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DiscussionoftheConnotationofEnglishTermsbyLiuShuyingIt’sessentialforustoknownotonlythedenotationofEnglishtermsbutalsotheconno...  相似文献   

As an inseparable part of language teaching,language testing will either foster or impede language teaching,depending on whether it is appropriately employed or not.Nevertheless,language testing and assessment system in China leaves much to be desired.The author takes the case of National Matriculation English Test(NMET) which boasts an annual testing population of millions and exerts tremendous impact on high school teaching and learning in China to discover the problems of Chinese Language Testing and offers some suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

Charlotte Bronte in one of the distinguished English novelists of themid-19th century.As a gifted woman of the 19th century,she has  相似文献   

The book Leaves of Grass was written by Walt Whitman (1819-1892). Through Whitman, American poets finally freed themselves from the Old English traditions. Whitman invented a completely new and completely American form of poetrc expression. To him,message was always  相似文献   

TheArtofOrganizingaPieceofEnglishProse¥LiWenzhiAbstract:ApieceofEnglishproseisusuallymadeupofthreemainparts:introduction,body...  相似文献   

As time goes by.Liaoning University is going to celebrate her 60th anniversary.To carry forward the spirit of our school motto-"Have moral integrity and learn what is best.Live up to our cause and make China strong  相似文献   

a simulation of     
technique.thermophysical experiment;VRML;virtual reality;simulation军内工程热物理虚拟实验专项经费0实验技术与管理Experimental Technology and Management106-108TP391.9I138;C13;A;I;I138_C13;王建中;100-102试剂测量的虚拟实验模型设计李振亭;陈中;河南师范大学教育技术系,河南师范大学教育技术系 河南新乡453007,河南新乡4  相似文献   

BitsofEeperienceintheTeachingofSpeakingSkillstoAdultsangJiakunNowadaysmoreandmorepeoplehavecometorealizethatforeognlanguagesa...  相似文献   

The widespread hedonism shows that the worship of wealth based on the alienation of human nature can not become the belief pursuit of modem society. To solve the alienation of human beings and the problems concerned, it is necessary to have solid realistic interests and the rational spirits beyond wealth value. The previous rationality built on individualism fails to deal with the belief crisis of the society. The way out of it lies in the reconstruction of human rationality and the transforming of rationality from individual one to practical one.  相似文献   

area in a multi-objective and multi-factor scheme.The studied area was large. Its boundary was not regular geometry, and had neither impermeable boundary nor recharge boundary with constant rate, and a variable rechar ge boundary had to  相似文献   

AuthorTitleIssuePage犤SpecialContributionsontheStudiesofthe16thCongressofCPC犦HUANGWei-ping,TheImportantThoughtof“ThreeRepresents”ZOUShu-binandtheGoverningParty'sIdeologicalInnovation65JINGHai-fengComfortably-offSociety:ItsHistoricContextandEpochSignificance610SUDong-binGreatThinkingGuidingGreaterPractice613WUJun-zhongToRepresenttheAdvancedCulture,ItisImperativetoDeveloptheAdvancedCulture616ZHONGJianJIANGZemin'sIdeologyonSpecialEconomicZone…  相似文献   

There are mamy books dealimg with the methods of giving emphasis in English. In reading, from time to time, people will come cross them. Sometimes, emphatic meaning is achieved by adding a single word, or, even a phrase. Furthermore, some special kind of sentence structure can serve for it. Also, necessary changes will be made accordingly. This article is going to summarize ways of emphasis.  相似文献   

Starting with personal preference, Savage [3] constructs a foundation theory for probability from the qualitative probability to the quantitative probability and to utility. There are some profound logic connections between three steps in Savage's theory; that is, quantitative concepts properly represent qualitative concepts. Moreover, Savage's definition of subjective probability is in accordance with probability theory, and the theory gives us a rational decision model only if we assume that the weak order preference is rational.  相似文献   

Ⅰ .IntroductionA .TheImportanceofCommunicativeCompe tenceInmacrosense ,it’sdirectlyrelatedtothedevel opmentofacountry ,especiallyeconomy .Theprevi ousprimeministerofIsrael,Labin ,saidthattheyhadabigadvantagetoreformandopenthedoortotheworld ,thatis ,theyhadbetterforeignlanguagecompetence .Goodcommunicativecompetencecanenablepeopletogetinformationandtransferitintoproductivityquickly .Anditcanenhancethecommu nicatingandunderstandingofdifferentculturestode velopfriendship .Inmicrosense ,good…  相似文献   

Ellipsis. a Greek word meaning 'omission', is a common feature in English. The omission of some word or words necessary to complete the grammatical expression of a clause or sentence is called ellipsis.  相似文献   

In previous work, the analysis of the effects of aggregating simple dynamic systems has been studied by applying methods developed for thermodynamic systems in order to take account of stochastic effects. This approach is based on the Master Equation for the probability density of the contents of a vector of system levels. The goal of these studies is to determine the dynamic characteristics of systems composed of a population of sub-systems with the same dynamic structure while accounting for novel behavior that is introduced by the process of aggregating the sub-systems into the larger system.  相似文献   

青苗自称[mo~(53)‘e(11)]。他们的语言属汉藏语系苗瑶语族。云南的苗族居住得很散。我的发音人说,苗族居住在峨山的莫石村、易门的关羊洞、禄丰的一碗水、彝良的西郊、新平的巴多、昆明附近的核桃箐村、安宁的秦府山和武定的纱普山等地方。这里所发表的青苗语是云南省莫石村苗族所说的一种方言。它有57个声母、31个韵母、6个声调。青苗语的语音特点很多  相似文献   

Short as it is,Silas Marner is regarded as one of George Eliot’s most popularnovels.This novel,with its c1ear stream of thought,compact structure and deepphilosophical and moral insight into human life,does great credit to its authoras a gifted novelist in 19th-century English literature.Like most of Eliot’s other works,Silas Marner is highly didactic,written witha method characterized by an overt presence of the author as a narrator andcommentator to express her own outlook on life and on the world.But the teach-  相似文献   

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