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倒向随机微分方程中非参数估计的核函数选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了多种类型的核函数下倒向随机微分方程(BSDE)中生成元z的非参数估计方法,利用不同的核函数估计BSDE中的生成元z的非参数估计,在均方误差意义下比较了8种不同的核函数下得到的BSDE的生成元z的非参数估计的精度,统计分析结果显示Gaussian核函数下的估计效果最好。  相似文献   

We first give the existence and uniqueness results for infinite horizon backward stochastic differential equations with Markov chains, taking advantage of the martingale representation theorem and fixed point principle. Then we prove the well-posedness results for infinite horizon reflected backward stochastic differential equations with Markov chains, by virtue of the Snell envelope theory and contraction mapping method. Comparison theorems for the above two kinds of equations are also obtained, via the linearization approach or properties of reflected backward stochastic differential equations, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we study multidimensional reflected backward stochastic differential equations driven by Wiener-Poisson type processes. We prove existence and uniqueness of solutions, with reflection in the inward spatial normal direction, in the setting of certain time-dependent domains.  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider N independent stochastic processes (X i (t), t ∈ [0,T i ]), i=1,…, N, defined by a stochastic differential equation with drift term depending on a random variable φ i . The distribution of the random effect φ i depends on unknown parameters which are to be estimated from the continuous observation of the processes Xi. We give the expression of the exact likelihood. When the drift term depends linearly on the random effect φ i and φ i has Gaussian distribution, an explicit formula for the likelihood is obtained. We prove that the maximum likelihood estimator is consistent and asymptotically Gaussian, when T i =T for all i and N tends to infinity. We discuss the case of discrete observations. Estimators are computed on simulated data for several models and show good performances even when the length time interval of observations is not very large.  相似文献   

We consider some stochastic models that have been proposed for the trajectories of moving objects, including Brownian motion. This leads to the development of a general approach for dealing with paths including the use of functional stochastic differential equations. We then present an empirical example based on the surface drifting movements of a small satellite-linked radio transmitter tag after it detached from a whale shark in the western Indian Ocean. The daily estimates of the tag’s locations were determined from transmissions received at irregular times by polar-orbiting satellites of the Argos Data Collection and Location Service system.  相似文献   

讨论了函数性数据与微分方程的关系以及微分方程系数函数的估计方法。利用函数性数据的微分方程分析方法对中国及中美日三国GDP增长的波动特征、中国31个省份GDP增长速度的时段差异特征,以及投资率与经济增长速度之间的关系进行了分析。结果显示,微分方程分析方法不但能够很好地刻画经济变量的动态演变规律和波动特征,而且能够对多观察对象之间的差异以及多个经济变量之间的关系进行动态刻画和展示,易于对其进行经济解释。  相似文献   


This paper concerns a class of stochastic recursive zero-sum differential game problem with recursive utility related to a backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE) with double obstacles. A sufficient condition is provided to obtain the saddle-point strategy under some assumptions. In virtue of the corresponding relationship of doubly reflected BSDE and mixed game problem, a stochastic linear recursive mixed differential game problem is studied to apply our theoretical result, and here the explicit saddle-point strategy as well as the saddle-point stopping time for the mixed game problem are obtained. Besides, a numeral example is also given to demonstrate the result by virtue of partial differential equations (PDEs) computation method.  相似文献   

Since the seminal paper of Ghirardato (1997 Ghirardato, P. 1997. On the independence for non-additive measures, with a Fubini theorem. Journal of Economic Theory 73:26191.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), it is known that Fubini theorem for non additive measures can be available only for functions as “slice-comonotonic” in the framework of product algebra. Later, inspired by Ghirardato (1997 Ghirardato, P. 1997. On the independence for non-additive measures, with a Fubini theorem. Journal of Economic Theory 73:26191.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), Chateauneuf and Lefort (2008 Chateauneuf, A., and J. P. Lefort. 2008. Some Fubini theorems on product σ-algebras for non-additive measures. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 48:68696.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) obtained some Fubini theorems for non additive measures in the framework of product σ-algebra. In this article, we study Fubini theorem for non additive measures in the framework of g-expectation. We give some different assumptions that provide Fubini theorem in the framework of g-expectation.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Stochastic differential equations have been shown useful in describing random continuous time processes. Biomedical experiments often imply repeated measurements on a series of experimental units and differences between units can be represented by incorporating random effects into the model. When both system noise and random effects are considered, stochastic differential mixed-effects models ensue. This class of models enables the simultaneous representation of randomness in the dynamics of the phenomena being considered and variability between experimental units, thus providing a powerful modelling tool with immediate applications in biomedicine and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies. In most cases the likelihood function is not available, and thus maximum likelihood estimation of the unknown parameters is not possible. Here we propose a computationally fast approximated maximum likelihood procedure for the estimation of the non-random parameters and the random effects. The method is evaluated on simulations from some famous diffusion processes and on real data sets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the concept of the p-mean almost periodicity for stochastic processes in non linear expectation spaces. The existence and uniqueness of square-mean almost periodic solutions to some non linear stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion are established under some assumptions for the coefficients. The asymptotic stability of the unique square-mean almost periodic solution in the square-mean sense is also discussed.  相似文献   


In this paper, we start with establishing the existence of a minimal (maximal) Lp (1 < p ? 2) solution to a one-dimensional backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE), where the generator g satisfies a p-order weak monotonicity condition together with a general growth condition in y and a linear growth condition in z. Then, we propose and prove a comparison theorem of Lp (1 < p ? 2) solutions to one-dimensional BSDEs with q-order (1 ? q < p) weak monotonicity and uniform continuity generators. As a consequence, an existence and uniqueness result of Lp (1 < p ? 2) solutions is also given for BSDEs whose generator g is q-order (1 ? q < p) weakly monotonic with a general growth in y and uniformly continuous in z.  相似文献   

