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Mis-specification analyses of gamma and Wiener degradation processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Degradation models are widely used these days to assess the lifetime information of highly reliable products if there exist some quality characteristics (QC) whose degradation over time can be related to the reliability of the product. In this study, motivated by a laser data, we investigate the mis-specification effect on the prediction of product's MTTF (mean-time-to-failure) when the degradation model is wrongly fitted. More specifically, we derive an expression for the asymptotic distribution of quasi-MLE (QMLE) of the product's MTTF when the true model comes from gamma degradation process, but is wrongly assumed to be Wiener degradation process. The penalty for the model mis-specification can then be addressed sequentially. The result demonstrates that the effect on the accuracy of the product's MTTF prediction strongly depends on the ratio of critical value to the scale parameter of the gamma degradation process. The effects on the precision of the product's MTTF prediction are observed to be serious when the shape and scale parameters of the gamma degradation process are large. We then carry out a simulation study to evaluate the penalty of the model mis-specification, using which we show that the simulation results are quite close to the theoretical ones even when the sample size and termination time are not large. For the reverse mis-specification problem, i.e., when the true degradation is a Wiener process, but is wrongly assumed to be a gamma degradation process, we carry out a Monte Carlo simulation study to examine the effect of the corresponding model mis-specification. The obtained results reveal that the effect of this model mis-specification is negligible.  相似文献   

Engineering degradation tests allow industry to assess the potential life span of long-life products that do not fail readily under accelerated conditions in life tests. A general statistical model is presented here for performance degradation of an item of equipment. The degradation process in the model is taken to be a Wiener diffusion process with a time scale transformation. The model incorporates Arrhenius extrapolation for high stress testing. The lifetime of an item is defined as the time until performance deteriorates to a specified failure threshold. The model can be used to predict the lifetime of an item or the extent of degradation of an item at a specified future time. Inference methods for the model parameters, based on accelerated degradation test data, are presented. The model and inference methods are illustrated with a case application involving self-regulating heating cables. The paper also discusses a number of practical issues encountered in applications. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

For reliability-critical and expensive products, it is necessary to estimate their residual lives based on available information, such as the degradation data, so that proper maintenance actions can be arranged to reduce or even avoid the occurrence of failures. In this work, by assuming that the product-to-product variability of the degradation is characterized by a skew-normal distribution, a generalized Wiener process-based degradation model is developed. Following that, the issue of residual life (RL) estimation of the target product is addressed in detail. The proposed degradation model provides greater flexibility to capture a variety of degradation processes, since several commonly used Wiener process-based degradation models can be seen as special cases. Through the EM algorism, the population-based degradation information is used to estimate the parameters of the model. Whenever new degradation measurement information of the target product becomes available, the degradation model is first updated based on the Bayesian method. In this way, the RL of the target product can be estimated in an adaptive manner. Finally, the developed methodology is demonstrated by a simulation study.  相似文献   

During the step-stress accelerated degradation test (SSADT) experiment, the operator usually elevates the stress level at a predetermined time-point for all tested products that had not failed. This time-point is determined by the experience of the operator and the test is carried on until the performance degradation value of the product crosses the threshold value. In fact, this mode only works when a lot of products have been used in the experiment. But in the SSADT experiment, the number of products is relatively few, and so the test control to the products should be done more carefully. Considering the differences in products, we think the time-point of elevating stress level varies randomly from product-to-product. We consider a situation in which when the degradation value crosses a pre-specified value, the stress level is elevated. Under the circumstances, the time at which the degradation path crosses the pre-specified value is uncertain, and so we may regard it as a random variable. We discuss multiple-steps step-stress accelerated degradation models based on Wiener and gamma processes, respectively, and we apply the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for such analytically intractable models to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) efficiently and present some computational results obtained from our implementation.  相似文献   

We consider the specific transformation of a Wiener process {X(t), t ≥ 0} in the presence of an absorbing barrier a that results when this process is “time-locked” with respect to its first passage time T a through a criterion level a, and the evolution of X(t) is considered backwards (retrospectively) from T a . Formally, we study the random variables defined by Y(t) ≡ X(T a  ? t) and derive explicit results for their density and mean, and also for their asymptotic forms. We discuss how our results can aid interpretations of time series “response-locked” to their times of crossing a criterion level.  相似文献   

Reliability modeling and evaluation for the two-phase Wiener degradation process are studied. For many devices, the degradation rates could possibly increase or decrease in a non smooth manner at some point in time due to the change of degradation mechanism. A two-phase Wiener degradation process with an unobserved change point is used to model the degradation process. And we assume that the change point varies randomly from device to device. Furthermore, we integrate historical data and up-to-date observation data to improve the degradation modeling and evaluation based on Bayesian method. The change point between the two phases was obtained based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the criterion of the residual sum of squares. Finally, a real example of liquid coupling devices (LCDs) and a numeric example are discussed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method is effective and efficient.  相似文献   

