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《Social Sciences in China》2002,(3)
20世纪七八十年代,在内外因素的冲击下,世界社会主义运动陷于低潮,产生了转换发展模式与战略的内在要求。作为中国共产党第二代领导集体的核心人物,邓小平以马克思主义政治家的视野关注世界风云变幻,关注社会主义的前途命运。他在历史与现实、世界与中国、马克思主义与当代社会主义实践的比较、互动、结合中,把中国社会主义发展的目标和途径置于全球化发展的时空背景中加以审视和提炼,考虑中国的命运,设计中国的未来,从而创造性地形成了建设有中国特色社会主义的理论与实践。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(3)
The transformation of the Chinese so- cial system from new democracy to social- ism is one of the basic issues in the estab- lishment and development of socialism inChina. 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2002,(3)
本文从哲学的角度阐述了邓小平关于社会主义的一些重要思想贡献。如:他从价值与真理统一的新高度来规定社会主义的本质,从而恢复了科学社会主义的正确导向;以“什么是社会主义”与“如何建设社会主义”相统一的方式来把握社会主义的现实形态,从而回答了社会主义的历史道路问题;通过对中国社会主义“初级阶段”和社会评价标准体系的定位,为确立当前的发展战略和目标奠定了基础;等等。这些都具有深刻的理论启迪和巨大的思想解放力量。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(1)
The course of educational development in New China demonstrates two different strategies for the development of education: the one, the pattern of gradual development frequently seen with the first nations to modernize, first makes compulsory education universal, and then uses it as the foun- dation for an orderly, 相似文献
《Russian social science review : a journal of translations》2013,54(6):16-31
Recognition of the crisis in our economic theory has now become not only a mandatory thesis but also "good form" among people who in former times were not ashamed to call themselves political economists and even Marxists. And there are fundamental reasons for this. 相似文献
Xiao Ying 《Social Sciences in China》2013,34(4):76-90
AbstractThe term “institutions and life” is proposed as an alternative perspective to “state and society.” Here, “institutions” refers to formal institutions set up in the name of the state and supporting its agents at various levels and in different departments in the exercise of their functions. “Life” refers to the everyday activities of social beings, involving not only the interests, powers and rights-based claims of expedient production and life strategies and techniques, but also relatively routine popular mores and informal institutions. The purpose of constructing and applying this perspective is to probe the complex mechanism of the interaction between living subjects and the agents of formal institutions in institutional practice and thereby analyze the actual logic and changing direction of China’s formal institutions and explore the mechanisms behind changes in mores so as to grasp the main thread running through China’s modern nation building. 相似文献
Housin9Reforms:AWindowontheTransitiontoaMarketEconomvThe"workunits"phenomenonherereferstoworkers'dependenceontheirworkplaceorganizationstlnderaplannedeconomy(Walder,l986,l992;Bian,l994).Beforethereforms,urbanhousinginChina,whichwasbuiltbythestateandalloca… 相似文献
Zhuang Yougang 《Social Sciences in China》2013,34(4):177-188
物质性的空间一是指自然物理空间,二是指社会空间即社会关系。空间生产包括 空间中的生产和空间本身的生产两个向度的内涵。这两个向度内涵之间的关系和物理 空间生产与社会空间生产之间的关系构成了空间生产中两大基本关系。这两大基本关 系的辩证内涵表明,空间生产根本上可以归结为社会关系再生产。由此,关于空间生 产问题的讨论就发生了一个根本性的意义转换,即从对象到视阈的意义转换。以此来 审视,当代中国城市建构理念尚存在某些偏差,即对象与视阈的意义断裂与分离,由 此造成了当代中国城市化进程中一些不必要的风险和代价。 关键词: 对象?视阈?空间生产?空间批判?意义转换 Physical space refers to both natural space and social space, that is, social relations. Space production includes production in space and of space. Relations between these two dimensions and between physical space production and social space production constitute two basic relations in space production. The dialectical connotation of these two basic relations manifests the truth that space production can basically be summed up as reproduction of social relations. Therefore, arguments about space production can be seen as involving a fundamental shift of importance from object to perspective. Seen in this way, there remain some errors in ideas about today's Chinese urban construction, that is, the rupture and separation of object and perspective, resulting in unnecessary risks and costs in the progress of modern Chinese urbanization. 相似文献
