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The main themes of the Chineseeconomy since the 1980s have beeninstitutional reform, structura readjustmentof industry, and resulting economic growth.With China's accession to the WTO thegovernment will not change the generaldirection of economic development in thenew century. China will instead go on withinstitutional reform and structuralreadjustment and try to maintain a high rateof economic growth along a clearer directionand in accordance with a tighter schedule.As China develops its economy in a newinstitutional environment, it will be of  相似文献   

Liaoyang is the first historical town of militaryimportance in the northeastern part of China. It has beenfor a long time a military and political center, and alsothe capital of Qidan, Jin and Late Jin Regime.Early in 300 (BC), General Qin Kai of Yan Statecommanded his army to attack Liaodong and built up  相似文献   

Liaoyang is the first historical town of militaryimportance in the northeastern part of China. It has beenfor a long time a military and political center, and alsothe capital of Qidan, Jin and Late Jin Regime.Early in 300 (BC), General Qin Kai of Yan Statecommanded his army to attack Liaodong and built up  相似文献   

A six-day exhibit of Lu Zhixue's paintings with over 60 works was held at China National Museum of Fine Arts from November 21, 2003, jointly sponsored by the China National Association of Artists and Shenyang Literature League. Lu Zhixue takes full advantage of Chinese ink and color in his paintings to express his enthusiasm for many subjects. With his unique  相似文献   

In order to broaden the opening up to the outside world and speed up the economic development in Anshan, the mayor of Anshan City gives a comprehensive speech here. The following are his main words. Anshan, a steel capital in China, is very rich in natural resources and strong in industrial foundation. Anshan is an outstanding tourism city in China. The city will encourage foreign investors to take part in the system reform, reorganization and transformation of the State-owned enterprises b…  相似文献   

John Jung-Soo Kim was born in Sinuiju of North Korea, grew up in Dandong of China and later lived in South Korea, but now is businessman of the United States. In 1989, Kim went to China's Liaoning Province at the age of 60, where his mother passed away. Kim  相似文献   

The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was a war by the Chinese people to resist the Japanese imperialist attempts to destroy China, to preserve the integrity of China's independence and sovereignty and to fight for the survival of the Chinese nation, and was thus a completely just war. But, as Chinese and world history has proved, a just  相似文献   

Phillip Melanchthon (originally, P.Schwartzerd, 1497-1560) was an eminentfigure in the 16th century European move-ment of religious reform, whose historicalposition in the Reformation was only next toMartin Luther (1483-1546) and John Calvin(1509-1564). From his teens, he had beengroomed by humanist Johannes Rauchlin(1455-1522) and had come under the influ-ence of Desiderius Erasmus (1469-1536), sothat he grew up to be a humanistic scholar.He was active in the movement, doing hisutmost to…  相似文献   

People must look at the existence and development of Marxism from the perspective of relations between theory and practice. From the day it was introduced into China, Marxism began to change the minds of the Chinese people and the destiny of the country, giving China its distinctive color in its modernization drive. At the same time Marxism itself has also  相似文献   

IAfter the outbreak of the First World War, Mao Zedong, then inthe prime of his youth, viewed China's two neighbors, Japan and Russia,as "long-standing enemies." He proposed cooperation between China andamerica on land and sea in the attack against Japan, and subsequently inthe "long and great undertaking" for peaceful development. 1 However,the successful October Revolution in Russia, the manifesto issued by theSoviet government relinquishing all Russian claims to the special rightsand …  相似文献   

The Wusong-Shanghai Railway was thefirst railway officially put into operation inmodern China and therefore its constructionand abandonment have gone down in rail-way history both in China and abroad as afamous event. Over a long period of time,the intellectual community has generally be-lieved that the populace opposed the con-struction of the railroad because of their ideasabout feng-shui, or geomantic configuration,and their national consciousness. Actually,the populace adopted a variety …  相似文献   

