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《Sociological Forum》2018,33(1):267-270

《Sociological spectrum》2012,32(5):319-339

Green criminologists have argued that exposure to environmental pollution constitutes a serious form of green victimization of the general public and public health. This claim has not been widely assessed empirically. The present study employs data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) over time to examine trends in exposure to environmental toxins among the U.S. population. NHANES data allow such an assessment through the collection of biological sampling used to determine exposure to environmental toxins. We examined trends for NHANES exposure estimates for biological indicators of pollutant exposure over time for 64 chemicals that have multiple measures. We divide the exposure trends into declining, stable, increasing, and unclear trajectory patterns and discuss the health consequences associated with exposure to measured chemical exposures. Discussion of the implications of this analysis and the need for future studies is provided.  相似文献   

World economy and world society theories are engaged to assess the extent to which environmental harms in less‐developed countries are tied to particular kinds of economic and social integration. Results of panel models indicate that world economy integration in the context of sector‐level foreign investment contributes to a variety of environmental harms. With the exception of deforestation, world society integration in the mode of environmental international non‐governmental organization presence has no direct effect. However, a stronger presence of such organizations in less‐developed countries mitigates the effect of foreign investment on all tested outcomes. The authors contend that comparative sociologists should adopt theoretically integrative approaches and pay closer attention to how and under what circumstances world economy and world society factors interact to partially shape social and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This paper merges critical White studies with the sociological field of criminology as a means to progress understanding of criminal behavior, justice, and social control. Up to this point, criminology has largely neglected the significance of whiteness within its boundaries of study. Thankfully, a strong foundation of research and theoretical statements has been completed in the interdisciplinary field of critical White studies. The formation of criminal law can be more clearly understood through the inclusion of frameworks offered by critical White studies. Additionally, nuanced explanations of criminal behavior and hate crime among Whites can be attained through this perspective.  相似文献   

Criminology 9/11     
Willem de Lint 《Globalizations》2020,17(7):1157-1177

9/11 is a historically significant event that was hastily designated by authorities as an act of both terrorism and war. It led to a call for forensics investigations and commissions of inquiry, notably the 9/11 Commission, which reported famously on alleged lapses in intelligence, preparedness and bureaucratic imagination. Some high profile crime events may be understood as ‘apex crimes’, conceptualized here as a subtype of political crime in which the ideological order, official narrative, contested and problematic forensics and third party review are each constitutive features. In support of a sociology of 9/11 as a criminal event and apex crime, the paper considers how 9/11 has ‘played out’ or been understood in criminology. The implication of the analysis is that the absence of serious academic engagement with 9/11 as a crime event is indicative of a lack of critical scrutiny of high-level political crimes in scholarly discourse (in criminology and other disciplines) and that this gives a pass to one of the most significant crime events in the past 50 years.  相似文献   

Surviving the inevitable process of innovation, critique and response that accompanies conceptual invention, feminist criminology is now a rich and diverse field of scholarship and political activism. This article follows the main threads of feminist criminological thought (empirical, standpoint and post-modern), outlining the tensions and connections between each. I then consider the political ground gained and lost by feminist criminologists, paying careful attention to the ways in which feminist ideas have been co-opted by governing authorities and also considering the current climate of backlash against feminist ideas in both criminal justice policy and the academy.  相似文献   

Few topics in the social sciences have witnessed as dramatic an increase in scholarly attention over the past two decades as the topic of risk. In this essay we examine sociological approaches to risk in criminological research and theory. After briefly describing the concept of risk in classical and neoclassical criminology, we turn our attention to three emerging social science perspectives on risk, those associated with the scholarship on risk society, edgework, and governmentality. We examine the new directions that these emerging ``risk paradigms'' open for criminological theory and research, including new perspectives on the motivation for criminal risk-taking, the organization of policing and criminal justice systems, and public and political responses to crime. We conclude by reviewing critiques of the scholarship associated with the new risk paradigms and by suggesting promising future directions for criminological research seeking to advance these perspectives.  相似文献   

The greening of society is a strong cultural wave as we enter the second decade of the century. This article considers what it means to be ‘green’, core issues that the environmental sustainability wave brings to society and the role of sociology its evolution in public culture. A key argument offered is that sociologists’ historic commitment to critical analysis and to social justice could be important in determining whether the green wave is simply a cultural trend or if it will expand to become a cultural shift. The contributions of environmental sociology, ecofeminism, deep ecology, and green economics are considered significant influences on the relationship between environmentalism and social analysis. Whether scholars and activists can link key concepts such as sustainable development, ecological sensitivity, human dignity, and social justice may prove critical for achieving the goal of societal transformation toward a greener culture.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to analyze the harms arising from gambling and gambling-related help-seeking behaviour within a large sample of Indigenous Australians. A self-selected sample of 1,259 Indigenous Australian adults completed a gambling survey at three Indigenous sports and cultural events, in several communities and online. Based on responses to the problem gambling severity index (PGSI), the proportions of the sample in the moderate risk and problem gambler groups were higher than those for the population of New South Wales. Many in our sample appeared to face higher risks with their gambling and experience severe gambling harms. From PGSI responses, notable harms include financial difficulties and feelings of guilt and regret about gambling. Further harms, including personal, relationship, family, community, legal and housing impacts, were shown to be significantly higher for problem gamblers than for the other PGSI groups. Most problem gamblers relied on family, extended family and friends for financial help or went without due to gambling losses. Nearly half the sample did not think they had a problem with gambling but the results show that the majority (57.7 %) faced some risk with their gambling. Of those who sought gambling help, family, extended family, friends and respected community members were consulted, demonstrating the reciprocal obligations underpinning traditional Aboriginal culture. The strength of this finding is that these people are potentially the greatest source of gambling help, but need knowledge and resources to provide that help effectively. Local Aboriginal services were preferred as the main sources of professional help for gambling-related problems.  相似文献   


