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School truancy, defined as any intentional unauthorized or illegal absence from school, influences, and is influenced by, multiple academic, health, and social factors. This project sought to describe how truancy-reduction systems are operating in Los Angeles County and identify the highest priority policy and program options to effectively address truancy. The Department of Public Health convened an expert panel and collected data through literature review, key informant interviews, focus groups, and surveys. Results describe the interconnected players that are working to address truancy. Recommendations focus on increasing school-based efforts, identifying innovative ways to address students' and families' physical and mental health needs, enhancing coordination across partners and elevating their commitment, expanding evidence-based programs, and enhancing data collection efforts to better identify additional effective strategies. Other jurisdictions can build off our prioritization framework to describe the current state of their systems and identify promising programs to augment system functioning.  相似文献   

"Using a unique 1994 Los Angeles County Household Survey of foreign-born Mexicans and the March 1994 and 1995 Current Population Surveys, we estimate the number of unauthorized Mexican immigrants (UMIs) residing in Los Angeles County, and compare their use of seven welfare programs with that of other non-U.S. citizens and U.S. citizens. Non-U.S. citizens were found to be no more likely than U.S. citizens to have used welfare, and UMIs were 11% (14%) less likely than other non-citizens (U.S.-born citizens).... We demonstrate how results differ depending on the unit of analysis employed, and on which programs constitute ?welfare'."  相似文献   

对上海33个工业行业能源消耗、二氧化碳排放结构变化因素的研究发现:1.上海工业能耗和碳排放主要集中在石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业、化学原料及化学制品制造业和黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业。2.化学原料及化学制品制造业是上海工业能耗、碳排放的重点行业,从变化因素分析,能源消耗、碳排放强度的增长是能耗上升、碳排放增加的最主要因素。黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业对节能减排的贡献度最显著,从变化因素分析,能源消耗、碳排放强度的变化是推进节能减排的主要因素。3.化学原料及化学制品制造业和黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业可以通过内部产品结构的调整和升级赢得持续发展的空间,但是石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业的发展需要对企业结构的区域布局。  相似文献   

The current article examines neuropsychological correlates of financial elder exploitation in a sample of older adults who have been documented victims of financial elder exploitation. The purpose of this exploratory study was twofold. First, a subsample of the referrals at the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center (LACEAFC) was compared to community dwelling adults in terms of the specific cognitive domains linked to financial capacity including memory, calculation, and executive functioning. Next, the correlation between presence of neuropsychological data and the likelihood of filing a case with the LA County’s District Attorney office was examined. Twenty-seven LACEAFC cases and 32 controls were assessed. Overall, the forensic center group performed worse than a community-based age-matched control group on the MMSE, calculation, and executive functioning (ps < .01). The presence of neuropsychological data was significantly correlated to an increased likelihood of a case being filed.  相似文献   

Annual U.S.‐Mexico pecuniary remittances are estimated to have more than doubled recently to at least $10 billion ‐ augmenting interest among policymakers, financial institutions, and transnational migrant communities concerning how relatively poor expatriate Mexicans sustain such large transfers and the impact on immigrant integration in the United States. We employ the 2001 Los Angeles County Mexican Immigrant Residency Status Survey (LAC‐MIRSS) to investigate how individual characteristics and social capital traditionally associated with integration, neighborhood context, and various investments in the United States influenced remitting in 2000. Remitting is estimated to have been inversely related to conventional integration metrics and influenced by community context in both sending and receiving areas. Contrary to straight‐line assimilation theories and more consistent with a transnational or nonlinear perspective, however, remittances are also estimated to have been positively related to immigrant homeownership in Los Angeles County and negatively associated with having had public health insurance such as Medicaid.  相似文献   

This study examined the industrial division of labor among immigrants and in-migrants in the Los Angeles, California, metropolitan area. It addresses debates about channeling of new arrivals into jobs among similar ethnic groups and human capital views. Data were obtained from the 1990 Census on resident native-born, resident foreign-born, in-migrants, and recent immigrants who arrived during 1985-90. Light and Rosenstein's (1995) concepts of groups and their resources were used to organize ideas about ethnic networks and their effectiveness in channeling migrant workers into 15 industrial sectors. Sectoral differences were revealed with the familiarity index of dissimilarity. Findings reveal that social networks were the strongest for Koreans, who supplied work for recent arrivals in the same sectors as Korean-born residents, regardless of education. Mexican new arrivals were less likely to work in the same sectors as their resident Mexican counterparts. Mexican networks placed new arrivals in durable manufacturing in the 1960s and 1970s when it was a key source of employment. By the 1980s and 1990s, the economy shifted and employment went down in durable manufacturing. Mexicans thus found employment elsewhere. Native White and Black in-migrants had the strongest channeling into same sector jobs. This is attributed to the small streams, the ability of the labor market to absorb these workers, and the availability of job vacancies among native out-migrants. Filipino migrants had similar patterns as Whites and Blacks. Mexican and Central American residents had more inter-ethnic competition over jobs than Whites or Blacks.  相似文献   


