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Consider observations (representing lifelengths) taken on a random field indexed by lattice points. Estimating the distribution function F(x) = P(X i  ≤ x) is an important problem in survival analysis. We propose to estimate F(x) by kernel estimators, which take into account the smoothness of the distribution function. Under some general mixing conditions, our estimators are shown to be asymptotically unbiased and consistent. In addition, the proposed estimator is shown to be strongly consistent and sharp rates of convergence are obtained.  相似文献   

For a shot-noise process X(t) with Poisson arrival times and exponentially diminishing shocks of i.i.d. sizes, we consider the first time T b at which a given level b > 0 is exceeded. An integral equation for the joint density of T b and X(T b ) is derived and, for the case of exponential jumps, solved explicitly in terms of Laplace transforms (LTs). In the general case we determine the ordinary LT of the function ? P(T b > t) in terms of certain LTs derived from the distribution function H(x; t) = P(X(t) ≤ x), considered as a function of both variables x and t. Moreover, for G(t, u) = P(T b > t, X(t) < u), that is the joint distribution function of sup0 ≤ st X(s) and X(t), an integro-differential equation is presented, whose unique solution is G(t, u).  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide some practical aspects of point and interval estimates of the global maximum of a function using extreme value theory. Consider a real-valued function f:D→? defined on a bounded interval D such that f is either not known analytically or is known analytically but has rather a complicated analytic form. We assume that f possesses a global maximum attained, say, at u*∈D with maximal value x*=max u  f(u)?f(u*). The problem of seeking the optimum of a function which is more or less unknown to the observer has resulted in the development of a large variety of search techniques. In this paper we use the extreme-value approach as appears in Dekkers et al. [A moment estimator for the index of an extreme-value distribution, Ann. Statist. 17 (1989), pp. 1833–1855] and de Haan [Estimation of the minimum of a function using order statistics, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 76 (1981), pp. 467–469]. We impose some Lipschitz conditions on the functions being investigated and through repeated simulation-based samplings, we provide various practical interpretations of the parameters involved as well as point and interval estimates for x*.  相似文献   

Summary In this note we deal with some admissibility conditions proved by G. B. Tranquilli to be sufficient in the class of unbiased estimators of finite population parameters and with respect to (w.r.t.) a quadratic loss function. We show that the same conditions:i) are sufficient for the admissibility of an unbiased estimator with any loss function;ii) imply hyperadmissibility with reference to a particular (critical) population of the. From this fact we deduce that, for a fixed critical population, there is at most one estimator, in the class of all unbiased estimator of a finite population parameter, which satisfies Tranquilli condition. This research was partially supported by a M.U.R.S.T. grant ?Metodi inferenziali basati sul ricampionamento?.  相似文献   

This paper considers the general linear regression model yc = X1β+ut under the heteroscedastic structure E(ut) = 0, E(u2) =σ2- (Xtβ)2, E(ut us) = 0, tæs, t, s= 1, T. It is shown that any estimated GLS estimator for β is asymptotically equivalent to the GLS estimator under some regularity conditions. A three-step GLS estimator, which calls upon the assumption E(ut2) =s?2(X,β)2 for the estimation of the disturbance covariance matrix, is considered.  相似文献   

In this article, small sample properties of the maximum-likelihood estimator (m.l.e.) for the offspring distribution (pk) and its mean m are considered in the context of the simple branching process. A representation theorem is given for the m.l.e. of (Pk) from which the m.l.e. of m is obtained. The case where p0 + p1 + p2 = 1 is studied in detail: numerical results are given for the exact bias of these estimators as a function of the age of the process; a curve fitting analysis expresses the bias of m? as a function of the mean and the variance of the offspring distribution and finally an “approximate m.l.e.” for (pk) is given.  相似文献   

Let {xij(1 ? j ? ni)|i = 1, 2, …, k} be k independent samples of size nj from respective distributions of functions Fj(x)(1 ? j ? k). A classical statistical problem is to test whether these k samples came from a common distribution function, F(x) whose form may or may not be known. In this paper, we consider the complementary problem of estimating the distribution functions suspected to be homogeneous in order to improve the basic estimator known as “empirical distribution function” (edf), in an asymptotic setup. Accordingly, we consider four additional estimators, namely, the restricted estimator (RE), the preliminary test estimator (PTE), the shrinkage estimator (SE), and the positive rule shrinkage estimator (PRSE) and study their characteristic properties based on the mean squared error (MSE) and relative risk efficiency (RRE) with tables and graphs. We observed that for k ? 4, the positive rule SE performs uniformly better than both shrinkage and the unrestricted estimator, while PTEs works reasonably well for k < 4.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of unbiased estimation of P[X > Y] = θ for two independent exponentially distributed random variables X and Y. We present (unique) unbiased estimator of θ based on a single pair of order statistics obtained from two independent random samples from the two populations. We also indicate how this estimator can be utilized to obtain unbiased estimators of θ when only a few selected order statistics are available from the two random samples as well as when the samples are selected by an alternative procedure known as ranked set sampling. It is proved that for ranked set samples of size two, the proposed estimator is uniformly better than the conventional non-parametric unbiased estimator and further, a modified ranked set sampling procedure provides an unbiased estimator even better than the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