As a continuous-time model, forward-backward stochastic differential equations (in short FBSDEs) have been successfully applied in mathematical finance, e.g., European option pricing for either a small or a large investor in a Markovian market. However, the correct FBSDEs model for a specific topic can neither be provided automatically by financial market nor derived from theory of mathematical finance. In this article, a nonparametric FBSDEs model is adopted for its flexibility and robustness, and the estimators of the functional coefficients of the FBSDEs model are obtained. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are also discussed. A simulation is performed to test the feasibility of our method.  相似文献   

Two Itô stochastic differential equation (SDE) systems are constructed for a Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible epidemic model with temporary vaccination. A constant number of new members enter the population and total size of the population is variable. Some conditions for disease extinction in the stochastic models are established and compared with conditions in deterministic one. It is shown that the two stochastic models are equivalent in the sense that their solutions come from same distribution. In addition, the SDE models are simulated and the equivalence of the two stochastic models is confirmed by numerical examples. The probability distribution for extinction is also obtained numerically, provided there exists a probability for disease persistence whereas the expected duration of epidemic is acquired when extinction occurs with probability 1.  相似文献   

Consider a process satisfying a stochastic differential equation with unknown drift parameter, and suppose that discrete observations are given. It is known that a simple least squares estimator (LSE) can be consistent but numerically unstable in the sense of large standard deviations under finite samples when the noise process has jumps. We propose a filter to cut large shocks from data and construct the same LSE from data selected by the filter. The proposed estimator can be asymptotically equivalent to the usual LSE, whose asymptotic distribution strongly depends on the noise process. However, in numerical study, it looked asymptotically normal in an example where filter was chosen suitably, and the noise was a Lévy process. We will try to justify this phenomenon mathematically, under certain restricted assumptions.  相似文献   

The concept of causality is naturally related to processes developing over time. Central ideas of causal inference like time‐dependent confounding (feedback) and mediation should be viewed as dynamic concepts. We shall study these concepts in the context of simple dynamic systems. Time‐dependent confounding and its implications are illustrated in a Markov model. We emphasize the distinction between average treatment effect, ATE, and treatment effect of the treated, ATT. These effects could be quite different, and we discuss the relationship between them. Mediation is studied in a stochastic differential equation model. A type of natural direct and indirect effects is considered for this model. Mediation analysis of discrete measurements from such processes may give misleading results, and one needs to consider the underlying continuous process. The dynamic and time‐continuous view of causality and mediation is an essential feature, and more attention should be payed to the time aspect in causal inference.  相似文献   

Abstract. A test for two‐sided equivalence of means has been developed under the assumption of normally distributed populations with heterogeneous variances. Its rejection region is limited by functions ± h that depend on the empirical variances. h is stated implicitly by a partial differential equation, an exact solution of which would provide a test that is exactly similar at the boundary of the null hypothesis of non‐equivalence. h is approximated by Taylor series up to third powers in the reciprocal number of degrees of freedom. This suffices to obtain error probabilities of the first kind that are very close to a nominal level of α = 0 . 05 at the boundary of the null hypothesis. For more than 10 data points in each group, they range between 0.04995 and 0.05005, and are thus much more precise than those obtained by other authors.  相似文献   

In recent years, dynamical modelling has been provided with a range of breakthrough methods to perform exact Bayesian inference. However, it is often computationally unfeasible to apply exact statistical methodologies in the context of large data sets and complex models. This paper considers a nonlinear stochastic differential equation model observed with correlated measurement errors and an application to protein folding modelling. An approximate Bayesian computation (ABC)-MCMC algorithm is suggested to allow inference for model parameters within reasonable time constraints. The ABC algorithm uses simulations of ‘subsamples’ from the assumed data-generating model as well as a so-called ‘early-rejection’ strategy to speed up computations in the ABC-MCMC sampler. Using a considerate amount of subsamples does not seem to degrade the quality of the inferential results for the considered applications. A simulation study is conducted to compare our strategy with exact Bayesian inference, the latter resulting two orders of magnitude slower than ABC-MCMC for the considered set-up. Finally, the ABC algorithm is applied to a large size protein data. The suggested methodology is fairly general and not limited to the exemplified model and data.  相似文献   

随机波动HJM框架下信用利差模型及实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将随机波动引入到具有违约风险的HJM模型中,基于无套利条件推导得出随机波动HJM模型框架下信用利差的漂移项限制条件,从而构建了随机波动HJM框架下的信用利差模型,并基于波动率结构的适当设定对模型进行马尔科夫简化,进而利用该模型对中国可违约债券市场信用利差的动态特性进行实证分析。结果发现:短期信用利差的动态特性具有显著的随机波动特征,而随机波动HJM框架下的信用利差模型可以很好地刻画中国可违约债券市场信用利差的动态特性。  相似文献   

We propose a wavelet based stochastic regression function estimator for the estimation of the regression function for a sequence of mixing stochastic process with a common one-dimensional probability density function. Some asymptotic properties of the proposed estimator are investigated. It is found that the estimators have similar properties to their counterparts studied earlier in literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the non parametric estimation of drift coefficient and diffusion coefficient in the second-order diffusion equation by using the asymmetric kernel functions, based on the difference of discrete time observations. The basic idea relies upon replacing the symmetric kernel by asymmetric kernel and provides a new way of obtaining the non parametric estimation for second-order diffusion equation. Under the appropriate assumptions, we prove that the proposed estimators of second-order diffusion equation are consistent and asymptotically follow normal distribution.  相似文献   

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