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An ample body of research has shown that young adults from non-intact families are more likely to leave the parental home at an early age than young adults from intact families. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this relationship. We drew on prospective longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) to examine why young adults from non-intact families are more likely to leave home early. Based on the feathered nest hypothesis, it was expected that young adults from non-intact families are pushed out of the parental home because of a lack in economic, social, and community resources. Moreover, it was expected that young adults from non-intact families are pulled toward independent living at a younger age because they have a partner and are employed earlier in life. We employed discrete-time event history models and used the KHB method to test relative weights of the mediators. The mediators explained 16% (women) and 22% (men) of the effect of living in a stepfamily, and 50% (women) and 37% (men) of the effect of living in a single-mother family. Economic resources were the main mediator for the effect of living in a single-mother family on early home leaving. For women, mother’s life satisfaction and housing conditions significantly explained differences in early home leaving between single-mother and intact families. For men, residential mobility significantly mediated the effect of family structure on early home leaving.  相似文献   

在巴金的创作中 ,时间观念是断裂的、单向进化的 ,它区别于古典的亲和性循环时间。受这种现代性时间观念的支配 ,现代性的时间怨恨表现为两种形态 :弱者的没落意识与强者的奋求意识。巴金文本中表现的现代性伦理悖论———“青春是美丽的”与“牺牲的意义何在” ,只有在独特的现代性时间背景中 ,才能凸现其本质。巴金的时间转向 ,是通过对“在家的时间”与“离家的时间”来重新诠释尼采“永恒回归”主题的  相似文献   

对挪威戏剧家易卜生笔下的娜拉与俄国小说家契诃夫笔下的娜嘉这两个文学形象进行了分析比较。娜拉和娜嘉同是为了跟不幸的命运抗争,做出了离家出走的抉择,她们的出走表现了觉醒女性的反叛和坚强,但也有着不同的意义,娜拉的出走是绝望地逃离,而娜嘉的出走,则充分展示了知识女性的理智与自信,娜嘉比娜拉走得更远更清醒。  相似文献   

This paper examines young people's firsthousing acquisition in Spain. The majority ofyoung Spanish people leave home to buy aproperty and to live with a partner and/orchild. We examine the extent to which thistransition dominates first housing moves duringthe 1980s and consider the ways in which widerfamily networks facilitate leaving home to buya property. We then examine characteristicsassociated with deviation from this normativeroute. We find alternative transitions,particularly moving into rented accommodation,are more common among young people from moreadvantaged backgrounds, and those living innorthern Spain.  相似文献   

家族小说和革命小说是巴金前期小说创作中两大主要部分。前者著称于世而历久弥鲜,后者虽一时抢眼却渐渐淹没于时间的流逝。这两类小说创作动机与巴金从"家"出走和从"国"出走有关,都源于当时"国"与"家"二位一体的专制与黑暗。这是身处传统向现代社会变迁中知识分子都拥有的经历与体验,但同样的控诉和愤怒却结出不同命运的艺术花朵,显示出文学现象的特殊规律。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代乡土小说创作中,存在着"守土"与"离土"两种创作意识,其作品相应分为"守土"与"离土"两种态势,表现"守土"现象的安守牧歌式家园型、安守寓言式乡村型的创作以及表现"离土"现象的"现实主义冲击波"创作,其创作方法和美学风格差异显著。  相似文献   

Previous research shows that parentally bereaved children in north-western Europe in the past left home earlier than children who lived together with both biological parents. This article analyses the mechanisms behind this phenomenon with a special focus on the routes out of the parental household and the entry of step-parents and step-siblings. The Historical Sample of the Netherlands is exploited which contains detailed information about household composition and life courses of more than 22,000 female and male adolescent and young adult children born between 1850 and 1922. Event-history analysis is applied, and two exclusive routes out of the parental household, for marital and non-marital reasons, are studied in a competing risk design. The results show that parental loss does not increase the risk of early marriage before age 23, but strongly enhances the chances for leaving home for non-marital reasons, which are mainly work-related. This is especially true in case of maternal loss. No support is found for the hypothesis that the entry of a step-parent and step-siblings increases the risk of leaving home compared to living with a single widowed parent. Tensions with step-parents therefore do not suffice to explain why parentally bereaved children left earlier for non-marital reasons. Instead, we argue that children’s exit was in the interest of both the single widowed parent and the bereaved child.  相似文献   