This article gives a matrix formula for second-order covariances of maximum likelihood estimators in exponential family nonlinear models, thus generalizing the result of Cordeiro (2004 Cordeiro , G. M. ( 2004 ). Second-order covariance matrix of maximum likelihood estimates in generalized linear models . Statist. Probab. Lett. 66 : 153160 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) valid for generalized linear models with known dispersion parameter. Some simulations show that the second-order covariances for exponential family nonlinear models can be quite pronounced in small to moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an approximation of the fractional Brownian sheet by two parameter wiener integral. We obtain that there exists an unique two parameter wiener integral closest to the fractional Brownian sheet.  相似文献   

Nonlinear mixed effect models have been studied extensively over several decades, particularly in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic applications. Here, we focus on investigating the performance of commonly applied tests of linear hypotheses about the fixed effect parameters under different approximations to the likelihood function and to the estimated covariance matrix of the estimators. Included are the first-order approximation (FIRO), first-order conditional approximation (FOCE), and Gaussian quadrature approximation (AGQ) estimation methods. There is no straightforward way to mimic the approximations and adjustments taken in linear mixed models, such as the Kackar–Harville–Jeske–Kenward–Roger approach. By simulations, we illustrate the accuracy of p-values for the tests considered here. The observed results indicate that FOCE and AGQ estimation methods outperform FIRO. The test with an adjustment coefficient that takes into consideration the number of sampling units and the number of fixed effect parameters (Gallant-type) seems to perform closest to desirable even for small-sample sizes.  相似文献   

Nonlinear heteroscedastic models are widely used in econometrics and statistical applications. We derive matrix formulae for the second-order biases of the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters in the mean and variance response which generalize previous results by Cook et al. (1986 Cook , D. R. , Tsai , C. L. , Wei , B. C. ( 1986 ). Bias in nonlinear regression . Biometrika 73 : 615623 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Cordeiro (1993 Cordeiro , G. M. ( 1993 ). Bartlett corrections and bias correction for two heteroscedastic regression models . Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 22 : 169188 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The biases of the estimators are easily obtained as vectors of regression coefficients from suitable weighted linear regressions. The practical use of such biases is illustrated in a simulation study and in an application to a real data set.  相似文献   

Estimation in Degradation Models with Explanatory Variables   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Influence of covariates on degradationis modelled. Models which include dependence of the intensityof the process of traumatic events on the degradation level arealso discussed. Estimation of reliability and degradation characteristicsfrom data with covariates is considered in dynamic environments.  相似文献   


In this paper we develop a Bayesian analysis for the nonlinear regression model with errors that follow a continuous autoregressive process. In this way, unequally spaced observations do not present a problem in the analysis. We employ the Gibbs sampler, (see Gelfand, A., Smith, A. (1990 Gelfand, A. and Smith, A. 1990. Sampling based approaches to calculating marginal densities. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 85: 398409. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Sampling based approaches to calculating marginal densities. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 85:398–409.), as the foundation for making Bayesian inferences. We illustrate these Bayesian inferences with an analysis of a real data-set. Using these same data, we contrast the Bayesian approach with a generalized least squares technique.  相似文献   

Residual life (RL) estimation plays an important role in prognostics and health management. In operating conditions, components usually experience stresses continuously varying over time, which have an impact on the degradation processes. This paper investigates a Wiener process model to track and predict the RL under time-varying conditions. The item-to-item variation is captured by the drift parameter and the degradation characteristic of the whole population is described by the diffusion parameter. The bootstrap method and Bayesian theorem are employed to estimate and update the distribution parameters of ‘a’ and ‘b’, which are the coefficients of the linear drifting process in the degradation model. Once new degradation information becomes available, the RL distributions considering the future operating condition are derived. The proposed method is tested on Lithium-ion battery devices under three levels of charging/discharging rates. The results are further validated by a simulation method.  相似文献   

Capacitance is a critical performance characteristic of high-voltage-pulse capacitor which is used to store and discharge electrical energy rapidly. The capacitors usually are stored for a long period of time before put into use. Experimental result and engineering experience indicate that the capacitance increases with storage time and will eventually exceed the failure threshold, which means that the capacitor may fail during storage. This is a typical mode of degradation failure for long storage products. Further, the capacitance degradation path can be extrapolated in several stages based on the shifting characteristics. That is, the capacitance increases slowly or fluctuates in the initial storage stage that lasts about three months. Then it increases sharply in the middle stage which lasts about four months. After the two stages, the capacitor enters into the third stage in which capacitance increases constantly. This degradation phenomenon motivates us to study the storage life prediction method based on multi-phase degradation path model. The storage performance degradation mechanism of high-voltage-pulse capacitor was investigated, which provides the physical basis for multi-phase Wiener degradation model. Identification procedure for the transition points in the degradation path was proposed using maximum likelihood principle (MLP). The result of Kruskal-Wallis test which is the method to test whether two populations are consistent or not in statistics showed that the transition points are statistically effective. Other parameters in the multi-phase degradation model are estimated with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) after the transition points have been specified. The multi-phase Inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution for storage life was deduced for the capacitor, and the point and interval estimation procedure for reliable storage life are constructed with bootstrap method. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed multi-phase degradation model is compared with storage life prediction under single-phase condition.  相似文献   

