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The thcme of romantic love may well be said to be a universal One inpoetry.But,since the content of love varies from one culture to another,itstreatments in the respective literatures also differ from one another.A com-parison between the English and the Chinese love poetry reveals their inter-defining relationship,adding unexpected new dimensions to our understandingof both.The theory of literary criticism,to be sure,could also benefit ap-preciably from the conclusions of sucn a comparison.  相似文献   

Using a modified version of Goffman’s (Gender advertisements. Harper Colophon, New York, 1976) gender display as a conceptual framework, this study examined the gendered body images of female athletes and female fashion models. We investigated sexualized female body images by comparing athletes with fashion models in Sports Illustrated (SI) swimsuit issues. Specifically, we used images of female athletes and female fashion models from SI swimsuit issues (n = 1,099) over the past 15 years (1997–2011). The variables analyzed included four photographic image categories: photo shot location, facial expression, body display, and hand display. The findings revealed few differences in sexual portrayals between female athletes and female fashion models.  相似文献   

Like other Eastern Europeancountries, East Germany experienced a rapiddecline in period fertility rates after thefall of communism. This decline has beendiscussed along the lines of a crisis andan adaptation to western demographic patterns. The aim of this paper istwofold. Firstly, we discuss the factors whichfoster and hamper a convergence of fertilitybehaviour in East and West Germany. Secondly,we use data from the German micro-census toanalyse the fertility patterns of the cohortsborn 1961–1970. The main result of ourempirical analysis is that East Germans whowere still childless at the time of unificationare quicker to have their first child in thesubsequent years than comparable West Germans. However, regarding second parity births, thepattern reverses. Here, East Germans display alower transition rate than their counterpartsin the West.  相似文献   

英语有冠词,汉语没有冠词。英汉冠词的比较,实际上是比较两种语言中名词的限定性与非限定性在表达方面的异同。如果说英语的不定冠词A/AN与汉语的“一+量词”结构,只是在单数可数名词的有限范围内具有可替换性,那么,在英语的定冠词THE与汉语的“这”、“那”之间就不能简单地划上等号了。使用冠词是英语的一大特征,唯其特殊,在另一种语言中便很难找到一种等值的对应词语。事实上,汉语中名词的限定性与非限定性的表达手段远比英语冠词复杂。具体讲,说话人的意图,名词本身的涵义,上下文对词义的影响,谓语动词的肯定与否定,名词在句中的位置等,都能传达英语冠词所特有的句法功能。  相似文献   

20世纪五六十年代世界历史发展格局的巨变,影响到方闻艺术史观的形成。在新艺术史观的指导下,方闻确立了中西文化比较的新模式,由此寻绎出中国古代绘画独一无二的书法性视觉艺术语汇和结构,肯定了中国绘画艺术的伟大传统。  相似文献   

This article stresses:Every teacher should spend a lot of thought onthe problem of how to conduct a class,particularly the methodological teacher of ateacher’s college  相似文献   

AstudyofDifferenceBetweentheGerundandthePresentParticiple¥ZhengGuoxiang;ZhangGongyuanInOldEnglish,nottheslightestdifficultywa...  相似文献   

为全面分析"中"字的词义隐喻引申情况,文章从不同语义认知视角对其进行了汉英对比分析.主要从文化差异和历史背景差异视角,分析了英汉语境下"中"字词义的不同隐喻引申以及二者存在的差异,探讨了英汉语境下词义隐喻引申存在差异的原因.结论认为文化背景差异以及不对应翻译是词义隐喻引申存在差异的主要因素.  相似文献   

During the 1970s, first-marriage rates in many Western European countries declined sharply. We use two different methods (devised by Ryder and by Le Bras and Roussel) to assess how far the changes in first-marriage rates in England and Wales arise from a shift to marrying at later ages or from a decline in the popularity of formal marriage. The two methods yield consistent results, and indicate that the majority of young people in England and Wales will continue to marry but that during the 1970s many were postponing marriage. The pattern of cohabitation and prevailing attitudes to marriage are compatible with such a finding. Recent marriage patterns in England and Wales are found to differ from those in France and Sweden.  相似文献   

马尔库塞是较早地明确使用"消费社会"这一称谓的西方马克思主义者。他认为,消费社会是富裕的,但同时也是病态的。第一,技术理性利用对消遣、娱乐、休闲等的控制,成为消费社会新的意识形态和统治形式;第二,不断发展的技术以及强大的商品和消费逻辑,彻底破坏了文化的传统形式和基础,使其丧失了颠覆和反抗功能,沦为单向度的文化;第三,消费社会不断地制造和满足各种虚假需求,这是所有异化现象的根源。基于对现代性的反思,马尔库塞构建了独特的消费社会批判理论。  相似文献   