航空广告不仅推广了航空公司,也建构了目的地形象。它是社会经济的晴雨表,反映航空业、旅游业和广告业之间的互动关系。航空广告的标题、文案、口号、图片、创意等具有独特的编码和诉求特点,表现出航空广告与目的地形象广告之间的同构性,说明了航空广告对目的地形象建构的一致性原则和神圣化模式。航空广告还隐含着飞行与旅游、旅行的隐喻关系、当代网络和全球化的神化、娱乐的消费主义形态、微笑的女性主义含义等多种意象。  相似文献   

近年来,国内不少学者开始讨论和反思中国的民族政策,提出强化国家意识和促进民族交融的一些看法。本文以人类学的视野分析一些主要的论述,尝试从中理解中国的民族政策与民族关系。所讨论的内容包括民族与族群的概念、国家与民族、中国的少数民族政策、民族关系以及国民团结与国家统一。在检讨中国的民族政策时应考虑到中国的历史和特殊政治因素。目前,中国民族政策的优势应该保留,尤其是所赋予的少数民族参政、议政的权利,而优惠政策则可调整。本文同意一些学者的意见,即不要在行政上刻意加强民族意识。至于民族与国家统一,重点是在于如何使国民都乐意归属于国家,而且可以以各自的文化来表达这种国民归属。为了促进民族融合,国家应有适当的族群事务管理,要看重各民族的民族荣誉和尊严。  相似文献   

西藏作为一个原初的、纯净的文化镜像,在中国电影史中被不断地想象与建构.本文从高原风光志、佛教风物志、藏族风情志三个方面来分析和阐释西藏影像的地域符码、西藏语境的宗教信仰、西藏镜语的民族符号,从而解读西藏影视作品的审美价值和文化价值.  相似文献   

在中国合作运动发展的萌芽与实验时期(1912-1927年),西方合作主义思想的各个流派都曾在中国获得实验机会,但中国社会经济环境的现实需求最终使"农业合作中心论"获得衍生滋长的际遇,成为影响以后20余年中国乡村发展的主要经济政策和推动小农经济变革的因素之一。中国合作运动从以城市消费合作为主体演化为以农业合作为主体的合作运动的过程即合作主义楔入中国乡村、演变为一项乡村经济运动的过程。早期合作主义的这一流变过程也就是中国合作运动发展方向的选择与定位过程,可称为中国合作运动的"乡村化"。这也是中国共产党领导下的农业互助合作运动发端的思想渊源之一。  相似文献   

我国油脂类期货价格之间的联动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于我国期货市场豆油、菜籽油和棕榈油的收盘价格,运用相关分析、协整分析、误差修正模型来研究目前上市的油脂类期货之间的关联性。研究表明,棕榈油期货上市会增强豆油和菜籽油之间的相关性,3个品种的期货之间存在长期均衡关系,豆油和棕榈油期货价格对其它2个品种存在价格引导作用,对价格的波动影响较大,菜籽油对其它2个品种的价格引导作用不强,对其价格波动影响小。  相似文献   

由于利益表达渠道缺失、社会歧视、文化偏见与制度压制等诸多因素的制约,同性恋族群内部缺乏集体认同感,自我分化和“碎片化”现象严重,从而导致主体的不可见性和族群认同感薄弱,进而无法共享统一的集体身份与文化。身份隐匿和族群分化状况下的同性恋运动有两种表现方式:一种是非抗争性的同性恋运动;另一种是同性恋消费主义,即“粉红经济”,它彰显了同性恋运动的政治-经济场域转换。同性恋族群所处的生态环境和自我特征决定了其社会运动状态,非抗争性的符号表达和文化介入、表现方式的日常生活化(如家庭出柜)以及同性恋消费主义的渗透等,都可以被视作本土性的同性恋认同方式和运动模式。  相似文献   