Ouyang Kang 《Social Sciences in China》2013,34(3):182-194
“中国价值观” 是相对于 “美国价值观” , “亚洲价值观” , “华盛顿共识” 等 而言的, 是中国社会价值体系长期发展演变的结果, 是当代中国价值复杂性的观念表 现和理论提升。在历史与时代, 中国与世界的多维背景中分析中国当前复杂价值状况 的历史生成, 演进逻辑, 多元构架, 深层原因与内在依据,透视西方几百年现代化进 程中的历时性矛盾在当代中国的共时性并存, 我们主张以复杂性的思维与方法来看待 当前中国的复杂价值现实和价值观念, 在多重线索汇聚和多元变化整合的动态过程中 积极守护 “中国利益” , 合理履行 “中国责任” , 自觉探寻 “中国道路” , 清醒回应 “中国期盼” , 自觉化解 “中国难题” , 恰当彰显 “中国信心” , 更好地发挥出哲学 社会科学在解读与引领社会发展的积极功能。 关键词: 中国价值观 多元价值 核心价值 复杂性思维 “Chinese values” is a concept defined in relation to “American values,” “Asian values” and the “Washington Consensus.” It is a product of the long-term development and evol ut ion of Chi nese soci et y’s val ue syst em and const it ute s the c onc ept ua l representation and theoretical enhancement of the complexity of current Chinese values. We analyze the historical formation, evolutionary logic, pluralistic framework, underlying reasons, and inner grounds of present day China’s complex values in a multi- dimensional context that involves history and the present as well as China and the world, looking at the synchronous coexistence in modern China of diachronic conflicts that unfolded over several hundred years in the course of Western modernization. Our contention is that present day China’s complex value reality and value concepts should be approached by using complex ideas and techniques. In the dynamic process of integrating manifold clues and multiple changes, we will vigorously safeguard “Chinese interests,” reasonably fulfill “China’s responsibilities,” consciously seek a “Chinese path,” soberly respond to “expectations of China,” consciously break down “China’s problems” and appropriately demonstrate “China’s confidence,” in order to better perform the positive function of philosophy and social sciences in interpreting and guiding the development of society. 相似文献
Ⅰ.NationalConditionsandMajorProblemsinEducationalDevelopmentChinaisalargecountrywithapopulationofl-lbillionpeople.SincethefoundingofNewChina,thenationaleconomyhasdevelopedrapidly;inl99l,theGrossNationalProduct(GNP)reachedl,985.5billionyuanandtheannualincoinepercapitawas1,401yuan'However,China'seconomicdevelopmentremainsatalowlevelandtheannualpercapitaGNPisonlyapproximatelyUS$400.Inthisregard,Chinaremainsatthelowerendoftheinternationaleconomicscale.Socialandeconomicdevelopmentarealsou… 相似文献
李德滨 《Social Sciences in China》1994,(4)
Withtheadoptionofreform,openingtotheoutsideworld,andthedevelopmentofacommodityeconomy,PopuIationmovementinChinahasaccelerated.Particularlysincethel98Os,thesizeandrangeofthefloatingpopulationhaveexpandedatanunprecedentedrate,andnowconstituteoneofthemostconspicuoussocialphenomenaincontemporaryChina.I.TheFloatin9PopulationandtheRateofFIowThefloatingPOpulationreferstothosepeoplewhotravelbeyondacertainlimit,leavetheirregisteredpermanentresidencetemporarily,andtraveltoandfromtheirhomesonanirreg… 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2007,(1)
作为商业周期理论的重要组成部分,NAIRU是一个有价值的分析概念,它简化了宏观经济政策的讨论和选择。在回顾国外测量模型的基础上,本文基于可变参数的假设,构建包含NAIRU变动过程和菲利普斯曲线关系的状态空间模型,应用卡尔曼滤波方法估算出1992-2004年随时间变动的NAIRU曲线。结果显示,自1992年以来,中国具有不断升高的NAIRU,并在2002年达到最大值。其后,NAIRU一直在4.8% ̄5.6%的范围内波动,相对稳定。通过回顾近十年来劳动力市场的主要变化,本文从几个方面对NAIRU的上升做出了解释,结构转变的加快和青年就业问题的突出为其主要原因。因此,加强失业者培训体系建设,完善劳动力中介服务体系,对青年就业予以重点关注应成为促进就业的政策取向。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2002,(2)
中国司法制度由多方面的因素决定,其中社会主义的民主观和正义观尤为重要。社会主义民主的人民专政原则决定了中国司法的本质与使命,使司法成为实现政治目标的工具民主集中的原则应用到司法领域导致司法从产生到责任承担在整个国家的政治结构中的依附地位和法院内部组织的官僚化;大众化制约了法院的审判程序和工作作风,甚至导致极端的程序虚无主义。这些影响有其特定的历史环境。时过境迁,现在理当反思改革。对于时下的司法改革来说,以下几组关系需要重新认识:政治正确与程序正义;平等与职业化;民主责任与司法独立;民意与合法。只有从根本的观念和体制上进行变革,司法公正才是可以期望的目标。 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》1999,(4)
