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从身体某些部位的外部表现可以知道人的营养状况。对这些信号略知一二,可以帮助你通过调节饮食来促进身体的健康。  相似文献   

饮食的第二个问题是"食"。在亚洲,谷类、豆类和菜类的产量都非常大,但我在美国旧金山开会时,好多外国医生都说我们中国人已经不吃谷、豆、菜,都去吃汉堡包了。我回国后特地去了趟麦当劳,里面人多得硬是把我挤了出来,这在国外是很少见的事。咱们国家的年轻人过生日,举行宴会都在麦当劳。在国外,人们把麦当劳称为垃圾食品。为什么?因为它是一种偏激食品,经常吃的结果是浑身上下一般粗,像行李卷一样。外国人很少吃麦当劳,因为吃了还要去减肥,但在我们国家,有些人天天要去麦当劳,尤其是年轻一代,没有麦当劳简直就活不了。国际卫生组织的提法是,谷类食品的首选不是大米、白面,更不是麦当劳,而是老玉米,并将它称之为"黄金作物"。美国医学会曾做过普查,发现早期的美国人、印第安人没有  相似文献   

我从小体弱多病,成家立业后,家庭负担重,工作压力大,缺乏休息和营养,身体每况愈下。青壮年时期患胃溃疡、结肠炎,步入老年,又患上了肾结石、肩周炎、高血压和动脉硬化,稍遇风寒,便感冒发烧、腰酸头疼,真是弱不经风。刚过"知天命"之年,便两鬓斑白,眼花牙松,满脸皱纹,可谓老态龙钟。因为病痛缠身,我曾一度对生活失去了信心。我常说:"如果我能活到六十岁,就要在网上发表一篇文章,题目是:天天病,救了命。"  相似文献   

杨秋生 《老年人》2007,(3):56-56
我从小体弱多病,成家立业后,家庭负担重,工作压力大,缺乏休息和营养,身体每况愈下。青壮年时期患胃溃疡、结肠炎,步入老年,又患上了肾结石、肩周炎、高血压和动脉硬化,稍遇风寒,便感冒发烧、腰酸头疼,真是弱不经风。刚过“知天命”之年,便两鬓斑白,眼花牙松,满脸皱纹,可谓老态龙钟。因为病痛缠身,我曾一度对生活失去了信心。我常说:“如果我能活到六十岁,就要在网上发表一篇文章,题目是:天天病,救了命。”  相似文献   

王刚 《老人世界》2011,(7):52-53
睡眠养生,是古人“以静养生”原则的一种修行方式。战国时期的名医文挚对齐威王曾说:他的养生之道,就是把睡眠放在头等位置上。清初剧作家李渔也曾指出:“养生之诀,当以睡眠居先。睡能还精,睡能养气,睡能健脾益胃,睡能坚骨强筋。”在民间也常讲:“药补不如食补,食补不如觉补。”  相似文献   

金建福 《老人世界》2014,(12):52-52
俗话说:“一日之计在于晨。”如从饮食角度讲:清晨,经过一些活动和一夜的休息,头天晚上摄取的食物已经被消化吸收,此时需要及时补充能量和营养。所以说,早餐应是一天当中很重要的一顿饭。但在日常生活中,很多人早晨宁愿花时间多睡一会儿,也懒得拿出20分钟认认真真地吃个早餐。然而在近期,英国伦敦帝国学院的一项研究发现:不吃早餐,人的大脑就会释放出需要高热量的信号,这样会导致午餐和晚餐摄取“垃圾食品”的概率大增。长期如此,就会大大增加糖尿病、肥胖症、高血压、高血脂的发病概率,从而影响人们的健康。  相似文献   

))峨式}慧黔孰;遍_一l咦月-!分人凡逻卿酬拼~,哪氓象犯病才想老凡好(英文)@张楠作  相似文献   

To lose weight, one must pay attention to science. Any exercise that goes against the laws of science will not produce the effect one expects and may even run counter to one's expectation. One should avoid the following unscientific ways to exercise:  相似文献   