Whether Latinos in the United States are an ethnic or racial group is extensively debated. Some propose Latinos are an ethnic group on their way to becoming white, others contend Latinos are a racialised group, and an alternate perspective posits Latinos are an ethnoracial group. This study intervenes in this debate by examining the identities of second- and 1.5-generation Central Americans in Los Angeles, California. Drawing on 27 in-depth interviews, I show Central Americans have an identity repertoire, which includes national origin, panethnic, racial, and minority identities. I also capture the situations and reference groups that influence the deployment of ethnic and racial identities. These results suggest Central Americans develop an ethnoracial identity. I argue Central Americans’ ethnoracial identity emerges from agency – subjective understandings of themselves and resisting invisibility in Mexican Los Angeles – and from structure – a racialised society, institutionally-created panethnic categories, and racially-based experiences.  相似文献   

Exurban land use growth has been documented for at least thirty years in various regions around the world. Land use planners and land use/land cover change researchers have been concerned about the low-density residential developments scattered on a natural or agricultural matrix, due to their ecological and environmental impacts. In this paper, exurban sprawl in the Pampas ecoregion (Buenos Aires province, Argentina), is characterized and assessments are taken of the magnitude of two important consequences: agricultural land conversion, and excess CO2 emission resulting from commute. The exurban developments concentrate between 50 and 70 km from Buenos Aires city, mainly at walking distances from compact towns, from 1 to 6 km of main roads, and no further than 25 km from them. Most of the exurban developments are located on the higher elevations in the study area (25 to 30 m above sea level). Even though exurban land use covers a very small proportion of land, the results show a tendency for conversion of land in the highest soil productivity capacity classes. While the best agricultural lands accounted for 29% of the land in the study area, it accounted for 54% of the exurban development. Preference of exurban land use conversion for good quality agricultural soils is observed even in those counties with a scarcity of good soils. However, there are great differences among counties in the relative proportion of land converted to exurban land use in each soil productivity capacity class. At the county level, from 0 to 100% of the highest production capacity lands have been converted to exurban uses, regardless of the proportion of land in each soil productivity capacity class for individual counties. Excess CO2 equivalents emission was calculated for both the actual and the potencial number of households in the exurban developments. According to the automobile marque, range and fuel type, the actual emission ranges from 81,065 to 190,446 tons/year, and the potential from 296,643 to 696,908 tons/year. The excess emission per household is higher than that produced by domestic energy consumption within the Buenos Aires city during the same time period. The amount of CO2 emitted in a year by personal vehicle transportation, in the study area, is equivalent to that captured by 16,000 ha of temperate forests or 27,600 ha of temperate grasslands during the same time period.
Jorge MorelloEmail:

在所有节能减排的政策中,旨在提高能源效率的技术手段备受青睐。然而,技术进步在降低能源消耗、减少温室气体排放的同时,也会造成能源消耗反弹,能源反弹效应的存在会部分甚至完全抵消技术进步所带来的能源节约。因此,单纯地依靠技术手段无法有效地降低能源消耗,解决能源约束问题,需要在提高能源使用效率的同时配合其他政策手段。  相似文献   


This article discusses selected elements of structural violence-unneeded suffering or death resulting from preventable human actions and/or unfair treatment-as contributing factors to the civil disturbance in Los Angeles, California in April and May of 1992. It is argued that structural violence remains firmly and institutionally entrenched in the city and that little has been done to resolve: (1) access to economic opportunity, (2) inter-ethnic minority and majority tensions, (3) police-community conflicts, and (4) to revise government policies to address the needs of poor, ethnic minorities.  相似文献   

In this essay, I trace the Great Masters of Mexican Folk Art exhibition from its inception in a privatized programme managed by the transnational bank Banamex through its multiple instantiations within U.S. museums in order to explore the transnational politics of the exhibition, as well as its role in the diasporic emplacement of Mexican Americans. In so doing, I unsettle the ways we understand the commodification of difference through museum display and argue for the re-conceptualization of the museum as a transnational space in which varied multicultural imaginaries can be engaged and mobilized.  相似文献   

Valley Creek watershed, located in southeastern Pennsylvania, is a small, fourth-order stream that empties into the Schuylkill River at Valley Forge National Historic Park, thirty-five kilometers northwest of Philadelphia. The 64 km2 watershed has been under extreme urbanization pressure over the past 30 years, resulting in rapidly increasing impervious surface cover and decreasing open space. The purpose of this study was to document some of the effects of urbanization on fish assemblages by quantifying the fish communities at fifteen sites throughout the watershed. Long-term effects of continued urbanization were identified, as data from the present study were compared to similar work completed nearly ten years earlier. There has been a shift in species composition from intolerant, coldwater species to more tolerant, eurythermal species. Currently, Valley Creek is supporting a naturally reproducing population of brown trout, but there has been a marked decline in relative abundance and range since 1993. Increased stream temperature from urban run-off is one of the primary issues in Valley Creek. Species composition was unique at each of the 15 stations owing to the effect of local land use in each station’;s drainage area. Fish assemblages revealed a patchy, non-continuous pattern of fish distribution.  相似文献   