This paper considers racial profiling as it pertains to violent crimes both as a criminal justice issue and as a mental health issue. It attempts to determine if violent crimes associated with the index of violent crimes are endemic to one or several specific demographic groups of the general population. Risk factors for specified violent crimes are hypothesized. It presents research involving regression analysis of data for the city of Chicago, Illinois. Chicago is used because of its recent history of being challenged by violent crimesleading the nation in homicides in the years 1998 and 2001 (ignoring deaths associated with September 11, 2001). Results indicate that the identified violent crimes in terms of prevalence are not endemic to a racial or ethnic group, given this sample. Apparently, the over representation of African Americans in prisons may be in part the results of biases in the criminal justice system. Recently, the state of Illinois and Cook County have been forced to reform judicial proceedings.  相似文献   

This article investigates the peculiar history of sociology of deviance and criminology in France, from the end of the 19th until now. In the 1880s, the criminal questions invade the intellectual debate. I show how sociology (Gabriel Tarde and the Durkheimians) was largely built against biomedical determinisms. Then, the criminal question has conducted doctors and lawyers to join forces in the first half of the 20th century in order to develop the first criminological institutions, or “criminal sciences.” In the 1950s and 1960s, Jean Pinatel would try to elaborate a synthesis out of this but he would fail to institutionalize a criminological discipline. Yet, from the 1970s, sociology of deviance has known a rennaissance in the scientific field, partly because of the influence of American sociology of deviance and British critical criminology. Since then, the social sciences are the first producers of scientific knowledge about the criminal phenomena, the criminal justice system (police, justice), and about the public policies of security and prevention. However, between 2007 and 2012, in a political context of neo-conservatism, the need to institutionalize the criminological discipline in France led to a controversy.  相似文献   

Internationally, and also in Europe, adolescent gambling is increasingly recognized as an important public health issue. Most research on adolescent gambling, however, is prevalence-focused and population-based studies are scarce. Few studies have examined gambling-related harms among adolescents. In a national sample, we examined self-experienced harms related to gambling and the relationship between reported harms and gambling behavior among Finnish adolescents. A national survey of 12–18-year-olds was conducted in Finland in 2011 (N = 4,566). Main measures were frequency of gambling and gambling-related harms reported during the past 6 months. The relationship between reported harms and gambling behavior was assessed using logistic regression analysis. Overall, 44% had gambled during the past 6 months. Of the sample, 12% were frequent gamblers (at least weekly) and 32% were occasional gamblers (monthly or less often). Compared to occasional gamblers, frequent gamblers were more likely to experience harms. The most commonly reported harms among frequent gamblers were “felt guilty or shameful due to gambling” (17%) followed by “problems with relationships” (13%) and “disruptions of daily rhythm” (10%). In age and gender-adjusted analysis, daily gamblers were significantly more likely to report all different types of harms when compared to other groups. These findings suggest that when planning and targeting youth gambling prevention and harm reduction strategies the nature and extent to which gambling may contribute to the different types of harms are important to consider.  相似文献   

Previous research identifies a “great paradox” in attitudes toward environmental regulation: some people close to environmental risk nevertheless oppose environmental regulation for partisan reasons. Does this pattern hold in large survey samples? Unexpectedly, we do not find evidence for it. Instead, we find that Republicans who report higher levels of personal environmental harm also report stronger support for environmental regulation. This pattern holds across varied measurement specifications, and it is weaker for Democrats, suggesting that exposure to environmental harm might directly challenge and change partisan opposition to environmental reform. We present a theory and research agenda that accounts for these “green elephants in the room.” Our work, as we will demonstrate, crosses at least three disciplinary boundaries: social psychology, cultural sociology, and political science. A conceptual replication of results is provided in the Appendices S1 and S2.  相似文献   

This article examines gambling harms from both gamblers and affected others’ perspectives. Participants (3076 gamblers and 2129 affected others) completed a retrospective survey that elicited information on harms they experienced from gambling across their lifetime. Their responses were analyzed through testing measurement invariance, estimating item-response theoretic parameters, calculating percentages, confidence intervals, and correlations, as well as regressions. The results indicated large commonalities in the experience of harms reported by gamblers and affected others. Further, gamblers appeared to ‘export’ about half of the harms they experienced to those around them. The findings also provided detailed profiles of evolving harms as problem gambling severity varies.  相似文献   

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