Most romantic relationships start with a living apart together (LAT) phase during which the partners live in two separate households. Over time, a couple might decide to move in together, to separate, or to remain together while maintaining their nonresidential status. This study investigates the competing risks that partners in a LAT relationship will experience the transition to coresidence or to separation. We consider the amount of time LAT partners have to travel to see each other to be a key determinant of relationship development. For our statistical analyses, we use seven waves of the German Family Panel Pairfam (2008/2009–2014/2015) and analyze couples in the age group 20–40 years. We distinguish between short-distance relationships (the partners have to travel less than one hour) and long-distance relationships (the partners have to travel one hour or more). Estimating a competing risks model, we find that couples in long-distance relationships are more likely to separate than those living in close proximity. By contrast, the probability of experiencing a transition to coresidence is lower for LAT couples in long-distance than for those in short-distance relationships. Interaction analyses reveal that distance seems to be irrelevant for the relationship development of couples with two nonemployed (unemployed, in education or other inactive) partners.  相似文献   

Hester Prynne and Tess Durbeyfield were two eminent female figures in the world by Thomas Hardy and Nathaniel Hawthone.Although the two female leading characters were in different time and place,their tragic experiences were almost the same.However,they were separated in the end.From the comparison of their personalities and the social situation they involved in,we would try to explore the origins of their similarity and ending by this article with the aim of alerting the world.  相似文献   

Perhaps the readers might wonder why the writer would like to choose the topic "The Teaching and Study of Scientific Prose" for his writing today. The rcason. for this is not far to seek. It is twofold: First, we are teachers of technical English or students majoring in science and  相似文献   

The frequency of union dissolutions increased sharply over the past 40 years in Western Europe and North America, resulting in a rapid growth in the number of persons living with a second partner. In studies of the 1980s, primarily conducted within the context of marriage, second partnerships were generally found to be less stable than first unions, but more recent studies provide more conflicting evidence. Taking the example of France, we study whether the relationship between first and second union stability indeed reversed between the 1970s and the 2000s, and how union and individual characteristics contributed to changes over time. The analysis presented here is based on the French Generations and Gender Survey (2005). The article first provides an overview of the differences in marriage, childbearing and breakup behaviours in first and second unions. Second, a piecewise linear model for repeated events is used to compare women’s dissolution risks in first and second unions. The results show that over time, the higher instability of second compared to first unions disappeared. Further, women in second unions adopted unmarried cohabitation as a living arrangement more often across the whole period and were more likely to have stepchildren, which was associated with less stable unions. Taking into account this diversity of family situations, i.e. controlling for family form and children, second unions were more stable than first unions, even during the past. At both union orders, marriage breakup risks tended to stabilise despite a continuing increase in the prevalence of separation, which suggests that cohabitation increasingly acts as a filter for marriage.  相似文献   

Doezema J 《Gender Issues》2000,18(1):23-50
This article compares current concerns about "trafficking in women" with turn of the century discourses about "white slavery". It traces the emergence of narratives on "white slavery" and their reemergence in the moral panics and boundary crises of contemporary discourses on "trafficking in women". Drawing on historical analysis and contemporary representations of sex worker migration, the paper argues that the narratives of innocent, virginal victims purveyed in the "trafficking in women" discourse are a modern version of the myth of "white slavery". These narratives, the article argues, reflect persisting anxieties about female sexuality and women's autonomy. Racialized representations of the migrant "Other" as helpless, child-like, victims strips sex workers of their agency. This article argues that while the myth of "trafficking in women"/"white slavery" is ostensibly about protecting women, the underlying moral concern is with the control of "loose women". Through the denial of migrant sex workers' agency, these discourses serve to reinforce notions of female dependence and purity that serve to further marginalize sex workers and undermine their human rights.  相似文献   

This article compares current concerns about “trafficking in women” with turn of the century discourses about “white slavery.” It traces the emergence of narratives on “white slavery” and their re-emergence in the moral panics and boundary crises of contemporary discourses on “trafficking in women.” Drawing on historical analysis and contemporary representations of sex worker migration, the paper argues that the narratives of innocent, virginal victims purveyed in the “trafficking in women” discourse are a modern version of the myth of “white slavery.” These narratives, the article argues, reflect persisting anxieties about female sexuality and women's autonomy. Racialised representations of the migrant “Other” as helpless, child-like, victims strips sex workers of their agency. The article argues that while the myth of “trafficking in women”/”white slavery” is ostensibly about protecting women, the underlying moral concern is with the control of “loose women.” Through the denial of migrant sex workers' agency, these discourses serve to reinforce notions of female dependence and purity that serve to further marginalise sex workers and undermine their human rights. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the International Studies Association Convention, Washington D.C., February 16–20, 1999, and is available on-line at www.walnet.org/NSWP.  相似文献   

劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》被誉为 2 0世纪初最具创新精神的长篇小说之一。该小说的主题成为后人研究的焦点 ,人们的看法不尽相同。在这部充满着矛盾和冲突的作品中 ,其主题不是单一或单层次的。这部作品的主题包含两个层面 ,即表层主题和深层主题。表层主题与深层主题相互交织 ,相互加强 ,共同筑成一部情节复杂、寓意深刻的著作。首先 ,笔者从人物心理角度探析了父亲和母亲、保罗与母亲、保罗与情人之间的关系 ;然后 ,从社会学的角度探究了人类与社会、社会与自然、人类与自然之间的关系并阐明了社会是导致“病态”家庭的根源。  相似文献   

European Journal of Population - In the 2010s, fertility has declined in the Nordic countries, most strikingly in Finland, and first births drive the decline. It remains unclear whether this...  相似文献   

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