It is not worthwhile spending lots of time just to save a few pennies. Time is of great importance nowadays. Wasting time to buy lots of cheaper things, which may not be very good quality, is not really a smart move. Instead, use the time you would save buy-  相似文献   

“超级女声“这个由湖南卫视打造的平民“选秀”节目,今年在广州、长沙、郑州、杭州和成都五大城市设立了赛区,总报名人数达到了惊人的12万,远远超过了去年的5万人。据央视——索福瑞进行的收视调查,“超级女声”总决赛的平均收视率达到了11%,在收视最高峰期,有近2.8亿观众坐在电视机前为“超女们”加油。“超级女声”已经成了时下少女们认为能够实现明星梦的便捷通道。有人认为“超级女声”宣布了中国“大众娱乐”时代的来临。  相似文献   

14岁的马燕本是一名生活在中国西北贫困山区的普通女孩。她的日记被翻译成5国文字出版成书后,她成为了当地一个传奇人物。书中她执著求学的故事感动了法国乃至整个欧洲。  相似文献   

当您企盼孩子放学回家时,当您为孩子各方面的进步感到骄傲和欣慰时,您是否想到有一些孩子由于贫困而被拒绝在校门之外?让我们伸出援助之手,为他们能够平等享有受教育的权利献上一份爱心吧。  相似文献   

携手走进婚姻这座“围城”,不少人仍然一脸迷茫:婚后,谁执掌家庭经济大权?万一有一天感情破裂,财产如何划分?婚前财产公证是不是一个比较圆满的解决办法?  相似文献   

正肝脏肝硬化,意味着肝脏的解毒功能以及消化功能下降,人体全身都会受到影响。酗酒、肝炎、脂肪肝都会导致肝硬化,目前酒精性肝硬化占新发肝硬化的六成左右。肝硬化早期无明显症状,晚期则常出现上消化道出血、肝性脑病、继发感染、脾功能亢进、腹水、癌变等并发症。建议:男性肝脏的承受能力是每天40克酒精,女性减半。一般40克酒精相当于含酒精6度的啤酒1000毫升,含酒精12度的红酒500毫升,含酒精度50度的白酒100毫升。  相似文献   

Understanding the Points我们这样理解穴位Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the belief Jingluo is a net connecting the body's organs. If your stomach aches, other sites along the net connected with the stomach will also be affected. Therefore, massaging the points can enhance the organs' functions and treat them if they are not well. "If you have a disease, do it as a treatment. If you do not have an illness, do it to keep fit."  相似文献   

* Half of a family's income is spent on the child 家庭收入的一半花在孩子身上 In 1998, China Mainland Market Research Company attached to the State Statistics Bureau conducted a survey on the amount of money spent on children in Beijing, Shanghai and another three big cities. The total spent on children aged from 0 to 12 was more than 3.5  相似文献   

Xie Qihua, chairwoman and president of Shanghai Baogang Steel Group, China's largestiron and steel maker, has made a dramatic leap on Fortune magazine's list of the top 50businesswomen outside the United States. An alternate member to the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,Xie Qihua jumped to second place on the influential list, up from 16th the previous year.  相似文献   

Treason by the Book《雍正王朝之大义觉迷》Author:Jonathan D.Spence Publisher:Penguin"An extraordinary and absorbing book...compulsive reading,told as it is by a master of narrative history."—Robert Blake,Sunday Telegraph This is the astonishing true story of a plot to overthrow a Chinese emperor. In 1728,a strange man hands a letter to General Yue Zhongqi.The letter  相似文献   

Launching Women's Programs,Columns河南南阳市妇联携手媒体开辟四大栏目"We are finally able to calm down and begin to solve our problem;""Their stories help me to understand that one cannot wait and be dependent in the face of adversity,but should strive;""We finally have a place of our own to speak out;""If my husband beats me again,I can come to the women's federation and use the law."All of  相似文献   

Promoting China-Poland Relations妇女交往促进中波关系Gu Xiulian(fifth from left),Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the ACWF,met,and hosted a banquet for,the delegation at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.  相似文献   

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