We re-examine the criteria of “hyper-admissibility” and “necessary bestness”, for the choice of estimator, from the point of view of their relevance to the design of actual surveys. Both these criteria give rise to a unique choice of estimator (viz. the Horvitz-Thompson estimator ?HT) whatever be the character under investigation or sample design. However, we show here that the “principal hyper-surfaces” (or “domains”) of dimension one (which are practically uninteresting)play the key role in arriving at the unique choice. A variance estimator v1(?HT) (due to Horvitz-Thompson), which takes negative values “often”, is shown to be uniquely “hyperadmissible” in a wide class of unbiased estimators of the variance of ?HT. Extensive empirical evidence on the superiority of the Sen-Yates-Grundy variance estimator v2(?HT) over v1(?HT) is presented.  相似文献   

The number of sterile couples in a retrospective study of the number of cycles to conception is necessarily zero; this is not so for a prospective study. The paper puts forward a modification of Weinberg and Gladen's beta geometric model for cycles to conception that is suitable for both types of investigation. The probability that a couple achieves conception at the xth cycle, but not earlier, is assumed to take the form Rx = (1 ? ρ)/(1 ? m x?1 ρ/u), instead of μ/(1 ? θ + θx). The set of parameter restraints (0 < m < 1, 0< ρ < 1, 1 < u) is appropriate for retrospective data, whilst the alternative set of restraints (1 < m, 1 < ρ, 0 < u < 1) is appropriate for prospective data. The decrease in Rx over time can be interpreted not only as a time effect, but also as a heterogeneity effect by replacing Weinberg and Gladen's beta mixture of geometric distributions by a q-beta mixture.  相似文献   

Jump-detection and curve estimation methods for the discontinuous regression function are proposed in this article. First, two estimators of the regression function based on B-splines are considered. The first estimator is obtained when the knot sequence is quasi-uniform; by adding a knot with multiplicity p + 1 at a fixed point x0 on support [a, b], we can obtain the second estimator. Then, the jump locations are detected by the performance of the difference of the residual sum of squares DRSS(x0) (x0 ∈ (a, b)); subsequently the regression function with jumps can be fitted based on piecewise B-spline function. Asymptotic properties are established under some mild conditions. Several numerical examples using both simulated and real data are presented to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, a generalized difference-based estimator is introduced for the vector parameter β in partially linear model when the errors are correlated. A generalized-difference-based almost unbiased two-parameter estimator is defined for the vector parameter β. Under the linear stochastic constraint r = Rβ + e, we introduce a new generalized-difference-based weighted mixed almost unbiased two-parameter estimator. The performance of this new estimator over the generalized-difference-based estimator and generalized- difference-based almost unbiased two-parameter estimator in terms of the MSEM criterion is investigated. The efficiency properties of the new estimator is illustrated by a simulation study. Finally, the performance of the new estimator is evaluated for a real dataset.  相似文献   


Regression models are usually used in forecasting (predicting) unknown values of the response variable y. This article considers the predictive performance of the almost unbiased Liu estimator compared to the ordinary least-squares estimator, principal component regression estimator, and Liu estimator. Finally, we present a numerical example to explain the theoretical results and we obtain a region where the almost unbiased Liu estimator is uniformly superior to the ordinary least-squares estimator, principal component regression estimator, and Liu estimator.  相似文献   


An unbiased estimation problem of a function g(θ) of a real parameter is considered. A relation between a family of distributions for which an unbiased estimator of a function g(θ) attains the general order Bhattacharyya lower bound and that of linear combinations of the distributions from an exponential family is discussed. An example on a family of distributions involving an exponential and a double exponential distributions with a scale parameter is given. An example on a normal distribution with a location parameter is also given.  相似文献   