在我国能源安全面临的一系列重大问题中,能源领域的政策规划薄弱,法律保障制度建设与管理体制改革滞后,能源供应与能源安全保障体系缺乏相关政策、法律和制度的保障。只有真正做到政策、法律和管理体制“三位一体”,才能确保国家能源安全。本文从能源安全体系建构的理论和实践出发,借鉴西方能源安全战略实践,从政策、法律和管理体制等角度,对我国能源安全体系的内在机制建构进行分析,旨在为我国与中东能源合作提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

For preschool children, mothers and teachers are the principal models and promoters of fruit, vegetable and simple water consumption at home and school, respectively. However, the daily intake of these food and drink items falls below recommended standards among Mexican adults, posing a high risk of non-communicable diseases such as overweight and obesity across all age groups in the country. The objective of this article is to describe the design, implementation and evaluation of an educational initiative conducted in a Mexican locality with the aim of promoting the consumption of fruits, vegetables (FVs) and simple water (SW) among preschoolers through the influence of their mothers and teachers. We used the Intervention Mapping methodology with qualitative and quantitative components. Mothers attended eight theoretical and practical sessions and two school meetings, while teachers were offered two workshops. Our results revealed positive changes among both groups: participants took greater interest in healthy nutrition, increased their purchase, preparation and intake of FVs and SW and promoted their consumption. This confirms that it is possible to achieve favorable changes in eating habits among those who participate in educational initiatives in Mexico.  相似文献   

The article aims to specifically consider the effect of the enlargement of markets, resulting from the process of transition in Central and Eastern European countries, on the structure of household consumption. On the basis of a discriminatory analysis performed on recent data published by OECD and Eurostat, this study proposes to address three main questions: if during transition the household consumption patterns, measured by budget shares, have changed; if from this point of view, Central and Eastern European countries are similar between them and diverge from Western ones; if today there are any signs of convergence between the two groups of countries. The dissimilarity in budget share in Eastern and Western countries is proven and persistent, appearing greater in real terms than in nominal ones. On the one hand, Engel’s law is confirmed, given that at lower income levels the percentage of food consumption is greater, even though in real terms the absolute level of consumption of food has, in most cases, been reduced. On the other hand, the historical experience of Eastern countries is evident in the prolonged productive-distributive role of the State, especially in the field of essential services: home, schooling, and health.  相似文献   


Few have studied differences between how women and men lead, particularly at the local level. This article addresses this gap by reporting the results of a unique study of 192 female mayors and 192 male mayors in cities with populations of over 30,000 to consider whether the female mayors emphasized different policy issues and whether the women in local leadership created alternative decision-making processes in allocating resources. Overall, the results show similarities on policy issues, the use of power, and budget issues. However, some key gender differences emerge. Female mayors were far more willing to change the budget process, be more inclusive, and seek broader participation. Finally, more women mayors than men were willing to admit fiscal problems and discuss changes in their goals. Women mayors were also more likely than their male counterparts to believe that women face gender-based obstacles in the exercise of leadership.  相似文献   

美国对阿拉伯能源战略一直是其对外能源战略的重中之重,从一战到伊战曾经历多次重大调整。中国在经济全球化形势下与阿拉伯国家开展能源合作时可借鉴这一能源战略,做到扬长避短,通过实行多元化的能源战略、建立战略石油储备体系、建立能源对话合作机制以及扩大阿拉伯产油国对中国贸易与投资的份额使中阿能源合作得以顺利进行,并得到进一步发展。  相似文献   

The spaces and ethics of organic food   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Initial assessments of the potential for organic food systems have offered an optimistic interpretation of the progressive political and ethical characteristics involved. This positive gloss has prompted a stream of critique emphasising the need to explore the ambiguities and disconnections inherent therein. In this paper, we consider the case of Riverford Organic Vegetables,1 arguably the largest supplier of organic vegetables in the UK, and suggest that existing debates assume too much about the “goods” and “rights” of organic food and leave important questions about the spaces and ethics of organic food. We argue that, in the case of Riverford, the space of organic food production and distribution is neither the small, local, counter-cultural farm nor the large, transnational, corporate firm. Rather, simultaneously, the spaces of organic food production and distribution are the national network, the regional distribution system and the local farm. In addition, in the case of Riverford, the ethics of organic food exhibit few grand designs (of environmental sustainability, for example). Rather, the ethics of organic food are best characterised as: ordinary, since they relate to concerns about taste, value for money, care within the family and so on; diverse, since multiple practices steer the production and distribution of organic food; and graspable, in that both vegetables and box have material and symbolic presence for consumers.  相似文献   

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