Ⅰ.ThePrincipleofEnlightenmentandExistentialismasAnAvant-gardeLiteraryTrendTheavant-gardeandavant-gardeliteraturehavebeenlongandwidelytalkedaboutbycriticsasaphenomenoninpoetryandfictionwritingincontemporaryChina.Idonotmeantofollowothercriticsinstudyingindividualschools,groupsorphenomena,butwillexaminetheseandotherrelatedphenomenaasaninterrelated,interdependentandcross-transformingunity,atrendtowardnoveltyandchangethatexiststhroughouttheprofoundhistoricaltransformationofliteratureinconte… 相似文献
Gu Xuewu 《Social Sciences in China》2013,34(3):187-198
This paper argues that China and the EU are destined to be partners in fighting for a second period of commitments for global climate change governance and shaping the post-Kyoto regime to meet the anticipated challenges of the 21st century. The basic idea backing this argumentation is the assessment that, in comparison with other nations (the United States, Russia, India, Japan and Canada), Europe and China would have most to lose if the upgrading of the Kyoto Protocol fails; and conversely, they would have most to win if the regime survives in a modernized form and with a more comprehensive application of international binding commitments. This is to say, the EU and China have no choice but to work together if they want to achieve their respective political objectives relating to the issue of global climate change in a less costly and more effective way. 相似文献
Capital Formation, Industrialization and Economic Growth: Characteristics OF China Structural Reform
《Social Sciences in China》2003,(2)
The economic growth in China saw more and more tokens of static features in recent years and up to now, it is still lack of a steady and sustained momentum for kinetic innovation. On the other hand, the orbit- 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》1995,(3)
AftertheQinandHandynasties,thefeudalregimetooktheformofacentralizedautocracycenteredaroundkingship.Theconceptofloyaltytothesovereigndominatedfeudalethicalandmoralprinciples,andwastheideologicalpillarofabsolutekingship.Theconceptofloyaltytooktimetoformandbecomeconsolidated.IntheclassicaltextsoftheShangandZhoudynastiesthecharacterzhong(loyaltytoasuperior)didnotexist.Thepatriarchalsysteminaslavesocietyboundpeopletogetherthroughasystembasedonhierarchyandbloodties,whichrequirednoloyaltytoasuperio… 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2004,(3)
对于在中国移植西方政治法律制度而引发的种种弊病,梁漱溟与其同时代人有不同看法。他分 析当时的四个案例,将人生与人心、势与理区分开来,由此洞悉了当时弊病的症结所在。本文简要介 绍这四个案例,并探讨梁漱溟的分析,看他是否真的给中国的法律移植指出了一条出路。 相似文献
汪敬虞 《Social Sciences in China》1997,(2)
Attheturnofthe20thcentury,thereweretremendouschangesbothinChinaandtherestoftheworld.Worldwide,capitalismwasturningintoimperialism-andinChinatheunifiedfeudaldynastyoftheQingwasdisintegratingintoseparatewarlordregimes.Foreignbankingactivitiesintheyearsl895-… 相似文献
Anita Lightburn EdD Mary Olson PhD Phebe Sessions PhD Ellen Pulleyblank‐Coffey PhD 《Smith College studies in social work》2013,83(2):279-301
This research report highlights selected findings that describe the characteristics of excellent, innovative programs for high‐risk children and adolescents in Massachusetts. The conclusions reported are based on interviews with administrators and providers at nine sites. A research consortium composed of policy makers, administrators, clinicians, and academic researchers recommended the site selections. The study describes a spectrum of innovative practices used to help youngsters in severe crises. Innovative practice was shaped by a common vision of doing treatment within family and community contexts, and coordinating overall care at all levels of the family's social and professional networks. Topics addressed include an examination of the core values directing these programs, the four distinct subtypes of design, therapeutic approaches, management, and evaluation. Obstacles to innovation are considered in light of current policy and practice limitations. The discussion concludes with a summary of the challenges and future directions for policy makers, funding agencies, program directors, and clinicians committed to addressing the current crisis in mental health care for children and youth. 相似文献