Nina Toren 《Gender Issues》2009,26(2):152-166
Ethnicity, gender and class are the major factors of social inequality and have been studied extensively leading to a large literature pertaining to each one of them. The issue of the intersection of ethnicity, gender and class has been introduced into the social sciences by feminist critical theory. Intersection theory postulates that minority groups are discriminated against on the basis of more than one characteristic which are “inextricably tied” leading to complex forms of inequality in various social domains. This study examines the intertwined effects of these factors as they are experienced and narrated by Mizrachi women (19) who are employed in universities and colleges. Although the intersection approach is generally supported by the data it was found that under certain conditions ethnicity, gender and class may be separated. One type of decomposition is when one identity encroaches upon another or others; the second is the separation of diverse identities assigning them to different life areas. These change processes do not support stereotypical dichotomies between Ashkenazi and Mizrachi, women and men and so on, and enable the creation of new hybrid identities.
Nina TorenEmail:

Nina Toren   is professor of sociology in the School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She holds a B.A. and M.A. from the Hebrew University, and a Ph.D. degree from Columbia University in New York. She is the author of Social Work: The Case of a Semi-Profession, Science in Cultural Context: Soviet Scientists in Comparatrive Perspective, Hurdles in the Halls of Science: The Israeli Case, and articles on immigrant scientists, professionals in organizations and women in nontraditional occupations. She was Chair of the Committee of Women’s Representation in the Civil Service, and the Committee for the Advancement of Women in Academia.  相似文献   

“幸福感”是指人们根据内化了的社会标准对自己生活质量的整体性、肯定性进行评估,对生活的满意度及其各个方面进行全面评价之后产生的积极性情感占优势的一种心理状态。在本文中幸福感指农民对其生存环境、物质生活、民族文化以及梦想追求的一种主观感受。以《龙脊》《白裤子》《流浪诗人》和《文化守护者》等为例,本论文从影像题材、叙述视角、创作主体、人物形象等方面探讨影像中农民幸福感叙述变迁,认为农民追求幸福的方式由出走向回归转变,反映了基层农民的“中国梦”。  相似文献   

利用儿童家庭一学校早期语言和识字能力系列测验对每个目标儿童语言与识字能力发展进行了评定,并着重揭示了这些测量结果与儿童家庭语言、识字测量指标之间关系。结果表明:(1)家庭早期启发性谈话可以预测儿童完成定义任务和对熊故事进行建构的程度;(2)吃饭期间说明性和解释性谈话可预测儿童词汇量的发展状况和理解力;(3)书本阅读可预测儿童识字应变能力及对故事的理解和建构能力;(4)儿童早期玩具游戏与后来读写成绩之间无关。  相似文献   

侗族作家滕树嵩的短篇小说《侗家人》,较为成功地揭示了以龙三娘为代表的侗家人丰富的民族心理和民族性格,高扬了侗族人们的人性美,从而在一定程度上强化了作品的民族性,但囿于当时时代环境的影响,作者在作品中表现民族性的同时,又受到了阶级和政治因素的制约,它其实传达了作者的一种阶级、政治与民族性表意焦虑。  相似文献   

本文根据作者的教学实践对如何提高初中毕业生体育考试成绩进行了探讨,并从3个阶段对其进行了规划、设置,阐述了初中不同阶段体育教学应完成的任务和达到的目标,及对不同体育基础的学生群体和不同体育项目的教学提出了个人的见解和提高学生成绩的教学方案.还将实验班与对比班的成绩进行列表对比,证明了计划的可行性.  相似文献   

循证管理强调以证据为导向评价项目效果,将循证理念应用于管理过程,它是保障美国母婴幼入户指导项目有效实施的重要手段。政府通过识别项目效果、明确投资决策、执行项目监控三步建构起循证管理框架,体现出重视技术支持与专业水平提升、细化操作指南与工作流程、强调部门合作与多主体参与的特征。借鉴美国经验,我国应逐渐强化政府管理责任、树立循证管理理念,形成循证管理模式、建设网络资源库,出台政策法规、建立管理问责制,以推动儿童早期发展的机会平等与打破贫困代际循环。  相似文献   

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