Consider a Brownian motion with a regular variation starting at an interior point of a domain D in Rd + 1, d ? 1 and let τD denote the first time the Brownian motion exits from D. Estimates with exact constants for the asymptotics of log?PD > T) are given for T → ∞, depending on the shape of the domain D and the order of the regular variation. Furthermore, the asymptotically equivalence are obtained. The problem is motivated by the early results of Lifshits and Shi, Li in the first exit time, and Karamata in the regular variation. The methods of proof are based on their results and the calculus of variations.  相似文献   

The product method of estimation (Murthy, 1964) complements the ratio method when the study variate, y, and an auxiliary variate, x, have negative correlation. However, such cases are not frequent in survey practice. This paper suggests a simple transformation of x in the more common situation of positive correlation between y and x, to permit a product method of estimation rather than a ratio method. This leads to the advantage that the bias and mean square error have exact expressions. The technique developed by Quenouille (1956) and applied by Shukla (1976) is used for making the estimator unbiased. The minimum variance situation is investigated. Two numerical examples are included. The case of negative correlation is also examined.  相似文献   

In the standard linear regression model with independent, homoscedastic errors, the Gauss—Markov theorem asserts that = (X'X)-1(X'y) is the best linear unbiased estimator of β and, furthermore, that is the best linear unbiased estimator of c'β for all p × 1 vectors c. In the corresponding random regressor model, X is a random sample of size n from a p-variate distribution. If attention is restricted to linear estimators of c'β that are conditionally unbiased, given X, the Gauss—Markov theorem applies. If, however, the estimator is required only to be unconditionally unbiased, the Gauss—Markov theorem may or may not hold, depending on what is known about the distribution of X. The results generalize to the case in which X is a random sample without replacement from a finite population.  相似文献   

The standard error of the maximum-likelihood estimator for 1/μ based on a random sample of size N from the normal distribution N(μ,σ2) is infinite. This could be considered to be a disadvantage.Another disadvantage is that the bias of the estimator is undefined if the integral is interpreted in the usual sense as a Lebesgue integral. It is shown here that the integral expression for the bias can be interpreted in the sense given by the Schwartz theory of generalized functions. Furthermore, an explicit closed form expression in terms of the complex error function is derived. It is also proven that unbiased estimation of 1/μ is impossible.Further results on the maximum-likelihood estimator are investigated, including closed form expressions for the generalized moments and corresponding complete asymptotic expansions. It is observed that the problem can be reduced to a one-parameter problem depending only on , and this holds also for more general location-scale problems. The parameter can be interpreted as a shape parameter for the distribution of the maximum-likelihood estimator.An alternative estimator is suggested motivated by the asymptotic expansion for the bias, and it is argued that the suggested estimator is an improvement. The method used for the construction of the estimator is simple and generalizes to other parametric families.The problem leads to a rediscovery of a generalized mathematical expectation introduced originally by Kolmogorov [1933. Foundations of the Theory of Probability, second ed. Chelsea Publishing Company (1956)]. A brief discussion of this, and some related integrals, is provided. It is in particular argued that the principal value expectation provides a reasonable location parameter in cases where it exists. This does not hold generally for expectations interpreted in the sense given by the Schwartz theory of generalized functions.  相似文献   

Suppose that a finite population consists of N distinct units. Associated with the ith unit is a polychotomous response vector, d i , and a vector of auxiliary variable x i . The values x i ’s are known for the entire population but d i ’s are known only for the units selected in the sample. The problem is to estimate the finite population proportion vector P. One of the fundamental questions in finite population sampling is how to make use of the complete auxiliary information effectively at the estimation stage. In this article a predictive estimator is proposed which incorporates the auxiliary information at the estimation stage by invoking a superpopulation model. However, the use of such estimators is often criticized since the working superpopulation model may not be correct. To protect the predictive estimator from the possible model failure, a nonparametric regression model is considered in the superpopulation. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator are derived and also a bootstrap-based hybrid re-sampling method for estimating the variance of the proposed estimator is developed. Results of a simulation study are reported on the performances of the predictive estimator and its re-sampling-based variance estimator from the model-based viewpoint. Finally, a data survey related to the opinions of 686 individuals on the cause of addiction is used for an empirical study to investigate the performance of the nonparametric predictive estimator from the design-based viewpoint.  相似文献   


In this paper the problem of finding exactly optimal sampling designs for estimating the weighted integral of a stochastic process with a product covariance structure (R(s,t)=u(s)v(t), s<t) is discussed. The sampling designs for certain standard processes belonging to the product class are calculated. An asymptotic solution to the design problem also follows as a consequence.  相似文献   

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