper adopts both macro and micro perspectives to discuss interpretation and transfer of cultural images in Lu Ding Ji.Plentiful cultural images contained in the novel reflect unique Chinese traditional culture and show people a mystic and fancy world of martial arts.The transformation of these cultural images,due to great differences between Chinese and Western cultures,has been a difficult point of translation.It is discussed that in the case of The Deer and the Cauldron,the translator transmits and interprets unique cultural images of martial arts with flexible use of translating strategies to try his best to achieve integration of transmission of culture and clear paraphrasing of meanings for the purpose of attractingTL readers with Chinese culture.  相似文献   

In 2005,India’s challenge to the European C ommunity’s(EC) Generalized System of Preferences(GSP) scheme resulted in a landmark ruling by the W T O ’s Appellate Body.T he Appellate Body had a landmark finding that the Enabling C lause imposes legal obligation on the preference-granting countries,w hich for a long time considered GSP treatment a conditional gift and designed their ow n GSP scheme as they saw fit.How ever,the guidance given by the EC-Preference case is far from clear: the legal uncertainties ...  相似文献   

We offer a new understanding of the scientific world and the contents of the basic question of philosophy,which is based on an analysis of the phenomenon of the specific information in the various components of the structure of reality.It is shown that,in addition to material objects,processes,and events,in the real world are also intangible objects,processes and conditions that are in its information content.So the basic question of philosophy is proposed to treat the relationship as a tangible and intangible component of reality.More succinctly it can be formulated as the ratio of matter and information.This allows you to point to some new challenges studying the phenomenon of information in various components of the structure of reality.  相似文献   

2009 is a fruitful year for the research on internet communication in China.This article will review and comment on papers from 20 different CSSCI journals which specialize in the field of internet communication. 1.Basic theory of internet communication Some researchers believe that the new media is a chaotic system.The spread of information based on new media is kind of circulation from order to disorder,then back to a new order.The results are unpredictable.Some researchers turn their attention to new...  相似文献   

3G (third generation), a new dynamic load-balancing algorithm is proposed. It bases on dynamic feedback and imports the increment for admitting new request into the load forecast. It dynamically adjusts the dispatching probability according to the remainder process capability of each node. Experiments on the per- formance of algorithm have been carried out in GMLC and the algorithm is compared with Pick-KX algorithm and DFB (Dynamic FeedBack) algorithm in average throughput  相似文献   

Lin Haitao  Ma Ling 《学术界》2015,(2):257-261
Through analysis of the relationship between heaven and man and the development of the ideology in the developing process from the pre- Qin Confucianism, the cosmology Confucianism of the Han Dynasty to the formation of the Confucian School of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties, this paper attempts to explore the Confucianism ideology from social structure, cultural integration and environmental change and so on, so as to points out that Confucianism does not collapse with the disintegration of the social structure; instead,it realizes self- reconstruction and renovation.  相似文献   

Wang Zhanhua 《学术界》2015,(1):293-299
With the primary development of tourism industry during the Republic of China,tourism education had drawn the attention of the relevant people and a number of practical activities were carried out one after another.This article mainly analyzed the general situations of tourism education of the Republic of China from the object,the form and the content of tourism education and thought that tourism education of that period had extensive objects,various forms,rich and practical contents.Also the characteristics of tourism education during the Republic of China had a positive role in the future development of tourism education in China.  相似文献   

程雁雷  宋宏 《学术界》2012,(2):16-28
The academic community now increasingly appeals for and researches on optimizing Culture Industry Legislation in China,but scholars are debating on some important issues. The paper w ill be focused on the necessity,purpose of adjustment,feasibility,design and some other aw areness issues and propose some relevant view points. ( 1) Culture Industry Legislation has many draw - backs and lags behind the grow th,so w e should accelerate the progress and promote the development of the legal system of the culture industry,( 2) the purpose of legislation is to manage and regulate social relations in the culture  相似文献   

Yuan Tingting 《学术界》2012,(2):257-275
International aid,always concerned as the Western aid,has been in decades’ development after the Second World War.From the Post-colonial time to the era of globalisation,from Washington Consensus to the Post-Washington Consensus,there are various aid discourses,motives and the intervention logics.This paper explores the Western aid through a critical review to the history and the contemporary development of "aid".It argues,despite these changes,the fundamental logic of aid,the logic of "catching up",has not been changed.The related economic and political interventions,such as the aid conditionalities,are all working for this logic,and have caused a lot of criticisms.Aid has not been very successful within the changing agendas.While the foreign aid is moving from intervention to cooperation,to make a more effective "aid",the traditional donors may learn lessons from the South-South relations.  相似文献   

Lin Xiaowen 《学术界》2015,(1):266-270
According to the basic principles of institutional economics,the Constitutional system is the underlying causes to promote the economic development.The CPC Central Committee is the source of motivation to promote economic development by the startup mechanism of Constitution am endment,and the political interpretation of the Constitution is the basic way to promote economic development.The economic development in China has challenged the Constitutional system,calling for the appropriate adjustments to the Constitutional system so as to maintain the sustainable and stable development of the economy in China.  相似文献   

Hard Construction and Development of 60 Years to Create Great Achievements and Accumulate Experiences
--To Commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of Chinese Republic of China
Chen Dunshan (Party Committee's Department of Propaganda, Tibet Nationalities Institute, 712082)
Abstract: Since the founding of the Chinese Republic of China, Chinese people have overcome all various hardships to boost the socialist modern construction under the shrewd leadership of Chinese Communist Party. During this process, China has achieved much in all aspects including economy, politics and culture, the living standard of all ethnics has improved a lot, our country's international position and influence grows much, the unity cause gets better and the successful practice of the socialist construction greatly promotes the international communist activity. Meanwhile, this process of 60 years also makes itself valuable experience for the socialist construction.  相似文献   

潘若芸 《阴山学刊》2010,23(3):116-119
The diversity present in every aspect of American life is an inevitable consequence of its muhicuharal society. Schools across the country are a reflection of what is, and always has been, an ever changing demographic constitution. Classroom teachers, especially teachers who have no teaching experience in the country, face a stiff challenge of teaching all students, regardless of their backgrounds. As a Chinese guest teacher in the States, I learn- ed that the "growing - up" of a teacher requires positive changes in three areas : knowledge, attitudes and skills. Support from administrators is also vital in the "growing- up" process.  相似文献   

ucianism) During Qiandao and Chunxi Periods of TimeFAN Li-zhouCollege of Liberal Arts,Jinan UniversityGuangzhou 510632 ChinIt was the golden age for the dissemination of Lixue during Qiandao and Chunxi periods of time in the Southern Song Dynasty.The Jinhua School represented by Lu Zuqian,the Huxiang School represented by Hu Hong and Zhangshi,the Min School led by Xhuxi,and the Xinxue School represented by Lu Jiuyuan,disseminated extensively and widely.The relative  相似文献   

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