Modern highly reliable products usually have complex structure and many functions. This means that they may have two or more performance characteristics. All the performance characteristics can reflect the product's performance degradation over time, and they may be independent or dependent. If the performance characteristics are independent, they can be modelled separately. But if they are not independent, it is very important to find the joint distribution function of the performance characteristics for estimating the reliability of the product as accurately as possible. Here, we suppose that a product has two performance characteristics and the degradation paths of these two performance characteristics can be governed by a Wiener process with a time-scale transformation, and that the dependency of the performance characteristics can be described by a copula function. The parameters of the two performance characteristics and the copula function can be estimated jointly. The model in such a situation is very complicated and analytically intractable and becomes cumbersome from a computational viewpoint. For this reason, the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method is developed for this problem that allows the maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters to be determined in an efficient manner. For an illustration of the proposed model, a numerical example about fatigue cracks is presented.  相似文献   

Optimal accelerated degradation test (ADT) plans are developed assuming that the constant-stress loading method is employed and the degradation characteristic follows a Wiener process. Unlike the previous works on planning ADTs based on stochastic process models, this article determines the test stress levels and the proportion of test units allocated to each stress level such that the asymptotic variance of the maximum-likelihood estimator of the qth quantile of the lifetime distribution at the use condition is minimized. In addition, compromise plans are also developed for checking the validity of the relationship between the model parameters and the stress variable. Finally, using an example, sensitivity analysis procedures are presented for evaluating the robustness of optimal and compromise plans against the uncertainty in the pre-estimated parameter value, and the importance of optimally determining test stress levels and the proportion of units allocated to each stress level are illustrated.  相似文献   

In this article, we use two efficient approaches to deal with the difficulty in computing the intractable integrals when implementing Gibbs sampling in the nonlinear mixed effects model (NLMM) based on Dirichlet processes (DP). In the first approach, we compute the Laplace's approximation to the integral for its high accuracy, low cost, and ease of implementation. The second approach uses the no-gaps algorithm of MacEachern and Müller (1998 MacEachern , S. , Müller , P. ( 1998 ). Estimating mixtures of Dirichlet process models . Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 7 : 223238 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to perform Gibbs sampling without evaluating the difficult integral. We apply both approaches to real problems and simulations. Results show that both approaches perform well in density estimation and prediction and are superior to the parametric analysis in that they can detect important model features, such as skewness, long tails, and multimodality, whereas the parametric analysis cannot.  相似文献   

A model is presented in this article based on a bivariate gamma process in which, the first component is latent and determines the failure time and the second represents the marker. This process is a more realistic model for a degradation process. After introducing the model, we obtain failure and survival probability distributions and discuss parametric and predictive inferences based on the Maximum Likelihood method and in a Bayesian setup.  相似文献   

This article investigates the asymptotic behavior of the error density function in nonlinear autoregressive stationary time series regression models. For any 1 ? p < ∞, the kernel density estimator of residuals is shown to be consistent for the error estimator concerning the Lp-distance, which extends the result developed by Cheng and Sun (2008 Cheng, F. X. (2005). Asymptotic distributions of error density estimators in first-order autoregression models. Sankhy Ind. J. Statist. 67:553–567. [Google Scholar]) in L2-norm. Moreover, the result developed in this article is extended the results of Horváth and Zitikis (2003 Horváth, L., Zitikis, R. (2003). Asymptotics of the Lp-norms of density estimators in the first-order autoregressive models. Statist. Probab. Lett. 65:331342.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to nonlinear autoregressive models.  相似文献   

To assess the reliability of highly reliable products that have two or more performance characteristics (PCs) in an accurate manner, relations between the PCs should be taken duly into account. If they are not independent, it would then become important to describe the dependence of the PCs. For many products, the constant-stress degradation test cannot provide sufficient data for reliability evaluation and for this reason, accelerated degradation test is usually performed. In this article, we assume that a product has two PCs and that the PCs are governed by a Wiener process with a time scale transformation, and the relationship between the PCs is described by the Frank copula function. The copula parameter is dependent on stress and assumed to be a function of stress level that can be described by a logistic function. Based on these assumptions, a bivariate constant-stress accelerated degradation model is proposed here. The direct likelihood estimation of parameters of such a model becomes analytically intractable, and so the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is developed here for this model for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) efficiently. For an illustration of the proposed model and the method of inference, a simulated example is presented along with the associated computational results.  相似文献   

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