Before his death Lu Xun was sub-jected to every kind of taunt, abuse, cursesand attack, and even after his death he couldnot rest in peace: unintentional misunderstand-ings and deliberate distortions have followedone another without end. Lu Xun’s failureto be understood by others is rooted in hisideological “heresies.” These heresies arerelated to the progressiveness, rebelliousspirit and tenacity of the Yue culture, a localculture of the Chinese nation, and are morecorrelated spiritually…  相似文献   

In past studies the positive role Liang Qichao played during the May Fourth New Cultural Movement was underestimated. As a matter of fact, Liang Qichao was not a conservative during the May Fourth Movement. He supported the literary revolution and earnestly practiced what he advocated, being a comrade of Chen Duxiu and Hu Shi in the Vernacular Movement (1917-1919). He adhered, as always, to the  相似文献   

(1)An Introduction of Professor Yuan Fang' s Social Work Educational Thought and Practice in Pro- moting Professional Development
Professor Yuan Fang is one of the forerunners in the restoration of social work profession in China and has profound social work educational thought. He defines social work as a professional discipline which should have solid sociology theory foundation and be supported by the social welfare and social security system in responding multiple needs of vulnerable population. Sociology can be viewed as a broader vision of social work. Social welfare and social security system is the institutional base to prac- tice social work and professional social work provides an important way to solve problems of the vul- nerable. He argues that social work should be professionalized and social work education should be closely tied with practical sectors. His thought plays an important role in directing social work' s resto- ration and its future development in China.  相似文献   

Huludao is rich in resources of ocean, mine and advantaged tourism. It has a strong backing in industry, and many large-sized State-owned enterprises. The city has made great achievements in the opening up to the outside world, but it has a lot of work to do in the opening wider and further. The Party secretary of the CPC Huludao Committee has a new thinking for opening up in an all-round way. He says that one of our important tasks is to give our superiority at position and resources into …  相似文献   

The Yingkou Harbor, Ioeated at the middle Part from Shenyang toDalian,15 about200kilometersnorthawayto Shenyang and 180 kilometers southawaytoDaIian.ItistheeonvenientharborforthethreeProvineesinNortheast China and the eastern Part of Inner Mongolia. In reCent years,the eontainer eonveyanee develoPed in a fast way. The sea routes for home trade eovered all the eoastal Ports of China,and those for foreign trade resPeetively oPened to  相似文献   

I. IntroductionThe rural areas of Zhejiang province in China are one of the regionswith a higher degree of de-agriculturalization, which roughly correspondsto that in rural areas throughout the country. De-agriculturalization inthese areas has gone through five stages: From 1949 to 1957, which wasthe embryonic stage of rural industry; from 1958 to 1959 was the stage ofthe people's commune industries; from 1959 to 1965 was a period ofreadjustment to non-agricultural enterprises; from 1966 to 1…  相似文献   

Under the influence of globalization, economic liberalization and integration have rendered the labor market more flexible and short-term, with more people holding more than one job. Women hold a major part of these informal jobs, which are generally not protected by standard labor legislation. Changes in the nature of employment reduce the application of this legislation. Since the government does not put into effect relevant rules and regulations or enterprises manage to overstep or bypass them, the trade union movement that serves women workers in their call for equality is also weakened. Globalization has led to the mobility of labor. A  相似文献   

China has in recent decades undergone profound changes and continues to do so—changes that are transforming the social fabric, motivating studies on how self-reported social status is changing in different parts of China. Applying a realist approach, the study emanates from theories on self-reported social status underlining the role of reference-groups, adding insights from the work of Pierre Bourdieu by introducing the terminology of habitus and types of capital. Furthermore, the study adds a ...  相似文献   

To promote interdisciplinary communication and cooperation and find an academic growth area better able to explain reality and stimulate creative thinking amid the interaction and cross-integration of different disciplines and their different visions, Social Sciences in China Press sponsored in succession “Dialogue on Social Sciences Frontier Studies in China,” of which “Facing a Shared Future: A Dialogue Between Economics and Philosophy” was the second. It was co-sponsored by the College of Humanities and the Research Center for Economic Philosophy, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and held at the University between May 31 and June 2, 2008.  相似文献   

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