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In this paper we develop a Bayesian analysis for the nonlinear regression model with errors that follow a continuous autoregressive process. In this way, unequally spaced observations do not present a problem in the analysis. We employ the Gibbs sampler, (see Gelfand, A., Smith, A. (1990 Gelfand, A. and Smith, A. 1990. Sampling based approaches to calculating marginal densities. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 85: 398409. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Sampling based approaches to calculating marginal densities. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 85:398–409.), as the foundation for making Bayesian inferences. We illustrate these Bayesian inferences with an analysis of a real data-set. Using these same data, we contrast the Bayesian approach with a generalized least squares technique.  相似文献   

In this study, estimation of the parameters of the zero-inflated count regression models and computations of posterior model probabilities of the log-linear models defined for each zero-inflated count regression models are investigated from the Bayesian point of view. In addition, determinations of the most suitable log-linear and regression models are investigated. It is known that zero-inflated count regression models cover zero-inflated Poisson, zero-inflated negative binomial, and zero-inflated generalized Poisson regression models. The classical approach has some problematic points but the Bayesian approach does not have similar flaws. This work points out the reasons for using the Bayesian approach. It also lists advantages and disadvantages of the classical and Bayesian approaches. As an application, a zoological data set, including structural and sampling zeros, is used in the presence of extra zeros. In this work, it is observed that fitting a zero-inflated negative binomial regression model creates no problems at all, even though it is known that fitting a zero-inflated negative binomial regression model is the most problematic procedure in the classical approach. Additionally, it is found that the best fitting model is the log-linear model under the negative binomial regression model, which does not include three-way interactions of factors.  相似文献   

By incorporating informative and/or historical knowledge of the unknown parameters, Bayesian experimental design under the decision-theory framework can combine all the information available to the experimenter so that a better design may be achieved. Bayesian optimal designs for generalized linear regression models, especially for the Poisson regression model, is of interest in this article. In addition, lack of an efficient computational method in dealing with the Bayesian design leads to development of a hybrid computational method that consists of the combination of a rough global optima search and a more precise local optima search. This approach can efficiently search for the optimal design for multi-variable generalized linear models. Furthermore, the equivalence theorem is used to verify whether the design is optimal or not.  相似文献   

An automated (Markov chain) Monte Carlo EM algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an automated Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) algorithm which efficiently assesses Monte Carlo error in the presence of dependent Monte Carlo, particularly Markov chain Monte Carlo, E-step samples and chooses an appropriate Monte Carlo sample size to minimize this Monte Carlo error with respect to progressive EM step estimates. Monte Carlo error is gauged though an application of the central limit theorem during renewal periods of the MCMC sampler used in the E-step. The resulting normal approximation allows us to construct a rigorous and adaptive rule for updating the Monte Carlo sample size each iteration of the MCEM algorithm. We illustrate our automated routine and compare the performance with competing MCEM algorithms in an analysis of a data set fit by a generalized linear mixed model.  相似文献   

Based on the semiparametric median regression analysis for the right-censored data developed by Ying et al. (1995 Ying , Z. , Jung , S. H. , Wei , L. J. ( 1995 ). Survival analysis with median regression models . J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 90 : 178184 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), an empirical likelihood based inferential procedure for the regression coefficients is proposed. The limiting distribution of the proposed log-empirical likelihood ratio test statistic follows a chi-squared distribution, which corresponds to the standard asymptotic results of the empirical likelihood method. The inference about the subsets of the entire regression coefficients vector is discussed. The proposed method is illustrated by some simulation studies.  相似文献   

Summary.  Road safety has recently become a major concern in most modern societies. The identification of sites that are more dangerous than others (black spots) can help in better scheduling road safety policies. This paper proposes a methodology for ranking sites according to their level of hazard. The model is innovative in at least two respects. Firstly, it makes use of all relevant information per accident location, including the total number of accidents and the number of fatalities, as well as the number of slight and serious injuries. Secondly, the model includes the use of a cost function to rank the sites with respect to their total expected cost to society. Bayesian estimation for the model via a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach is proposed. Accident data from 519 intersections in Leuven (Belgium) are used to illustrate the methodology proposed. Furthermore, different cost functions are used to show the effect of the proposed method on the use of different costs per type of injury.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper investigates a Bayesian hierarchical model for the analysis of categorical longitudinal data from a large social survey of immigrants to Australia. Data for each subject are observed on three separate occasions, or waves, of the survey. One of the features of the data set is that observations for some variables are missing for at least one wave. A model for the employment status of immigrants is developed by introducing, at the first stage of a hierarchical model, a multinomial model for the response and then subsequent terms are introduced to explain wave and subject effects. To estimate the model, we use the Gibbs sampler, which allows missing data for both the response and the explanatory variables to be imputed at each iteration of the algorithm, given some appropriate prior distributions. After accounting for significant covariate effects in the model, results show that the relative probability of remaining unemployed diminished with time following arrival in Australia.  相似文献   


We propose a method to determine the order q of a model in a general class of time series models. For the subset of linear moving average models (MA(q)), our method is compared with that of the sample autocorrelations. Since the sample autocorrelation is meant to detect a linear structure of dependence between random variables, it turns out to be more suitable for the linear case. However, our method presents a competitive option in that case, and for nonlinear models (NLMA(q)) it is shown to work better. The main advantages of our approach are that it does not make assumptions on the existence of moments and on the distribution of the noise involved in the moving average models. We also include an example with real data corresponding to the daily returns of the exchange rate process of mexican pesos and american dollars.  相似文献   

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